xing yu universe

Chapter 303 The Troubles of Sleeves

"Ah..." Xiuer saw the deep eyes of the stream and had a cold war all over her body, and her eyes became confused and scattered, but she still shook her head and said, "The eldest brother is such a person. He is easy-going and enthusiastic. He dances a lot with Sister Yuewei and plays lively with other sisters, which is not necessarily bad for me."

"You stupid girl!" Xiaoxi was a little speechless about Xiuer's "unsulfillment". "Why are others okay when they dance with you, but you dance with your eldest brother? Why did Ao Lan take you away from Brother Zhou to dance with her? Isn't she just aiming at you? Did you offend her?

"I'm offended?" Xiuer shook his head and said, "She is everyone's happy fruit. I also like her very much. How can I offend her?"

Xiaoxi turned his eyes and thought, "Where is such a selfless woman?" She tried her best to provoke the soul of Xiuer. Anyway, she had fallen into her own "chant charm of Yuan's eyes" and simply said nakedly, "Well, I think you are a little fool in the dark. Who knows that there will be so many people in Huaxia? Zhou Yi likes that sister more than your wife! Aolan doesn't like you very much, and she wants her brother to abandon you!"

"No... it's impossible... Brother, he won't favor one over the other, it's impossible..." The sleeves shook his head, and the cloud-like black hair also shook gently, and tears quietly slipped down to the white jade-like cheeks.

"Am I right?" Xiaoxi said leisurely, "Actually, I know the reason."

"What's the reason, tell me!" Xiuer raised her head, and by this time, she was completely bewitched by the stream.

"The reason is that you are not strong enough!" Xiaoxi said, "Look at the women around Zhou Yi. Yuewei's cultivation is very talented. As soon as she stepped into the early stage of the aedo, she has already realized the holy realm. In addition, Jialan's yin and yang world, she has the strength to fight when she meets the peak of the Tao and even the saints. Although Di Aolan's cultivation is low, she comes from a noble background. As the sister of the Dragon Emperor and the dragon princess, she is full of treasures. In addition, Mingying, Qingmei and Geyuan Xianger, these three are known as the three female giants of the Chinese Association. Which one is not amazing and gorgeous, and stares at Zhou Yihu? But what about you? It turned out that she was just a little maid in the Shangguan Mansion. Even if she learned from the master of Hengshan Sword School, she only practiced to the peak of refining gods, and she could only be regarded as a midstream level in the gang. Your brother Zhou is a person who wants to do great things, and he also relies on masters. If you are not strong enough, will he care about you?

"But how can I improve my strength?" Liu's eyebrows were locked, and his little hand tapped his chin and said urgently. Now, her thinking can only follow the direction of Xiaoxi's teaching.

"I have a way." Xiaoxi looked around and boasted, "Let me tell you a secret. In the hands of Geyuan Xianger, there is a national god. If you refine it, you can become the supreme national god of the ordinary world, okay?"

"But this is Xianger's thing..." There is still a trace of enlightenment in Xiuer's mind.

"What is Geyuan Xianger?" Xiaoxi continued to bewitched, "She is a member of the Chinese Association. If she gets the weapon of the national god, she should be regarded as the Chinese Association. However, your eldest brother Zhou gave her the weapon of the national god! Don't you have any opinions? Think about it, are you close to Brother Zhou, or is Geyuan Xianger close to Brother Zhou?

"Of course it's me!" There is no doubt about it.

"So, this 'variable' weapon of the national god should be yours!"

"Then how should I get it?" A trace of brilliance flashed in Xiu'er's eyes.

Xiaoxi smiled and said, "It's very simple. Just borrow it from her tomorrow. You are the nominal president's wife. Can she not give it to you? However, this loan doesn't have to be returned. Hey hey--" Thinking of what might happen in the future, Xiaoxi covered his mouth and laughed thieves.

"However, I heard from the eldest brother that we don't have a way to refine the weapon of the national god?" Xiuer was confused.

"What do those mortals know?" Xiaoxi said, "I have a way for you to refine the weapon of the national god at this level! And after refining, the speed of absorbing star power will be greatly enhanced, which can quickly accumulate basic energy and surpass all people!"

"That's great!" Xiu'er's eyes, under the effect of the charm of Xiaoxi's "yuan eyes", were hazy with a faint purple film. She stood up, and the looming water shield light made her beautiful face bright and dark. "Thank you, Xiaoxi, I'll borrow the weapon of the national god tomorrow!"

The next morning.

"Do you want to see the Inca magic bottle?" Xiang'er's beautiful eyes are bent and bottomless. "Shuer, you have always been devoting yourself to cultivation, or taking care of the president. What's wrong today?"

"I'm just going to see if it works?" Xiuer's eyebrows were locked, and a faint purple light flashed in her eyes.

"Of course. Anyway, it's not very useful for me. I can only become a monster to scare people." Xiang'er took out the Inca magic bottle.

"Xiang'er, thank you!" Xiuer grabbed the magic bottle.

Xiang'er was shocked by Xiuer's eagerness and looked at Xiuer doubtfully: "Shou'er, what's wrong with you? Your eyes..."

"What's wrong? Don't think about it. I'm fine. Thank you, Xianger!" Xiuer turned around and left without waiting for her to finish speaking.


Xiang'er still wanted to say something. A girl riding an angry moon horse rushed to the purple moon and rushed to her side. She whispered a few words. Xiang'er's face changed slightly and frowned at the same time.

"Let's go and find the president. You go with me and tell him what happened in Zhongxia mainland!" Xiang'er left Xiuer's strange performance behind her mind and ran to the place where Zhou Yi lived with her men.

In the middle of the night, in the shadow of the Dragon Tower, the sleeves held the Inca magic bottle tightly, like a drowning person grabbing the life-saving straw.

Xiaoxi arrived as scheduled. Seeing Xiuer's expression, he smiled and said, "Shou'er, have you got it?"

"Here!" Xiuer handed the magic bottle to Xiaoxi and said in a trembling voice, "Quickly, tell me how to refine it?"

"I'm teaching you how to refine now. Before that, I want to tell you a basic common sense.

Xiaoxi's little hand was behind his back, sweeping away the usual naughty innocence, his little face tightened, and he said slowly, "On the way to practice, the soul and energy are gradually unified. The so-called true sanctification is the double sanctification of energy and soul. After entering the holy, the energy and soul will gradually merge. Only when the water * melts to form a power can it reach the first level of the god. I rely on inheriting the lower world of pearls, and the power is divided into energy and soul. Nowadays, the energy is condensed in the inherited beads, but fortunately there are still divine souls. Now, I will use my soul power to improve your soul level.

The whirlpool in the stream's eyes slowly rotated, and the sleeves immediately felt a special feeling around her, making her feel like returning to her mother's arms, warm and comfortable. She felt that she could see through her mind. A stream, a river and a sea. In her mind, there was an infinite vast space. One by one, she was dreamy, wearing beautiful clothes and dancing on the sea.

Even in the process of doing the work, there was still silence around, without any brilliance and sound.

"Huh? Have your soul been torn apart? And the soul imprint? Are you someone else's servant? Poor little girl!"

Xiaoxi frowned slightly, his eyes were full of light, and his soul power increased sharply. His two small fists were clenched, and his body kept trembling. After an hour, it took him to break the soul brand that Di Aoxue inadvertently planted. She slowly fell to the ground and reluctantly endured discomfort and sat cross her knees. After half an hour, she opened her eyes and took a breath: "Who planted the soul brand for you? It's so powerful... I don't have energy to support and can't use aggressive soul means. Even so, it's impossible for me to take so long to untie it... ”

"It's Sister Aoxue..." Xiuer's eyes were still confused and answered honestly.

"Aoxue, Aoxue..." Xiaoxi shook his head, as if he didn't know such a number one person. It seems that he is one of the top strong men in this continent and has not yet reached the level of breaking through space barriers.

"I have removed your soul seal, and now, I will help you improve your soul cultivation."

There were layers of seemingly endless whirlpools in the eyes of the stream, and a faint cyan diffused, slowly covering the whole body of the sleeves. Xiuer sat cross-legged, put her hands gently on her knees, and her body trembled slightly, but she didn't feel any discomfort.

For a long time, the whirlpool in the stream's eyes slowly disappeared, and there was a trace of fatigue between the eyebrows and said, "Well, sleeve, now your soul cultivation is comparable to that of the first-level saint."

Xiuer opened her eyes, her eyes as beautiful as black grapes, and the pale cyan light flashed in her eyes. She felt that her mind was clearer than ever before. The whole forgotten city was slender. No one who was doing anything could hide her spiritual knowledge.

"Brother Zhou..." Xiuer clearly felt that Zhou Yi was asleep.

"Okay, keep your mind down!" Xiaoxi gently interrupted the spiritual consciousness of the sleeve, "Now, drip your blood on the 'variable'. If you want to refine the artifact, you must recognize the owner with blood. Otherwise, you can only turn on some simple functions.

The sleeve nodded, and a drop of red blood fell on the Inca magic bottle.

With the dripping of blood, the plant vine patterns and animal reliefs on the magic bottle shone one after another, and a starlight suddenly spewed out from the mouth of the bottle, wrapped the sleeves and sucked in with a sw ofyi sheng.


Xiuer exclaimed and opened her eyes again, but found herself in a green forest. There were running water, rocks, birds, beasts, snakes, insects and ants, all kinds of wind, frost, thunder and lightning, hail, rain and snow, and existed in the same space at the same time. Some places are clear, but some places are full of rain and snow...

"This, where is this..."

"According to the skill, integrate your body into this boundless space!" Xiaoxi's voice sounded in Xiuer's mind, and then two pages of the method of refining the national weapon emerged in front of her eyes.

"This is not refining the national weapon, but refining yourself!" After reading the skills, Xiuer was shocked.

However, when she remembered the cold treatment she had received in front of her eldest brother these days, her heart became tougher than the iron stone.

"I must become stronger, I must become stronger! I want my eldest brother to rely on me and can't live without me!"

Li'er's little fist clenched her fist, and her body slowly rotated according to the skill. Every time she rotated, her body became a little transparent. Finally, as the rotation accelerated, you can see that transparent ripples slowly peeled out of her body and merged with this boundless space...

I don't know how long it took, she felt that her body was light, and her whole body and mind seemed to be on the boundless ground, but her spiritual knowledge experienced any scene in a large area.

In the slight movement of her mind, the world she felt slowly twisted and broke, and then suddenly found that her body was suspended on the star spring. In her mind, a rhombic crystal the size of a rice grain slowly rotated in the surrounded by the soul, and in the purple house, the liquid energy mass was held into a ball, constantly absorbing the star spring. Yu's star power.

"What a lot of energy!" The two small fists of the sleeves shook, and the space shook slightly.