xing yu universe

Chapter 229 Dragon City 4

Zhou Yi was anxious, and his chest suddenly tightened, poo, and vomited several mouthfuls of blood. The serious loss of strength made his body tremble uncontrollably.

The power of the coral demon just now exceeded Luo Yun's attack on that day, which is comparable to the light nebula array of Charles's Light God Religion. It is really the strongest attack Zhou Yi encountered. The power of this coral demon is absolutely equivalent to that of the saint!

"Hahahaha..." The coral demon, who was also seriously injured, laughed crazily and waved the huge sword in his hand again, "Kid, do you still want to attack my purple house? Do you still want to find my Nedan? Go to hell!"

Between the electric flint, Yuewei has struggled to break through the energy turbulence caused by the two and stood in front of Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi, with a calm face, was scared to death after seeing Yue Wei and said harshly, "Yue Wei, what are you going to do!"

"To die, die together!" Yuewei's gentle and firm eyes instantly turned into a hollow and cold, strange blue yin and yang world, turning into a faint blue in a blink of an eye, annihilating several times in the void, sneered, and drawing several space cracks.

The space crack drawn by Jialan Yin and Yangjie is different from the space broken by huge energy. It has super attraction and attack power. The coral demon originally attacked Zhou Yi's long sword, but under the action of the space crack, it vibrated fiercely. Finally, it cracks cracked like glass, and the fragments flew and swirled. Involved in a space crack.

"Amazing!" Aolan's eyes lit up and her expression relaxed. She found that Xiaoxi was lowering her little head and didn't know what she was muttering.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about how to save your brother." The stream's neck is straight.

"Blow you, have you seen that beautiful woman? It's my sister-in-law, and it's an artifact in her hand! Look, you can deal with this monster in three or two times!"

I saw the moon's graceful figure flying in the sky, and the blue sword in his hand kept disappearing and appearing. The cracks in the space were like a devouring mouth, constantly encroaching on the body of the coral demon.

Wang! Wow! Coral reefs are constantly being smashed and sucked in by space cracks, and the coral demon's body shrinks sharply, and its movements are getting slower and slower, but it can't be beaten or broken.

"Where on earth is his Neidan?" Zhou Yi worked hard to recover from his injury while thinking.

Ten minutes later, Yuewei couldn't hold on. First, the energy required to split out the space cracks is several times larger than before. Second, she holds an artifact in her hand. Although the attack is strong, the defense is too weak. Under the deadly attack of the coral demon, it can only break in 3 seconds and must be recondensed.

After all, Yuewei's basic cultivation is only the peak of refining gods, which is too weak.

"I can't stand it!" Xiaoxi shouted heartlessly.

"What should I do? What should I do? Xiaolong Nizi rubbed her hands anxiously, "Brother and sister-in-law must be looking for its Neidan, this Neidan..."

"Expand the scope of spiritual search and look for it in Longdu City! Coral demon is a combination of many corals, and its inner elixir is also composed of multiple extremely small internal elixirs!" The stream curled its mouth.

"What?" Ao Lan was stunned and then understood. She couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly sent a voice to Zhou Yi to inform him.

Zhou Yi's heart moved. Yes, this is very simple common sense. Why didn't I think of it? Upon thinking of this, he immediately passed on Aolan's words to everyone: "Please search quickly!"

"Yuewei, don't resist it. It doesn't have much strength to fight sports!"

Zhou Yi said, struggling to transport the spiritual bead fire, and hundreds of millions of sparks slowly emitted, while those monsters, bee dragons, dragon beasts, steel armor beasts, all the dynamic, a swarm of bees avoided the already seriously injured coral demons and turned to the cracks in the Dragon Capital City.

Suddenly, a small coral reef stone, which was several times hotter than the body temperature of the next to it, was wrapped in a mass of Mars and quickly transmitted to Zhou Yi's mind.

The billions of Mars were inspired by Zhou Yi's consciousness. If it hadn't been for the scarcity of energy and serious injuries, the search would have been larger.

Bang! The coral reef stone was quickly passed to Zhou Yi's hand. He pinched his finger and did not crush it. However, he kept chasing the coral demon of the crowd, but roared! Another pinch, another roar!

With this discovery, coupled with the coral demon being seriously injured, people soon collected hundreds of such small reefs. These reefs are all found under the ruins of Longdu Building or in stone cracks. As for those that have not been found, there must be more.

General practitioners in the refining period can't crush these reefs at all. Even a talented girl like Xi Mu, who is about to have a realm, must use the power of treasure weapons. Seeing so many Neidan collected in his hand, the roar of the coral demon decreased, and finally stopped the attack.

"I told you that you can't kill me."

There was a rumbling of seabed dust, and the coral demon sat weakly on the ruins. "You can't try your best to find all my inner elixir."

"However, if I crush these internal elixirs, you will definitely be seriously damaged, and even the body will be scattered and can no longer condense." Zhou Yi sneered.

"President, kill him!" Mingying said with hatred, "Mingxiang is still in a coma and two brothers have died!"

"He really deserves to die!" Zhou Yi snorted coldly, and the energy condensed in his hand in an instant. With a "pop", an inner elixir was smashed. The coral demon immediately shouted, and his body trembled sharply, and it took a long time to return to normal.

"We have exhausted the whole seabed, and we will also find all your inner elixir!" Ming Ying said angrily.

"You dead people can't come back to life..." The coral demon said weakly, "I believe you don't have the strength to fight... You... spare me, I'll be the city guardian beast for you..."

"We already have a angry moon, we don't need you!" Aoland Road.

The coral demon said, "Then I will be the guardian beast of the wall!" If it doesn't work, I'd rather be tortured by you than surrender!"

"All right!" Zhou Yi saw that everyone was exhausted and could not get a discount after the fight, so he nodded and agreed. The magical method such as soul contract, the method of mutual establishment between human beings has been lost, but if humans and monsters meet certain conditions, they can still be established. Especially if the monster agrees, it will be simpler. Zhou Yi selected 76 inner elixirs of coral demons and recorded the soul array on them. After that, these internal elixirs were melted into a round stone the size of a pigeon egg. As long as you pass this stone, you can control the coral demon.

By the time all this was done, Zhou Yi was completely weak. Aolan crushed three middle-quality life guards one after another to keep him from fainting.

The extremely fierce battle ended with both sides. However, in the end, it was the China Association that got the benefits. The turbid sea gradually becomes clear with the tranquility around. After more than 20 hours of rest, everyone slowly opened their eyes and regained some strength. At this time, the coral demon had cleaned up the reef, and everyone began to observe this huge city with great interest.

Bang! Bang! Bang! More than 20 illuminated crystals slowly rose in mid-air, illuminating a large area of dragons. Looking up, it was the unparalleled high wall, giving people a strong sense of oppression. It was as dark as a crouching beast, standing in the sea.

The ruins left by the fierce war covered an area of dozens of miles. As everyone moved forward, the houses and majestic palaces gradually appeared. Although it was covered with a layer of mud and sand on the seabed, it still attracted everyone's admiration and surprise.

"See it!" Little Dragon Nizi raised her head high, "This is the capital of our great dragon clan, the Dragon Capital!"

"The capital of the dragon clan?"

People have heard Ao Lan mention it more than once, but they don't know what it means. In particular, Shi Yunlai, Zhao Tianqing and others saw the little girl suddenly emerging from the crowd, with blonde hair and blue eyes like a Charles. Although she was very good-looking, she was always awkward. It was not until she tried her best to save Mingxiang and others with elixir that she felt better.

"Yes, this is the capital before the dragon clan disappeared. Look, everyone!" Aolan pointed to the distant air ceiling, "The dragon tooth steel plate at the top of the city is composed of four pieces, and with the blessing of the dragon elders, it can protrude from the inside of the wall during the war. Although the wall is not Longya steel, it is made of Longya steel ore, which is very hard. Longya Steel may be rarely heard of, but Mo Steel must know it. Longya Steel is the top ink steel!"

"Play with the ore wall!"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Who has such a big deal besides the dragon clan?

"That war..." Ao Lan's face faded, "The moon cultivation mythical beast dragon clan has been exhausted, and the dragons have also sunk to the bottom of the sea, not seeing the sun..."

"But!" She suddenly raised her head, and the three-point rose emblem star was dizzy and flashed, and her eyes flashed with the unique arrogance of the dragon clan. "The enemy did not get it well. Except for the broken-winged golden phoenix joining us, other ethnic groups were also destroyed, and there was no trace of the peacock and unicorn. Our great capital, even the enemy, can only sink it, not destroy it!"

Xiaolong Nizi's words brought everyone to the mythical era of war. At that time, the sky belonged to the lunar raptor, the land belonged to the lunar beast, and human beings could only survive in the cracks, and only gods were invincible.

"Little sister Aolan..." Nanyun smiled, "It's not that I don't believe you, nor do I covet any baby. You keep saying that you are a dragon clan, but... Are you a dragon? Isn't this... unbelievable?"

Although he didn't say anything, the gang of Nanjiang also showed a little disbelief.

Ao Lan smiled gently, and his beautiful face did not change at all, but his body suddenly turned into a 20-meter-long dragon body. The huge tail almost hit Nanyun's face, which scared him with an "ah" and almost fainted.

The time of rebirth is not short. Xiaolong Nizi's body has grown a lot. When she was born, she was only more than ten meters long, and now she is half as big.

Except for the people of the Chinese Association, other people's faces are wonderful, their faces are always changing, and Aolan's faces have all changed.

This is really the legendary dragon!

After a long time, Shi Yun came and laughed: "I have wasted nearly a hundred years, but today is the first time I have seen the legendary dragon clan! Fortunately, I told you this treasure, but I didn't expect it to be Longdu City!"

"Master Shi, don't talk nonsense, okay? Brother Zhou, come on, take us around this abandoned city. Zhao Tianqing said urgently.

"This is not an abandoned city!" Aolan restored her human form and said, "Have you seen the white light? It's the seawater shielding array, which can block the flood from entering the city. I guess the reason why it leaked is that there is something wrong with the heart of the city! This shielding array failed, and the sea water poured in. Let me take you to the bottom of the city!"

Most of the buildings in the city are intact, but some low houses have collapsed and damaged. In the middle of the city, there is a huge square, but the square is empty, and the center is a circular array full of complex dragon patterns.

"There should be a Dragon God Tower here, which is golden and spectacular. Unfortunately, it fell into the belly of the city during the war." Ao Lan squatted down and touched it. He spread his hand and said, "No energy, I can't open it. Go and go to the palace."

According to Xiaolong Nizi, the palace is in the north of the Dragon God Tower, but Zhou Yi and others have long been unable to distinguish the direction, so they are regarded as north. The architecture of the palace presents a thick black, with various complex patterns outside. Although it is not as exquisite as the Midsummer Palace, it is more majestic and extensive, and has the unique mystery of mythical beasts.

"The road to the belly of the city is under the throne of the Dragon Emperor." Xiaolong Nizi walked as she walked.

Zhou Yi knew that Xiaolong Nizi likes to show off her knowledge, but just smiled and listened to her "teaching" everyone while walking.

Go down a wide passage, and everyone enters the belly of the dense city.