xing yu universe

Chapter 182 Appraisal

Hearing the three words "artillery meeting", Zhou Yi almost laughed out loud. Crystal cannons are related to national defense and are very important. There are many ware refineries and treasure firms in various places that carry out technical research. Gusu City's ability to plan this successfully within a month shows the strong technical strength and wealth accumulation in Jiangnan. However, the name of Jianbaohui is indeed a little strange. However, what surprised everyone was still ahead.

I only heard Feng Chao continue to say, "... The court attached great importance to this gun appraisal meeting, and specially sent two refining masters to evaluate and witness. Two masters, Liu Feng and Huang Renjie, please!"

Hearing this, the scene was immediately **. The main figures present, the senior officials of the two families, as well as Zhou Yi, Mingying and others were also surprised. Liu Feng is a sixth-order ware refiner of Dijing ware refinery, with a high status; Huang Renjie was not famous before the ware refining conference. After the conference, although his ranking fell behind Zhou Yi, his reputation has spread all over the country. In particular, his age of less than 30 and the high status of Daoxuanmen are all talked about by people. Seeing the two Dijing * refiners appear at the same time, everyone immediately became excited and talked about it. The refiners on the ground in Gusu had their own minds and different expressions.

"President, your men have lost the future." Xiang'er whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense. There is something wrong with the topic of the refining conference, and I took advantage of it. Zhou Yidao.

Xiang'er squeezed her lips and didn't say anything more. When did the president become modest and cautious?

"Next, please ask Master Huang Renjie to arrange the identification of cannons." Feng Chao's enthusiastic speech finally came to an end, pushing the handsome Huang Renjie to the front desk.

Huang Renjie took a soft breath. He is low-key and doesn't like to show his face, but with the intention to show in front of his ideals, he naturally has to do a good job on his face. He stepped forward, walked to the center, and said loudly, "First of all the masters who participated in the cannon appraisal, please take out the crystal cannon."

Although the crystal cannon is huge, it can still be accommodated by the top-quality world. With Huang Renjie's words, five people have entered the venue, representing the five families who participated in the artillery appraisal meeting: Wang, Lin, Nuyue Gang, Wuwei Longguan and Rong Baozhai.

Nalan Lingqi hid behind the bead curtain and quietly watched five refiners of different ages. The chief chemist of the Lin family is over 90 years old, wearing a purple-colored dragon crutch. He looks okay, but he is obviously a little behind his ears, and he has to turn slightly to listen to others. The chief chemist of the Wang family is a 40-year-old black-faced man. He doesn't look like a chemist, but a martial arts practitioner. The refiner of Wuwei Longguan is also a middle-aged man who is nearly 40 years old, a typical refiner who dresses up; but the chief of Rongbaozhai is like a big merchant, wearing gold glasses on the bridge of his nose, wearing a good silk green robe, holding his hands in front of him, and a large green plate finger shining. Naturally, Zhou Yi came out of this side of the Nuyue Gang. He did not wear a refiner's robe, a gray shirt, and his face was calm, standing at the end of the five people.

Seeing Zhou Yi, Nalan Lingqi gave a soft "hey" and frowned slightly. Looking at this young man's appearance, he is very different from Zhou Yi and a little older, but he still feels a little familiar. Although Chen Xiu has a high ability, not everyone can change his appearance. Changing the facial structure through their own energy cultivation can only be achieved by a strong man. Nalan Lingqi doesn't believe that the teenager who looks only 16 years old and claims to be 19 years old has this ability.

I don't know why Nalan Lingqi was a little disappointed. Does he really have to disappear?

What surprised Zhou Yi most at the scene was not Nalan Lingqi or the refiner, but Wang Yun. He rubbed his eyes vigorously. Yes, it was under the crown of the saint who killed Situ Jin with one move! How did he condescend to come here? How dare you pretend to be a refiner? Wang Yun was puzzled and could only conclude that the saint was too boring to play with everyone.

Soon, Huang Renjie's voice interrupted his thoughts: "In today's mainland, the crystal cannon produced by the 'Lunas Manor' of the Charles Empire is the most advanced--" When he waved his hand and banged, a sinking cannon suddenly appeared. This gun is one and a half meters high, and its barrel is about three meters long and 170 mm in diameter. The body is a primary color of steel, shining with a touching metallic luster in the sun.

"This cannon is designed by Master Lunas and fired twice in a row. The ice cooling array is automatically activated. At the same time, it has two functions: fuzzy aiming and accurate aiming. Now, this Lu-style array is already the standard configuration of the crystal cannon of the Charles Empire, just at the level. In addition, the machine bracket inside was also polished by him, and the gun body was milled with the most advanced technology in the whole continent..." When Huang Renjie said this, his tone was full of respect and envy. Zhou Yi was shocked when he explored it. The ingenious design of the magic array and the full use of materials, especially the fineness of the internal mechanism, can be comparable to the precision machinery on earth. In this regard, he is also secretly impressed. Thinking about your six-shot burst, I'm afraid it's not as accurate as this cannon, but in terms of the concept of the magic array, it should be shorter and longer than it.

While thinking about it, Zhou Yi looked at the faces of several people next to him and knew that they were sighing at themselves and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Huang Renjie glanced at everyone and said, "Please pay attention, I'm going to test the gun. The target is the tiger-shaped mountain stone."

Everyone looked together and saw a stone protruding from the opposite mountain wall, which was only three meters in diameter, like a tiger's head, but it was 500 meters away.

Seeing the crowd dodge, he quickly pressed the bracket on the left side of the battery. The bright halo slowly rose from the bottom of the battery, and the complex seals on the battery also emitted a dazzling light, gradually condensed to the barrel, and there was a crisp rotation sound inside. The process lasted only ten seconds, with a sw of a shuttle. The shell flew out with a purple tail flame, ten times faster than the Gusu City defense cannon. It hit the stone tiger accurately. The ground trembled a few times, the gravel flew around, and a large area of smoke and dust rose, and the sound echoed in the valley for a long time. After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and looking at the mountain, not only the abrupt mountain stone had long disappeared, but also a large pit with a diameter of about ten meters, which was equivalent to the full blow of the master of the peak of refining.

After the shell was fired, the fort seal lit up again, gathered energy, and then shot out. Then, the gun body flashed with ice-blue light. After going back and forth from the fort to the mouth of the gun, the fort sounded again, and a shell roared out. The cooling time between the two is 13 seconds. Counting the energy gathering time, it is only about 23 seconds, which is more than twice as much as the Zhongxia cannon.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Huang Renjie knew that their confidence began to waver and said quietly, "Now we will officially test the gun, and each gun will be shelled three times. Master Liu and I will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the six indicators of the cannon's array, protection, speed, power, energy concentration and cooling. Which one comes first?"

In front of Lunas cannon Meiyu, everyone present immediately came interested and applauded. And several chemists on the field, look at me, I look at you, and no one said anything. Zhou Yi frowned and was about to come forward. The refiner of Wuwei Longguan came forward and said with a smile, "The Lu-style cannon really lives up to its reputation. The cannon supervised by Long Haiyun is incomparable. Let's make you an ugly first."

Zhou Yi saw that he had five gold stars on his chest. He spoke vigorously, gently and frankly, but he was a sincere gentleman. Wuwei Dragon Hall did not have any top works, but he could stand for many years. The quality of weapons has won the reputation of a large number of middle-level practitioners, which shows his excellence. While talking, Long Haiyun waved his hand and took out a cannon slightly smaller than the Lunas cannon, which was simple and heavy. In the eyes of laymen, the workmanship was no less than the former, but insiders knew at a glance that this was a pure handicraft, and mass production could not be so fine. In terms of the structure of the magic array, it is also ingenious, referring to the Lu style and its own unique creation.

Long Haiyun still smiled peacefully and opened the machine, which was almost the same as the start of the Lunas cannon, but the energy gathering was two seconds slower. The shell with a purple tail flame fell accurately at the designated place. The smoke and dust were everywhere, and the sound was deafening, and it bombarded out of a large pit about ten meters, causing a burst of applause from everyone.

Then another shot, with power and accuracy to catch up with the Lunas cannon, but the cooling time was a little long, 19 seconds.

Liu Feng came over, discussed a few words with Huang Renjie in a low voice, and then smiled. He took two steps forward and said, "Master Long, the cannon you supervised, from the perspective of the five values of array, protection, speed, power, energy gathering and cooling, although they are all under the Lunas cannon, it is already quite high in midsummer. The level gives people an amazing feeling. If all the cities can be equipped with your crystal cannon, it will definitely be solid. However, I'm afraid it's difficult to mass produce your cannon, right?

Long Haiyun nodded and said, "Master Liu is right. I built this cannon myself for more than a month. We don't have the process of producing such large-scale equipment, not to mention the big cities of the country, even Gusu City, it will take more than a year to equip them all.

Liu Feng continued: "Master Long, ladies and gentlemen, our evaluation this time is set at 100 points based on the Lunas cannon. Based on the five values of this cannon, your score is 86 points."

"So high?" Long Haiyun smiled and said, "Then I can explain it to the boss when I go back. Thank you, two masters. He bowed and then returned to his seat. Looking at his frank words and actions, Zhou Yi's affection for Long Haiyun increased greatly, thinking that his level was not very high, but his temperament and demeanor was a real master.

However, not everyone's heart is broken by the demeanor of Long Haiyun. There are a few sneers from the colorful shed of Rongbaozhai: "What's the use of pretending to be light clouds and light? If you are not as good as others, you are not as good as others. You can't use such a big guy for actual combat, wasting materials and waste materials!"

Long Haiyun has a good temperament, which does not mean that Wuwei Longguan is easy to bully. A slightly fat young man following him stared: "Who do you think of waste? If you have the ability, show it to everyone! I dare say that in the Lu-style cannon, we are the most advanced in Zhongxia!"

"Waste, I said you..." The voice in the color shed followed half a sentence, felt something was wrong, and cursed in a low voice. Shang Debao, the refiner of Rong Baozhai, snorted coldly, "Which cannon is more powerful? Let's try it."

With a dull sound, a cannon that was more powerful than the Lunas cannon suddenly appeared, and the dark gun body gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"Our cannon is from the true transmission of Lunas, and it is even more powerful!" Shang Debao didn't say much and pointed to a small hill farther away, "Look, everyone, I'll blow the mountain away!"

With that, the machine bracket had started, and the time for the cannon to gather energy was very short. In only nine seconds, a watermelon-sized cannonball flew out. The light was dazzling and the sound was terrible, and it blew up a large hole with a radius of 156 meters, causing a burst of applause at the scene.

Zhou Yi frowned slightly. Whether it is the magic array structure or mechanical design, this cannon is almost the template of the Lunas cannon. In order to strengthen the power, several special changes have been made, but the original balance of the magic array has been damaged.

Sure enough, the cooling time of this cannon was also short, which was comparable to that of the Lunas cannon. When the third cannon came out, Shang Debao glanced at the crowd proudly and just wanted to say a few words to lift his anger. Suddenly, the two guards guarding the central pearl curtain rushed out and came to him like lightning, and couldn't help talking about him. Pushed to one side.