xing yu universe

Chapter 235 Danger, Crystal Ball Burst Arrow 1

Walking more than 80 miles along the opposite direction of Chen Yuyan and Liu Yun's work, it is a large-scale mine that China will build on the seabed, digging out nearly 10,000 square meters of space in the mountain, emptying the seawater with a large shielding array, and then fixing it with a large shielding array. Pikachu's improved amethyst pipeline is in the belly of the mountain. The discharge port goes all the way to Huaxia City and connects to the warehouse of the palace.

Outside the mine, Pikachu's right eye has been beating and beating, and his heart is restless. He can't help saying to Xiao Qing next to him, "It's almost noon, and those two girls haven't come back yet. When will they be so diligent... I can't see them, I'm really a little uneasy..."

Xiao Qing is the captain of the fifth team of the Nuyue Gang Jingyue Altar. She has just reached the peak of refining, and today she happens to be responsible for patrolling. Looking at Pikachu's haunted appearance, she was a little funny, but she didn't forget her duty. She said, "In this case, Mr. Pi, please wait a moment. I'll take the two brothers to find them and have dinner together. How about that?" After the expansion of the Nuyue Gang, the number has now reached about 500, and the number of men has also increased. Being able to be sent to such a secret place as Longdu is naturally the elite in the gang, and his cultivation and loyalty are superior.

"Of course, that's good, of course..." Pikachu was not conscious of the Chinese stars at all. As soon as he heard Xiao Qing say this, he immediately smiled and said repeatedly, "Vir, excellent, it's still a good fish and geese. When she comes, I can eat it!"

Xiao Qing also smiled and made a gesture to the two twenty-eight or nine-year-old men behind him. Three angry moon horses soared into the sky at the same time and seemed to run to the depths of the sea.

"Uh--" A tear-like moan came from Chen Yuyan's throat. She barely opened her eyes, but found that she and Liu Yun were lying naked on the bottom of the sea, with pain all over her body, and there were blue and purple bruises everywhere.

The group of violent people are looking at the two people unscrupulously with the expression of a cat play mouse.

"Ah!" Chen Yuyan was in despair, and her eyes were even more hateful. She struggled to get up and hit the mountain rock with her head straight.

"It's not that easy to die!" Nakata's eyes flashed, and the knife in his hand stretched out flexibly, firmly patting her waist. Bang! Chen Yuyan's body fell back.

"I want you to taste that life is worse than death!" Noda smiled grimly and fell straight down with the knife in his hand. The sound of bone and flesh cracking clearly came to her ears. Chen Yuyan felt that her legs were cold, and her two calves broke against her knees and floated into the water. The blood was immediately dissolved in the sea, bringing a burst of blood.

"Ah! Sister Yuyan!" Liu Yun's eyes immediately widened. She couldn't believe that her sisters who lived with her day and night were cut off by life!

"Hahaha!" A trace of madness flashed in Noda's eyes, "Where's Zhou Yi? What about the president? Where is your savior? Come and help, come to the fuck!"

"Sister Yuyan, Sister Yuyan!" When Liu Yun saw the tragic scene of Chen Yuyan, her head was blank. She felt like a dream in front of her eyes and didn't know where she was.

! Oh!

Two cold lights flashed, and Liu Yun's two straight calves also flew out in the current.

"Ah!" Liu Yun screamed, her eyes turned white, and she fainted in pain.

"Haha, do you know what a human stick is? I'm going to turn you bitches into sticks! Let's see how Zhou Yi can save it!"

Noda Zang looked at Chen Yuyan lying in the pool of blood, gasped excitedly, and the long knife in his hand drove a stream of water and held it high again.

" Stop it!"

There was an angry scolding, and then two blood fogs dispersed. Many Japanese mulberry practitioners are watching inside. Intentionally, Xiao Qing has brought people to arrive. The angry moon horse has already locked the two Japanesesang people. The dragon made a long knife and cut them diagonally into two halves.

"Sure enough!"

Nakata has been paying attention to the movement outside the circle. Xiao Qing's knife light has just lit up, and his artifact long knife has come out of its sheath!

Zheng!" The light of "Ji Momo Taro's regret" soared by three meters, and he was striking Xiao Qing's dragon with a knife and making a crisp sound.

Xiao Qing felt the knife head tremble, withdrew and looked carefully, and found that there was a deep gap on the knife, almost straight through the spine of the knife!

"Ah?" Xiao Qing was shocked. His long sword is the eighth-order treasure of the dragon clan, which is as hard as an ordinary holy weapon. How can he not stand the other party's sword?

"What?" Nakata was also stunned and looked at his artifact doubtfully: "This Chinese member seems to be the peak of refining gods, and he actually has such a strong treasure? Get rid of them all quickly!"

Thinking of this, his figure suddenly became blurred, suddenly turned into a wisp of slender yellow light, melted into the artifact, and turned into a high-speed rotating **. The petals unfolded, with shiny long blades, and the heart of the flower was fluffy, emitting a terrible thin light.

This is a special role of the artifact, which can make the strong man have the strength of the saint for a short time, and his body is combined with the weapon!

Zheng! Xiao Qing rode an angry moon horse, which looked bad, spit out a flying long gun, and hit a spark with the ** long blade, splashing in the water. ** trembled, but the long gun turned into a little chip and disappeared.


Xiao Qing took a breath gently, his whole body's blood was bulging, and the dragon clan's secret method was running. The dragon made the long knife split the water and went straight to the huge ** coming from the high speed.

When! Wheops! The dragon made the long knife unable to stand the strong shock of energy, and the blade suddenly cracked and shot out like a bullet. The turbulence caused by the fierce fight between the two threw the Rsang people with slightly lower ability more than ten meters away.

"All get on the magic boat and get ready to attack!" Noda roared, and the Risang people immediately dispersed everywhere, revealing the 20 left-behind submarine magic boats.

With the help of Nu Yuema, the two Nu Yue Gang, who followed Xiao Qing, also killed seven or eight Sun Sangchen practitioners with their cultivation in the middle of the refining period.


Seeing the striped strips, the calves were broken, and there was a mess between the legs. Chen Yuyan and Liu Yun, who were lying dying in the pool of blood, and Xiao Qing's eyes were about to bleed. The angry moon also seemed to feel their anger. The purple flames rolled up covered half of the horse's legs, and a long gun wrapped in flames spit out from their mouth.

"Captain, what is this...?" Seeing the Rsang people retreat like a tide, Xiao Qing rushed forward, but he didn't expect that 20 streamlined warships suddenly appeared at the turn of the trench, which led to a strong tsunami sound, and the huge pressure made her breathe stagnate.

Oh! Before Xiao Qing and others could see clearly, the two huge noises that ripped people's hearts and lungs came from the abdomen of the first warship. Xiao Qing clearly saw that the two streams of water were discharged by huge thrust, and two yellow round objects with conical arrows, with crackling electric arcs on the surface, flew straight towards them.

"No, dodge it!" The sharp energy brought by the crystal ball bursting arrow made Xiao Qing's body faintly painful before he got close. You know, what she is wearing is a high-level red purple dragon armor!

Wow! Whew! The angry moon horse automatically jumped back more than 30 meters, but was immediately caught up by the crystal ball bursting arrow and burst between the two big men.

Boom! A two-meter-diameter mushroom cloud quickly burst open, and the energy ripples with the water, and the blinking spread nearly 500 meters away. The sea and rocks flew wildly. The two big men didn't even have time to react. They were shaken by the seven orifices on the spot and bleed. They didn't know anything about it. The angry moon horse turned into two ghosts and directly entered their pendants.

Poo! Poo! Xiao Qing was touched by the burst energy, sprayed two mouthfuls of blood, and then saw that his angry moon horse had also disappeared. What a powerful weapon!" Her pupils contracted, picked up the crystal communication without hesitation, and sent a distress signal to Huaxia City.

"What!" Nakata has entered the battleboat and was surprised to see two crystal ball bursting arrows comparable to the strongest hit by the strong man of Hedao. Unexpectedly, he did not kill a member of the Huaxia Association.

"Mr. Nakata, their mount is awesome! This white horse only has the peak of energy fluctuations, but its combat effectiveness is stronger than ordinary monsters in the early stage of the road! The strength of the Huaxia Association should not be underestimated! We still can't resist him. We must set up a game to catch him off guard..."

At this time, Zhou Yi, who didn't know what had happened, was standing on the edge of Ziyue Square with the pink little girl Xiaoxi, watching Nuyue help the angry horse halberd and stab each other. White light hit the shield one after another, rippling beautiful ripples.

"Look at the boxing!" Xiaolong Nizi wears jade magic armor, and the attack array starts with the summoning of spiritual knowledge, and the red energy fills her arms, hoo! With Qianjun's strength, he hit Zhou Yi's chest.

Bang! The muscles on Zhou Yi's right arm suddenly condensed a little and grasped Ao Lan's little fist tightly. The thick red light rolled from Xiao Long Nizi's arm and hit Zhou Yi's fist with a bang, splashing countless fine light.

Zhou Yi felt a shock all over his body and then returned to normal, but he still shook his hand bitterly and said, "Lan'er, you're really getting worse and worse. It hurts me to death!"

"Hmm!" Xiaolong Nizi's face sank and hugged her shoulder and said, "It's so fake. It's just pretending at a glance. It's boring. Don't play anymore!"

The two were talking and laughing, but they saw Mingying roaring on the field, suddenly leaving the regiment and rushing straight to this side, with a trace of anxiety on their faces.

"President, Xiao Qing reported that there was an enemy attack in Huaxia City!"

Zhou Yi was shocked: "What did she say?"

"The enemy is strong, come and save!"

Help! Zhou Yi's pupils contracted, and the girls of the Huaxia Association were talented and arrogant. If they didn't encounter anything special, they would not say the word "life-saving".

"Quick! Mingying, take a team and go with me!" Zhou Yi jumped on his angry moon horse.

"Brother!" Aolan smiled and said, "How can you use a cow knife to kill chickens? A team, more than 20 good refiners, coupled with the angry moon horse, even the saint can't resist us. How can the enemy have such a strong strength? Just go with Sister Mingying!"

"Yes!" Mingying smiled and said, "If everything is allowed to come out, it's too incompetent for us to be subordinates."

"Yes, yes!" Xiaolong Nizi looked at Zhou Yi expectantly.

"Okay." Zhou Yi nodded with a smile, "You two be careful. If there is anything, hurry up and send me a message!"

"No problem! Brother, I'll go first!" Ao Lan immediately came to the spirit, summoned her own angry moon horse, whistled with more than 20 angry moon gangs, and ran to the transmission array at the top of the forgotten castle.

The real transmission array technology has long been lost. Even if it is recorded, it is not systematic and cannot be used as a basis for research and production. The main reason why this transmission array can be used is to repair it. And it is point-to-point, which can only be used for the round trip between Longcheng and Huaxia City.

Looking at Aolan and Mingying flying, Zhou Yi turned around with a smile. As soon as he took two steps, his feet suddenly softened and almost fell to the ground!

"What's going on?" Zhou Yi's head was a little dizzy, and suddenly there was a feeling of stinging on his back. He wondered in his heart, "I have been practicing for a long time. I'm no longer a waste white-collar, and my strength can also compete with the strong man at the top of the Tao. How can I suddenly fall down, and... How can I be palpitated?"

Looking at Xiaolong Nizi's cheering back, he suddenly had a bad feeling. If he didn't catch up with him, he would definitely regret it and regret it for the rest of his life!