xing yu universe

Chapter 265 Hundred Thousand Armies

For a whole day, from morning to evening, on the peak of Zhou Yi's garrison, the sound of kowtowed echoed around. If there had not been a shielded boundary, I'm afraid it would have spread all over the whole Tietu Mountain barracks.

"Lan'er, is that enough? How many people didn't kowtow?"

"Brother, only 20,000 people didn't kowtow, and everyone else kowtowed. Why are these people so backboneless? A hundred heads, kowtowed himself to the point of flesh and blood.

"It's not their fault." Zhou Yi sighed, "Different from the people of the Central Xia mainland, they have been bullied by the green people for generations and have long become submissive. More than 20,000 out of 100,000 people can straighten the spine, which is already very good.

At this time, the sun has fallen in the west and the sky is full of colorful clouds.

100,000 horses were divided into two camps, one was dense and hung with dark red blood scabs on his head; the other leaned against each other and stood stubbornly, with his eyes full of despair and indignation.

"If you want to kill, do it quickly! You ugly vegetable!" Qiu Gang's eyes spewed anger and said with hatred.

Zhou Yi looked at Qiu Gang and more than 20,000 men, and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Qiu Gang hissed.

"The most admirer in my life is a good man who is not afraid of death. How can he kill you? Just now, it was just a small test. Zhou Yidao.

"Test? You--" Qiu Gang didn't know what to say for a moment, and there was also a trace of puzzlement in the eyes of more than 20,000 people.

However, Zhou Yi's words gave the rest of the people a stuffy stick.

"This... This adult likes those who are not afraid of death, so those of us who are afraid of death... What should we do? Isn't it shameful and life-threatening?"

Alas! Zhou Yi shook his head. He has the intention to rescue all the slaves, but now he can only worry about the 20,000 people in front of him. If the situation in the seaweed beach changes, there may be a turning point.

"Brother, don't sigh." Ao Lan said, "If people want to be saved, they still need to save themselves. Your ability is limited. Don't blame yourself."

"It seems that this is the only way." Zhou Yi nodded and said to the crowd, "You don't have to be too nervous. No one has to die. Those who choose to kowtow to survive can now go down the mountain and go back to your village. I hope you will be careful along the way. If you are caught and killed, I can't take care of it.

"Ah - down the mountain? No need to fight?"

The soldiers who kowtowed felt like they had arrived at the stormy boat. After a while, they turned over and fell down, and they were about to have a heart attack.

"Why don't you go down the mountain?" Zhou Yi frowned and sprinkled the scattered Tianwen steel over. "If you don't leave, leave your head here!"

"Let's go, let's go! Let's go!"

The soldiers hurriedly agreed and hurried down the mountain with trembling legs. The originally quiet mountain immediately sounded a deafening sound.

Seeing more than 70,000 people scattered in a blink of an eye, Zhou Yi turned around, looked at the remaining 20,000 people and said, "Look at you, those with green leaves, stand on my right hand, and those without green leaves, stand on my left hand."

"Green leaves?"

Qiu Gang checked himself doubtfully and found a small green leaf between his clothes.

In a blink of an eye, everyone automatically divided into two groups, one group with only more than 1,000 people, and the other group accounted for the majority.

"It seems that Luo Hong is very discerning." Zhou Yi smiled and said, "My green leaf is not mysterious. I'm just checking whether everyone has the potential to practice."

"Creation potential?"

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Zhou Yi said, "Are you very puzzled why I let those cowardly people go and send you iron-boned men to the battlefield to die?"

"Your Excellency, I don't think you are very bad, so I'll tell you a word from the bottom of my heart." Qiu Gang looked at Zhou Yi and said, "Actually, we are not afraid of death, but it is not worth it!" In the Hundred Years' War, the Green and Huangqi people compete for the starlight kelp. What does it have to do with us human beings? Even if we die in battle, no one will remember that our wives and children will be resold and redistributed. What enthusiasm do we have for such a battle?

"That's true." Zhou Yi nodded and said, "If I say follow me, I can dismiss you as slaves and take you out of the seaweed beach, do you believe it?"

"This..." Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, "How is that possible?"

"As long as you believe that I am a different green people, I won't let you die casually. Moreover, I will teach you real practice."

"Real practice?"

"Yes. The practice on the seaweed beach is too weak. The method of crystal ball quenching is suitable for green people's constitution, but it is not suitable for human beings. I will teach you the method of Chen Xiu, and after the refining period, you can still soar.

"Dragon cultivation? How is that possible?" Qiu Gang said, "If the Luqian people knew the method of Chen Xiu, how could they teach us human beings?"

"Do you believe it or not? If you believe it, there is still a chance. If you don't believe it, you will die.

Qiu Gang and others looked at each other. Although they were strong and not afraid of death, they had a chance to live with dignity. Who would like to give up?

Qiu Gang looked solemnly and looked at the people behind him: "Your Excellency, we believe in you!"

"Good!" Zhou Yi nodded and didn't talk much nonsense. He turned around and took out a handful of blood-red round elixir. "This elixir, divided into three levels, is to cultivate the secret medicine dragon blood elixir, which specializes in transforming people's bloodlines. Take it carefully and let me know if you feel any discomfort.

What are you afraid of? If adults want to kill us, there is no need to beat around the bush!" Qiu Gang saw that everyone's eyes were hesitant, reached out to get an elixir, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

After a while, Qiu Gang suddenly roared, spewing out a red atmosphere, and the meridian bones of his whole body hit each other like stones, making a click sound. The muscles of the body fell down one after another, as if a wandering snake and a faint dragon shadow disappeared immediately after emerging behind it.

Half a sound, Qiu Gang's body slowly calmed down. He opened his eyes, and his whole body was full of strength. There was a thunder in his bones. He couldn't help saying happily, "Your Excellency, I feel refreshed, and my whole body is full of strength. I just want to rush to the battlefield and fight."

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "This is just the initial effect. When everyone has practiced the skills I talked about, the body can be a hundred times stronger than now. Only you know the mystery.

The cultivation of dragon envoys, dragon guards and dragon soldiers comes from the secret method of the dragon clan, which is similar to the current human practice, but it places more emphasis on speed and takes a fierce route, which is very effective for the formation of troops's combat effectiveness. After these blood elixirs are taken by Chinese girls, they can only play a role in absorbing the energy of Huaxia City and cannot be taken frequently. But for these slaves, it is just right and can be used to refine the flesh for a long time.

Seeing that Qiu Gang was not only fine, but also got great benefits, everyone immediately excited, and everyone took dragon blood elixir. Of course, there were also human constitutions that did not match, which made Zhou Yi really busy for a while.

After a lot of tossing, a total of more than 1,000 people can use dragon blood elixir, more than 4,000 can use dragon blood elixir, and more than 6,000 can use dragon blood elixir, which is better than Zhou Yi imagined. Of course, those who have no potential to practice can only watch everyone busy and do some helpful work.

After the transformation of everyone's bloodline, it is already full of stars. Although I didn't eat, the experience of the day was really thrilling, and everyone was not hungry at all.

"The energy we use to practice is mainly green crystals, not crystal balls." Zhou Yi waved casually, and green crystals fell into the hands of everyone like stars in the sky.

"You use these crystals according to your skills. Don't waste them." Zhou Yi now has more than a dozen in the upper-quality world. He has the good habit of carrying various materials and items with him, and now he has really used it.


A loud noise, a pile of different colors, but the starlight armor was piled up in front of everyone like a hill, which shocked everyone.

Boom! Unwaiting to understand, there was another pile of shiny knives, guns, swords, axes, hooks and forks, piled up into a hill, which made everyone flutter and fell down one after another.

"Everyone, I have some preferences for refining. These fourth- and fifth-order treasures are all things I refine in my spare time. It made everyone laugh."

Zhou Yi's refining level can improve, on the one hand, depends on his talent, and more importantly, his diligence. Nearly a year has passed since the National Refining Conference. During this year, he insisted on refining three weapons and three pieces of armor every day. If he had spare time, he would have to refine more. After saving, there are more than 1,000 pieces. In addition, after destroying the enemy, he has always been swept away, and he has to plunder valuable or worthless. In the Storm Regiment alone, he has obtained no more than 3,000 weapons and armor. In this way, there are more than 6,000 pieces in Zhou's private collection.

What do you see when you smile?

More than 20,000 people immediately fainted, and 40,000 or 5,000 muttered excitedly.

These human soldiers usually wear simple leather armor. If they can't die, they will get up and pull down if they die. What kind of big deal is this?

Although this is the case, the adult actually said to make everyone laugh! Qiu Gang was speechless and simply rushed straight to the equipment mountain.

Looking at everyone wearing armor and waving weapons in tears, Zhou Yi couldn't help smiling bitterly and said to Ao Lan, "Lan'er, what do you think is happiness?"