xing yu universe

Chapter 148 The Weaper of the National God

"Don't...don't come up, please, don't come up..."

"No, don't tear my clothes anymore..."

"My legs! You hurt me..."

The small conference room became the stage for Nalan Youqi's performance. Zhou Yi was stunned by her. Thinking of the members outside, he couldn't help sweating. Originally, I wanted to repeat the old trick to deter the girl, but I didn't expect to be shady by her.

"No shout!" He didn't care much and rushed up and covered Nalan Youqi's mouth.

"Well-Well!" This is more real! Zhou Yi thought something wrong and hurriedly let go, but Nalan Youqi shouted again.

"Don't...President Zhou...I'll give you the antidote, don't--"

At this time, the members of the Huaxia Association did not obey the president's order at all, but gathered in the square to discuss. The movement in the small conference room was clearly heard by the girls in the square.

"President Zhou, please, don't take off my clothes..."

"Don't...President, ah - a lot of blood..."

At this time, everyone was stunned, and the girls who were talking also stopped whispering and looked at the palace in disbelief. The whole square was silent.

Yuewei and Xiuer looked at each other, and Xiuer's face slowly showed anger. She raised her feet and was about to rush in. Yuewei grabbed her and whispered, "Wait first, don't let everyone see jokes!"

"Zhou Yi and Delisa are like that, although I am a little awkward, but I can accept it. After all, they are affectionate or forced by the situation, but this time... How can he do this? How can he deal with himself in front of so many members? Where did you put me and my sleeves again?" Seeing Yuewei's cold face and anger in her eyes, the girl next to her was awe-inspiring, and the whole square was so quiet that she could hear the sound of a needle falling to the ground.

Everyone was stunned, but there was no sound when they heard a "ah" hum inside.

"No, I have to see what he's doing!" When Xiuer heard the sound, she couldn't help pulling Yuewei with frost on her face, stepped a few steps to the door of the conference room and raised her feet to knock the door open.

"Hmm! How dare you wear a dog collar!" Rubbing the edge of the palm of her hand, there was a neck protection weapon on the girl's neck. She used her pure physical power to hurt her hands.

Looking at Nalan Youqi who fainted, Zhou Yi smiled, quickly poked out his hand and groped on her body: "Who told you not to tell me? You can't tell me one after another, so I have to take advantage of you!"

In an instant, more than a dozen Rongjie were placed in front of Zhou Yi. At this time, Yue Wei and Xiuer just broke in, which scared him to jump back. As soon as the two entered the room, they saw that although Nalan Youqi fainted, but her clothes were complete and the soft couch cover was ragged under her hands, they realized that Zhou Yi was overshadowed by Nalan and Qi again, and her tight little face couldn't help smiling.

Even in the upper appearance world, it is not difficult for high-level practitioners to solve it. In a blink of an eye, the ban on Rongjie was broken, and there were things found from Nalan and Qirongjie on the table: hundreds of silver tickets, hundreds of bottles of medicine, small mirrors, small combs, rouge boxes and various exquisite jewelry.

Zhou Yi searched for a long time, and finally opened a delicate jade box. He saw more than a dozen green leaves as thin as hair inlaid in the groove, and in the large groove next to it, embedded with more than a dozen white pills the size of soybeans.


A cup of tea splashed on Nalan Youqi's face, and her long eyelashes moved, slowly opened her eyes, and continued to stare at Zhou Yi angrily after understanding it.

"You have nothing to say this time?" Zhou Yi proudly shook the jade box and said to Xiuer, "Shouer, you sent someone to the sea to shoot an arrow book to Qingyang Port, which means that at noon, you will exchange materials with General Mo and do nothing less. Remember to observe all the time and return to the forgotten city immediately if you find something wrong. Don't leave the sea when sending the book. Come back as soon as possible after delivering the book!"


"Second Princess," Zhou Yi said, "Now, I just want to ask you, is this white pill an antidote?"

"It's an antidote, do you take it?" Nalan said coldly.

"Hmm! Don't think there's nothing I can do!" Zhou Yi's eyes were cold, poured a glass of water, put a tea into it, melted in a blink of an eye, and reached out to grab Nalan Youqi's mouth.

"Okay, okay!" Nalan Youqi saw that she was going to be humiliated again and said with hatred, "It's an antidote. Eat it and kill you!"

Zhou Yi observed her expression and knew that it would not be wrong, so he was relieved, but wasted a six prison soul tea, which made him a little distressed.

Put the pill in his mouth and melted in his mouth. After a while, he felt that his spiritual knowledge slowly condensed, but his reaction was a little slow. He remembered that he had received another dementor, gritted his teeth and filled his mouth.

"Well, I don't know how to soak, I can only play the effect of the first prison." Nalan Youqi watched Zhou Yi happily put away the six prison soul tea and poured cold water on him.

"That's better than nothing." Zhou Yi knew that it was impossible to take out the heart-making method from her mouth, so he simply didn't talk nonsense. "Tomorrow afternoon, just wait for you to exchange my supplies."

"Well, Master Jinding won't spare you!" Nalan said hatefully.

Ordering the poisoned member to take the antidote, Zhou Yi slowly walked to the square and thought about this Jinding suzerain, who is indeed a difficult person. What if there is no fight? This one looks like a lot of treasures, which makes people unpreventable.

In the middle of his mind, there was a noise at the door of the castle. Mingying flew up to the square and hugged her fists: "President, Ge Yuanxianger got the equipment back!"

"What?" Zhou Yi was overjoyed and didn't care about tomorrow's troubles. He flew directly to the purple moon and came to the basement of the castle, a special place to free up the equipment.

The basement is full of people, and the girls are talking about something like a large forklift.

"President!" Ge Yuanxiang still had a trace of unhappiness. When she saw Zhou Yi coming, she smoothed her hair with her hands and hurriedly greeted her.

"Have you got something? Xianger, thank you for your hard work!" Zhou Yi patted Ge Yuanxiang on the shoulder happily.

Looking at the familiar face, Geyuan Xianger suddenly felt warm and whispered, "Unfortunately, there is a negative president's trust."

"What's wrong?"

"I wanted to get a military production line of the Geyuan family, but unfortunately, after the Mushishan War, they took care of it too closely and were not easy to do it. They only stole such a crystal mining machine, and it was not the most advanced."

"It doesn't matter. This is already very good. With this machine, according to Pikachu's ability, it will definitely make more advanced things in three months!"

Zhou Yi said while touching the big guy made of Tianwen steel, "How is this thing used?"

"It's very simple." Pikachu separated the crowd and pointed to a shovel-like place. "This is the mining mouth. After the magic array runs, the blade of the shovel mouth can extend for about a miles, go deep into the vein, initially dig the ore, and transport it to the central exchange mouth."

He pointed to a cube steel structure in the middle of the equipment, "This is a central exchange array, which can crush the ore and remove useless impurities to form turquoise powder."

"Behind, these four skyline steel pipes are the discharge ports. They are waste mouth, 50g standard mouth, 100g standard mouth and 1,000g standard mouth. The 50g standard is usually used for the production of Chenfa items. The 100g standard is to supply various small and medium-sized array energy, and the one-gram standard is to load green crystal cannons or supply large array energy. Ke is the standard of the Charles Empire, which is equivalent to one taels, two taels and two catties in midsummer respectively.

Zhou Yi nodded. These quantitative and eastern-west conversions are no different from those on the earth. "Then you have to study hard and we will try to make a more advanced equipment. Xianger, you have made a lot of credit this time. I will give you a month's vacation to enjoy the hot springs of the Purple Moon Palace, or you can go to Zhongxia.

"Thank you, president," Xiang'er saluted, turned her eyes and smiled, "Look at your eyebrows are locked. Is there anything bothering you?"

"There is one." Zhou Yi smiled bitterly and said, "This time when I went to Zhongxia, I met a hard stubble, which was a little difficult to mess with." With that, he told the story.

Ge Yuanxiang'er smiled and said, "President, I went to steal the equipment this time and got a very strange treasure. Maybe it can help."

"What baby?" Zhou Yi's eyes lit up.

"It is said that this is the instrument of the god of the Central Xia Kingdom obtained from the bottom of the East China Sea."

"The weapon of the national god is also the weapon of the national god!" Zhou Yi frowned and said, "Are there many weapons of national gods now?"

"The name of the weapon of the national god has long been circulating among practitioners, but few people really get it, because good things are always the rarest." Xiang'er said, "President, do you know the use of this weapon of the national god?"

"I've heard of some." Zhou Yi said, "It is said that this weapon of the national god is bred by the mountains and rivers of the country, which is related to the luck of the country."

"I feel that this sentence is too nagging. Does a country's luck rely on a few objects to work hard without relying on people? Those who say these words are either liars or magic sticks. Geyuan Xianger curled her lips.

"I'm not talking about..." Zhou Yi's forehead was a little sweaty, thinking that as one of the seven leaders, this girl was really extraordinary, but her mouth was a little damaged.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Ge Yuanxiang'er saw Zhou Yi's expression, bowed and apologized in a hurry, and her face turned red. "President, it makes sense for you to say so. When I went to Geyuan's house to steal the baby this time, I eavesdropped on the conversation between the two elders and knew that the weapon of the national god had a huge role!"

"What does it do?" Zhou Yiqi said.

"President, what do you think is the top after the practitioners reach the saint level?" Ge Yuanxianger did not answer directly, but asked.

"It seems that they can break through the space barrier and go to another world." Zhou Yi said that ordinary Chen practitioners may be a little strange. After all, most people can only reach the peak of practice or the refining period throughout their lives, but it is not a secret for the masters and big families.

"I said the level of cultivation above the saint." Ge Yuanxiang smiled gently.

Zhou Yi also knew some Russian from Aoxue, but he was not ready to say it. He raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "If you don't say it, go and rest!"

"Okay, I said!" Ge Yuanxianger raised her hand and surrendered. She glanced at Zhou Yi angrily and almost made Zhou Yi corona. It was laborious to talk to her female subordinates. Maybe she would have a heart attack or take the blame...