xing yu universe

Chapter 276 All Out

"Is the president doing well in the Luqian people?" Qingmei smiled and toasted Rose with a glass of wine.

"Alas! It's embarrassing to say it." Rose suddenly became a little twisted, "I brought some trouble to Brother Zhou."

"What's the trouble?" Everyone became strange when they heard it.

"That's right, that's..." Rose looked for the words and said for a while, "I didn't mean that my father didn't love me as much as before."

"Yes, what does this have to do with the president?"

"Listen to me." Rose poured a glass of wine and siped, "I'm not my father's biological daughter, but a seed he picked up from the bottom of the sea. Later, the patriarch found that I was extraordinary. I could easily take out the nineling crystal ball produced by the elders. Therefore, he had the intention to take me for himself and forced me to... be forced to escape by death. After all, although I have great potential now, I am no match for him. These... I didn't tell the president."

"What?" The faces of the members changed, and Yuewei lost his voice and said, "Your father actually forced you to marry you? How can this work?"

"This beast is not as good as..." Some people among the members scolded in a low voice. Seeing Rose frowning, they hurriedly closed their mouths and didn't say anything.

"So, although he knew that I had been a slave by the Risang people for 5 years, he still couldn't stop the treasure ** and dealing with the Risang people. The father saw that he could not succeed, so he changed his mind and advised me to marry his son. However, I insist on martial arts competition to attract relatives according to the rules of the Qi clan.

"What happened later?" Xiuer asked.

"Later, Brother Zhou pretended to be a Qian people, defeated the masters of the Qian people and won the first place in the martial arts competition."

pu wa——

Qingmei spewed out a sip of wine and stared, "Will... the president become a son-in-law?" For a moment, she seemed to have knocked over the five-flavor bottle in her heart. I don't know how it felt.

After listening to Rose's words, the members of the Huaxia Association all looked at Yuewei and sleeves with deep eyes. After a few seconds of strange silence, they began to whisper again.

"Am I right?" Wan'er whispered to Xi Mu, "We will be far more than Minister Yue Wei and Minister Xiuer, far away from Delisa and close to this Rose. Let me see, Master Mingying, Qingmei, also seems to be a little covehesed towards the president.

"Shh!" Mei Luoluo whispered, "You speak softly. Master Mingying is looking this way!"

Rose glanced at the expressions of the crowd and smiled, "Where did you think of? I don't mean to rob the president. It's just a temporary expedient measure. At that time, I asked him for help, but I didn't dare to say that it was a martial arts competition. He just said that if he wanted me to provide a submarine magic boat, he must win the Green Martial Arts Competition. When he heard that it was a martial arts competition on the court, his expression was wonderful!"

Speaking of this, she covered her mouth and smiled, with a blush on her face. Yuewei was stunned and thought that Zhou Yi was such a beautiful woman at that time. Didn't he really have any other thoughts?

seemed to see through Yue Wei's mind and seemed to be unintentional. Rose continued, "The president's temper was very strong. He found that I lied to him and refused to play. At that time, his father was about to announce that the eldest prince had won, or Ao Lan helped him stabbed him with a crystal stone, which shocked him. He had no choice but to Last game."

Hearing this, Yue shook her head slightly and felt a little confused about her thoughts. What's wrong with me? They have come all the way to help and repeatedly explain that it has nothing to do with their husband. Do they have to keep pestering? Thinking of this, she laughed hurriedly and said, "Loth, it's really hard for you! Brother Zhou Yi's temper is getting better. If he is stubborn, he can't pull back nine cows. Many people here have learned it. You have to take care of it!"

"No, no." Lose also noticed the expressions of Yuewei and Xiuer, and did not say that she cried to her father. It was not Zhou Yi's marriage. The topic turned around and said, "Sisters, when I came, I passed through the canyon not far from Huaxia City and found that the Risang people had established a temporary camp. Have you visited it?"

"Who dares?" Mingying shrugged her shoulders and said, "The attack of hundreds of crystal ball bursting arrows can completely shock the holy strongman. If you go out without permission, isn't it insulting yourself? Since the president left, we have always adhered to Huaxia City and have never gone out.

"Then we can go now!" Rose said, "Although the number of submarine magic boats I brought is not large, the attack power absolutely exceeds that of the Jiuling-class warships, and there is no problem to deal with them. We should take advantage of the situation to pursue, completely remove the strongholds of the Risang people, and cut off the idea of the Risang people to occupy Huaxia City!"

"Good! I'll go!" Mingying put the wine glass heavily on the table and said, "I've wanted to drive this kind of magic boat for a long time. Count me in!"

"Minister, Commander, we will also go!" In the seats far away from Yuewei and others, more than a dozen girls stood up with tears in their eyes.

"Xiao Qing, Yuyan!" Yuewei was also shocked. She looked at Qingmei and nodded gently.

"Well, led by Princess Rose and Mingying, Xiao Qing and others are familiar with the driving skills of the submarine magic boat, and then find an opportunity to completely eliminate the Risang people!" Yue Weidao.

"Chairman Xie!" Xiao Qing and others looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

Three days later.

Ten boats slowly floated from the Dragon Palace Square, with crystal balls with golden yellow silky fibers, emitting a misty light. The pure white surface of the warship gradually blurred and finally turned into a few invisible thin light.

"Let's go, everyone. The invisible function of the golden crystal ball submarine can only last for more than ten minutes. Rose sent a message to Ming Ying, Xiao Qing and others.


The thin light twisted rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it went up the wall and drove straight to the depths of the seabed.

After a few sharp turns, a slender canyon covered by long seaweed and corals came into sight. Under the leadership of Rose, the crowd walked up for nearly 20 minutes, finally found a hole, and then filed in.

"This canyon is really secret!" Mingying sighed, "I'm afraid that only two boats can pass through this hole. We swim at the bottom of the sea, rarely going up and down, and it is impossible to find this hole.

Entering the canyon for a few minutes, a cave with a crystal waterproof cover appeared, in which there was a faint light and human voice. Rose asked everyone to turn on the detection crystal ball, and the sound inside came faintly.

"Mr. Mitsuno, although the Luqi people began to help the Chinese Association, as long as we buy more magic boats, we will definitely defeat them. Why should we withdraw? These crystal materials are to be cleaned up by the two of us. It's really exhausting!"

"You don't know!" The man named Mitsuno shrills, "Your Majesty, you intend to seize the seaweed beach, but now the focus is over there. And——”

His voice lowered, "You know what? Now it has been confirmed that Zhou Yi is now in the seaweed beach and mixed into the green dragonfly clan!"

Rose raised her eyebrows and said secretly, "Why did the Risang people know so quickly?"

"Impossible, right?" Another Risang said, "Our physical characteristics are very different from those of the Qi people!"

"You don't know anything. His transfigurement skills are very good. He not only mixed into the Luqi clan, but also became the general of Tietu Mountain!"

When Rose heard this, she was in a hurry: "Who leaked this? Let the Risang people know so soon? Will my father know?"

"Zhou Yi has always been cunning. How could he be exposed?" The other day, Sang people did not believe.

"Because of Lord Inoue!" Mitsuno said, "Lord Inoue wanted to strengthen the magic boat team as soon as possible, occupy the sea city, and avenge the dead Risang Zhishi, so he exchanged more than 100 warships from the Luqi people. Unexpectedly, one of the leaders of the Qi clan turned out to be Zhou Yi. On the day he accepted the submarine magic boat, he successfully attacked him, and more than 100 warriors were killed in the battle. Lord Inoue and Lord Blood Spirit were not spared. Fortunately, a ninja warrior got up at night and quickly hid in the stone crack when he saw Zhou Yi commit murder. Zhou Yi fought with the Blood Saint, but he didn't find it.

"So that's it!" Rose suddenly realized.

"But how can he be sure that it is Zhou Yi?" The Risang still doesn't believe it.

"His halberd that shot down the vegetable field Huayou has come out. Who can't see it!" Mitsuno said, "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense. Pack up quickly. I heard that when necessary, the blood ancestor, one of the 'three saints' of Risang, will personally clean up Zhou Yi.

"Blood Ancestor!" Mingying couldn't help saying "ah" gently. During this period, the Chinese Association has been collecting information about Risang. The famous "three saints" are the saints with real soul energy, which is probably easy to deal with.

"But not now." Mitsuno said proudly, "My brother, Shiro Mitsuno, is your majesty's royal staff. Now that he has known that Zhou Yi has mixed into the Luqi clan, His Majesty is trying to find a way to prepare for the Green and Yellow to unite and completely hang Zhou Yi first!"


This time, all the Chinese members couldn't sit still and knew that there was no submarine in it. Xiao Qing and others opened the hatch and quickly went in. They only heard a few roars and screams inside, and then there was no sound.

Throwing the two unconscious Risang people into the boat, Mingying and others hurried back to Huaxia City.

"What should I do?" Yue Wei frowned and said to the core members of the Chinese congregation, "It's a big trouble for the Green and Yellow clan to unite to kill Brother Zhou Yi!"

"That's not the point yet." Rose said, "I don't know how many wars have been fought in the past ten thousand years. Although most of them are carried out by human soldiers, there are also a lot of grievances. It is not said that the Japanese and Sancans can unite.

"Princess Rose is right." Qingmei nodded and said, "The president is not in danger yet. But I'm afraid that the green people will also be aware of it, which is not good for the president. It seems that we should go to the seaweed beach.

"Yes, you should go as soon as possible!" Rose said, "Now that the Risang people have withdrawn, there is no danger in Huaxia City. On the contrary, Brother Zhou is on the cusp of the storm. Although we are weak, coupled with the angry moon horse, we can also reach the level of heavenly masters. Now that we go there, we are definitely the help of Brother Zhou.

"That's it!" Yue Wei's face showed perseverance, "Use three days to restore the amethyst mine as soon as possible and replenish the amethyst cannon and dragon teeth and arrows. Three days later, members below the peak of refining and below the peak of Xingqi and three submarine magic boats were left, and the rest set out for the seaweed beach!"