xing yu universe

Chapter 172 Soul Trauma

"Yaer, last night... What did you do last night?" Lin Jiang talked to his daughter, but his eyes were fixed on Zhou Yi, as if he wanted to see through his heart.

Several old people present also looked at each other and were surprised. No matter whether they treated this eldest granddaughter, whether they were affectionate or disliked, Lin Ya's nature was very clear. She looks as beautiful and clear as water, but she has arrogance in her bones. She not only refused the marriage proposal of several large families, but also went to Qingyang Mountain alone. At the age of 19, she reached the initial level of refining, which can be said to be higher than Sun Linfeng, the eldest son of the eldest.

At this moment, Lin Jiang's heart has sunk to the bottom. For this daughter, who is ten years younger than his son, he has always been as precious as an eyeball. Even when he agreed to allow her to go to Qingyang College, he was afraid that the girl would cry and hurt her body, and even sent two masters at the peak of refining to secretly protect her. But now, she actually spends the night with a teenager, not even caring about her brother who is seriously ill and her anxious father!

Feeling the sadness and deep disappointment in her father's eyes, Lin Ya whispered: "Dad! It's not like that. He is the doctor I'm looking for. He can take good care of my brother's illness!"

"What?" Everyone present was a senior official of the Lin family, and their eyes fell on Zhou Yi as soon as they heard it.

This teenager is only 17 or 8 years old, even younger than Lin Ya. In addition to being more stable and handsome than ordinary people, he really can't see how to cure the soul trauma of the master of refining gods.

Consistently bad taste, Zhou Yi always wears a beautiful shield ring on his ring finger, with a round jasper shape. However, the Shangguan family has a unique mystery about shielding the array. Therefore, Zhou Yi's energy fluctuation, as long as it does not exceed his too many peaks or holy-level strongmen, in the eyes of ordinary people, is the appearance of the early stage of refining gods, which is suddenly reduced by two levels.

However, in the early days of 17 or 18 years old, it was also shocking.

The old man sitting on the second chair is round and fat, without the strangeness of the first old man. When he saw Zhou Yi, he was stunned, and then narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Interesting little guy, very talented in cultivation. Tell me, whose child are you?"

"Grandpa Jing!" Lin Ya saw the fat old man's narrow smile and knew what he thought. She was shy and anxious, "He really came to see a doctor!"

"Yaer, where on earth did you go yesterday? Have you forgotten all the rules at home?" Sitting on the third old man's face was suffering and said coldly.

"Well, as a long-term girl, she doesn't return home at night. What kind of style is this? Chief, this is your responsibility!" The fifth old man was very short, but his voice was extremely loud, as if someone owed him hundreds of taels of silver.

There are still many girls in the family who are older than Lin Ya, but as the eldest wife, Lin Ya is the largest.

"I didn't, I..." The relationship between the Storm Troupe and the Lin family was delicate. Zhou Yi told her not to reveal the destruction of the Storm Troupe first, but did not communicate how to tell a lie in advance.

"Dear seniors, the reason why Miss Lin Ya didn't come back all night is that there is a medicine that is not complete." Zhou Yi's words were calm and calm, and there was no room for others to believe it.

"Zhou Xiaolong, why is it you?" At this time, one sitting under the five old men spoke in a surprised voice.

Zhou Yi noticed that this person was in the forest he saw in the city owner's mansion. He seemed to have been bowing his head and meditating. Hearing Zhou Yi's words, he raised his head. His triangular eyes shot a different light, and his eyebrows frowned slightly. Obviously, it was not clear how the chief refiner of the Nuyue Gang had intersection with his niece. For this variable in family conflict, the instinctive feeling is uneasy.

Hearing Lin Zhong shout Zhou Yi's name, Lin Jiang and the five old men, as well as the family present, looked at each other and didn't understand what was going on.

"This little friend's history is not simple," Lin Zhong looked at Lin Jiang and said loudly, "He is the chief refiner of the Nuyue Gang, Zhou Xiaolong."

"Are you the young refiner mentioned by Zhonger? Want to compete for the crystal cannon manufacturing and veins in Gusu City? The thin old man No. 5 spoke first, and his voice made the beam buzz with annoyance.

He has always been distient to the eldest brother of the long room, Lin Jiang's father. Later, Lin's father became sick when he practiced his skills, which made him very happy. He was very angry with Lin Jiang, who inherited the position of patriarch in the early stage of refining. However, although the old patriarch of the Lin family has been ill for a long time, he has been on good terms with the two leaders of the Fire Group and the Golden Hook Group. Many masters of Lin Jiang's generation have convinced him. After Lin Jiang succeeded to the position of patriarch, although the No. 5 old man did a lot of small moves, it did not work. This sudden attack of the brave martial arts alliance broke many masters among the clan. Lin Jiang lost his arm and almost lost his son, which was hit hard.

Lin Zhong is the only son of the No. 1 old man, and his cultivation is not under Lin Jiang, and he has also reached the initial level of Hedao. The No. 5 old man actively supported, the No. 1 old man was resourceful, and the No. 3 old man stirred up trouble. Coupled with the neutral attitude of the No. 4 old man, the No. 2 old man, the "Grandpa Jing" in Lin Ya's mouth, may not be of good even if he stands on Lin Jiang's side. In just ten days, the Lin family surged, and more than half of the big shopkeepers of the industry were replaced. Fortunately, thanks to the support of the two leaders of Fire and Golden Hook, Lin Jiang would have already disowned.

If Lin Feng dies, Lin Jiang cannot be free from the pain, and his patriarch will come to an end. And Lin Ya's unreturned night undoubtedly dealt another heavy blow to Lin Jiang.

Looking at her father's deep eyes, with an almost desperate look, Lin Ya felt pain in her heart and whispered, "Dad, he... he really can cure his brother!"

"Where can your little girl interfere in the discussion?" The No. 5 old man ignored people, "Go out, go out! Go back and copy the family rules a hundred times, and then go to the ancestral temple to receive punishment!"


"Get out of here, you unfilial thing!" Lin Jiang roared, hoarse and angry, but everyone was shocked. The patriarch has always been calm and capable, and has never been so frustrated. Of course, some people snickered secretly. Their son was about to braid, and their daughter was messing around outside. It seemed that this patriarch really came to the end.

"Let's go." Zhou Yi glanced at Lin Jiang and gently held Lin Ya's hand, "Let's go out."

Zhou Yi's calm and clear eyes made Lin Jiang's heart tremble slightly, and he became calm.


Seeing that Lin Ya was still struggling, Zhou Yi said, "Let's go to the inner house to see your mother."

As soon as Lin Ya heard this, she immediately understood and scolded herself for her stupidity. The senior officials of these families have always been above the top. Of course, they will not see a young refiner in their eyes, but if she wants to visit her brother, who can stop them? Thinking of this, she nodded hurriedly and asked Zhou Yi to hold hands and go out.

Seeing that Zhou Yi only communicated for a few seconds, he persuaded Miss Lin, who had always been full of personality, and everyone's eyes were a little strange. Lin Jiang sighed deeply in his heart, but he couldn't remember what he wanted to say. Finally, he waved his hand and said in a low voice, "Uncle Jin and Uncle Lie, I don't care what you think or whether this patriarch can continue to be. I don't agree with the adjustment of these industries!" After saying that, in full view of the public, he turned around and left the council chamber.

The eyes of the No. 1 old man were even more gloomy. He picked up a beautiful blue and white porcelain cup and drank tea without saying anything. The No. 5 old man slapped the table: "Fuck, I really think I'm a plate of dishes. I hope that little bastard will take care of his son's illness and daydream!"

The No. 3 old man shook his head with a sigh: "Isn't it just this boy who inserted a bar to show him some hope?"

"Hmm, what kind of green onion is the angry moon gang? It's very evil, but I've never heard of it!" The fifth old man hated it.

"I heard that the master of the Nuyue Gang is still a beautiful little woman!" A thin man sitting at the bottom chuckled.

"If you provoke people, you should pay the price. Nu Yue Gang, hum... What a pity..." The fifth old man sneered and swept his eyes at the last few middle-aged people. These people and Lin Jiang are the backbone of the Lin family.

When Lin Jiang rushed to his son's residence, he found that his wife was standing motionless in front of the door, looking at the tightly closed door, his eyes mixed with hope and fatigue, as if to penetrate the heavy pine trees. His heart ached slightly, and he took a few steps and gently put his arms around his wife's shoulder: "Where's Xiaoya?"

"She and Zhou Xiaolong are in it." Mrs. Lin pouted, "Don't blame Xiaoya. Zhou Xiaolong really has to have a medicine to cure soul trauma... I just don't care about it... I hope it works."

Lin Jiang nodded. His son had been declared hopeless by many doctors. What's the matter if there is one more Zhou Xiaolong? It's just that my daughter was so pale that she broke in at this time, and she was hand in hand with this boy!

"This Zhou Xiaolong and Xiaoya..." Mrs. Lin looked at her husband and shook her head slightly and smiled, "You don't know?" She paused for a moment and seemed to say to herself, "This child is good."

"What's good?" Lin Jiang's thoughts were chaotic and he didn't hear it clearly for a moment.

"Zhou Xiaolong is a good child. What is he*?"

Lin Jiang was stunned. He knew his wife very well. The only daughter of Cao Jianyue, the leader of Nanyue Gang, has been smart and elegant since she was a child. Lin Ya's appearance, personality and talent are largely inherited from her. Moreover, she has a strong sixth sense and is very accurate.

"Can he really save Xiaofeng?"

"You man!" Mrs. Lin gave her husband a blank look, "There is only a son in her eyes, and she doesn't care about her daughter's lifelong affairs!"

"Lifetime event? Do you want Xiaoya to marry this boy?" Lin Jiang lost his voice.

"I think this child is good." Mrs. Lin repeated.

"The Nuyue Gang has recently gained some fame, but its status in the world is not even comparable to the Storm Group. As for this small refiner..."

"You!" Mrs. Lin was a little angry and slapped her husband, "What are you thinking about all day?" Is the door right? Family reputation? Have you never considered Xiaoya's feelings? Think about it, which teenager can talk so pleasantly with Xiaoya for so many years? Who let you touch her again?"

" Xiaoya really likes him?" Lin Jiang thought of his daughter's lovely pink makeup, but he was a little distressed. How could he cheaply see this guy?

The two talked babblingly, and their irritability gradually faded away. About an hour later, the door squeaked open, and Lin Ya came over with a strong joy in her eyes: "Dad, mother, my brother is awake!"