xing yu universe

Chapter 267 Target, Submarine Magic Boat

"Brother, the green people delivered the goods this afternoon, with a total of 130 submarine magic boats, 10 more than they negotiated. The guy named Inoueyu has given the order to leave overnight at about 4 a.m. and go west into the sea. Ao Lan sent a voice to Zhou Yi, who guided Qiu Gang and others to practice.

"This guy is quite cautious!" Zhou Yi nodded with a smile, "Let's go hunting tonight."

"Good!" Xiaolong Nizi's eyes flashed with excitement.

At night, the stars in the sky and the underground starlight kelp reflect each other, and the Tietu Mountain military camp is even more brilliant, shining a dozen miles of radius.

The mountains are ups and downs, and the rocks are rugged. At the junction of various lights, there are also dark and mottled areas. The man who held a long gun and led the patrol felt a distortion of the light in front of him, and then returned to normal.

"What's going on?" He rubbed his eyes and looked around cautiously without finding anything unusual.

Zhou Yi, who is shrouded in hidden crystals, is as tight as a bow and penetrates straight into the canyon where the Sunsang people are located.

Bang! The shielding boundary only raised a small ripple, and then returned to normal.

"Many of these tents were originally used to cover up the submarines." Zhou Yi found that there were not many flannel tents, and the submarine magic boats had been assigned to individuals. Every two Japanese Sang people and two submarine magic boats lived in one tent.

"Brother, don't leave alive!" Xiaolong Nizi said viciously.

"You still need to say it!"

Zhou Yi did not disturb the sentry moving outside the camp, but directly touched the tent. His fingers bounced and sneered softly. The head of the sun and mulberry in his sleep was tilted and went to another world.

He was not in a hurry to collect the submarine, but unfolded his body. His body drove the twisted light and shuttled back and forth in the camp. In a blink of an eye, most of the Risang people resting in the camp died.

"In addition to the sentry, there is only one Inoue jade in the innermost layer!"

Zhou Yi was secretly happy, and his figure was like lightning, and he broke into the account directly.


A pungent and bloody breath went straight to the top of his head, "No!" Zhou Yi knew by intuition that something had happened. When he saw that his body was covered with a layer of bright red blood beads, he was still rolling, and his whole body was exposed.

"Who?" A figure suddenly sat up from the bed. Under the impact of his momentum, the velvet tent cracked into pieces and fell down one after another.

The mutiny apprentices all rushed to the seven or eight sentries patrolling around and shouted while running, surrounding Zhou Yi.

"No, Lord Inoue, Lord Blood Spirit, our people are all dead!" A sentry roared.


At this time, Inoue Yu had come out, and Sen Han's eyes stared at Zhou Yi. The black armor appeared on his body, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"Who are you? Why did you attack us?"

Zhou Yi was still in a hidden shadow, but the blood beads were tightly attached to him, outlining his straight figure. What he is paying attention to now is the guy who stands in front of him and makes himself invisible.

This man is not tall and very thin. A pair of bright red eyes are particularly eye-catching. His short hair roots are upright, which is actually bright red.

"Is this guy the Blood Saint? His energy fluctuation was so slight that I didn't detect it... This cultivation is really not bad!"

"Who the hell are you?" Yu Inoue asked one more question.

"Hmm! If you don't say it, you will die!" Seeing that Zhou Yi did not answer, the Blood Spirit Sheng shouted angrily, waved his palm forward, and a shadow flew straight to Zhou Yi.

As soon as Zhou Yi moved, the blood beads on his body moved quickly and then burst!

Boom! Blood splashes everywhere, and the energy wind shoots out! The defenseless Risang sentry turned into sandbags under hard fists, dancing wildly and hitting the cliff next to it, making a dull sound.

In the sound of bursting, Zhou Yi felt extremely hot and cold two airflows straight into his mind. The bones of his whole body made a thunderous sound, and his limbs were almost separated from his body and scattered. The heart of Ao Xue couldn't help but spray out, and the powerful energy tightly absorbed the body to avoid the misforth of scattered bodies.

"Hmm!" Zhou Yi's eyes were cold, and his whole body was shaking. Ling Jue quickly hit out, and the purple bullets the size of fists were sprinkled on the blood spirit saint like free.

At this time, seven or eight Sang people had already got up, and the long knives of the treasure were like lightning, rushing straight to Zhou Yi.

"Quick battle!"

Zhou Yi's thoughts turned sharply, and the moon god halberd took action in the roar. The cold light drew a beautiful arc, and every point that formed the arc was the throat of the Risang people.

chi chi——

Blood splashed, and flesh and blood opened, like a plum blossom blooming in mid-air. The body fell to the ground and was silent again.

At the moment when the moon god halberd took action, Inoue Yu jumped up like a fire and shouted in horror, "Why are you here? You are Zhou..."

Wo! Oh! Oh!

Inoue Yu had no longer had a chance to shout. His voice was cut off from the middle, his mouth was opened, his eyes were staring, his eyes protruding forward, and he stared at Zhou Yi vigorously.

"Lord Inoue, how do you..."

The Blood Spirit turned his head and saw that Fa Noda Zang had a small dark needle in his hands, but in the end he did not avoid the one nailed in the middle of his throat. The blood fell to the ground drop by drop along the delicate spiral bloodlet on the small needle.

All the Risang people detected by Zhou Yi were killed, leaving only this accident, the blood saint.

"This blood saint seems to have a lot to do with the blood ancestor they said?" Zhou Yi said secretly.


Seeing that all his companions died, the blood spirit saint's red eyes were almost staring out, and his arms brought a cold wind. The long knife in his hand hit it down hard and hissed a series of unknown spells.

Wh! Wheops! Wheops!

A figure fell from the blood-red blade, with the sound of metal breaking through the air, and rushed straight to Zhou Yi.

These figures look like a long woman with long blood-red hair, but it is very blurred. It seems that they are all long hair and no face.

Ga! Ga! Ga!

The closer the shadow is, the clearer it becomes, and soon becomes a woman dressed in blood-red clothes with long blood-red hair and a slim figure. They made a sour sound. Each of them had two red swords, with a total of more than 20 long swords. The waved sword flowers poured on Zhou Yi like rain.

"What is this?" Zhou Yi said in his mouth that the moon god halberd flipped flexibly in his hand, short and long, picking and blocking. The sharp light smashed the sword flower into scattered fine light, and Zhou Yi's body quickly passed through these strange women.

Zhou Yi had just passed by, and the women's arms were magically turned 360 degrees. The tip of the sword was slightly cold with a strong fishy wind, and they rushed up again.


Their long hair stood up one by one with a sad voice. Steel needles were generally inserted into Zhou Yi's whole body, and at the same time, it also revealed a pale face without facial features inside.


Zhou Yi is still a modern person in his bones. Although his cultivation is profound, he was still shocked when he saw such a strange scene. His body floated back like smoke and lost his voice: "Ghost!"

"Brother, this is not a ghost, but a blood elf he refined. You can smash their sword flowers. Don't touch anywhere on them, including blood swords."


Zhou Yi said, but his figure was erratic and tried his best to avoid the long hair of the blood elves. The moon god halberd crossed a long arc and went straight to the blood saint of the culprit.


The Blood Spirit Saint seemed to disdain Zhou Yi, and the long knife cut out against the light of the moon god halberd, bang! The two fought against each other and made a crisp sound. In the light splash, the blood spirit saint seemed to have been hit by a truck and flew back with a "hoo" until it hit the mountain wall.

Kka! Boom! The mountain wall collapsed for a long time, and the stone almost buried the blood saint.

Zhou Yi wanted to chase directly, but he didn't expect the blood elf's ghost to disperse and hiss and kill him again. Their swordsmanship is erratic, and thousands of hairs are hunting and flying. No matter how fast Zhou Yi's figure is, the moon god halberd will inevitably intersect with three blood swords.


Zhou Yi clearly saw that the tip of the halberd of the moon god halberd also turned into a strange red. This red line penetrated into his meridians with a whist and hit his heart directly along the blood.

Ah? Is this okay?

Zhou Yi felt that time suddenly stopped, and the blood was frozen and solidified. He could only hear the sound of his heart beating.

"It turns out that you are the legendary Zhou Yi, and your cultivation is really good." The blood spirit saint climbed out of the stone pile and said coldly, "Unfortunately, you are not enough to see in front of the thirteen saints of the blood ancestors. Blood elf upper body, you just wait to become a blood elf and be my slave for the rest of my life!"

Zhou Yi's eyes contracted slightly, and his muscles gathered like a snake. With a "sky", the flame of the spiritual pearl fire rushed out more than 1 meter high, and his whole body also turned into a fireman, suspended like a god in the air.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

Zhou Yi's figure of a bleeding elf appeared on the surface, rolling and struggling in the flames, and the sad cry made the stars in the sky dark. Half a sound, the thick blood gas disappeared with the flames, and the sound gradually stopped.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of breaking the sky. Zhou Yi turned his head to watch, but saw the green light across the night sky.

"The green people are coming, let's fight quickly!"

Looking at the arrogant blood saint on his face, Zhou Yi raised the corners of his mouth, showing a trace of ridicule. Suddenly, there was a long roar, and the huge dragon roar, like thunder, the whole canyon immediately shook, and the strong airflow formed a tornado and rose.


The Blood Spirit Saint was deterred by Zhou Yi's momentum and stayed for a moment before he remembered to use the blood spirit secret method to attack.

However, it was at this moment that killed him!

Zhou Yi's body changes at a lightning-like speed, first rising from the 30-meter-high dragon shadow, followed by layers of scales, shining with purple-black brilliant barbs, especially the shiny toes and claws that grab the moon god halberd -

Zhou Yi grabbed the hand of the Moon God halberd, waved it, and then suddenly turned. The visible strength passed from his waist to his arm and from his arm to the halberd. The Moon God halberd suddenly grew ten meters, and the two crescent branches flew opposite each other!


In the eyes of the Blood Spirit Saint, there were only two moons flying. Then he felt that his body was light and clearly saw that his lower body fell straight from the air and sprinkled hot blood all the way!