xing yu universe

Chapter 157 The Most Important Thing

"Ah!" The severe pain made Zhou Yi couldn't help shouting angrily. The energy crystal rotated at a high speed and calmed the pain in an instant.

"What baby?" Zhou Yi was shocked.

"Haha!" Sima Shang pulled open his chest and exposed a light green dragon-patterned vest inside. "I have a top magic weapon. I'll give you back as much as you are!"

Boom! Rumble!

Sima Shang was talking hoarsely. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound above, and the strong tremor shocked the two directly to the ground. Everything on his head, like a paper shell, was instantly sucked into the sky and thrown everywhere.

Zhou Yi looked up and saw the man holding Zhong Chen that he had just seen. A big bell turned into a 20-meter circle, and the huge bell mouth emitted a strong suction. All the structures, hard stones and steel frames on the belly of the city were attracted by this huge force, forming a turbid thick dragon, hitting from afar. To the charming woman with a pair of wings.

It was unavoidable. The woman's two gorgeous wings waved all over the sky and stood tightly in front of her, bang! The thick long dragon was blocked by a part, and a huge vortex was formed in mid-air. The stone wood was broken into powder, and all kinds of steel blocks also broke one after another. The woman hummed and flew back more than 20 meters. Her wings spread, and her body drew a soft curve in mid-air and rushed up again.

"Sister Qing!" Zhou Yi couldn't help shouting, and a familiar and strange feeling surged into his chest. Coupled with her amazing appearance, his heart couldn't stop pounding.

At this time, Sima Shang took advantage of Zhou Yi's distraction, and his body suddenly burst out and rushed straight to the heart of the city. The double forks in his hand were raised high and knocked on the powerful shield formed by the energy tower one after another.

Zhou Yi heard the movement, his eyebrows, and the surface of his clenched fist were attached to a thick layer of spiritual fire energy, which hit the back of Sima Shang fiercely.

When Sima Shang heard the wind, his body rolled over against the shield. Zhou Yi punched the shield, his fist was bounced high, and the water-blue light flashed. The shield just shook, but it was not broken!

The heart of this city is really extraordinary! Thinking of this, Zhou Yi couldn't help but hate the court. Such a powerful force actually let it idle for nothing?

Sima Shang's eyes turned red and no longer care about the heart of the city. The heavy steel forks attacked one after another. Countless thunderballs attacked Zhou Yi like rain. Zhou Yi just used the strength of his body, calmly blocked, and suddenly roared. His body resisted the critical strike of more than a dozen thunderballs one after another, and a shining magic steel needle went straight to the division. Ma Shang's face!


With a roar, Sima Shang had no face armor and couldn't help covering his face and screaming, revealing a little trembling throat knot at the neck protection intersection.

Opportunity! Zhou Yi burst and transformed. The energy of the spirit bead fire formed a purple blade on the edge of the palm and hit the thunderball. With a poof, it entered Sima Shang's throat, and the scream stopped abruptly. Sima Shang's eyes bulged, stared at Zhou Yi fiercely, grunted several times in his mouth, spit out a ball of blood, and fell back heavily. Go.

Zhou Yi was relieved. The strength of his moon cultivation mythical beast refining the peak of the god was basically the same as that of human beings in the early stage of the road. In addition, the moon god halberd and the dragon clan transformed. If he still uses the proud snow heart to beat him, it would be too bad. In fact, in addition to using the proud heart, he has almost done his best.

Zhou Yi thought for a moment, first searched Sima Shang's treasure and Rong Jie, then raised the moon god halberd, and drove to the maximum, aimed at the city shield and fiercely.

Bang! The powerful anti-shock force bounced Zhou Yi for several meters, but there was also a small crack in the shield.

There is hope! Zhou Yi bounced and banged. The Moon God halberd kept hitting the shield one after another, and the crack was getting bigger and bigger, and it was about to break.

At this moment, Zhou Yi felt an energy vortex rolling next to him, and the graceful body wrapped in colorful wings rolled down, hitting the ground in the belly of the city, and the gravel flew about ten meters away from him.

"Ege Ai Qing, how are you?" A cold-faced middle-faced woman hanging high in the sky shouted.

"Deputy Director, I'm fine!" Ai Qing shook her body and stood up. The middle-aged man holding the tripod went back to block a long white dragon spewing from the white jade staff, the head of the deputy director. With a wave of her hand, the small clock made of countless energy, like a shiny oil hammer, kept hitting Ai Qing one after another.

Each small clock is surrounded by miniature energy vortexes and mysterious symbols, superimposed on each other, making Ai Qing move slower and slower in the energy turbulence.

"Amazing! This middle-aged man with a bell is similar to that of the old man Jinding!" Zhou Yi was shocked, and the moon god halberd in his hand became more and more urgent.

The middle-aged man holding the bell also saw the heart of the city. His face condensed and fought next to the deputy director. A big bell enveloped the whole space and hit Ai Qing fiercely, and he himself turned into a blue-black light and shined directly on the heart of the city.

"Want to take the heart of the city from me? There is no door!"

Zhou Yi snorted coldly and completely transformed! The purple hair stood up, and the body was instantly covered with scales. The huge dragon shadow filled the space. The heart of the purple moon flame covered the surface, forming the strongest defense, ready to fight against the middle-aged man holding the bell.


At this time, Ai Qing suddenly exclaimed. Zhou Yi turned his head quickly, but saw the big bell shoot thousands of rays of light, firmly entangling Ai Qing's whole body, making her unable to move, and the clock hit her head fiercely with Wanjun's strength.

Before he got close to her, Ai Qing protected her wings in front of her, and her feathers were blown away by the energy impact of the bronze clock. It looked like a different sad beauty.

"Ai Qing! Be careful and hold on!" As the deputy director said, a white light flashed and went straight to the heart of the city.

"Bastard!" Zhou Yi looked up and couldn't help cursing. The middle-aged man holding the bell should be the cultivation of the saint. This move just now is so powerful that the world has changed. If it hits this time, Ai Qing's beautiful head will definitely burst and die. However, the nearest deputy deputy director actually ignored it and came to grab the heart of the city first!

Between the lightning and flithic, Zhou Yi, who was closest to the heart of the city, suddenly spread his wings and shot at Ai Qing, who was constantly struggling like a sharp arrow. The huge wings spread out and protected her firmly under her body. He didn't have time to summon the heart of Ao Xue, but concentrated his whole body's energy on his back, and more heavy steel scales were revealed. Bang! With the dull sound, the bronze bell hit him viciously. Zhou Yi only felt that his soul trembled, and the energy crystals were like broken. His chest was disgusting, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on Ai Qing's face and body, and then he lost consciousness.

The bronze bell attacked, and the energy was exhausted. With a "hoo", the middle-aged man had already bullied him, and a round palm broke the shield. First, the deputy director took a step, firmly held the heart of the city in his hand, and then waved the bell to put away the energy gathering tower. Haha, laughing wildly.

"Ead Elder Ai Qing!" The deputy director was stunned when he saw Ai Qing holding the monster on her body and couldn't help roaring, "Come on! What are you doing with this evil beast! Yuan Zhongzi is too powerful. You and I will work together to bring back the heart of the city!"

"Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi!" Ai Qing didn't hear it, but kept shaking Zhou Yi and slowly caged him with a colorful halo.

"Quick! What are you hesitating about?" The deputy director urged.

"No! He is going to die. What do I want the heart of the city to do?" Ai Qing roared with a trace of crying and picked up Zhou Yi's heavy body horizontally.

"Ead Elder Ai Qing! You have to distinguish the weight!" Bai Yuzhang, the leader of the deputy director, stood up, and a flying white dragon rushed to Yuan Zhongzi fiercely, "The heart of the city is about the people of Gusu, and the safety of the court!"

"People, the court?" Ai Qing sobbed and didn't answer. She just muttered, "I know what the most important thing is!"

She ignored the deputy director, spread her wings and flew out of Gusu City.

"You, what are you going to do?" The deputy director was stunned, but he didn't know what to say.

"Tell Qian Luoyun that I have taken what should be taken, and I won't accompany you!"

Yuan Zhongzi laughed and incorporated the heart of the city into the realm ofrong jie, turning it into a light, and has long been gone...


When time went back to the destruction of the city, the earth-shaking sound shocked the whole Du family. Dufu is only two streets away from the Chengfu Hall, covering an area of hundreds of mu. There are many maids and servants in it, and there are also hundreds of guardians. The leaders are two good practitioners in the middle of the refining gods.

At this moment, they are all on the inside of the door with the evil snakes of the earth. In the spirit of not offending me and I will not offend others, as long as the soldiers of the brave military alliance do not rush in, they will never go out.

However, Dufu is a refiner in Jiangnan. There are many treasures, which almost everyone knows. The four deputy generals under Sima Shang, the four hammers of gold, silver, copper and iron are extremely powerful and murderous. As soon as the gate opened, he immediately took thousands of soldiers and went straight to Dufu.

Only the iron hammer will be in the middle of the refining spirit. The other three are the peak of the refining gods. Eight sledgehammers waved together. With just one stroke, the bursting energy smashed the courtyard wall of Dufu more than ten meters long. The soldiers shouted and rushed in directly.

At this time, the two Chen practitioners in the nursing home also rushed into the bandits and fought together. In particular, these two leaders, like tigers and wolves, slaughtered nearly 100 people, but were immediately targeted by eight hammers.

The golden hammer general at the peak of the refining god made a life-old unique move, called "Chenli five beads". Eight oily and shiny sledgehammers wrapped in energy and turned into 40 virtual shadows. The two good men in the middle of the refining god of Dufu were smashed without taking three faces.

At this time, the four parents hid in a small building in the backyard. Du Chengfeng, the old man of Du's mansion, was a little frightened and said, "What a master of refining gods, died face to face. I don't know how this strong man surnamed Emperor is."

It turned out that the evil snake in the abyss felt that it also had some dragon blood and gave itself a name, Diyuan.

"The people sent by Yi'er should not be wrong." Shangguan Fengyun smiled and looked calm.

"This Zhou Yi is not as honest as you think." Mrs. Shangguan has heard a lot about Zhou Yi's gossip, and she doesn't have a good impression on this son-in-law who likes to make trouble.

"What are we afraid of?" Du Wangxuan interrupted, "Do you dare to attack the refining family? As long as they step into the backyard, the magic array will be activated and discipline them to come back!"

At this time, the evil snake in the abyss was powerful. A dark three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand was melted by his long core and fought alone with eight big hammers. The whole front yard was like opening a blacksmith's shop, jingling constantly. Mars was in chaos. In the front yard with a radius of thousands of square meters, stones flew randomly, the airflow surged wildly, and the house collapsed. Half.

Some of the servants who did not escape to the backyard had already been killed by the soldiers of the Brave Alliance, and the maids did not know where they were dragged, but there was only a scream. Taking advantage of the struggle between the evil snake and the eight hammers, some soldiers crossed the courtyard wall and wanted to enter the backyard.

! Oh! Oh!

As soon as the bandits stepped into the backyard, a white mask suddenly appeared and bounced dozens of people directly into the sky. The Tianwen steel arrows that appeared from nowhere strung the soldiers into sugar-coated haws. Fortunately, those who did not die screamed and retreated, and the backyard immediately returned to tranquility as if nothing had happened.

Du Wangxuan saw this scene and knew that she was proud. Mrs. Du looked at the sky and was so scared that she turned pale: "So...what is that?"