xing yu universe

Chapter 185 Bone Shooting Monster

Zhou Yi was also shocked to see these two monsters. They are like man-eating evil fish in the water. The thick fish lips can't hide the two rows of sharp and vicious teeth. The two fish eyes are green, 13 or 14 meters long, and the whole body is covered with dark red scales. On the scales, there are sticky white ** dripping down little by little. The two huge fins on the abdomen float slowly in the wind, and the tail is also thrown around to maintain the balance of the body.

"Aral Sea Bone Shooting Beast!" Zhou Yi immediately recognized the origin of these two monsters. Growing up in a saltwater lake, the mature body is the peak of refining gods. Occasionally, there are variants that reach the early stage of the road. In addition to the strength and fierceness of the body, they can also shoot their own bone spurs out of the body, which is more poisonous with mucus, making people unable to prevent it.

Two Chen practitioners on the monster sat a man and a woman. The man is of medium height, wearing tight black fish scales and also wearing a black mask, and can't see his face clearly. The woman is about 30 years old, tall and quite beautiful, but her face is a little too pale. The most conspicuous is her white armor, with light lines on it, which looks like a skeleton. In the towering chest, there is a seal "you" character, which does not hesitate to reveal her identity to people, Netherworld Valley!

The underworld valley is notorious. Compared with Daoxuanmen and Yuchenyuan, ordinary Chen practitioners retreat when they see them. Now, on this high platform, there is no retreat, and many people's faces have become paler than this woman.

"It's the Nether Valley again!" Zhou Yi's face darkened, remembering that Qian Yuanzi, who attacked Du Fu at that time, and the young man who was killed by Yue Wei, were all from the Nether Valley. Although it did not cause any substantial harm, Zhou Yi's heart has already classified the Nether Valley as an enemy.

Judging from the cultivation of these two people, they should have exceeded the peak of refining and reached the level of Hedao. And it is difficult to judge which period it is. It seems that Nalan Lingqi's arrangement has not yet reached the point of foolproof, and they actually came to the door.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi took another look at the central color shed, but saw that the old man of Hedao also showed a trace of surprise in his eyes. He whispered a few words to the bead curtain, as if he did not realize that the other party still had such a cavalry.

Two "Aral Sea bone shooting beasts" quickly rose over the cloud eagle. The man, who was sitting on his body, also stood up at this moment and shouted: "ji!"

"President, this is the '10,000 poisonous heart thorn' of the Sichuan and Shu Tang family. Be careful!" Qingmei's voice came with undisguised anger and grief.

The Tang family? Why did the Tang family in Shizhou come to Jiangnan? Do they also have a collusion with the Brave Alliance?

Without time to ask, the clouds and eagles in mid-air spread their wings together, making sharp calls, and instantly unfolded into a wild goose-shaped array. At the same time, the Chen Xiuer on the back of the eagle took out a black metal stick of about two meters in a neat and uniform motion. As soon as the goose-shaped array was formed, everyone saw the faint blue light shining on the heads of these sticks, and there was little momentum. The raindrop-like three-shaped cone thorns rushed to the people on the platform with a sharp roar.

"Block them!"

The old man roared and injected energy into the shield again. Almost all the Chen practitioners on the platform also took action to thicken the shield together.

The three-edder cone collides with the shield, making a sonorous sound of metal. Most of them were shaken away, but some were shot in from weak places, but they all lost their accuracy and collided with the stones on the platform. Mars flew wildly, and the fishy smelled their nose. At a glance, they were fed highly poisonous.

"Fuck evil, pretending to be a ghost, you all of you in the Nether Valley will die!"

The Tang family rarely walks around the south of the Yangtze River, and many people don't recognize it. They all sprinkle their resentment on the Nether Valley.

The white armored woman on the bone shooting monster frowned and looked at the black armored man. The black armored man nodded and pressed the monster's head at the same time as the white armored woman. The armored beast immediately made a strange cry, and his ferocious mouth suddenly opened.

Zhou Yi was surprised to see that in the mouth of the bone shooter, a small head suddenly stretched out, like a lizard, and his neck was covered with blue and green patterns, but it was countless times larger than the lizard. The little beast's head opened again, revealing a round hole the size of a goose egg. With a "sh", it shot out a red, blue and green bone spur. The speed was not fast, but it was wrapped in dripping mucus. As soon as it approached the energy mask, everyone smelled a spicy smell, and the energy mask made a snoring sound. Not yet The contact becomes a little thin.

Then, with a "bang", the bone spur collided with the energy mask, and the sound was dull. The bone spur was not bounced away, nor was melted by the highly concentrated energy, but stubbornly squeezed in. When it could not be squeezed, it burst into pieces, and the mucus on its surface could actually adhere to the energy, spreading while spreading. Corrosion, and finally the bone spurs are getting smaller and smaller until they disappear, and the energy mask is also made into a large hole with a radius of half a meter.

"ji!" Yun Yingchen's long stick exploded with energy again, and this time it was all concentrated in two corroded holes. This ten thousand poison heart thorn is really unique. After it came out of the big hole, it immediately burst and shot a smaller arrow. Everyone was caught off guard and many people were immediately injured.

"Xiaoguang! Xiaoguang! Be careful, the arrows are poisonous!" Someone shouted loudly in the colorful shed of Rongbaozhai. He saw a young man hit by an arrow in his shoulder, and his whole body was immediately black and purple, swollen like a big steamed bun. His skin was shiny and oozed a lot of **. He saw that he was not alive.

The scene was immediately chaotic, especially for women. If it is this way to die, it is better to commit suicide.

"Princess, I have sent a message to Commander Chu. Most of the people of Hunting Pupil are dealing with the forces of the Sun family, and there is no time to return. Now that the situation is critical, let your subordinates escort you away!"

"What did they come from?" Nalan Lingqi's tone is still as calm and a little majestic.

The old man shook his head: "It's the people of the Nether Valley and the Tang family. The former has always had relations with the Yongwu League, but the latter has a good relationship with the Sun family, and their subordinates don't know how they are mixed up.

Nalan Lingqi didn't say anything for a while, and the old man was a little anxious: "Princess, the poison of the Tang family is the most fierce, and it's better to avoid its edge for the time being."

"Today, you all die in this way!" The voice of the black armored man is cold and hoarse, giving people a cold feeling.

"Let's go together and kill the two leaders first!"

Wang Yun was one of the three strong men present. He first shouted and immediately aroused the response of more than a dozen masters at the peak of the refining god. None of them were willing to be used as targets, and all kinds of light flashed and rushed up.

"I don't know what to do, let you all feed the bone-shot poison beast!" In the dark eyes of the black armored man, he not only did not panic, but showed a touch of joy. As soon as he shot the head of the bone, he "banged" and "banged" twice, and shot two bone spurs again. One attacked Wang Yun, and the other attacked a good alchemist in Rong Baozhai.

The wide sword in Wang Yun's hand lit up, and two white water energy, like a surrounding cyclone, made a dull roar and quickly rolled away to the bone spurs. At the same time, two light blue energy swords shot out of the mist, passing through the big hole of the energy hood like lightning, like a meteor chasing the moon, shooting directly at the black armor man. The ten-meter-wide air machine was locked, and even the space was cut open two small cracks, which was instantly filled.

The black armored man did not expect that Wang Yun could make such a fierce offensive in the defense. The light flashed in his eyes, and the two blood-red machetes were held in his hand. The practice-like red light collided with the long energy sword, making two close-up noises. The blow of the strong man was quite powerful, and the energy flowed around, causing the shield to shake again.

At this time, Wang Yun is not very good. He didn't know much about bone shooting beasts. He thought that bone spurs were just a kind of its talent instinct. Even if it was highly poisonous, he could easily resist it with his own "dragon screen". Unexpectedly, as soon as his energy came into contact with the bone spur, the bone spur suddenly divided into countless small pieces, each of which was wrapped in thick venom. While corrode energy, it produced a huge tearing force. He was caught off guard and was taken a few steps forward. Looking at it again, the bone spurs were like a small fish that devouring the river mud. It was not enough to devour the energy emitted by itself. Unexpectedly, he rolled it to his body. He hurriedly waved the broad sword and chopped them with all his strength one after another. Under the shock of the surging ability of the strong man of the Tao, he destroyed these tenacious little things.

Wang Yun was shocked by some cold sweat and turned his head to look. In addition, the attack's peak master of refining has been wrapped in these bone spurs. The energy armor was corroded into a thin layer, and his face was already flesh and bloodless, not human shape, and the struggle became weaker and weaker until the end. Then, the bone spurs wrapped around the body and withdrew from the shield. The bone shooting beast rushed forward, swallowed the body in one bite, and chewed it.

Seeing such a strange and terrible scene, the people on the platform were shocked. Chen Xiu, who had rushed over, turned around and ran away. Wang Yun, these strong people, also changed their faces slightly. Obviously, they did not estimate enough about this monster.

"What a powerful monster, they can't attack or defend. They want to trap us!" Nalan Lingqi said in a low voice.

"It's not that easy!" The old man said solemnly, "With subordinates, I will definitely protect the princess. However, I didn't expect that the Sun family would have such a powerful allies to bring all such powerful monsters.

"Their goal is this palace, and I'm afraid it's an endless situation today." Nalan Lingqi said, " Commander Xiang, there is something strange in this. Have you noticed it?"

"The princess said..." The old man frowned slightly and then unfolded, "The core power of the Sun family was swept away by us. They didn't protect it. Why did they put it here?"

"These allies are not the same as the Sun family. They don't care if the Sun family is destroyed or not. What they care about is only the life of my palace." Nalan Lingqi's calm words made the old man's heart sink more and more.

Through soul detection, he could see very clearly that he was the only three strong people present, Wang Yun and Lin Lie. Wang Yueming, Lin Jiang and others may have reached the same way, but their soul level is worse, which is not a real way. On the other side, there are two strong people and two monsters at the same level. No matter how many good hands there are in the refining period on my side, it is useless. What's more, it is still a plate of scattered sand, which makes people panic and chaos by the other party. Thinking of this, the old man's heart couldn't help sinking.