xing yu universe

Chapter 305 Sisters Counterattack

A side hall of the Imperial Palace of Zhongxia. The courtyard of the side hall is desolate, and it seems that no one has come for a long time. At the root of the wall, it has grown full of weeds. However, the room of the side hall is very neat and simple. A soft couch, a square table, a Yaoqin, a plump young woman sitting at the front of the piano, her green fingers slightly plucked the strings, and the music sounded like pearls on the ground, splashing out.

Although this young woman's eyes and teeth are bright and beautiful, although there is no Yuewei's intellectual elegance, her sleeves are delicate and beautiful, the snowy ice is clear and dust, and the green and tender, but her whole body exudes a noble atmosphere, which makes people awe-inspiring and unobed.

However, she wore a palace shirt with a little fade, and there was a plum patch on the corner of her clothes, which could not be seen at all if she was not careful.

"Princess, Master Huang is here." The maid in green clothes whispered beside her.

"Uncle Huang!" Nalan Lingqi's face was obviously surprised and stood up in a hurry.

At this time, a strong voice has come in from the outside: "See Princess Chitose!"

"Uncle Huang..." Nalan Lingqi picked up the bead curtain and walked outside, looking at Huang Xian's funny thick eyebrows, "Do you still call me Qiansui? I haven't seen anyone else for a long time except Honger. Did Youqi finally allow you to come to see me? Looking at Huang Xian and thinking of his adventure to the Jingxi camp with him and that person, Nalan Lingqi suddenly felt a burst of sadness.

Fall from the peak of power, although it was only a few days, it was like many years.

She was not very angry about the betrayal of the Huang family. Because the Lord of the Huang family has always been on his side. However, the old lord was seriously ill and no longer had a director, and the family was arguing about standing in the team, so Nalan and Qiyu won the heir of the Duke of the Huang family, Huang Yu, and took advantage of the loophole. Or did not do a good job... Nalan Lingqi was a little bitter, but she didn't have much regrets.

She really can't be a princess who only thinks about things. She has to pay attention to the production of food, the lives of the people, and the enhancement of armaments, and some battles of interests and power have been ignored.

Huang Xian has a high status in the family. Nalan Lingqi thought that she could win over his half-brother Huang Yu through him, but she didn't expect it to be like this. This dark struggle, from the East Hangzhou League to Gusu Zhongshan was attacked. He was always passively beaten and could not prevail.

Maybe I'm not a qualified princess at all. Nalan Lingqi couldn't help thinking.

"Princess, you... suffered!" Huang Xian looked at the simple side hall and whispered, "I moved out of the family... You know, although I have a higher cultivation, after all, I can't fight against the family... However, long live always wise, he doesn't know what Youqi is like? She can only do some behind-the-back conspiracy and think about how she can take on the responsibility of supervising the country!"

Nalan Lingqi smiled gently and looked very depressed: "Uncle Huang, don't say anything. Youqi is smart and knows how to please her father, which is far worse for me. Moreover, I did make a mistake, causing a big war in Donghang City and hurting many people... Alas, in fact, what I'm most worried about is Qi's stubborn and domineering personality. Don't cause any trouble.

Huang Xian smiled bitterly and said, "You were under house arrest by her, and you still care about her? It's really hard for you. However, she has been doing a little badly recently.

"What's wrong?" Nalan Lingqi's heart sank.

"The owners of the three major cities in the south of the Yangtze River have been changed. The owner of Huang City is better, and the owner of Feng City and Xi City Lord are not in a good situation. The three city owners had a good reputation in Jiangnan, causing a lot of riots. In order to control the power of Chenxiu and eliminate the influence of your East-Hangzhou League, she asked the Gu family and the Huang family to jointly establish the 'Zhongxia Treasure ware General' to reduce the price of treasures below the fourth level and suppress the private treasure industry. Wuwei Longguan, Lingyue Baoxing, etc. have been impacted. In other states, there is also the phenomenon of forcibly replacing people regardless of officials' evaluation results. Zhongxia's heart is unstable.

"Alas..." Nalan Lingqi sighed gently, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Ling Yuebaoxing has also been impacted. What's his... Zhou Yi's reaction?"

"Now, everyone knows that you are the backer of the Nuyue Gang, so it's very difficult in Jiangnan. The new owner of Shangcheng has been in trouble with Daxia Company and Feisha Stone Dart Bureau. They chose to give in silently and did not let Shanghua succeed.

"Zhou Yi still has no news?"

Huang Xian sighed and dispelled the small hope in Nalan Lingqi's heart: "Qingmei took people back to Jiangnan, and there may be some movements. Zhou Yi did not show up. The Nuyue Gang has a strong foundation in Jiangnan, and many people are watching it. It's better for Zhou Yi not to appear. Princess, Zhou Yi and the Nuyue Gang alone do not seem to determine the direction of the situation..."

Nalan Lingqi's long eyelashes trembled slightly and was about to speak when she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside, and a male duck shouted from afar: "Princess of Supervision is coming!"

Huang Xian smiled bitterly and said, "She came at the right time. Now, she can send people to stare at me all day and let me join her "Royal Shadow Pioneer" organization. I can't stand it, but there is an emperor who supports her! Alas, now the Charles fleet is openly sailing in the sea of Zhongxia and looking for some 'bright saint' in Zhongxia. It makes people angry! Oh, don't talk too often. I'll go, let's go!"

Huang Xian didn't finish speaking, shook his body and disappeared. At this time, Nalan Youqi had already picked up the curtain and came in. She wears a purple palace shirt and wears light gauze. In her slightly similar appearance to Lingqi, she now has a sense of majesty and looks a little arrogant.

"Sister, I came to see you. How about it? Are you used to living?" Nalan Youqi smiled, but the light in her eyes was very cold.

Is this still the sister you once loved?

Looking at Youqi's eyes full of superiority and sarcasm, thinking of such a long period of suffering and the indifference of the palace eunuch, Lingqi suddenly surged into her heart with a burst of anger and her face slowly pulled up: "Where is your father? I want to see him! Why didn't my father react at all when such a big thing happened? What happened to your father? Where is my father? I want to see my father!"

Looking at Nalan Lingqi's blushing face because of anger, Qi said calmly, "Father will not see you!" He has repeatedly warned you not to gather practitioners, not to gather practitioners! What's the result? After killing thousands of foreigners, the British and French naval forces suppressed the border, and we can only seek peace. You are fully responsible for the loss of Sandalwood New Port!"

", have ceded Sandalwood New Port to others?"

Lingqi seemed to have been removed from her spine and almost fell to the ground: "How many times have I told my father that I would rather pay more money and give more resources than give them that island!" Isn't the endless sea outside given away?

"Anyway, it has been occupied by them. What does it matter if it is cut or not? Now you know what you have done to condemn me? Didn't you cause the country's internal and external troubles? Youqi said coldly.

"You!" Lingqi was angry and bitter, and her lips murmured for a long time before slowly said, "Youqi, why did you become like this? In the past, although you had a bad temper, you were kind-hearted, now..."

Youqi stared and said, "What's wrong with me now? I am now managing the whole country. I have recruited the 'Brave Martial Alliance' to make the people live and work in peace and contentment, which is much better than the thieves when you were here!"

"But how did I hear that now everyone is in danger, and there are many exiles? Now that the sandalwood new port has been ceded, why hasn't the Charles Imperial Fleet left and continue to send more troops to the East Sea of Zhongxia?

Qi was stunned for a moment, and then defended, "How can there be nothing wrong with Zhongxia? I am now rectifying agriculture, controlling crystal resources, and then developing armaments to completely defeat the Charles Empire..."

"Youqi--" Lingqi was interrupted by her with a wry smile: "When will you change your so happy temper? There are thousands of things in Zhongxia, and it is not a wishful thinking that can be done well. I think you should ask those ministers more, like Prime Minister Luo Yu..."

"Luo Yu?" Youqi sneered, "He was the prime minister in vain and was blind. Unexpectedly, he did not look at the situation of the court, opposed me as the princess of the prison, and shouted that he wanted to fight back against the Charles Empire and take back the sandalwood New Port. He had already been corrected by the 'Royal Shadow Pioneer'."

"What? Did you kill Prime Minister Luo Yu?"

Lingqi was stunned, and her whole body was cold, and then she was furious and slapped the table: "Nalan Youqi, who gave you such a bold man to dare to kill the cabinet minister without permission! What the hell is this 'rape team'?

Nalan glanced at Lingqi again: "What are you shouting!" Let me tell you, Mo Lingqi, I'm the princess of the country now!' The hoeing team is directly subordinate to my organization, which is responsible for supervising the ministers and has the right to kill first and play later.

Ah? actually formed such a secret service organization!" Lingqi shook her head and looked at Nalan Youqi: "Sister, you really have changed. I don't know you..."

Nalan Youqi sneered: "Nalan Lingqi, have I changed? I have never changed! Do you remember what my father said when I was 11 years old? At that time, you were also there!"

"What did you say?" Lingqi was stunned.

"Of course you won't remember... At that time, it took me a whole year to embroider a dragon robe for my father. I thought I could be praised by him. Guess what he said? He said, Youqi, I have no children. I have been raising you as boys. Look at your sister, she is better than you in everything! But you can play with embroidery... Humph, everything is better than me!"

Nalan Youqi's tone suddenly increased: "Are you better than me? Are you better than me? Since then, I have worked hard, and in ten years, I have reached the peak of god refining. I went to Qingyang Port as a staff general to fight against the Japanese pirates. Now, I support the crisis of the court independently! What about you? Without the power to bind chickens, even if you are more capable and have achieved some achievements, isn't it because of the light of the princess of the prison? If I were the princess of the country, I would have done better than you!"

Listening to Youqi talking like a machine gun, Lingqi's mouth was slightly bitter and muttered, "It turns out that you have been compared with me since ten years ago..."

"Of course I want to compare with you. Didn't my father say that you are better? Are you better than me? Even if you make such a big mistake in the East Hangzhou League, he still wants to protect you!"

"I'm afraid there is also your credit for the failure of the East Hangzhou League, right?" As soon as she mentioned the Donghang Association, Lingqi immediately felt a burst of anger and her tone became cold.

Youqi smiled and said, "If you can't see this, then my sister doesn't deserve to be my opponent!"


In the past, it was Lingqi guessing, but now when I heard her admit it, I couldn't help blushing with anger: "In order to deal with me, you actually hooked up with Westerners and killed so many people in Zhongxia! Nalan Youqi, I really misread you!"

Nalan Youqi's face did not change at all: "Sister, what you said is wrong. You will make an alliance, and I naturally told the Westerners, but didn't I tell you the news of the Westerners coming to attack? Otherwise, how can you fight for both defeats?

"You...good! OK!"

Lingqi's green fingers pointed to Youqi, so angry that she couldn't speak. After a while, she said, "Just now, did you say that your father protected me? How can he protect me? Is it possible that Donghang League didn't condemn me? It's you..."

"Yes, it's my false edict."

With an appreciative posture, Youqi looked at Lingqi with a stunned expression and an open mouth, "I really can't figure out how your father looks on you with such a stupid mind!"

As she spoke, she sat down at the square table, and the eunuch beside her hurriedly served the fragrant tea.

"What happened to your father?" Lingqi Bingxue was smart and figured out the whole story in the blink of an eye.

Youqi sips the tea, slowly put the tea cup on the table, and slowly said, "Don't worry, my father is very well. He is retiring in a palace somewhere."

"Nalan Youqi, how dare you confine your father!" Lingqi's lips trembled, her face was pale, and her body trembled with anger.

"It was my father who gave me power because he felt old and weak. And I just controlled the army in Beijing... In addition, the dean of Dijing Panhai College, all families, are very supportive of me.

"So you came today to tell me these things and see how I failed?" Lingqi took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Of course not." Youqi smiled and said, "Good sister, I beg you to come this time."

"Please?" Lingqi said coldly, "Don't cry here. Tell me what you need!"

"Sister, do you know what the situation is now in Zhongxia?" Youqi sighed, "Now, the rumors of rebirth flowers are making a lot of noise in the cultivation world, saying that rebirth flowers can open the Rebirth Hall, get countless artifacts and treasures, practice secret methods, and lead Zhongxia to a pot of porridge. And the Charles Empire is coyed, and there are even rumors that it will attack Lieyang City!"

"This is troublesome. Now the middle summer has been disturbed by you, and a lot of power is used to deal with the hunting pupils. I'm afraid that some practitioners who prefer the imperial court will also be attracted by the past flowers. What are you doing to deal with the Charles Empire?

"So that's why I'm bothering you."

Lingqi frowned and said, "Me? I don't have the power to bind chickens. How can I help you?

"Although my sister has no cultivation, she has an identity and appearance." A trace of joke flashed in Yuqi's eyes.

Lingqi's face immediately changed: "Identity? Appearance? What the hell do you want to do?"