xing yu universe

Chapter 257 Martial Arts Recruitment 1

"I don't know what's going on with Yuewei and Xiuer. Don't you think about me? Did the Japanese and Sang people attack Huaxia City again? Mingying and the others should be able to resist, right? Even if the amethyst mine can't be used, it should be no problem to carry energy from the forgotten castle for one or two months..." Zhou Yi lay in **, not only worried about the moon's sleeves, but also thinking about the meeting, and couldn't sleep for a long time.

Two days passed quickly, and Zhou Yi was also much familiar with the crystal ball. He couldn't help admiring the creation of heaven and earth, which actually produced such a magical race.

The cultivation of the Lvqi people is different from Chen Xiu. Inside, they should be a naturally formed array, eating starlight kelp to produce crystal balls. These crystal balls, like the heart circles of Chen practitioners, slowly refine their bodies and provide energy during the battle. Zhou Yi does not have this talent, so he can only control the crystal ball with his foot spiritual knowledge. Although he will be a little distracted, he has made some progress in energy use.

The martial arts conference that Rose has been talking about these days has finally come.

Zhou Yi followed Rose to the scene of the conference and couldn't help but be surprised. It's too big to say this scene, isn't it?

The beach, more than ten miles away, is surrounded by starlight kelp. Near the sea, there are about two square-sized red reefs. On the stage, facing the beach, three layers of herringbone seats were built. In the middle is the bright yellow throne inlaid with jewels, with its back to the sea and hundreds of thousands of people.

There are three floors of seats on the stage, and the bottom floor is thousands of Nabin, each of which manages several villages. In the middle layer, there are hundreds of guests and slaves standing behind them. The top floor is the elders and royal relatives.

Looking at the dense crowd, Zhou Yi felt dizzy and frowned, "Why are there so many people?"

"Of course, the martial arts conference is a grand event. In addition to the necessary defense, the royal family, elders, the head of the guests and the guests are all here. There are tens of thousands of green people and human slaves standing below. More than 100,000, all the green people, only more than one million. As for human slaves, they are not eligible to participate in the martial arts conference.

Rose said and peeked at Zhou Yi's expression. Seeing that Zhou Yi's face did not change, he breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that Zhou Yi hated slavery and advocated freedom.

Actually, Zhou Yi is now thinking about how to win the fight. With so many green people, it is inevitable to hide dragons and crouching tigers. In particular, the energy fluctuations emitted by the tens of thousands of crystal balls made him feel a little short of breath, but he did not dare to use too much spiritual fire energy to avoid being found.

"Princess, look, the princess is coming!"

"See you, princess!" Rose is naturally beautiful and is the pride of countless green people. As soon as she appeared in the air with Zhou Yi, it caused a burst of **, followed by a thunderous sound, and tens of thousands of people knelt on the ground and saluted her.

Looking at Zhou Yi's shocked appearance, Rose smiled gently, waved her hand to the crowd, and said to Zhou Yi, "Wunji, come with me."

"Yes, princess!" Luo Wuji bowed. With so many people watching, Zhou Yi didn't dare to go too much.

Rose and Zhou Yi flew straight to the high platform. At this time, Nabin, the head of Nabin, the elder and the royal family who had already sat on the stage all stood up and bowed to Rose together.

"All elders, please exempt from the gift, all the guests and guests, please exempt from the first." Rose smiled back, walked generously to the seat closest to the central throne and sat down slowly. Then he pointed to the seat below: "Wunji, that's your seat. You can sit there."

Zhou Yi looked down and saw that it was the lowest floor of the stand, densely full of guests wearing red and yellow crowns, so he saluted Rose and turned around and flew down.

"Princess, haven't seen you for a few days and changed the chief bodyguard? This beautiful and handsome young man is very eye-catching? Don't you know how martial arts are?"

Sitting next to Rose was a short old man with three green beards. Seeing Zhou Yi, he asked Rose with a smile.

"Ead Elder Luo Yan, this is my trusted bodyguard Luo Wuji, who comes from the north of the beach, so I have some face."

"Oh, no wonder." Luo Yan nodded and then laughed, "Princess, the old man wants to wish you find a happy husband today!" I don't know which one you like among the royal families? I heard that the patriarch pointed you out to the eldest prince, but you were rejected?

"Thank you, Elder Luo Yan." Rose smiled and said, "The royal family has always been in martial arts competition to attract relatives. How dare I be special?"

"However... I heard that the date of this martial arts competition has been delayed again and again. Why did you suddenly tell the patriarch to hold it immediately in recent days?" Luo Qiang, who was white-skinned, smiled with another elder next to Luo Yan.

"This..." How dares Rose say that because Brother Zhou Yi came, I just wanted him to win, and I thought about the wording quickly in my heart. At this time, I suddenly heard thunderous cheers: "Join my king! Long live my king!"

Rose breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly knelt down with everyone.

"Oh, buddy, are you new here?" Seeing Zhou Yi sitting down, a red crown next to him came over and said, "Who is he under?"

"Oh, I'm the chief bodyguard of Princess Rose." Zhou Yidao.

"Princess Rose's men!" Zhou Yi, a yellow crown in front of him, turned around and said, "Brother, you are so happy! However, is there any latest news? Which prince does Princess Rose favor?

"Whoever it is, he will definitely marry one of the two princes. Think about it, there are only a few heavenly masters in the whole green people, and only two princes are unmarried. How to fight?" Next to him, a fat red-crowned guest said.

"I don't think so. Maybe there are some hidden masters?" A thin and tall red crown.

"That's almost impossible!" Fat Red Crown said, "If you don't believe it, just watch it. I can bet on the two princes!"

Zhou Yi listened to these Nabin's conversations and vaguely felt bad. He couldn't help asking, "What on earth is this martial arts conference for?"

"What are you talking about?" Fat Red Crown looked at Zhou Yi like a monster and said, "You are the bodyguard of Princess Rose, but you don't know that this martial arts competition is Princess Rose's martial arts competition? As long as anyone gets the first name, he can marry the most beautiful woman of the whole family, Princess Rose!"

That's true! I was overshadowed by this girl!

Zhou Yixin twitched and remembered Rose's words: "Brother, no matter what happens, you must participate and win!"

He couldn't help turning his head and found that Rose's eyes were girring over, with some pride and a trace of begging in her eyes.

"She is a princess. What kind of excellent young man can't she get? Why did she let me participate? Does this girl like me? Not so..." Zhou Yi doesn't think that when his body is shocked, he will have the charm of making girls invincible. What the hell is this girl thinking?

"Lan'er, Lan'er!" Zhou Yi contacted the little dragon girl in Dragon Ball.

"What's the matter? They are going to sleep!" Ao Lan's lazy voice came from his mind.

"Don't pretend to be garlic for me. Can you not watch such a lively thing? Tell me, today's competition is a martial arts competition. Did Rose tell you?

"Of course not!" Aolan said aggrievedly, "Brother, you wronged me! What, today's competition is Sister Rose's martial arts competition?

Zhou Yi was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He endured and said, "I didn't say it. I'll tell you Di Aolan, I won't appear today, absolutely! I have almost learned how to portray the magic array of the submarine.

"No way, brother? You promised Sister Rose! How can a man keep his word?

"Hmm!" Zhou Yiran ignored her by how Aolan "feeds and feeds" her. Seeing that he finally won a war of words with Xiaolong Nizi, he was slightly refreshed, so he simply closed his eyes and refreshed.

At this time, several red-crowned and yellow-crowned Nabin are still quarreling about who can win the game.

"See my king, long live my king!"

The thunderous sound scared Zhou Yi. He opened his eyes and looked at the guests around him crawling on the ground, and couldn't help hesitating.

"In order to avenge them, you must put up with it!" Thinking of Xiao Qing's women's distorted faces because of pain, Zhou Yi gritted his teeth and followed him down.

"All the elders, Nabin, people! Don't sit down!"

Zhou Yi frowned gently, and the patriarch's voice appeared clearly in his mind, which was thick and unusual, giving people a feeling of shock. This hand alone should have the level of a saint.

After he sat down and looked up, he saw the patriarch sitting high on the throne, with big ears, his white face was ruddy, and his body was covered with a faint light arc, as broad as sea energy, like ten thousand horses galloping, without any concealment.

That's true. What else do you need to hide in your own family? Because of the power released by the energy fluctuation, the people present are a little breathless. Naturally, they can only crawl to the ground, trembling and dare not be disrespectful.

Zhou Yi saw that in the right hand of the patriarch, that is, on Rose's side, two young people sitting in front of her, with the same white face and slightly flushed, were smiling at Rose when she had nothing to do. At the left hand of the patriarch, the leaders are two middle-aged people who look similar to the patriarch, both with short green whiskers and look powerful. Zhou Yi guessed that the one who looked similar to the patriarch should be his brother; and the two identical young people were probably the sons of the patriarch.

These people's energy fluctuations are also very strong, so Zhou Yi noticed it at the first time.

"Just now, Fat Nabin said that he was a heavenly master. Are these these people a heavenly master? So, what is the difference between a prefecture-level master and a sky-level master?

Thinking about it, the patriarch's voice sounded again: "Today is an unprecedented event for our green people! The most dazzling flower in our clan, Princess Rose, has been traveling for a long time. Now, she intends to follow the rules of the women of our clan and recruit marriages! Those of the people present who think that their martial arts skills are good and are qualified to marry my daughter can go to Taichung to compete. However, everyone knows the martial arts rules of our Lvqi clan. First, it doesn't matter whether you live or die; second, you can't use more than 100 slaves; third, you can't use crystal balls above seven spirits. All right, let's start the test!"

"What kind of martial arts conference is really a martial arts competition to attract relatives!" Zhou Yi gritted his teeth. He could feel Rose staring at him, but he didn't look back and sat there motionless.

The space in the stage is about 2,000 square meters, with protective shields from crystal balls on both sides, which is enough to tosss inside.

After the patriarch finished speaking, he was silent for about a minute. More than 100,000 people present had no sound and looked at the high platform.

"I'll do it!" A high voice broke the silence, jumped out of the chief position on the left, drew an arc in the air, and landed firmly in the middle.