xing yu universe

Chapter 112 When it's time to take action

After exploration, Zhou Yi found that his place was actually a tall and hollow cylindrical building.

The bottom layer of this cylindrical building is not an entity like the rooms above the second floor, but four extremely thick metal cylinders firmly inserted into the depths of the ground.

The area in the middle of these four metal cylinders is equal to that of the cylindrical building. However, there is also a large space on the outside of the metal cylinder, which has many seats to accommodate more individual guests.

The metal cylinder and the huge space form a whole base layer. The outermost part of the base space is the smooth metal wall.

The stage of the female slave performance is actually in the middle of the metal cylinder, slightly below is the scattered crowd, who are in the base space.

The stage is far away from the private room, but through the strange light and shadow array, people in each private room feel that the scene on the stage is close in front of them.

Through the bottom layer, Zhou Yi was surprised to find that there was a larger space under the base, in which there was a rolling heat flow and abnormal energy fluctuations. It should be magma.


Zhou Yi's heart moved. This is He Zuoshan, right? The mountains of Risang Kingdom are not high. Although Hesa Mountain is called a mountain, it is equivalent to a small mountain bag of the Central Xia Empire. If you want to build such a huge building, you must dig deep.

Spiritual knowledge went up from the bottom, and Zhou Yi found that there were many hanging iron cages on the stage, and the beasts fighting against the red slaves and orange slaves were all from here. And the place where Qi Kui appeared should be a small room on the stage.

Follow the chain and keep walking into a blue cloud. At the top is a huge room, covered like a hat above the whole hollow building and divided into dozens of separate small rooms, in which there are at least a dozen masters of the refining period and hundreds of people in the spirit period. The strength of this Bliss Manor is indeed extraordinary. Of course, this is only Zhou Yi's general guess. Spiritual detection is not very accurate due to the influence of various energy fluctuations.

Zhou Yi was about to find out the situation in the room. Suddenly, a cold soul slowly swept over him. He was excited and withdrew his spirit.

"Oh?" Ono, who had just finished the exercise, was about to lie down and take a break. He felt a strange energy fluctuation and was about to explore it, but the energy suddenly disappeared without a trace. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"Master, what can I do for you?" The female slave next to ** asked with a charming smile.

"Nothing, you can leave." Ono frowned and thought for a while, and secretly said, don't be suspicious. Does anyone dare to come to Bliss Manor to be wild? He has enough confidence that as long as it is not attacked by a large army, the Pliss Manor is indestructible.

"What's wrong?" Yue Wei saw that Zhou Yi's face changed slightly and gently held his hand and asked.

"It's okay." Zhou Yi looked at Benderui with a solemn face and whispered to Yue Wei, "If there is a change in a moment, protect yourself. There are at least hundreds of good hands here, and I have met a powerful spiritual knowledge that makes people tremble. It should be the soul master of the woman in red.


Yuewei felt his concern and put up the corners of her mouth and showed a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything under the mask.

At this time, the performance of the leopard woman Orange Slave was coming to an end. Hundreds of transparent holes were poked in the body of the three monsters. It didn't work, and the Orange Slave's armor was also broken a lot, which caused a wild roar of the scattered guests.

"Below is our finale beauty, Zi Nu!"

Hearing the word "Purple Nu", Benderly immediately stood up and stared at the stage without blinking.

The previous violent music completely stopped, and a burst of heavenly music sounded from the sky. In the sound of music, a blonde girl slowly flew down. Behind her, there was actually a pair of blue wings condensed by the wind, wearing a lavender veil, faintly revealing the towering chest and the upturned buttocks, pure and beautiful Yan, combined with her body in an instant.

She was blowing a midsummer flute as golden as her hair, floating like a fairy down to the earth. The scattered guests also seemed to feel her clarity, and the noise immediately subdued.

Zi Nu's eyes are full of melancholy, and his crystal nose occasionally wrinkled. The moment she turned around, a small beauty mole appeared behind her ears.

Zhou Yi was shocked. When he looked back, he saw that Bender's eyes were full of coldness, his lips were gently moving, and his fingers were trembling gently.

"It's not good! He is chanting magic spells!" Zhou Yi hurriedly winc begged at everyone, requiring everyone to pay attention.

A wisp of purple blood flowed out of Zhou Yi's palm and slowly dripped onto the small "hundred call tripod". The space unfolded and the pink girl and others were installed first.

The wind surges in the private room, slowly condenses, slowly thickens, and slowly makes a series of gas explosions, boom!

The gas explosion finally reached its maximum, and a huge wind bomb, with a faint thunder, hit the crystal wall heavily.


The crystal wall turned into countless fragments in an instant, and dark colors came to the surface, revealing the scene of the hollow space of the cylindrical building. The stage is 300 meters below! In the indigo fog above, there is an unknown danger.

However, Zhou Yi understood Benderui's feelings. If it were his relatives, he would also rush up without hesitation, whether it was Longtan or Tiger's den!


Benderly's whistling spread throughout the hollow space, and the wind flowed under his feet, and he jumped down without hesitation.

"Go!" After greeting everyone, Zhou Yi also jumped down. When jumping, Zhou Yi also had an impulse to shout "H Long live the people of Zhongxia".

Everyone in the scattered seat was watching. Suddenly, they saw Zhou Yi and others landing on the stage from the sky. They thought it was the content of the program, and they couldn't help cheering again.

"You, who are you?" Gao Teng Yan rushed out of *, but was blown away by a Pikachu bomb and fell into the crowd.

Ah? It's a crystal bomb!"

The explosion woke up all the guests, especially the scattered guests, exclaiming chaos.

Zhou Yi found that the metal columns previously detected were 20 meters high, making the space in the base of the cylindrical building very huge, even larger than the width of the whole building.

"It's time to rob. Don't fucking move!" Dao Mengqing roared, "The man stands on the left, the woman stands on the right, no man or woman wipes her neck!"


The scattered guests were even more open. Although there were also some masters of the peak of practice and refining gods, they were rushed by many panicked crowds and could not find the north. When these people came, they were all in the closed hanging ladder. Where can I find the door?

Benderly rushed to Alice and took her hand: "Alice, Alice!"

Alice's beautiful eyes showed a glimmer of light and said, "What a familiar breath, sir, who are you?"

"It's me, my brother!" Benderi's tears flashed in his eyes, "I'm Benderi. Don't you remember me?"

"Brother?" Alice's eyes showed a trace of doubt.

"Hey! Hurry up! We are in a hurry!" Zhou Yi shouted.

A sudden change occurred, and the detection array sent the message as soon as possible. A carp in Ono jumped up from ** and sneered, "There are really people who don't know whether to live or die!" Prepare for the arrow array! The wind sculpture team is ready!"

With his hiss, the cold light flashed, and the huge array of arrows almost the same area as the stage shot out of the indigo fog and came to the top of Zhou Yi and others in a blink of an eye.


Benderley couldn't bother to entangle Alice and pulled her off the stage together. At this time, Zhou Yi and others also came to the stage. The arrow rain shot on the stage made of granite. Only a few of them broke, and the rest were embedded in the stone in the splash of sparks.

Under the stage is a space of nearly 1,000 square meters. Four metal pillars are like huge piers of the overpass, and the crowd shuttles through the pier. However, the surrounding walls are as bright as mirrors, and there is no door at all!

And Zhou Yi and others have quickly mixed into the crowd.

At this time, dozens of wind sculptures appeared above, and the wind sculptures were full of soldiers holding shiny long knives and dive down quickly.

Zhou Yi and others mixed with the crowd. They thought it was okay, but they didn't think of the practitioners on the wind sculpture. They were like a pair of divine eyes. The knife light flashed and split down at Yuewei, Xiuer, Pikachu, Dao Mengqing and others.

"Haha!" Ono's voice resounded through the huge building, "You juniors dare to go to Bliss Manor! Haha, do you want to get into the crowd and run away? That's impossible!" After a lot of tossing, Yuewei and Xiuer's clothes fell down, revealing the woman's face.

Before Ono's words fell, Benderui's long-cohes Chenfa suddenly took action. Dozens of blue lights flashed in the sky, and countless wind blades rotated and cut fiercely to the wind sculpture. With the sad cry, the practitioners of the wind sculpture team fell down like rain, which made Xiuer and Dao Mengqing cheaper. Xiuer's double-leaf star picking is a treasure that Zhou Yi personally cultivated. It is extremely sharp, poisonous and electric with flames, coupled with light and flexible skills. In less than five minutes, seven or eight sun warriors have died on the spot.

Dao Mengqing's fight was not so lively, and he was not as lively as he usually scolded with Pikachu. He didn't say a word on his cold face. A sudden blow must be cut or smash his throat, and he won't even bleed much.

Yuewei's attack was extremely beautiful. In the swing of the Qiushui sword, a group of water balls burst, and sections of sword blades flew all over the sky, killing the warriors of the wind sculpture team in a blink of an eye.

"These people's cultivation is really good..." Observing the scene below, Ono gave a look at the corners of his mouth and shouted loudly. Suddenly, the iron cage that used to trap the beast suddenly opened, and three strange snakes, tigers, red lions and iron orangutans fell down like hail, with more than a dozen.

The ground broke and the stones flew around. The monster landed on the stage and on the ground, making a shocking wild roar.

"All the individual guests, all the fucking roll aside, I don't care if they are injured to death!" Above the building, Ono shouted through the loudspell crystal.

At the same time, the dense Risang warriors, along the hanging chains, all joined the battle group. Compared with the wind sculpture team, which only has the middle level of Xingqi, they are better equipped and have higher cultivation.

"Humph, is this a unique trick?" Zhou Yi's hand, the space crack of "Baihou Ding" slowly floated into the air again, "K! It's your turn!"