xing yu universe

Chapter 116 Another Demon Knife

Zhou Yi noticed that when the "ancestor of flames" spoke, half of his body was shaking slightly, and the energy fluctuations were also very uneven and not smooth. It seems that although Ao Xue's heart was exhausted, it still hit him hard. Zhou Yi is a little strange. He feels that although this so-called holy strongman is stronger than Huang Xian, he is also very limited. If he can be called a saint, will his cultivation become so high?

Thinking about it, Zhou Yi found that his legs and feet were suddenly disobedient, and countless phantoms of wings appeared around him, with overwhelming energy, like a fired cannonball, kicking the ancestor of flames fiercely.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Zhou Yi's legs and feet, controlled by Qingluan, immediately turned into "Foshan Shadowless Feet" and continuously collided with the arm of "Ancestor of Flames" and pulled him out more than ten meters away.

At this time, the two sides have approached the bottom of the magma river. Due to the huge heat and pressure, Zhou Yi's purple moon heart flew out and quickly rotated around the body, forming another layer of protection.

Obviously, the "ancestor of flame" was more flexible in the magma. His body turned and his arms were waved one after another. The huge charm was centered on his arm. First, there was a ripple, and then the slow magma ripples turned into a sharp blade of the shape of the flame, rotating towards Zhou Yi.

"He is not a saint!" Wind-winged Qingluan said in a low voice, "Just by creating this space environment, you can get a glimpse of the realm of 'volcano flame'. If he leaves here, his energy cultivation may not even be the peak of the road.

"So that's it!" Zhou Yi nodded and then smiled bitterly. Even if he is not a saint, he can't resist it now.

He was having a headache about the roaring flame blade. Suddenly, a fresh energy was born from the crystal. Through the transformation of soul fibers, it spewed out from the eyebrows and turned into two colorful wings, colliding with the flame blade, both of which turned into energy turbulence and melted in the magma.

Without waiting for the "ancestor of flames" to react, Zhou Yi's eyebrows shot countless feather-like silver needles again. As soon as he met the flame, it burned, but its power increased greatly.

"Ah?" The ancestor of Flame and Zhou Yi made several moves and felt much lower than himself. Unexpectedly, when he fought again, his energy cultivation was almost the same as himself. He couldn't help but be shocked and angry. He saw a burst of energy coming and hurriedly hit several spiritual decisions. The rotating flywheel reappeared, blocking all the feathers, and at the same time pulled out a red wide sword, accurate Prepare for a fatal blow to Zhou Yi.

But at this time, he did not notice a huge bee dragon behind his back, with a sharp spike in his tail, viciously piercing the back of his head, and then squirmed hard.

The Dragon King in the middle of Hedao! It is the body of the soul and can stay in the magma for a short time. Moreover, sneaking on a strong man who is a little big, but has similar cultivation to it, is naturally stable.

"Ah--" The sad scream could only be heard by the "ancestor of flames". The magma isolated the sound, but Zhou Yi could see it clearly. As soon as he raised his hand, the dragon gun with colorful wing light and shadow stabbed his heart.

Puff! Without the imagined resistance, the sharp gunhead tore the red scales and went deep into the body of the "ancestor of flames". As soon as the blood spewed out, it was blocked by the rushing magma. The two were so close that Zhou Yi even saw the other party's unbelievable, shocked and angry eyes under the armor mask.

"No, it's impossible!" How can you, who has the advantage of cultivation and geographical advantage, be defeated by this little reptile? What on earth is it that attacked yourself in the back? He felt an extreme cold from the depths of his soul, as if everything was moving away from him, and the soul fibers in his mind were gradually shrinking... And the other party's eyes, what does that mean? Calm? Joy or sarcasm!

"I won't let you go, and I won't let you die!" He carried out his last strength and throwing the long sword in his hand at Zhou Yi. The sword light dazzled Zhou Yi's eyes in a moment. When he understood, a familiar soul tingling sensation spread all over his body. He clearly saw two python-like things break into the depths of his soul and began to bite and devour. In reality, this red wide sword actually pierced his left shoulder socket and came out of his back!

Zhou Yi pulled out the dragon gun from the body of the "ancestor of flames". The other party's body slowly softened, and the armor was not supported by energy. Even the human flesh and blood slowly melted into the hot magma, and there was no trace of it.

Without the great pain, Zhou Yi flew up. When his body shook and flew up, the magma dripped on the surface of his body.

Zhou Yi is right. What they are in now is the mountain belly of Hezuo Mountain. Hesa Mountain itself is an active volcano, but it was sealed by the "ancestor of flames". According to the mountain, it dug deep and tried its best to create such a space and provide protection for the evil paradise estate.

Now, Zhou Yi's fierce battle with the "ancestor of flames", the energy turbulence stimulated the surging magma underground. **, which had been holding for decades, suddenly erupted, and the magma roared and ran straight to the crater.

At the crater, Aolan and others were still waiting for Zhou Yi. Suddenly, they saw magma rushing in and flew into the sky in horror. Zhou Yi also flew out with the help of Benderui, with a dark face, as if he had just climbed out of the coal pile.

"Brother!" Xiaolong Nizi generally shot electricity and took Zhou Yi to his back. Everyone was shocked to see the wide sword coming out of the body.

The energy crystal shook, but it did not stop rotating. The phoenix-winged Qingluan muttered in the energy crystal, "The guy with low ability!" The wings fluttered gently, and the energy rotation slowly accelerated.

Zhou Yi suddenly felt warm, coughed, opened his eyes, saw everyone's concerned eyes, and smiled: "I'm fine. This sword is very strange, very much like Gong Pingzhi's third demon knife bee dragon chopping."

Seeing him open his eyes, Yue Wei and others were slightly relieved and were about to speak. Zhou Yi caught a glimpse of Hesa Mountain spewing rolling magma. The heat flow on Hezuo Mountain has flooded Guangluo Town at a rapid speed, and now it is rushing to Hesa City with incomparable momentum!

"Brother, what do you care about them? These Japanese people are abominable!" The sleeve said.

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "Although the Risang people are abominable, there is also a little girl we bought in it!"

"Oh, you mean the little girl named Murong Ye?" Benderi is particularly grateful to Zhou Yi. In this battle, he not only found his sister, but also rescued many elf people, but he was pierced in the back by a sharp sword and was seriously injured. Even the way Ge'er looked at him was a little disdainful. This is not a good phenomenon and must be recovered, so without waiting for everyone to answer, set up a whirlwind and fly away in the direction of magma.

At this time, Aolan still turned into a dragon shape, with half clouds and half fog floating in the air. Pikachu grabbed the dragon's tail and trembled. Dao Mengqing sat on the back of the dragon. Zhou Yi leaned against the dragon's neck and pillowed Ao Lan's head.

"Sister, I have a question."


"Are all the dragon girls as beautiful as you? I remember a Western dragon, which looks like a big lizard with flesh-covered wings..."

"Oh, I know, you're talking about Western dragons." Aolan curled her lips disdainfully, "What is that? How can the bloodline be as noble as our Yuexiu dragon clan? There are still many of them, but most of them are concentrated on the West Dragon Island of the mainland, which is very close to the Charles Empire. When the Yuexiu Dragons ruled the world, their status was not as good as that of human beings. Brother, don't ask these irrelevant questions, okay? Your face is so ugly. Take a break first. When Brother Benderry comes back, we will find a place to treat your wounds.

"Okay." Zhou Yi nodded, and his spiritual consciousness sank into his mind. Unexpectedly, he saw the phoenix-winged green Luan dancing its wings and cleaning up the chaotic soul fibers for himself.

"Well, don't think I'm kind. I'll be unlucky if you die, that's all." The phoenix wing is green.

"Understand, understand!" Zhou Yi smiled bitterly. Fengyi Qingluan did not voluntarily combine with herself, so she inevitably lost her temper along the way. Zhou Yi ignored her. You came to her by yourself, thinking that I would like to do it?

"Hey, why are you so boring?" Fengyi Qingluan said, "Didn't I see that you and those two girls talk and laugh?"

"That's my two wives, different from you." Zhou Yi said bluntly.

Two wives? At first glance, it's not a good thing." With a little force on his wings, Zhou Yi's body trembled and the pain was unbearable. He said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Punish you and seduce good women!"

"What do you little girl know?" Zhou Yi was too lazy to talk to her and didn't talk.

The phoenix-winged green Luan saw that Zhou Yi ignored her and simply gave up the pick and quit.

"Why don't you clean it up?" Zhou Yiqi said.

"If you ignore me, what can I help you clean up?" Fengyi Qingluan said, "I'm in a bad mood. I'm annoyed!"

Zhou Yi smiled bitterly and began to promote the purple moon by himself. At the same time, he checked the soul through spiritual knowledge. The red sword broke the soul ribbon a lot, causing the energy in his body to be scattered. Thanks to his diligent practice of "Soul Xi" during this period, coupled with the strong foundation laid for him by Ao Xue. But even so, he needs a month of retreat.

He reluctantly condensed his spiritual knowledge, slowly explored his spiritual knowledge into the wide sword, and was immediately shocked. There is actually a huge space array in this wide sword! Zhou Yi is dazzled by the complicated structure, but he can feel that this space array is not a low-level array for storing items, but a high-level and mysterious space array!

"Lan'er, do you know this sword? Bring the spiritual knowledge through. Zhou Yi's soul preached.

A small spiritual knowledge wandered inside the wide sword and said for a while, "Last time I panicked and didn't recognize the third demon knife, causing my brother to lie in Qingyang Mountain for nothing. This time, I just guessed, irresponsible."

"Just say, what responsibility have you taken since you were born?"

"Hee hee." Xiaolong Nizi smiled, "This should be the second demon knife of Risang. It's really strange to let those who don't use knives play with knives. Can they play with it? Aolan commented while talking.

"Is this a sword or a knife?"

"The refiner is not good!" Aolan said, "This knife is made of bone, which is called the bone of the broken beast. No one has seen this kind of split beast, only people have collected its bones. There is a complex space array on its bones. According to legend, its movement speed can only be described as weird. If you bite it, the person will not be hurt at all, because it will crush and swallow the human soul through the soul array.

"So powerful?" Zhou Yi was surprised.

Aolan said, "I'm about to write a book called "The Bone of the Cracked Beast and the Secret of Ninja." Do you remember the last collection of Risang's bodies? Their technique of carving magic arrays on bones should come from split beasts.

"Have you written a book?" Only then did Zhou Yi remember that the little girl didn't only know how to sleep and laugh. She not only had the super treasure left by the Dragon Emperor family, but also had the talent skill of "weaving the moon". She was a real little rich woman and a little talented girl. "Brother is really respect for you. You have to update it quickly so that I can have a glimpse!"

As he was talking, Bandray flew with the thin Murong Ye in his arms, and Murong Ye was still wearing his mask.

"The castle is over, and the whole city has been turned into a huge stone by magma. I tried my best to save some people, but it didn't help. Benderui looked at Hezuo City, which was already full of fire. "Good and evil will always be rewarded in the end, and I hope the city will be reborn. Yi, I have figured it out. Let's go to Zhonggang City not far from the north.

(I will work overtime tomorrow, only one chapter in the evening...)