xing yu universe

Chapter 310 In the Heart of the City

Yue slightly blinked her eyes and said, "Since Sister Lingqi knows the storage place of the heart of the city, why don't we just steal it? Without the heart and spiritual formula of the city, Nalan Youqi can't summon these monsters at all.

Zhou Yi nodded: "Yes, Sister Lingqi, do you know the original storage place of Lingjue? Will Nalan Youqi transfer or change the opening method?

Nalan Lingqi was silent for a while before saying, "I know. The storage place in the heart of the city is very secret, and it is troublesome to transfer. I guess Nalan Youqi hasn't had time to do it yet.

"That should not be late. We need to be in front of Nalan Youqi and get the heart of the city!" Zhou Yi was a little excited.

He is familiar with the theory of the heart of the city, but he has never seen any physical object. If you can get the heart of a city and understand it with your heart, you will definitely be able to master the method of refining urban guardian beasts over time, which is unstoppable for a * refiner.

Seeing Zhou Yi's hot eyes, Nalan Lingqi's heart trembled and hesitated. What a huge force this is. If it is all handed over to Zhou Yi, then he...

In the face of absolute power, every man, no, should say that everyone can't resist **, right?

Zhou Yi looked at Nalan Lingqi and sighed slightly in her heart. This beautiful woman has always been wary of herself... If it hadn't been for the situation, she would not have said such an important message.

Zhou Yi squeezed his lips without making any indication. No matter how frank he is, he is unwilling to cooperate with her. Especially in the case of Nalan Lingqi's bare hands and almost only influence left. His efforts must be rewarded, and he can't let his members contribute in vain.

Nalan Lingqi didn't struggle for a long time, so she quickly raised her head: "Brother Zhou Yi, I believe in you. I'll tell you where the heart of the city is stored. They are in a pond!"

"What, pond?"

Zhou Yi couldn't help laughing and said, "Isn't it a joke to put such an important formula in the pond?"

"It is not an ordinary pond, but an ancient space passage leading to a closed sea area in the South China Sea. There is a 100-person team of Chen Xiu strong men and a fierce sea python. Only those who know how to open can enter without being attacked. And I happen to be the one who knows how to open the spiritual decision.

Zhou Yi is still a little hesitant: "Sister Lingqi, are you sure that Nalan Youqi has not changed the place of storage in the heart of the city? Will she guess that your people will steal the heart of the city?

Nalan Lingqi remembered Nalan Youqi's explanation in the hall and nodded heavily, "Definitely not. This space channel is very old, and it is almost impossible to replace it. I escaped in a hurry. She couldn't have thought that I would gather strength so quickly. Now should be the best time to steal!"

Zhou Yi nodded and said, "That's it. Take a break today and we'll leave tomorrow night.

The next day, the night quietly enveloped the city of Lieyang.

At this time, from the east of Lieyang City, several curved lights passed quickly and only stayed outside the shield of Lieyang Imperial City for a second. Zhou Yi shook his body according to Nalan Lingqi's guidance, and a trace of secret energy quietly disappeared into the palace.

"The shield spirit of the palace at night has never changed." Nalan Lingqi said happily.

led by Nalan Lingqi, everyone quickly came to a very ordinary lake in the imperial garden.

This lake is not big, or it is more appropriate to call it a pond. It is only a few tens of meters square, and the water is clear, with some lotus flowers.

Zhou Yiling was released and found out in an instant: "Sure enough, there is a space door, which should be here."

Everyone nodded to each other without a trace of breath and quietly sank into the pool.

The space door is ancient and exquisite. It is a lifelike giant muzzle with a big mouth. A huge pearl in the clam ripples the white ripples unique to the space array.

Lingqi has taught Zhou Yi in advance, and his finger is light, and the spiritual decision has been formed and printed straight to the pearl.


With a wisp of light gauze-like smoke, the giant clam disappeared and a long-looking hazy passage appeared.

Zhou Yi's spiritual knowledge swept over. Of course, he could only feel the slight shock of the space. Only after entering can he know the scene in another space.


Zhou Yi waved decisively and walked in first. The rest of the people also followed closely and entered the channel together.

His eyes darkened and lit up again. Zhou Yi's consciousness swept away at this moment. He couldn't help but be shocked and his heart sank slightly: "No one? Why is there no one? Didn't Nalan Lingqi say that there was a team of 100 people waiting, and there were pythons?

In front of us is the seabed full of reefs and undersea creatures, but not far away, there is a large palace more than ten miles away, sinking in the sea, giving people a sense of oppression.

"How come there is no one?" Hearing Zhou Yi's surprise, Nalan Lingqi was also a little surprised.

"Will there be fraud?" Aolan said inside the Dragon Ball.

"Since you have come, you also have to break through the Longtan Tiger Cave." Zhou Yi spoke easily, but his face was very solemn. He looked at the palace in front of him, "Everyone pay attention to the surroundings and go!"

Everyone was carefully guarded around and saw the black and red palace, not far away. The bright lights on the palace opened up a dark road for everyone.

I have walked along this light road for a long time--


Zhou Yi looked at the palace that was still silent in the sea, and his heart was full of condolences. After walking for so long, the palace was still so far away. The two dragon stone pillars in front of the door formed a big dark mouth in the dim light, as if laughing at them.

"It's really wrong! We have been walking for so long, why is it still so far away? Mingying also couldn't calm down.

"Before... it was not like this! Has any formation been added? Nalan Lingqi guessed.

Zhou Yi nodded and said, "It's a folded dotted shadow space. Although the comprehensive application of the Guangchen method and the space Chen method sounds complicated, it is much easier to arrange than a simple space array. Space technology is used less, and the principle of light is used more.

With that, his fingers danced gently and followed the dim light road from the hall. The light formed by two spiritual pearl fires shot out, and then turned into dust-like dots and suspended on this slender road. Through the light of dust particles, under the gaze of everyone, it strangely twisted, and finally formed a strange landscape like a poly prism.

"See, we are walking in this prism. The palace is like a mirror, visible, but it will never come to us. However, the people who arrange this formation are very skilled, but their energy comprehension is average.

Zhou Yi smiled and gently snapped his fingers. The prism fell to the ground like a glass. In an instant, it turned into countless fragments. The curved light was suddenly pulled straight, and the road in front of him was quickly much brighter.

The obstacles were removed, but everyone still did not relax at all, and Zhou Yi's spiritual knowledge tightly blocked this space without missing a trace.

Still missing a person!

"Go in and have a look!"

Zhou Yi already has a bad plan in his heart. It is likely that the heart of the city has been taken away by others!

Step quickly to the door of the palace, easily open the prohibition outside the palace, and Zhou Yi pushed the door--

The door opened with a "squeak" and everyone dodged into the hall. There was a table in the middle of the hall. There was a stone box on the table. I don't know where a light came from and fell on the stone box.

"The setting in the main hall has not changed, but... it's too quiet... It's so quiet that it makes people panic. Brother Zhou Yi, don't go there!" Nalan Lingqi said.

"It doesn't matter."

As soon as Zhou Yi waved his hand, the stone box hung up in the air, and a little uncheckable particle hit its waist. The stone cover was lifted open, and the inside was empty!

"No, there is an ambush!"

Zhou Yi immediately felt an extreme danger, which was enough to bring a disaster to the Lingyue Temple! He quickly reacted and unreservedly used the heart of Ao Xue. A breath of energy immediately entangled Nalan Lingqi. Whether it was the members of the Lingyue Temple inside or outside the hall, the surface was covered with a beautiful layer of chaotic energy.

Bang! A strong flow of energy broke out from more than ten meters below the palace, breaking through the undersea rocks and the foundation of the palace. With strong tearing and crushing force, it hit the people in the hall with lightning. Zhou Yi immediately felt that his whole body was squeezed and torn by a strong force, and the scorching air wave made him unable to breathe!

Zhou Yi secretly scolded himself for being too careless and did not explore the underground. In fact, his spiritual knowledge has penetrated several meters underground. Who would have thought that the other party would control the crystal explosives so accurately at more than ten meters? This bomb level is about to catch up with Pikachu.

After the dragon was repaired, the angry moon horse has been upgraded to an early monster, dodged quickly in the explosion, and turned on the angry moon protection. Even so, more than a dozen members were injured.

Zhou Yi's whole body was shocked, and a visible energy ripple was emitted. In a blink of an eye, the gravel wood chips of the palace were cleaned up, and the seabed was restored to clarity.

"Come out!" Zhou Yi said in a low voice.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A stream of black-gray smoke continuously spewed out from the ground within 300 square meters of Zhouyi, forming a spectacular underwater scene. Those smokes turned into black tight warriors after landing, holding long knives in their hands.

"The forbearers!"

Zhou Yi's pupils contracted slightly, and the ninja warriors lurking below 30 meters under the seabed should be at least the peak of refining gods for more than ten years!

Near 600 people are the peak ninja practitioners? This is absolutely impossible!


When Zhou Yi was surprised, a crisp voice sounded, and a female ninja closest to him pulled away the mask, revealing a heroic and beautiful face.

"Youqi, why is it you?" Nalan Lingqi's eyes widened.

"Sister, I really like your expression at this time!" Nalan Youqi smiled and walked a few steps forward and looked behind Zhou Yi. "Oh, there are also good sisters I used to know. I haven't invited you to tea for a long time!"

As soon as he said this, Mingying and others immediately raised their eyebrows and stared at Nalan Youqi angrily.

"Second princess, I didn't expect that you still have the means to practice. Are these people from Risang or Zhongxia? Zhou Yi laughed.

"President Zhou, don't you want to know where my forbearance came from?"

"Oh, where did you get here?"

"Oh, I thought you were asking a question."

Nalan Lingqi smiled gently and came to one of the ninjas and lifted his clothes, revealing a more tighter thin suit.

"This is the latest ninja suit developed by Japan and Sang. The space array depicted with split animal bone powder can instantly increase the level of Ninja martial arts by three orders. Although it consumes a lot of energy, it is also worth buying! Moreover, there are some masters here, the elite members I borrowed from Risang Feilong!"

Flying Dragon Club!

When hearing this name, almost all the faces of Chinese girls, even Mingying, were twisted.

The flying dragon will be destroyed at the headquarters in Hezuo City, and its vitality will be greatly damaged, but it has branches all over Risang, and its strength is still there.

"You actually have something to do with the Japanese and Sang people!" Nalan Lingqi was shocked.

"From Gong Pingzhi to Qingyang Port, do you think I don't know? I'm just too lazy to point it out."

Nalan smiled faintly: "Because at that time, my biggest opponent was you! Only when you fall can I become a princess! My good sister, do you think you don't know that you are eavesdropping when I talk to Yuwenmu and Siyuan?

"You!" Nalan Lingqi didn't expect to be tricked by her sister one after another. This time, she fell into a trap. She was so angry that her face turned pale and her lips kept shaking.

"It turns out that Nalan Lingqi's escape is in your calculation... Not good!" Zhou Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly. He turned his hand and took out the summoning crystal, but found that the crystal kept flickering and shaking, and it was unusable!