xing yu universe

Chapter 238 Further

In a blink of an eye, I came to the forgotten city, with warm and comfortable back mountain hot springs, crystal jade flowers, and fragrant energy, which made everyone feel relieved.

"Aolan, where is Mingying?" The crowd hugged Xiaolong Nizi and said.

"Wow!" Xiaolong Nizi remembered the tragic situation of Xiao Qing and others and suddenly cried.

"Say it quickly, what's going on?" The hearts of Yue Wei and others immediately sank. In the face of such a violent explosion, Zhou Yi was blown to the dying, and the Mingying--

Everyone dares not think about it, but it is impossible for more than 30 angry moon gang soldiers to destroy the whole army, right?

"You, you must be psychologically prepared!" Xiaolong Nizi cried and took out the hundred call tripod. As a blood fog dispersed, the cracks in the space slowly opened, slowly spitting out the Chinese members inside.

" hiss--

Mingying and others fell down. With the protection of the angry moon horse, they were only shocked and hurt Zifu or their souls, but the tragic situation of Xiao Qing and others made everyone in the Chinese Association look pale and angry.

"These Japanese mulberry bastards!" Yue Wei gritted her teeth and said, suddenly afraid that if Zhou Yi hadn't suddenly realized something and went with Ao Lan and others, then these 30 angry Yue helped girls, together with Ming Ying and Xiaolong Nizi... Thinking of this, she couldn't help but have a cold war.

"Quickly, there are still a lot of essence houses in the front hall. Take a bath for the sisters, and then live in and recuperate. Sisters of the refining department, refine more good elixirs!" Yuewei ordered with tears in her eyes.

"Yes!" The members on duty responded hurriedly, picked up Xiao Qing and others carefully, helped other injured Nuyue to help everyone, and walked to the front hall together.

"Wang!" Aolan took out a large number of crystal clear bottles and handed them to the members on duty: "This is dragon vanilla to return elixir. It's very strong. Give it to the injured sisters!"

"Thank you, Vice President!" Several girls looked solemn and bowed their heads to receive the dragon vanilla.

At this time, Xiaoxi came over with his little hands on his back and saw Zhou Yi lying next to the hot spring, and his little face became unprecedentedly dignified.

"Little guy, get out of the way first!" Xiuer pulled the stream aside, slowly picked up Zhou Yi, and slowly removed the broken dragon. His toned skin was immediately exposed in the air one by one.

"Hum, hum..." Xiaoxi stared and wanted to say a few words of fire, but remembered his "big plan". He put up with it, put on a cute look, narrowed his eyes and smiled, and obediently walked away.

"Sister Yuewei, Sister Xiuer, you can heal the president's wounds. Let's... leave first!" The charming eyes stared at Zhou Yi, looked at Yue Wei's eyes turned to her, hurriedly lowered her head, and left together with the core members of the Huaxia Association.

Yuewei and Xiuer worked together to remove Zhou Yi's clothes and help him into the hot spring, so that the pure and rich purple moon energy in the hot spring slowly moistened and made up for the wounds inside and outside his body.

Zhou Yi slightly closed his eyes. At this time, he was in a half-sleep and half-awake. The damaged soul ribbon swam outside the crystal, making him feel that his body suddenly floated gently and suddenly heavy.

At this time, he felt that he had sunk into a piece of warmth, like the amniotic fluid in which the baby was in. Two pairs of warm and slippery little hands seemed to be intentional or unintentional, swimming around his chest and whole body, making him want to moan comfortably.

At this time, the energy in his body has been completely exhausted, but just when he can't feel the energy, every fiber of the soul ribbon is so clear and thorough.

That feeling is like using the heart of Ao Xue to feel the energy.

At this moment, the key to control the soul of "quiet to the reach" in "Hun Xi" appeared in front of you little by little: "If you look at the heart, you have no heart; if you look at the shape of the appearance, you will not see it; if you look at it from a distance, you will have nothing, and you will only see it in the sky."

In his purple mansion, the heart of Ao Xue was exhausted; in his mind, the crystal was shining and the energy was empty. At this empty moment, he realized that a trace of intention controlled the soul, and in the mysterious ocean, the flying soul ribbons were connected together.

"Hold one, body Qia Xuanyuan!"

Zhou Yi suddenly felt a "bang" in his mind, as if some barriers had been broken. The position of the crystals in his mind suddenly appeared one after another, emitting a shining brilliance like stars, which seemed broad and mysterious.

"That's... a space is forming! After realizing the holy land, the Purple House is like a small space, and the Taoist heart circle is just one of the stars. And so is the soul!"


Another soft sound, Zhou Yi's eyes, appeared a vast ocean, and his own energy crystals, like a sword-shaped mountain peak, slowly rotated in the ocean. The colorful shadows of teenagers slowly revolved around the peaks.

"My sea of soul!"

Zhou Yi's heart trembled and remembered the ocean of her soul and the cute little girls who hugged him when she practiced with Ai Qing.

"My soul has been sanctified! However, when I was seriously injured and exhausted my energy... it was a wonderful feeling!"

Zhou Yi's mouth was upturned with a smile, "If I repair with Sister Qing now, I will definitely completely stabilize my soul... This feeling... If I die, my soul can definitely resist Huang Quantian's absorption!"

Only those who enter the holy soul can control their souls to escape when their bodies are destroyed, and then cultivate their spiritual bodies, and their thoughts still survive between heaven and earth!

At the thought of this, he slowly opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes flashed away and turned into gentleness and peace. Taking a breath, I only felt refreshed, and there was no trace of dirt in my body. With just a slight movement, the pain of my body came. I couldn't help laughing bitterly and improved my soul cultivation, but many bones in my body were broken and had not been repaired.

"Brother Zhou Yi, are you awake?" Yuewei and Xiuer, who guarded beside him, stood up in surprise at the same time.

"I'm fine." Zhou Yi looked at the concerned eyes of the two girls, and his heart was warm. He grinned hurriedly.

"What else!" Xiuer looked at Zhou Yi sadly. Although his skin was strong, it was obviously uneven, which gave people a shocking feeling.

"It will recover soon!" Zhou Yi smiled confidently and was supported by a strong soul. He mobilized energy and used it more easily, and the two purple moons immediately rotated quickly.

Yuewei and Xiuer clearly saw that the muscles on Zhou Yi's body seemed to be alive, trembling and swimming, forming a group of mysterious spiritual decisions. The power in the hot spring penetrated into his meridians and bones in a nearly substantial spiral form. His body is repaired at a visible speed.

About 15 minutes, Zhou Yi opened his eyes and smiled, "Is there no scar?"

Xiuer looked at Zhou Yi's broad and thick chest in surprise, with strong abdominal muscles like a bluestone slab. Her face blushed and whispered, "Brother, you are so awesome!"

Zhou Yi also nodded with a smile, but then smiled and said in a low voice, "What's wrong with Xiao Qing?"

"They..." Yuewei's face also dimmed. "You have recovered here for more than half a month. Their injuries have long been healed, but... they have been disabled for life and insulted by rape. Psychologically... can't stand it. All three of them committed suicide. Xiao Qing even wanted to blow up Zifu and die, which scared us that we now take turns to guard them and dare not relax.

"What!" Zhou Yi's eyebrows were Yixuan, "I'll go and see them."

"Get out of here, get out of here! I don't eat! Let me die, why don't you let me die!" Before he arrived at the front courtyard, Zhou Yi heard Xiao Qing's hoarse roar.

I only saw a Chinese girl holding a delicate tray with a small bowl of blue and white porcelain on the plate. The ginseng soup of yellow orange and orange in the bowl exudes a strong energy. She stood outside the door awkwardly, neither in nor retreating, and didn't know what was muttering.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yi went over and asked.

"Ah, President!" The slender girl stuck out her tongue, "Sister Xiao Qing is furious again. She ate the meal and spit it out. No one dared to go in and persuade her."

"Don't worry about it. Give me the soup." Zhou Yi smiled.

"Yes!" The girl retreated, and Zhou Yi picked up the tray and pushed the door directly into the room.

As soon as you enter the room, a strong smell of medicine poured into your nostrils. Xiao Qing lay prone on **, covered with a big brocade quilt, leaving only a slightly messy hair. The house is very clean, the teacups and jade cups on the table are spotless, and several pots of orchids on the window sill exude a fresh aroma. There are two green jade bamboos under the window, decorating the room particularly elegantly.

"Get out!"

Zhou Yi smiled and just wanted to speak, but Xiao Qing, whose head was buried deep in the pillow, choked it down.

"Well, when I don't know? You took good care of me face to face, and you are actually laughing at me behind my back! The angry moon gang was actually arrested and raped by the enemy..." Xiao Qing sobbed as he spoke.

Zhou Yi sighed. Since its establishment, the Nuyue Gang has been invincible and invincible. East Hangzhou West Lake Island has resisted thousands of people with ten people. No wonder Xiao Qing can't swallow this breath.

"My Miss Xiao, who laughed at you?" As soon as Zhou Yi's words came out, Xiao Qing's shoulder shook and suddenly turned over.

"President--" Xiao Qing saw Zhou Yi, like a drowning man saw straw, and a wanderer met relatives. The expression on his face went from grief and indignation to resentment, and then to loss, and suddenly rushed to Zhou Yi's arms desperately.

"Ah?" Zhou Yi was so scared that he hurriedly put the tray on the edge of the bed and hugged Xiao Qing's body.

I haven't seen her for more than ten days. This girl has lost a lot of weight and is obviously not doing well.

Being held in Zhou Yi's arms, Xiao Qing felt as if he had found a quiet harbor. He simply felt happy and cried happily.

This cry is like the sky crossing the river to burst the embankment, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and the moon are lightless. The girls who practiced in Ziyue Square were all stunned. Some good people saw that Mingying and other leaders were recovering from injuries, so they sneaked into the front hall to eavesdrop.

"What's going on? Why didn't Sister Xiao Qing curse and cry today? A girl with her eyes bent like a crescent moon said.

"Shh! In a low voice, the president just went in!"

"Did the president go there in person? I hope the president can move her, alas..." A seemingly plump and mature member sighed.

How did Xiao Qing know that there were many sisters eavesdropping outside and almost cried: "President, we are already waste... Let's die. If we die, we will be relieved, and everyone will be less dragged down..."

"What are you talking about!"

Zhou Yi held Xiao Qing in his arms, with tears in his heart and tears in his eyes, "You are everyone's relatives. How can you watch you die? Don't say these words again!"

"But I can't get through this!" Xiao Qing struggled to straighten up from Zhou Yi's arms and looked at him without blinking. "I'm lying in **. As long as I close my eyes, it's the ferocious face of beasts, the knife light that cut my skin. I feel like I'm about to collapse... Please, president, give me a good time!"

Zhou Yi's heart trembled. He saw deep despair and silence in Xiao Qing's eyes, which was a feeling of death.

But how could he kill his sister...

Seeing the president slowly shaking his head, Xiao Qing lowered his head and muttered but firmly, "If you want us to live, unless we are reborn with a broken limb!"

Rebirth of amputation!

Zhou Yi's mind flashed and grabbed Xiao Qing's shoulder: "Really? As long as you are amputated and reborn, you will not die?"

Xiao Qing looked at Zhou Yi's surprised expression and wondered, "That's natural, but president, how can it be..."

"Don't worry about it!" Zhou Yi smiled and shook his head, "You swear, as long as I connect you with a broken limb, you will no longer look for life and be my members!"

"I swear! I swear!" A ecstasy surged into Xiao Qing's heart, and her absolute trust in Zhou Yi suppressed her doubts. Xiao Qing stared at Zhou Yi and said firmly, "As long as the president allows us to amputate and reborn, Xiao Qing, not only will not seek death, but also be a cow and horse, serving the president for the rest of his life. If you break your oath, God will beat..."

"All right, all right!" Zhou Yi frowned and waved his hand, "Bad girl, I know I won't let you be bulls and horses, come here to be obedient, as long as you don't die!"

"Really, I'm telling the truth!" Xiao Qing said with wide eyes.

"Okay, it's true! If it's true, drink the ginseng soup and it will be cold in a minute. Zhou Yi smiled and picked up the blue and white porcelain bowl, "Come on, open your mouth!"

"Hmm!" Xiao Qing's little dry mouth slowly opened, took a sip of ginseng soup, looked at Zhou Yi gratefully and said, "President, I think the greatest happiness in my life is to be your subordinate!"

"Are you numb?" Zhou Yi frowned and said, "Quick, the second bite!"

Xiao Qing closed his eyes and took a sip and sighed, "Oh, it's really not good to be fed to eat!"

Zhou Yi saw that she had just got better and was in a bad mood. She turned her eyes and remembered the brain teasers she often played in school and said, "You silly girl, you said you were going to be amputated and reborn. Can't you wait for this time? By the way, I have a funny question. Do you want to hear it?