xing yu universe

Chapter 300 Mingxiang's Wedding

"What kind of formation is this? It's so powerful that it's never as powerful as the dragon's scattering!" Zhou Yi was surprised.

"This is the remnant of the 'Great Yue Lotus Peak' that I accidentally got from the palace, which is regarded as a treasure and has been treasured to this day. The number of darts in the darts bureau was enough before starting to practice. I wanted to surprise the president, but I didn't expect that it was still not as good as the dragon envoy's joint attack.

"Brother Dao, don't underestimate yourself!" Xiaolong Nizi did not have the arrogance just now, and cleverly interrupted, "Although the dragon envoy joint attack skill is only used by human guards in the dragon clan, but after the improvement of the dragon elders of all dynasties, it can be said to be the crystallization of the dragon clan's inheritance of ten thousand years. The elite darts master can persist until now, and forced the sisters to use the angry moon joint attack. It's amazing!"

"Aolan's dragon pride is very strong, and it is not easy to convince her!" Zhou Yi smiled at Dao Mengqing.

The watchers on the stage are relaxed, but Liao Xia is miserable at this time. Every collision between the lotus and the sword wheel is like hitting the iron plate. Although it can disperse the less skilled sword wheel, it costs more than half of the injury. Coupled with the surging energy of the shadow of the angry moon, Liao Xia felt that there were fewer and fewer comrades around her, while there were more and more women around her.

Sweat soaked his heavy armor and kept flowing down his forehead. There was no pain in his neck, arms and back, and his legs were suddenly jumping. The flow of real energy slowed down significantly, a sign of loss of strength.

Dao Mengqing glanced at Mingying and walked to Zhou Yi with a long sigh: "President, fight with the Nuyue Gang. We will fly away from the stone darts bureau to admit defeat!"

"No!" Hearing Dao Mengqing's loud words, Liao Xia shouted, but was cut to his shoulder by Xi Mu's sword. The strength clicked through the armor, the shoulder blades broke, and half of his body immediately tilted down.

"Since the general dart admits defeat, we will stop attacking!" Secretly, he breathed a sigh of relief, and there was no joy of victory on Mingying's face. Look at my men, there are only more than 40 or 50 people left. Although there are many more than a dozen elite bodyguards, our side has the dragon secret method of the angry moon attack. This victory is a little more tragic.

Zhou Yi also smiled. He knew that this time, Dao Mengqing was actually defeated, but Ming Ying was defeated. The elite darts master was knocked out of his arrogance, but the proud angry moon gang will also restrain a lot in the future.

However, looking at Bai Yurouyi, who stretched out in front of him for crystal drilling, he still shook his head with a wry smile.

This time, the women's army made a lot of money. Zhou Yi, Dao Mengqing, Pikachu... all lost a fair amount of light, while Ao Lan, Qingmei and others all smiled and swaying, holding the crystals far away.

And the three crystals made by Zhou Yi were all searched and carried on the shoulders by the excited angry girl.

"Alas, what kind of people are these..." Zhou Yi looked at their figures and shook his head and sighed.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Mingxiang's wedding is approaching. The members of the China Association have ushered in another brand-new mission to send their relatives to Mingxiang!

The gentle sea breeze drives away the sultry part of midsummer and adds some coolness to the colorful Linjiang Fort full of high friends.

Linjiang Fort is built on the mountain, half into the sea, and is powerful and majestic. Now, each of its walls is covered with big red wedding characters and big red satin. When the young master got married, everyone in the Nanjiang Gang naturally worked hard, and everyone's face was full of a heartfelt smile.

You should know that the young master of the Nanjiang Gang married a member of the Nuyue Gang. Cheng Mingying, the leader of the Nuyue Gang, is a strong man who can fight with Luo Yun, the patriarch of Daoxuanmen, and the Donghang League won the position of top ten leaders. Although the East Hangzhou League abandoned halfway under the heavy pressure of the imperial court, the forces represented by the top ten leaders have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, many sect leaders in the southern cultivation world, including the big gangs participating in the Donghang League, were all happily invited. Such a Linjiang Fort, which crowded tens of thousands of people, was as large as one-third * square, and suddenly became crowded.

The martial arts arena of Linjiangbao is only separated from the sea behind two walls. At this time, the wind is calm and calm. Looking at the seagulls from afar and the colorful flags from a close distance, the whole wedding ceremony looks solemn and warm, but also has a unique flavor.

"Master Shi, it's really gratifying that Linzi married a good woman today!" It was Quan Juren, the leader of the Northern Alliance, who spoke.

"Yes, the Lord Shi saw that the Nuyue Gang was extraordinary in the East Hangzhou League. He really had a lot of eyesight, and we were ashamed of ourselves." Shi Yi, the leader of the Yuejiang Association, said sincerely.

"I don't know what this Gao girl's position is in the angry moon gang? With the status and talent of Master Shi Shao, I don't think it's too much to marry Master Cheng!" Qixing Lianlianzhai has always regarded the Nanjiang Gang as the biggest enemy on the sea, and the big leader Qi Liguo's speech is a little gloomy.

"Brother Qi, don't talk nonsense. How can a dog be a god-like figure like a god? Peng'er's future daughter-in-law is the altar owner of Nuyue's help Jingyue altar. Although Shi Yunlai was a little dissatisfied with the irony in Qi Liguo dialect, after all, he was a guest, so he still explained politely.

"A altar master... is still three or four floors away from the master. I don't know if he will pay attention to such a big gang with the angry moon..." Another leader of the Seven Star Lianlian Village said lightly.

Although the names of the gangs in Zhongxia mainland are different, the structure is similar. The top level is the master, followed by 2-3 deputy masters, then the elders, and then the so-called guardians or messengers. The altar masters are generally leaders at the grassroots level, and the level is indeed not high. Naturally, they won't know that the Nuyue Gang has no elders or guardians at all, and even has no deputy masters now. The four altar masters are absolutely the authority and backbone of the gang.

The words of the famous leader immediately aroused public discussion. No one expected that the young master of the Nanjiang Gang, which dominated the sea and land in the east of Wanzhou, married only an altar owner of the Nuyue Gang. For a moment, everyone's eyes or doubts and disdains looked at the times together.

"It seems that many gangs came to support this time to see the jokes of Linjiangbao!" Two practitioners of good status whispered.

Shi Yunlai did not argue, allowing Qi Liguo's sarcastic eyes to rage, but just smiled with a beard.

"The bride is coming!" I don't know who shouted loudly, and everyone stood up together. Tens of thousands of heads turned to the mouth of the martial arts arena, but no one was found. Qi Liguo, who watched coldly, couldn't help laughing softly.

"Where are the people of the Angry Moon Gang?"

"Who's here?"

"If you want to make friends with the Nuyue Gang, do you have the strength of the top ten gangs?" I don't know who gloated in the crowd.

"It's the Angry Moon Gang! They came from the sea, and a lot of people came!" He looked at the wall with sharp eyes and immediately shouted excitedly.

Everyone looked at the sea together, looked over the two-story wall, saw the angry moon help sending the family team, and couldn't help taking a big breath of cold air.

Between the distant sea and the sky, there is an extremely spectacular picture. Nearly 2,000 people and more than 2,000 snow-white angry moon horses. All the members of the Chinese Association are wearing unified dragons and purple armor, holding dragons and knives, rolling forward with the waves.

In order to strengthen the momentum, except that the cultivation of the Wind Camp is too low to ride the angry moon horse, almost all the Huaxia Club has come.

In the middle of the majestic family gift team, there is a red soft sedan chair carried by eight people. The eight girls carrying the sedan chair are all wearing light red dresses, wearing pearl crowns, and starlight beside them are actually eight mid-term practitioners.

On the periphery of eight girls carrying sedan chairs, there are also eight girls in yellow dresses, holding a red umbrella cover in their hands and blowing melodious bamboo sheng. In the sound of the sea waves, the music came faintly. Looking at it from a distance, it was like a fairy in the sky who married to the world.

Next to the red sedan chair is Shi Jinpeng, a proud and red-faced groom riding an angry moon horse.

At the front of the sending team, there are several people who are very familiar with it. It is Mingying, the leader of the Nuyue Gang, as well as the backbone forces in the meeting such as Dao Mengqing, Pikachu, Xianger, Qingmei, Xi Mu, Condensation Frost, Ye Feiqing, Yuewei and Xiuer.

The family sending team of thousands of fresh clothes and angry horses, Chen Xiujia carrying sedan chairs, and helping the owner personally send their relatives...

A series of great efforts of the Nuyue Gang shocked everyone on Linjiangbao. At the noisy banquet just now, there was silence at this moment. The people of the seven-star chain village look a little embarrassed and doubtful since the founding of the country.

"Gao Mingxiang is just an angry month to help the little altar owner. How can the labor master personally send his marriage? Lie! This old man is lying again! I don't know if I don't know. When I look at it, I was shocked. The Nuyue Gang was so strong that it could summon more than 2,000 guardian beasts... Moreover, they seem to be the eldest princess, and they don't deal with the second princess..." Qi Liguo's face was excited, his beard trembled slightly, and his heart quickly turned his mind.

"In my opinion, this tall girl is not just a small altar owner..." Quan Juren smiled and said to Shi Yun.

"That's natural!" Zhao Tianqing shook his head and said, "The Nuyue Gang advocates equality very much, and there is no difference between high and low. Even if a small gang get married, it is equivalent to the master's sister marriage. It's natural to be grand!"

Is that right? According to what Master Zhao said, the Nuyue Gang is a piece of iron? Qi Liguo said with a forced smile.

Zhao Tianqing glanced at Qi Liguo and smiled, "I have the intention to take the whole Tianqing Gang to join the Nuyue Gang, but I'm afraid that they won't accept it!"

As soon as these words came out, the people who watched the send-off brigade couldn't help but turn their eyes to Zhao Tianqing.

"What?" Yuejianghui Shiyi was surprised and said, "Old Zhao, although your Tianqing Gang is small, it has been doing overseas business all year round, and the treatment is extremely high. How can you want to join the Nuyue Gang?"

Zhao Tianqing smiled and said, "Brother Shi, you don't know anything about it. Our Tianqing Gang is rich, but the monthly salary of the brothers in the gang, even my deputy leader, is only a few hundred green crystals and thousands of them. And what about the angry moon gang? Even ordinary members have thousands of green crystals in their monthly salary! It can't be compared..." For Chen Xiu, silver is not as affordable as crystal. Moreover, in most places, crystals can be consumed directly as money.

Thousands of green crystals! Everyone's heads were a little insufficient, and their eyes looking at the sea were full of envy and jealousy.

Zhao Tianqing's words made the gang leaders present feel a little shorter, and the gangs of those gangs yearned for the Nuyue Gang.

At this time, the send-off team of the Nuyue Gang had taken advantage of the wind and waves, stepped on the coast in the sea breeze, and headed for the gate of Linjiang Fort.