xing yu universe

Chapter 214 Battle of Huxin Island

East and West practitioners have a strong hand, and Oriental practitioners have the upper hand. At this time, more than a thousand Western knights had been mixed with everyone. A Western knight shouted strangely, and a cold light flashed with a gun in his hand, piercing the body of a Tianqing gang and hanging him in the air for dozens of seconds before throwing him out far away.

"Little Jiang!" Zhao Tianqing's eyes turned red. He raised his knife and slashed at the Western knights beside him. He fought several rounds before killing the two of them.

"Most of these Western knights are at the level of refining gods!" Zhao Tianqing roared, "They must have been prepared!"

"Clean up these guys first!" Zhou Yi dodged the puncture of a dragon gun and said to the girls of Nuyue, "Please cooperate!"

"Fight!" Mingying scolded coldly, and the angry moon horse was like a white lightning. The two Western knights didn't know what was going on, and two big heads flew into the sky.

"Who are they?"

In a big house near the West Lake in Donghang, a cold-eyed old man was looking at the picture detected by spiritual knowledge. In the picture, the girl of the scarlet army was riding a white angry moon horse, and her weapons stirred up the cold light in the sky. Every time the Western knight rushed closer, he fell into the energy turbulence of the angry moon and was cut off. Head.

Cold and ruthless! After countless hardships, the Chinese girl was used to killing from the beginning and the poisonous harvesting of the enemy's lives!

"They should be the famous Angry Moon Gang in the cultivation world!" The man next to him was Tan Kaigong.

"Amazing! There are almost no generals under his hands!" The cold old man was surprised and said, "The whole one-sided slaughter! There are still some mistakes in the princess's calculation!"

"They are very good, and their white horses are also very powerful. I don't know what kind of monster they are?"

The cold and fierce old man's eyes were burning, and he slowly shook his head, and his eyes gradually appeared sad.

Easthang West Lake Huxin Island, blood flows into the sea. Chen Xiu of Zhongxia and Nuyue helped the crowd to kill.

! Xi Mufang Tianhua pierced the enemy's throat, and when he returned, he was covered by another Western knight covered by the white fog of the angry moon, even his shoulders and head in half, and his cold eyes did not blink!

A knight leader at the peak of refining God wanted to attack from behind. As soon as the dragon gun was raised, his heart was spotted with two transparent holes by Iscana. And two guys who wanted to attack Iskana were cut off their heads by Asna's two moon blades.

Flexible interspersing, clever cooperation, ruthless attack! If the battle of Juan is eliminated, the Nuyue Gang will make a statement for the first time; the Huxin Island War will make the name of the Nuyue Gang spread all over the country!

Ten people and ten riders, the white horse is excellent, which is particularly conspicuous among the gray-black tone! What about 1,000 people? What about the raid? The turbulent Western knight attacked fiercely this time, but kicked on the iron plate.

At this time, the battle of the heavenly practitioners has also reached a white-hot stage.

The five Western practitioners who rode black griffins also have a Taoist master, and the remaining four are all the peak of refining gods.

They did not confront the practitioners of Dongfangchen, but scattered with a crash, and white light emitted from their treasures, forming a huge five-pointed array in the sky.

The strong man in a red robe, wearing a cyan pearl crown and holding a white staff stood firmly on the flying griffin and threw a white crystal ball in the middle of the pentagram. The crystal ball was wrapped in white fog, showing abundant energy.

The crystal ball landed firmly in the center of the five-pointed star, and the white fog was restrained, while the crystal ball emitted a white and blazing light.

The Dongfang Chen practitioners present immediately felt heavy pressure. The pressure was not only for the body, but also for the soul, and there was a feeling of inescapable.

"Oriental people, try the power of the 'Light Nebula Array'!" There was a sacred light between the old man's eyebrows. With his chanting, the star power of hundreds of kilometers was collected, and the whole crystal sphere flowed with a thick layer of real ** energy.

The crystal in Zhou Yi's body moved slightly and felt the magnificent energy above his head. He couldn't help but carefully taste its structure. There was a trace of understanding in his heart, which also brought more doubts.

"No, it's from the Western Temple of Light. Hurry up and start the attack array!"

Quan Juren is not bad in the capital, but he is well-informed. He roared, and his fingers repeatedly hit the spiritual decision. Shura Daohui Shengqi, Feng Haotian of the Five Yue Boxing League, Hengshan Sword School did not dare to neglect Ye and Murong Jian. The knife decision, boxing decision, sword decision, plus the energy illusion dragon, with the eye-catching light, into the charm.

The seven-color brilliance shines, and the densely flowing charm printed on the ground and disappeared in the blink of an eye, while the whole island trembled violently with the disappearance of the charm. The ground was like a wave, undulating up and down, and a stream of star gas gushed out of the cracks in the earth, permeating the whole island in the middle of the lake.

"The ground wave array? Luo Yun really made some preparations!" Zhou Yi's heart was moved. Since reading the Golden Stone Classic, his insights are no longer what he used to be. There is no absolute order difference. The more complex the array, the greater the power. The more complicated and powerful the spiritual decision is, the more powerful it will be, and the power of the magic array will rise geometrically. The earth wave array is generally built according to geographical aura, led by spiritual determination, driving the star power of the earth and flowing water.

The ground was undulating like a wave, and the Western knights kept falling off their horses. The lower-level oriental martial arts practitioners also suffered great losses and struggled in the turbulence. If they were not careful, they were trampled on by the horses. Although they did not die, they were also injured.

"Ah!" Nanyun roared. His cultivation was the peak of refining gods, and he was okay to deal with Western knights, but he was a little unable to fight with the two methods. A turbulence suddenly pulled him in, like a drowning man, struggling endlessly. At this moment, a steel gun caught in the turbulence hit his chest like thunder.

Nanyun's heart was cold, as if sinking into the abyss. As soon as he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt a "swoosh" in his ear, and his whole body was slightly cold, as if he had been sucked into something.

"Brother Zhao and Brother Nan, you are all injured. Just stay in the space for a while. It's too dangerous outside!" Zhou Yi said loudly.

At this time, the whole island in the middle of the lake has become a boiling oil pot. Under the guidance of the energy flow, the soil and sand are rolling and roaring and rushing into the sky. Such a large lake island has formed ten rolling turbid dragons, wrapped in heavy energy bursting between the water and the ground, like a fire moth, going forward and continuing to cover the whole island. The five-point array rushed away.

Chen practitioners with relatively low cultivation, including some of the peak masters of refining gods, some are thrown into the dry West Lake, and some are sandwiched in the turbid long dragon and squeezed into minced meat.

Bang! Bang! The two long dragons collided with the five-pointed star array, and the strong white light suddenly dimmed, but it immediately lit up again. Several Western Chen practitioners with low skills shook on the griffin and immediately stood firm.

The long dragon shattered like a bomb, and the mud and rocks flew everywhere, hitting everyone's protective energy armor, making a tinkling sound, turning into a finer powder, fluttering. The whole island in the middle of the lake turned into a pot of porridge.

Zhou Yi and others floated over the West Lake on the angry moon horse, looking at several people fighting, while Zhou Yi's spiritual knowledge swept around.

It seems that there is a familiar voice speaking. Where have you heard it...

Bang, bang, bang! There were three loud noises, and half of Donghang City trembled. Long cracks with thick fingers appeared on the West Lake bed. Three turbid long dragons quickly broke, but the five-pointed star array also dim for three seconds. After it lit up again, the white light, like a solid, turned into a rain of arrows all over the sky and shot straight at the leaders present.

Even if he has rushed out of the five-pointed array, Zhou Yi still feels breathless. The ocean of light arrows not only has extremely terrible and destructive power, but also has the mysterious power of tearing the soul, which makes people feel a sense of inability to resist and surrender.

In this sea of light and arrows, there is no place to hide at all. Everyone can only open their energy to the maximum, and each person has a bright armor light. The strange black and red armor, a huge demon in the chest, Feng Haotian's armor of the Five Mountains Boxing League, the lock is fine, which deeply reflects the texture of the knuckles...

Bang - Bang - With the sound of metal intersection, it is the sound of the broken armor. At this time, you can also see the level of cultivation: in the middle of Hedao, the seven-star chain village was established, and the northern alliance in the middle of Hedao was full of benevolence. The armor was broken, and blood kept coming out of his mouth; Hengshan saw that Ye Zhanjia had heavy cracks, and his body shook; Huang Xian, Liang Hongtian and Si Yong joined hands to firmly protect Nalan Lingqi, but at the same time, they were attacked by hundreds of light arrows and their faces were pale. If there is a second round, I'm afraid that the two peaks of refining gods can't support it.

Seeing the painstakingly planned alliance of practitioners, although it has been destroyed, it also shows strong combat effectiveness. Qier looked indifferent, but her eyes flickered, biting her lower lip tightly, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Bang - the third impact, six turbid dragons hit the five-pointed star array almost at the same time.

The loud sound and strong gas explosion made the riverbed of the whole West Lake boil, and the mud and sand flew high with dead fish and shrimp. There was a mud rain in the whole city of Donghang.

K, click, click! Originally, it was like a substantial white light, and countless broken lines appeared. Eight or nine of the Western practitioners couldn't support it and fell from the griffin. The griffins screamed and hurriedly dived to pick up their masters.

Wo! Oh! Oh!

Shengqi's knife light, seeing Ye's flying sword, Feng Haotian's fist virtual shadow, attacked more than a dozen times in a row. On the spot, three Western practitioners and two griffins burst their brains and died.

In the center of the five-pointed array, the Western Methodist with the crown shook, and the staff raised his head. A white brilliance flowed out of the huge crystal in the staff and rushed to the crystal ball. The ever-broken white light instantly repaired, and the energy** slowly condensed, and the huge light sphere Like a hedgehog, it grows sharp thorns all over its body, and then makes a sad cry and flies straight to the practitioners in the east.

The second round of the sea of light arrows! Damn, these yellow-haired wild ghosts have been prepared for a long time!" Sheng Qi shouted, "The treasure can resist!"

The shadow of swords and swords suddenly appeared, with more than a dozen magic weapons or protective weapons, or hit by the rain of arrows.

Shengqi took a long black knife and soared to more than 20 meters in mid-air. He cut into the sea of light arrows, against the swarm of energy, and slashed two Western practitioners fiercely. Bang! A ball of white light burst out, and one Western practitioners was killed on the spot, and the other fell down.

Dazzling lights fight against each other, making people unable to open their eyes.

Two consecutive seas of light arrow attacks, in fact, only a few minutes, the shining white light Zhou Yi slightly narrowed his eyes, and when he looked at it again, he was shocked by the scene.

In addition to the old man in red, there are only three middle-aged people in white who ride on the griffin and support the array. Although the five-pointed star array is much weaker, the coverage is also half smaller and trembling, but the old man in the center of the array is as stable as the Taiyue Mountains, and the sacred temperament makes people unable to resist.

Although no one died, the oriental practitioners are all colorful. Even if they are as strong as Shengqi, their armor has been broken, and there is a trace of blood stains on the corners of their mouth.

Luo Yun's two junior disciples, Yu Man and Qingfeng, were already seriously injured. He hid behind and his eyes were full of anger, but he had no choice but to regret his fight with Cheng Mingying.

At this time, Si Yong and Liang Hongtian were unable to control the treasure. They half knelt on the ground and looked like white paper. Only Huang Xian remained motionless and firmly protected Nalan Lingqi.

At this time, everyone stared at the old man in red, and no one noticed Zhou Yi. He gently touched the horse's back, and his body was like a meteor. In a blink of an eye, he flew to the sky. The fierce purple flames all over his body burst out undisguised, and then suddenly restrained. Inadvertently, a little dusty energy was like a little star, input into the chaotic array of the moon god halberd.

"You guys, die!" At this time, the old man in red was also a little tired, but the fierce cold light in his eyes did not diminish, and his mouth was full of chanting, and the crystal ball was shining, ready to send out the last blow.

All the oriental practitioners present are discolored. If they fight alone, none of them are afraid, which can be seen from the comparison of casualties. But they have no choice but to come prepared, and the action is the ultimate array!

When things really came to a critical moment!

At this time, there was a sound of dragon roaring in the sky. The whole Donghang City heard the roar that was enough to tear the mountains. Everyone couldn't help looking up and saw a huge white halberd spinning at high speed and falling straight from the sky. The shining tip of the halberd was just aimed at the huge crystal ball of the five-point star.

The huge moon god war halberd does not overflow with much energy, only the space lines that continue to be pulled out during the flight, with a sharp roar, straight down from the sky!

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old man in red, because he did not feel heavy pressure and the energy fluctuated very slightly, but the heavy shadow still made his heart palpitate.

No heavy pressure, not only means no power, but also possible that the power converges to a very high level without wasting a trace of energy!

Can the dragon god soldiers defeat the top array of the Cardinal combination——

The moon god halberd is majestic, breaking through the prohibition above the array, and hitting the glittering crystal ball fiercely at the speed of lightning!


A loud noise suddenly became silent when it was transmitted to the human eardrums. There was only a transparent ripple, centered on the boundary between the halberd and the crystal ball, rippled rapidly around.

After being hit hard by the long dragon, the huge crystal ball was smashed into pieces by the stronger dragon treasure and shot out quickly around.

The places crossed by the ripples, except for the obstruction of the strong practitioners, all turned into fragments. The weeping willows and crowns on the shore all disappeared. The roof of the brick and wood structure burst into dust. Several gray figures suddenly rushed out of the broken houses, and several ups and downs disappeared.

Zhou Yi hung in mid-air and saw everything clearly. Isn't that familiar back... Tan Kaigong?

Tan Kaigong, Jin Ding... and Nalan Youqi! It was Nalan Youqi who destroyed Nalan Lingqi's plan! Did she also collude with Westerners?

Zhou Yi frowned deeply and was extremely tired, which made him feel angry and helpless. As soon as he relaxed, he fainted.