xing yu universe

Chapter 306 Sisters Counterpart

Youqi waved her hand and drove Honger and the eunuch she brought out, and then said slowly, "Sister, you are the eldest princess of my Zhongxia Kingdom. You are as noble and beautiful as flowers. I heard that Count Brill, the commander of the British and French coalition fleet, has a good preference for Eastern women. If we use you to seek peace, we believe that the sea troubles can be solved. In this way, we can find the flower of rebirth with all our troops to prevent practitioners from disturbing the middle summer.


Lingqi's chest seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer. She was bored for a long time before she slowly exhaled, "Sister, you... are you going to treat me as a gift for the Charles Empire?"

Youqi met Lingqi's murderous eyes and said lightly, "Isn't my sister always put the country first? Is this a good opportunity to serve the country? Why not sacrifice you alone but get the happiness of tens of millions of Zhongxia people?

"You! Bastard——"

Lingqi's heart was stirred, and her qi and blood rushed straight to the door, and her palms waved extremely quickly. The knot firmly slapped Youqi in the face.


Nalan Youqi didn't expect the delicate Lingqi to hit herself, but she didn't dodge for a while.

Lingqi slapped her sister on the face, and she was stunned. She stared at the five clear fingerprints on Youqi's face. Her high chest fluctuated sharply, and crystal tears, like pearls, fell on the hard ground.

"Do you... dare you hit me?"

Youqi's face also changed, her eyes became crazy and fierce, and her green light flashed. Lingqi's eyes were blurred, and her chest and skirt were tightly grasped by Youqi. She immediately felt a burst of suffocation, and then her whole body was sore and collapsed softly on the ground.

"You kill me!" Lingqi blushed and looked at Youqi without fear.

"Kill you?" Youqi let go of Lingqi, touched the finger marks on her face with her hand, and sneered, "It's not that cheap!"

She bent down and stroked Lingqi's face with her hand: "It's a pity that Brill is spoiled by such a beautiful beauty--

Lingqi was angry and bitter at this time, and her whole body trembled like a pendulum patient. Youqi looked at her and touched her eyes as if she were touching a pet, with a sense of superiority to control other people's fate. She never thought that her beloved sister would be so hostile to her.

Youqi muttered, as if she were talking to herself. When Lingqi was suffering, her right hand suddenly pulled Lingqi's old palace shirt apart, revealing the pink close-fitting clothes inside.

"What...what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Youqi appreciated Lingqi's ups and downs, "Sister, I won't let foreigners take away your first time. Can I introduce you to a good-looking man? He has been secretly in love with you for a long time.

"You - shameless!"

Lingqi immediately knew what Youqi was thinking. She was so angry that she almost spit out blood. But her whole body was restrained and she couldn't move at all. She was caught by Youqi's skirt and trousers, pulled it all down with a chir, revealing the snow-white and slender ** and the same pink trousers.

"Gone go of the princess!"

Honger, a maid standing outside, heard that the voice in the room was wrong, pushed the door and rushed out. She found that her sister was peeling her sister's clothes. She couldn't help but be stunned. Then she realized that she rushed up and pulled Youqi.

"Dead slave, get out of here!"

Youqi saw Lingqi's graceful body, and there was a strange flush on her face. She was about to continue to move, but she was interrupted by Hong'er. She couldn't help but be angry. She flew up and kicked Hong'er's chest heavily. The sound of broken bones came clearly. Hong'er didn't have time to shout, so she was kicked to spray blood and thin. His body smashed through the door, flew straight to the courtyard outside the hall, and slipped out a trace of blood on the ground.


Lingqi's tears couldn't stop flowing out. Her body couldn't move, so she could only glarely at Youqi with her eyes, "You imprisoned me for so long, only Hong'er took care of me and talked with me. You actually killed her, you killed her!"

"If you kill a slave, you will be killed." Youqi stretched out her tongue and gently licked her lips. "Sister, I'm very envious of your figure!"


Only then did Lingqi remember that she was almost **. She hurriedly struggled a few times and wanted to get up. Just then, a handsome man in white flashed in from outside the hall, scaring her to almost faint.

Lingqi is a princess, and the royal nobles have always been superior. Wherever she goes, she is hugged and accompanied by honor guards. How can she dress like this to see people? Seeing the man, he couldn't help but lose his color. He subconsciously curled up his hands and feet as much as possible to protect his ** part, but there was still a large area of snow-white skin exposed.

"See Princess of Supervision!"

"Huang Renjie!" There was a strange light in Youqi's eyes, "Don't you always like the eldest princess? Today, I gave him to you!"

Huang Renjie! Lingqi's pupil suddenly contracted. This is the candidate she chose. Unexpectedly, she shamelessly defected to Nalan Youqi in this palace change.

At this time, she saw Huang Renjie's face clearly. He wore a light gray tight Chen Xiu robe and lowered his head. His handsome face was a little twisted. He dodged Nalan Lingqi's eyes. He came in and knelt down at Nalan Youqi's feet first: "I'm... See the prison princess Chitose, Qianchitose!"

"Get up!" Youqi raised her eyelids and said, "You are very good. You know how to advance and retreat. Don't worry, I will give you the antidote to the daily abdominal drumworm regularly.

"Thank you, princess, thank you, princess!" Huang Renjie stood up and still curled up. When his eyes fell on Youqi, he looked panicked and scared, and his voice trembled.

"You... you threatened him with the southwest abdominal drum bug?" Nalan Lingqi stepped back a few steps, pulled the broken palace shirt that fell on the ground, covered her skin, and said angrily.

"What's wrong? Those who achieve great things are not careless, not to mention... If he is not greedy for women, can he be my way? I just found a person who looks three points similar to my sister, and he was hooked... In a hurry, how can he look like a disciple of a famous school? Humph! A fifth-order refiner, the peak master of refining gods, such a talent, of course, will be my slave!" Youqi stretched out her hand and patted Huang Renjie on the shoulder, "Tay it to your sweetheart, are you willing to follow me or are you forced?"

"I am the one who voluntarily follows the princess! Volunteer to follow the princess!" Huang Renjie was patted by Youqi, and his body stiffened for a long time before he recovered. It can be seen that Nalan Youqi has completely destroyed his self-esteem and self-confidence.

Nalan Lingqi sighed deeply. As a son of a family, Huang Renjie lives a smooth life and has not suffered much. Maybe his willpower is weaker, but the main reason is still the strength of the southwest abdominal drum worm. She knows very well that the itching pain of ten thousand insects biting and penetrating deep into her bones, I'm afraid no one can stand it. It seems that Huang Renjie must have suffered a lot. The eye socket is deep, and there is a beard on the chin. A good young handsome man was destroyed by Nalan and Qi.

If it's him... If it's Zhou Yi, what will he do? Can he stand this kind of pain? Will he give in? Unconsciously, this beautiful boy appeared in Nalan Lingqi's mind, always comparing him with other excellent men.

"Don't you like her? Don't you think about it every day? Now, she is in front of you. You can deal with him in any way you do. No one will interfere with you. Nalan Youqi's voice was empty and indifferent, which was heard in Lingqi's ears, as if it came from the distant sky, so unreal.

Hearing Nalan Youqi's order, Huang Renjie was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes glowed and looked at Lingqi, who was paralyzed on the ground.

There was confusion and unbearableness in his eyes, and then he was replaced by scorching heat. His trembling hand slowly reached out to Nalan Lingqi.

"What are you going to do?" Lingqi said in a trembling voice, "I am the princess today. If you insult me, you are guilty of destroying the nine clans!"

"Destroy the nine clans?" Huang Renjie laughed, "What family am I from? Doesn't the eldest princess know? Huang family, who dares to destroy the nine clans of the Huang family in Zhongxia? What's more, it's not your turn to give this order..."

His eyes were crazy and he spoke in a hurry, but soon calmed down, like the drug addict who had just smoked marijuana: "Princess, you know, I fell in love with you from the day I saw you... From the day I followed my father to the palace... At that time, you were not married and were still so pure, so Cute... Although I'm younger than you, I just like you... In order to match you, I practiced desperately. Whether it's pottery or Chen Xiu, I'm the best... But in the end, you married the eldest son of the Mo family! What is he? He is nothing but a father who has been playing with the old emperor since he was a child! Their family has no cultivation talent or the ability to command soldiers at all! God opened his eyes, he died in the Inca, and I have hope again! At the New Instrument Refining Conference, I really want to realize your wish and get the first place, but... there is another hateful Zhou Yi! He is just speculative. He is not a real refiner at all! He..."


The language became more and more vicious. Nalan Lingqi couldn't help shouting coldly. The majesty of the superior stunned Huang Renjie, and then a neurotic smile, "Do you still think you are still a princess? Do you think you can order me unscrupulously? No way! I can get you, and I can get you completely and completely!"

With that, he rushed to Nalan Lingqi like a hungry wolf! Nalan Lingqi screamed in horror and hurriedly avoided. Although her body dodged, her ankle was grabbed by Huang Renjie and pulled it again and fell to the ground. How can Nalan Lingqi's cultivation during the Qi period be compared with Huang Renjie? He went further and grabbed the palace shirt and pulled it hard. Lingqi's body was left with a close-fitting clothes. Her soft and smooth skin had nowhere to escape. The white flowers shook Huang Renjie's eyes, making him short of breath.

"You can't do this!" Bastard! You are the scum of the Huang family!"

Nalan Lingqi struggled desperately, and the more she struggled, the stronger Huang Renjie became. She hugged her fiercely with her arms, then pressed it on the floor, opened her mouth, and kissed her slightly white cherry lips.

Nalan Lingqi lay on the ground and looked at the mottled colors of the ceiling of the palace, and a sense of powerlessness surged into her heart. How could this happen? How could I get to this point? No, no! I can't let this man get my body! No!

Seeing that she was about to be humiliated, Lingqi's teeth tightly bit the Rongjie ring on her ring finger, and a dazzling golden light quickly surrounded her whole body. Two green spirits rotated out of her chest, and Lingqi immediately felt her strength back to her body.


The sudden golden light made Huang Renjie subconsciously block it with his hand. Lingqi took the opportunity to pull ** out of his hand, and a red shining Chenfa dagger appeared in his hand and mercilessly stabbed Huang Renjie's face.


The dagger passed through Huang Renjie's fat palm and penetrated into his left eye socket. The Chenfa dagger broke up and burst out a red and white **, and Huang Renjie immediately let out a pig-killing roar.

Lingqi took this opportunity to grab one by one of her clothes on the ground and flew back.

"Huang Renjie!"

Nalan Youqi didn't expect that Lingqi was still hiding the Chenfa crystal. She couldn't help but be shocked and held Mo Yuan. She saw his palms and eye sockets bleeding at the same time, roaring and screaming. Fortunately, Lingqi's strength was weak and she couldn't go deep, otherwise Huang Renjie's life would not be saved.

"Okay, sister, I underestimate you!"

Lingqi had no way back at this time, so she could only lean against the corner of the wall and hold two red crystals in her hand.