xing yu universe

Chapter 308 Qier Escape

Lingqi heard the messy footsteps and knew it was not good. She hurriedly took out a hidden crystal from her arms and crushed it hard.

As soon as her figure disappeared, a tall eunuch ran over with someone.

"No one?" The eunuch turned around doubtfully, "Who is this person? Why are you wearing Grandpa Guo's clothes? Go and report it to the princess!"

"No, you have to leave the palace quickly!" Hearing the footsteps go away, Lingqi quickly crushed two "accelerated crystals", and her body was like a gust of wind. She quickly left the middle palace and went straight to the front hall. Only now did she feel that the inner courtyard of the palace was so big that she didn't run out for more than ten minutes.

At this time, the number of black armored guards in the palace obviously increased, and a team flew quickly. Lingqi immediately knew what was wrong, and Youqi must know that she had escaped.

The guards of the Zhongxia Palace are divided into two parts. Outside the Yonghe Palace, they are divided into low, medium and high-level guards and low-middle-level guards; the Yonghe Palace is divided into low, middle and high-level guards and low, middle-high three-level bodyguards. Among them, senior bodyguards and senior bodyguards are all black armor.

"Hurry up, everyone! The princess of the prison decreed that the eldest princess, as a prisoner of the inner court, dared to kill Eunuch Guo and escape from Haibo prison... Be sure to capture him alive!" The two Chen practitioners shouted in the air. Lingqi looked back and saw that they were the two red jade masters of the National Scholars' Hall.

Lingqi was even more afraid to stay. While holding the hidden crystal, she ran out of the palace. Fortunately, her cultivation is not high, and her energy fluctuations are not much different from those eunuchs and maids. These Chen practitioners can't notice her energy fluctuations.

In a blink of an eye, the red tall palace wall door was already looking at, but the palace door was locked, and more than 200 black armored guards surrounded the palace gate, which was impenetrable.

"Lock the palace door, the eldest princess can't fly and can't get out of this yard!"


I don't know whose shout suddenly reminded Lingqi and secretly said happily, "Don't I still have a Xiangying crystal? Although it can only fly for ten minutes, it's enough!"

It should not be too late. Lingqi quickly crushed the crystal and immediately felt that her body was light. A force slowly picked her up and flew out of the palace wall in the direction she pointed out.

Although the hidden crystal is magical, it is not completely invisible. Where Lingqi is located, there is a lot of distorted light. When she ran in the palace, there were people everywhere, which was naturally inconspicuous, but as soon as she flew into the air, it immediately attracted the attention of the national scholar Chen Xiu.

"Quick, look over there!"

Soon, two Chen practitioners quickly found the abnormality of the sky. Chenfa weapons took action at the same time, and suddenly several blades rotated and cut towards Lingqi.

"Gwangyuan, don't kill her!"

Fortunately, the state scholar next to her reminded that the Chen Xiuer named Guangyuan hurriedly withdrew the two blades, otherwise Qier would immediately die.

Even so, there were still several blades, which collided with Qier's crushed "flowing wind shield" in time and shot vigorously. Qier's body was like a broken kite, shooting directly into the palace wall. A wonderful figure appears in mid-air, but the head is facing the wall bricks. Once it is hit, it will be the result of a brain burst.


A slightly hoarse and heavy old man's voice sounded, and his gray figure flew in. With only one hand, he rolled up a cyan wind and held her body and slowly flew out of the palace wall. The other hand burst out a strong sound of thunder and lightning. The wind wrapped in whip-like lightning and swept over Nalan Lingqi. Several Chen practitioners who attacked immediately shot them all from the sky, fell to the ground and twitched, and fainted directly with low skills.

"Royal children, how can you be so bad!" The old man's face flashed in the wind, with a medium figure, thin appearance, and a long white beard floating on his jaw. If it weren't for the red scar from the corners of his eyes to the roots of his ears, he would look like a fairy man.

At this moment, his eyebrows are deep, his face is full of anger, and his scars are like crawling earthworms, which look particularly ferocious.

"Grandpa of the Fourth Emperor, why are you always shocked?" Huang Xian, who came in a hurry when he heard the news, was shocked and hurriedly bowed down.

"Well, do you think I broke the rules of my ancestors?" The old man known as the "Four Emperors" snorted coldly.

"How dare you!" Huang Xian was shocked and hurriedly lowered his head. "The princess ordered to arrest the eldest princess, and these guards were also ordered to act... However, the eldest princess has been injured, uncle Nalan, do you think..."

"No!" The fourth emperor's face eased and said, "Xiaoxian, I know you are good for Qier, but according to the ancestral rules, as emperors, we can only save the family in times of crisis. We must not interfere in the affairs of the court and the fight of the current Nalan children... If I intervene again, if Mr. Qiu Yu comes, I can't bear it. His anger... The five emperors were killed because of this..."

"However, Nalan is a direct family, but these two princesses..." Huang Xian couldn't help saying.

"It doesn't matter if you are surnamed Nalan, and it doesn't matter if you are an emperor or not! There are so many branches and leaves in the Nalan family, and there are also some masters, but they are suppressed because of the throne. Our mission is to protect the family, not to protect the throne. That's all I can do. As for what happens after Qier comes out of the palace, it depends on her creation!"

After the four emperors finished speaking, they didn't wait for Huang Xian's reaction, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

Huang Xian slowly stood up and looked up at the red palace wall. For a moment, the chief bodyguard passed tremblingly: "Your Excellency, what should I do?"

"What you have to do!" Huang Xian said coldly, "Go and ask the princess of the prison!" After saying that, his body jumped high and went out of the palace without looking back.

"Grandpa Nalandun!"

Nalan Lingqi knew that the four emperors had saved herself at a critical moment, but she knew more about the rules of the emperors of the Nalan family, so she couldn't care about the severe pain on her body, wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, turned around and ran to the street, turning into the alley.

She didn't dare to take the road. She only picked out the paths and remote alleys and found an ordinary person. She spent a few taels of silver to buy a blue dress for an ordinary woman. Her hair was also combed again. She simply coiled it and inserted a light yellow wooden hairpin. At this moment, Princess Nalan has completely become an ordinary young woman's dress, but her plump and tall figure, occasionally showing elegance, which will make people feel her extraordinary.

It's urgent, and that's the only way. After saying goodbye to her mother-in-law who kindly helped her, Lingqi decided to fill her stomach first, and then buy a fast horse and go straight to the south of the Yangtze River. She is not going to contact Lietong or find those families who are still loyal to her. Now that Dijing is a place of right and wrong, these forces are still hidden in the dark, so that they can slowly accumulate them.

Go to Jiangnan, find Zhou Yi, and then consider the next step. Nalan Lingqi thought that a small wonton shop appeared around the corner, lit with bright candles, and the fragrance of shrimp skin and clear soup floated. Her stomach immediately shouted without losing time.

It's so late. Anger, nervousness and fear made Nalan Lingqi forget the passage of time. Now it should be past 9 p.m. Usually, she had a meal in the afternoon, and now she should taste the palace snacks as a midnight snack.

Gently swallowed her saliva and looked around. Because it was late, there were not many pedestrians on the street. There were a few idle men wrapped in clothes in the distance, and then the people who finished it from the workshop. There was nothing suspicious. She dodged and entered the wonton shop. There is no one in the store, and a little girl is dozed off. Nalan Lingqi asked for a bowl of wontons, and the little girl quickly put on her apron and immediately became busy. In a blink of an eye, the wonton is ready. The bright soup, green coriander, and crystal shrimp skin, Nalan Lingqi sniffed deeply, clicked the white pepper on the table, and hurriedly drank the soup with a spoon. The food made her lose her vigilance. She didn't see the little girl smile, and a light flashed in her eyes and made a gesture to the depths of the kitchen.

Twenty wontons entered the belly, and Nalan Lingqi felt that her body was ironed a lot, and the wounds on her body were no more painful. She was about to leave after drinking the soup and paying the bill, the door of the shop was suddenly retreated, a cold-like man came in, and then two big men firmly guarded the door.

This cold man looks about 40 years old, tall and strong, but his figure is very well-proportioned. He has a lot of small braids on his head and a tight red-gray Chen Xiu robe.

As soon as he came in, Nalan Lingqi was so scared that she couldn't help standing up and said, "Helian Eagle!"

"Sister Nalan, I didn't expect you to know me..."

Helianying looked coldly at Nalan Lingqi: "Your father and daughter's good method actually blew up my father to death. Do you think that our Helian family will be depressed? When you played tricks, did you ever think of today?

"The death of Uncle Helian is with me..." Nalan Lingqi wanted to say that it had nothing to do with me, but remembered that this was her father's plan, and she was still a prison princess at that time. She said that it had nothing to do with her. Who can believe it?

Helian Eagle waved his hand: "My good sister, don't say anything. Are you full? Follow me when you're full, and I'll take you to a good place..."

Where? Have you been following me?" Nalan Lingqi's heart sank.

"hohoho..." Helianying let out a suppressed sneer, "Do you think you are still qualified to ask? Fuck, get out of here!"

He suddenly turned his face, with fire in his hands, and a dizzying scorching heat came to his face. Nalan Lingqi reached out to crush the magic crystal, but his body was soft and unable to use his strength. Then, he smelled a fragrant fragrance, as if he heard the sound of someone turning over and fell down, and then lost consciousness.


On Gulou Street, where people come and go, there is an elegant signboard with a little wooden aroma, "Lancaoxiangyuan". This is a place specializing in the production and sale of various sachets and perfumes. Most of the customers are ladies and ladies in Beijing. The imperial court also buys a lot of orchid sachets every year. It is a luxury brand in the capital in recent years.

Entering the back door of the "Lancaoxiang Courtyard", the noise was immediately locked out. In a quiet courtyard, more than a dozen tall sycamore trees were planted. The flowers in the flower yard were not very precious, but they were blooming and fragrant.

Nalan Lingqi slowly woke up and found herself sitting in a small room, and the soft light of the Dharma lamp hit her. In front of it is a pear wood Eight Immortals table, a purple sand teapot and several blue and white porcelain cups. A beautiful woman opposite was staring at her face without blinking. Seeing her wake up, her eyelids blinked and her lips squeezed softly, showing a playful smile.

This woman, with her iconic blue hair, fell down like a waterfall, with a mysterious glow in the light.


Nalan Lingqi hardly believed her eyes and shouted, with a sense of ecstasy in her heart, "Xiang'er, why are you?"

"Are you awake?" Xiang'er was not as enthusiastic as Nalan Lingqi expected, "I didn't save the wrong person, Princess Nalan Lingqi?"

"You..." Nalan Lingqi's mood gradually eased, "I'm Nalan Lingqi, Xianger, don't you know me?"

"Of course..." Xiang'er nodded, "I just didn't expect that under one person, the princess of ten thousand people would fall into such a field..."

In a word, Nalan Lingqi's scar was uncovered again, and her face showed unconcealed pain: "Xiang'er, don't say any more... Just now, you saved me, where's Helian Eagle?"

"Of course, I saved you," Xiang'er said rudely. "As for the whereabouts of Helian Eagle, it has nothing to do with you. I just want to ask you, Princess Nalan, what are you going to do next?

"What should I... do?" Nalan Lingqi was stunned.

Just now, as soon as she saw Xiang'er and the people of the Chinese Association, a warmth rose from the bottom of her heart, and there was a feeling of seeing her relatives. But Xiang'er's lull and lull questions slowly made her heart fall. Does China also need to see the wind and steer? He...isn't that kind of person, is he?

"Zhou Yi, where is he?" Nalan Lingqi asked tentatively. She became a little cautious.

"What do you mean, president?" Xianger stretched out her finger and rubbed her eyebrows, "You really want to see the president, don't you?"