xing yu universe

Chapter 105 Hesa Castle

In this world, more than 200 miles east of the East China Sea of Chenxiu Continent, there are four arch-shaped islands, from north to south are North One Island, North Two Island, South One Island and South Two Island. It is said that the names of these four islands were taken by a sage in Zhongxia thousands of years ago and continue to be used today. Among them, there is a famous big city on the South Second Island, Hesa Castle. Hesa Castle is famous for a scenic mountain called Hesa Mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there is a light town, and the town is full of abandoned rice fields.

At this time, as soon as the sky was bright, on a road up the mountain in the town, the silent light flashed, and suddenly a group of people came out of thin air and screamed and fell to the ground.

"Brother, are you all right?"

Zhou Yi fell to the ground, spit a few mouthfuls of blood, and his face turned a little pale. Xiuer and Yuewei helped him to a mountain stone and sat down against the stone.

"I didn't expect this deep forest witch to be more powerful than the human and powerful Huang Xian we met!" With that, he looked around and said, "Aolan, where are we?"

"How do I know?" Aolan sniffed the slightly salty air, "It should be the seaside, right? Brother, it was a very old transmission array just now, which is rare.

"That's it!" Zhou Yi remembered the transmission array in the purple bamboo forest on Qingyang Mountain and said bitterly, "Isn't the technology of the transmission array lost? I didn't expect that there were still relics on the mainland."

"Yes," Yue Wei said, "The space method is too difficult to master. It's good to be able to make arong jie. The transmission array has only appeared in legends. I didn't expect that there would be such an ancient transmission array in the miracle forest!"

Aolan nodded: "General transmission arrays are point-to-point, and this can be transmitted anywhere, provided that the corresponding coordinates must be entered."

"Wow, we have never seen a point-to-point transmission array! Sister Aolan, do you know the spatial coordinates? Pikachu has always been interested in technical issues.

Aolan shrugged her shoulders: "I don't know that construction talents will write coordinates for each location, and different people write different coordinates. I just typed it casually in the format of ancient coordinates.

"Whatever!" Everyone changed color at the same time and shouted with one voice, "Are you afraid of the turbulence into space?"

"Ah, don't look at me, I can't help it!" Aolan saw that everyone had a tendency to eat her and turned her eyes, "Hee hee, there's someone over there. I'll ask the way!" After saying that, he ran away.

The two came with medium-sized, strong muscles bulging, wearing simple Japanese mulberry leather armor, one with a pinch of beard and white five whiskers, all with black hair, each with two long knives inserted in their waist.

Ao Lan smiled and didn't pay attention to their clothes. She opened her mouth and said in Zhongxia, "Two brothers, where is this place?"

"Midsummer people?" He Zuocheng is in the westernmost part of the South Second Island. People here know some Chinese, but they are not very proficient.

When they raised their heads, they couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. The girl in front of them was wearing a long red skirt, with long blonde hair and windless automatic. Her blue eyes were full of innocent smiles, white arms were exposed, and her jade hands were holding an equally beautiful rose scepter.

"The best, really the best!" The two looked at each other, and their eyes burst into hot light.

"Yangzuo, Guangluo Town has never been such a good guy!"

"Yes, Koizumi, there are hundreds of female slaves in my hands. This is the most touching thing I have ever seen!"

"Haha, looking at her appearance, it seems that she has just arrived in Guangluo Town, and she is still a chick!"

"Before we sell it to Bliss Manor, we should enjoy it!"

They talked unscrupulously, Ao Lan, who could understand Japanese and Sang language, but their eyes were getting colder and colder.

At this time, Hengzuo looked back at Ao Lan and said in a very lame Zhongxia language, "This is Guangluo Town, He Zuo City. When you first arrive, miss, let me show you the way." With that, he was about to take Aolan's hand.

"Bastard! Do you think I don't understand Japanese?" Ao Lan dodged and put her foot on Heng Zuo's stomach. Heng Zuo was caught off guard and kicked out. "Pupong" fell into the abandoned rice field, and the mud splashed.

Koizumi was stunned at first, and then laughed: "Yang Zuo, you are so lame that you can't even handle a little girl!" With that, he turned his hand and held a light green crystal, and then crushed it hard.

A net of light with the same color went to Aolan. Aolan first felt dizzy, and then she couldn't move.

She panicked and couldn't help shouting: "Brother, brother!"

"Haha, little girl, it's useless to call me uncle! Don't worry, you are so beautiful, I will pity you!" Looking at the slightly panicked delicate little face in the light net, Koizumi** smiled repeatedly.

At this moment, he felt a strong wind flying. In the purple light flashing, the green light net was like smoke blown away by the wind, and disappeared without a trace. Zhou Yi held the rickety Ao Lan: "Lan'er, what's wrong?"

"Brother, they bullied me! He also said that he would sell me!" Aolan pouted and pointed to Koizumi.

Zhou Yi looked at Koizumi with a sneer and looked at Yokosa who had just climbed out of the rice field: "Is that them? Lan'er, since you came out of the Forgotten City, your cultivation has become worse and worse, and you can't even resist these two guys?

"No!" Ao Lan knew that she was often lazy when she practiced, but she didn't admit it. "They can put a light green light net to catch people."

Dao Mengqing and others saw that there was something wrong here and came over. Seeing that there were three beautiful women among the crowd, Koizumi's eyes were bright and he shouted unknowingly, "Hey! You Zhongxia people, what are you doing in Guangluo Town? Let me tell you, leave these beautiful women here quickly. Uncle, I can cut off one of your legs!"

Without waiting for his words to fall to the ground, Dao Mengqing suddenly turned around and swept his heels through Koizumi's ribs fiercely. The sound of clicked continuously. Koizumi's body flew backwards and hit the slate road, and how far he rolled out. "poof" spewed a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Damn it, people are talking here. What's the dog's name?" Dao Mengqing stepped over two steps, picked up Koizumi and fell in front of Zhou Yi, and Heng Zuo had already cut off one arm by the sleeve and lay on the ground mourning.

Zhou Yi looked ahead and saw a dilapidated room. Dao Mengqing was surprised, turned around and picked up the two people, and walked to the broken house first.

"This... this is Nanjidao Hesa Castle..." Koizumi looked at Zhou Yi and others, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes. "Don't think... Don't think it's okay to kill me. The four people will not let you go!"

"That's right, the four generations of Hengzuo are the husband of my uncle's brother-in-law's sister!" Hengzuo hissed.

"Get out of here!" Dao Mengqing slapped half of his teeth, "I didn't ask you not to interrupt!"

"Too violent, too violent! We are peaceful!" Zhou Yi looked at Heng Zu's mouth full of blood and couldn't speak. He frowned and said, "Next time you hit, you will punch down all your mouth and teeth. Why do you leave half a pull? Remember it!"

"Yes, yes!" Dao Mengqing was speechless and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"What are you talking about selling female slaves?" Zhou Yi asked.

Koizumi glanced at Zhou Yi, turned his head and refused to answer.

Humph, Zhou Yi snorted coldly and picked him up and threw him to Dao Mengqing: "Make your usual punishment, remember to gag and don't bite off your tongue. Don't be too cruel, don't be too cruel..."

With that, he shook his head and turned to another room.

In an instant, a dull hum came out. Yue Wei and Xiuer couldn't stand it and ran out. Then Benderre pulled the song out, and the little leopard queen was still a little reluctant to look back as she walked. The last one came out Pikachu and the dragon beast. Ke shook his head and said, "It's too cruel, too cruel!"

As he spoke, Dao Mengqing broke in and said nothing. First, he spit out a few times and spit out his mouth: " boss, I will continue..."

"His grandma finally got it." About a quarter of an hour later, Dao Mengqing ran in.


Listening to Koizumi's intermittent narrative and the supplement of Heng Zuo Yiyi, everyone probably understood what was going on.

It turned out that after Xiaolong Nizi's random transmission, several people actually crossed the sea and arrived at the Risang Four Birds Island not far from Zhongxia, and the coastal city not far from them was called Hezuo City.

This Hezuo City is the largest and most high-end golden cave in Sangguo. The main business of the city is to provide different female slave services for people in need, various types, various skin colors, and even various races. This kind of female slave is not the teaching department of the Central Xia Empire, and it is also different from the people's "Yichun Courtyard" and other hooked places, but the comprehensive control of women, which is omnisive and most dehumane. One of the largest high-end ** music venues is called Bliss Manor. Bliss Manor has contacts with many gangs and mercenary regiments around the world to buy female slaves from all over the world.

Guangluo Town has become a large slave transport point by taking advantage of the benefits of the land. Most of the people in the town are mainly engaged in buying and selling slaves. Due to the limited channels, they mainly buy and rob slaves from the coastal areas of Midsummer and Risang.

"These bastards!" Hearing this, the sleeves were smoking, and the two leaves picked the stars, and the big head of Hengzuo flew out.

Benderly's hands and feet are cold, and his face is extremely ugly. Zhou Yi knew that his sister Alice had been missing for more than three years, and the consequences would be unimaginable if it fell into the hands of these slave traders. He sighed gently and walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

" boss, what should I do?" Dao Mengqing turned the delicate hand axe in his hand, "Did you destroy He Zuocheng?" With the support of Zhou Yi, now Dao Mengqing is very angry.

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Yi stared, "Do you think we are invincible ninja turtles? We can destroy anyone we see? Keep a low profile, you must keep a low profile!"