xing yu universe

Chapter 192 Walking with Children 3

"The villain met Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Republic of China, thousands of years!" Manager Zheng was so knowledgeable that he almost lost his breath. Crown plus hunting pupil, that is the front-line senior management of the hunting pupil organization. And this exquisite flame tower is only owned by the controller of the hunting pupil, and it can be felt by that special breath alone. What's more, there is the peerless appearance of Princess Nalan.

"You did a good job, flat." Nalan Lingqi said lightly, "This gentleman is my friend and a friend of Hunting Pupil."

"Yes, yes!" Although shopkeeper Zheng made a huge wave in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything. He respectfully led the two to a hidden attic. The attic is only about 20 square meters, which seems to be the furnishings of ordinary people, which is very simple. Manager Zheng crushed a crystal at the door, and as the light in his hand rushed into the house, the scene suddenly changed into rows of bookshelves. Manager Zheng took out a delicate box from the second row of bookshelves, opened it with a bronze key, and took out a round bead the size of a goose egg.

Nalan Lingqi took the beads and looked at the shopkeeper Zheng: "You are very good." Speaking of pulling Zhou Yi's hand, the two hurried downstairs, jumped on the dragon beast, faced the still light rain, and went away.

Shopkeeper Zheng looked at the two figures disappearing in the drizzle, and his body trembled. After the panic, he couldn't hide his ecstasy! I didn't expect that it was the princess Chitose who came in person! My persistence just now is really worth it! He seemed to see a bright and smooth road in front of him...

It was very late. Nalan Lingqi didn't say anything about rest, and Zhou Yi didn't mention it. How should two people rest like this? This topic is really **, not to mention it. Although Nalan Lingqi's cultivation is not high, there is still no problem if she doesn't sleep for two days.

"This shopkeeper Zheng is very afraid that you will shut up." Zhou Yi smiled and said, "It's no wonder that I'm not afraid to see the princess holding hands with a man and being forced by him to reveal his true identity."

"That shopkeeper Zheng will definitely not be afraid now. Maybe he is still ecstatic. Besides, are you a man?" Nalan Lingqi subconsciously said a sentence and suddenly stunned, as if the two had never said that, and then said, "For me, you are at most a child."

Zhou Yi smiled bitterly. Now he is 19 years old. Because of the attribute secret room, he still stays at the age of 16 or 17. Although he has matured a little after killing, he is indeed a child in the eyes of a woman like Nalan Lingqi, who is over 30 years old.

"If it's a man, just try to know." Zhou Yi snorted softly and was afraid that Nalan Lingqi would hear it. After all, he was still under some psychological pressure.

Nalan Lingqi almost leaned in his arms. Of course, she knew what this guy was humming, but she still chose not to hear it. She took out the green bead and wiped it with her hand, and the green bead burst out a halo. After the halo dimmed, two small dots appeared on the green bead, one orange and one red. The orange dot is moving quickly.

"Ah, GPS locator?" Zhou Yi took a breath of cold air.

"What G?" Nalan Lingqi didn't understand, "This is the eighth-order treasure 'bead', which can be positioned for two targets within 600 miles. This small red dot is Commander Chu. I just don't know why he left in such a hurry. It seems that his place is not far away and should be near Gusu City. He didn't move fast, as if he was spinning in one place... What the hell is going on?

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes: "How do I know what's going on?" Yue Wei sent another message. He reported that he was safe and told her not to find herself first. It's better to avoid some hand in hand with your wife's best friend.

He glanced at the "bead" and found that the location of the other party was actually near Zhongshan outside Gusu City. One night, I walked around and went back? If Commander Chu was entangled, they were not far from Zhongshan at the beginning, so they should be able to accept the summons, right? What blocked the message?

Zhou Yi was a little puzzled, and Nalan Lingqi was the same. The two held hands, but they didn't speak any more. Ke seemed to feel the anxiety of the atmosphere and rushed to Zhongshan.

The mountains are full of clouds and fog, and occasionally there are a few birdsong and beasts roar, which adds to the quietness. Through the two fragrant valleys of flowers, the silence at the beginning suddenly turned, and the sound of the water was extremely close, which was the most famous flying cloud waterfall in Zhongshan. Immediately on the mountain stone in front of the waterfall, the water mist came to his face and could not be rolled up. Because of the night, the surroundings were dark green, giving people a strange sense of shock.

The orange dots almost coincide with the red dots, but the latter is still vibrating left and right, neither far away nor static.

The flying cloud waterfall falls below, forming a huge pool. The water is green and deep, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Nalan Lingqi looked around and finally looked at the deep pool. Zhou Yi also frowned and said, "Is Commander Chu under the pool?"

As if to confirm his speculation, suddenly there was a loud rumbling sound, and the cliff seemed to shake. The sound of water was more like a roaring dragon, rushing up to several feet high, and then turned into a rain full of sunshine, splashing all over the valley, and several golden carp were also brought out and twitching weakly on the ground.

Another muffled sound, which seemed to come from under the bottom of the pool, and the cliff shook even more, as if it was about to burst, and the water mist steamed. Ke was also shocked and stood unsteadily and stepped back a few steps. Zhou Yi and Nalan Lingqi jumped off the horse and put away.

The waterfall shook, and the water flowed. In the hazy, Zhou Yi found that there seemed to be a hole under the waterfall, and his heart couldn't help moving. In Journey to the West, Monkey Sun's water curtain hole is under the waterfall. Is there a hole in the waterfall here?

At this time, Nalan Lingqi also looked at the depths of the waterfall with a little doubt. Zhou Yi also admires her. Although her cultivation is not high, this analytical and judgment ability is not what ordinary people can have.

The two looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding. Nalan Lingqi nodded. Zhou Yi didn't say much or see any momentum, so he flew up lightly with her.

Nalan Lingqi closed her eyes slightly and was ready to pour cold water on her head, but after a moment, not only did she not feel the stimulation, but the coolness that came to her face refreshed him. Opening his eyes, it turned out that Zhou Yi used his power to drive away the waterfall, and he couldn't help but feel warm.

It seems that this kind of feeling of being cared for only when I was a child, followed my father and mother, right? When he grew up and his mother died of illness, his father became more and more cold. Those palace eunuchs were all submissive and so-called care was just slaves or pleasing themselves. There are not many such feelings...

Zhou Yi did not know that a small action would cause a slight effect in Nalan Lingqi's heart. Crossing the water curtain in an instant, I saw a cave. The mouth of the cave was originally very small, but as the rocks fell, two three-meter-high stone doors were exposed. It seems that this should be a big cave, which was later artificially sealed.

The walls of the waterfall are slippery and green moss, and there is no place to foot. Zhou Yi held Nalan Lingqi's hand tightly, and his left hand suddenly stretched out. The light was full of palms, and then erupted forward. With a bang, the stone door shook a few times, but it didn't open!

Zhou Yi was shocked. Although he only had a force of one hundred pounds, he didn't open it? It seems that this stone door is not a simple portal, but controlled by organs and closely closed to the mountain wall.

At this time, his still flying body with Nalan Lingqi slowed down slightly. A purple light bullet condensed in his hand, and the transparent seal rotated up and down, gathering palpitating power.

"Wait a minute..." Nalan Lingqi seemed to have found something, but as soon as the words were spoken, the light bomb roared out. In the loud noise, the two stone doors were blown into several whole stones. Under the suppression of Zhou Yi's energy, they flew into the door together with smoke and dust.

There is no one hiding behind the stone gate, but a trembling cable bridge. There are two steel cables on each side as guardrails. The surface of the bridge are five steel cables. Looking down, it is dark and dark, and only the sound of flowing water is heard at the bottom.

The whole mountain is hollow, and the upper side is a little bright. Because the dark clouds cover the sun, it can't see clearly. It seems to be a small opening. I don't know where the wind comes from, wandering around in the mountain, making the steel wire ring. Occasionally, there is a distant voice, like a human voice, like crying, making people's hair straight upright. It's like entering the ghost house. At the end of the cable bridge is a huge waterwheel, which is standing on the top of the sky, almost as high as the mountain. It seems to be covered with oil paint, emitting a dark light from a distance, "squeaking" and slowly turning.

Zhou Yi took a light breath. The visual impact of this scene is so strong that he can't turn around. Who knew that there was such a mountain in the beautiful Zhongshan Mountain, hiding such a spectacular scenery? What is this water truck for? And the sound always gives people a creepy feeling.

At this moment, a howl came from the bottom of the dark mountain, and then the screams and moans all floated up, layer by layer, echoing in the huge mountain. After the amplification of the empty mountain, the sound was more chaotic, the hole on the zenith was darker, and the mountain seemed to be countless wandering souls. Dancing back and forth, Jiuyou demons seem to open their mouths and want to devour all human beings.

The scenery outside the waterfall is beautiful, but the inside of the waterfall is a little gloomy. Where did these sounds come from? What is below? The sharp hiss and huge howls gradually stopped, but they were replaced by resentful groans and sighs. It seemed that there were really many people calling under the boundless water, telling their own misfortunes and complaining about the whole world. Over time, they hit the hearts of two people like a heavy hammer.

Zhou Yi and Nalan Lingqi listened as if they were tortured by the messenger of hell, thinking repeatedly about their past and present. Zhou Yi thought of his parents and friends on earth, their sadness, pain and disappointment. Nalan Lingqi thought of the heavy pressure she was carrying, and the endless struggle every day... For a moment, melancholy, loss, sadness, and all kinds of emotions came one after another.