xing yu universe

Chapter 329 In the Battle of the Strong


As soon as the shock of Henry's death subsided, Siddes found Ai Qing's earth-shaking thunderbolt.

"Dongfang Chenxiu, really can't be underestimated! Especially here, there are rare moon repair mythical beasts!" Siddes frowned slightly, and the light in his eyes was like a slow flowing sticky**, emitting heavy pressure.

Although the Yuexiu mythical beast is not known to most people, the gate schools that have been passed down for a long time, such as the Taoist Xuanmen, the Gui School, and the Yuchen Academy, including the Bright Divine Religion, have been recorded in ancient books. Moreover, as the peak of the mortal saint, he has a vague perception of the energy structure of the world, and it is not a matter of being able to feel the moon cultivation mythical beast.

buzz! The "Oath of Light Thunder" that was hit hard made a tremor, and the body of the sword immediately shrank by half, but the fierce momentum did not diminish at all. Its huge sword body drew a perfect arc, with a light blade dozens of meters long, wrapped in deafening thunder. First, it swept the green thorns growing from the layer of the rope intelligence layer and directly faced the circumference. Ting's sledgehammer.

The flame sledgehammer was first hit by the blade, making a harsh sound of metal clash. The powerful momentum immediately disappeared and slipped around in mid-air. Then, the endless thunder wrapped the sledgehammer heavily and bombarded it all over for a moment.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Yu's energy was full of water, and "hu" stood up. With thousands of waves, with a lot of force, he put his arms around the top of his head and went straight to McCart. The countless spinning thin blades, like a chainsaw, as long as he rushed straight, he would definitely stir it into minced meat.


The trembling of the "Light Thunder Oath" was even more intense, and the mysterious magic charm spewed out of the sword body, and a shocking sound came from all directions, straight through the soul. The voice was grand, pious and loud, as if telling an oath to the supreme god. With the sound, with McCart as the center, a 100-meter thick photoelectric storm, strong energy turbulence enveloped the top three of the National Shiguan and Ai Qing not far away.

Liyu, Zhou Ting and Suo Zhi, including Ai Qing, immediately felt a shock in their hearts, as if they saw a bright god firmly locking the energy in their bodies, and could only let the photoelectric storm keep impacting their protective light and energy armor.

Poo! Poo!

In addition to Ai Qing, the three of them sprayed blood almost at the same time, but their bodies were still firmly imprisoned and could not move at all. Under the ravages of the photoelectric storm, the armor of the top three National Museum broke and her face was pale, and Ai Qing was not very uncomfortable, protecting her body's wings and beautiful feathers with a little purple blood.

vowed to exhale. In the middle of the photoelectric storm, Mckett broke away from the Eucharist. The red robe floated slightly and her body was motionless. Because of the excessive use of energy, her facial features slowly flowed.

Although he relied on the "light thunder oath" to suppress the four people, he was not very uncomfortable.

"Master!" Outside the storm, Ai Qing faintly saw a graceful body shooting like electricity, and the clear voice made her heart tremble.

"It's Yuewei!" Ai Qing's heart was mixed with all kinds of flavors, and she was a little stunned for a moment.

! Oh!

The broken sword suddenly disappeared and appeared in the air. On the huge cylinder of the photoelectric storm, two straight space cracks appeared, hoo! Whew! The powerful absorption force suddenly distorts and deforms the photoelectric storm, slowly turns into a big tornado and pours it straight into the crack.

The sound is endless, and the space cracks appear, breaking up the photoelectric storm. Yuewei took the opportunity of McCate's energy fading, and the four crystal balls in the yin and yang world kept lighting up, slowly removing the bright storm like peeling egg shells. The last two space cracks suddenly opened on McCart's body!


McCart, who had no time to dodge, burst like a firecracker. Half of his flesh and blood entered the cracks in the space, and half flew around.

The four Western cardinals in the battle group have become one of them!


The boss of the Cardinal of Charles Light, the strong man of the Holy Peak, suddenly opened his eyes, and the imperceptible pain flashed by.

Although the twelve cardinals are familiar with each other, they respect him very much, and McCate is a friend he has been friends for a hundred years.

However, he did not die in the battle with the Dark God, because he did not die in the battle of monsters, but died in the hands of the Orientals. How can this not hurt him to the bone marrow?

Looking at the court, Du Ziteng fought against a cardinal, and the Jintu two envoys each fought against a cardinal. Colorful brilliance and horrible energy torrents emerged from time to time, and the three strong men in the middle summer were completely at a disadvantage.

The cavalry on the ground and the Chinese members riding the snow-white and angry moon horse, although the number of them are small, are like the mainstays in the current, constantly strangling the Yingxuanli Legion, whose morale is gradually declining.

The war, which was originally dominated by its own side, was actually defeating with the addition of this mysterious force, and even broke a general!

Two flames burned in Hides' pupils, and his body turned into a vague shadow and appeared in front of Yuewei without warning.


Yuewei found that the tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her. She couldn't help retreating. Under heavy pressure, she felt that the air in her chest was thin, which made her short of breath and her chest was constantly undulating.

She saw this Westerner, who was two meters tall, with a long face and two eagle eyebrows inserted obliquely into her temples. Her eyes were as deep as seawater, and the breath exuded all over her body made her feel like a little ant looking up at the Taiyue Mountains.

The strong man at the peak of the saint is a figure standing at the top of the ordinary sky, and Yuewei is just a good hand in the early stage of enlightenment in the holy world.

Just standing in front of Heides for a few seconds, Yuewei felt cold sweat on her back, and the bright and sacred breath emanating from his body made her have an impulse to worship.

"Yuewei, get out of the way!"

In the pressure of Hides, Ai Qing stretched out her hand with difficulty and pulled the moon to fly back more than ten meters. As soon as she stretched out her hand, she rarely shot, a branch with two golden apricots. In the golden light, countless small apricots were like small stars, closely surrounding the two.


Only then did Yuewei feel that the pressure was greatly reduced, and she couldn't help but take a long breath.

"Oh?" Siddes was stunned, and sparks flashed in his eyes. He couldn't help smiling and said, "It's really interesting. It's actually a rare phoenix-winged golden phoenix! It seems that this trip is worthwhile, and I actually saw two kinds of moon cultivation mythical beasts! Dragon clan, phoenix clan! Haha!"

At this moment, there is a burst of ecstasy in his heart. If the dragon and phoenix are sacrificed to the god of light, then what he gives himself is not just forging artifacts!

When he thought of the innate artifact, he couldn't help staring at the Jialan yin and yang world in Yuewei's hand.

"A woman who is only at the early level of the Tao can actually tear the saint with a weapon! In addition to Mckai te's own excessive energy consumption, this artifact is the greatest achievement! Is this... the legendary innate artifact?"

Ordinary practitioners rarely come into contact with artifacts, and naturally they do not know the order division of artifacts. As a teacher who can last for three days, he knows that there are two kinds of artifacts, one is an acquired artifact, and the other is an innate artifact, which is created by the spiritual treasure generated by heaven and earth, which is more powerful than forging artifacts.

Even if it is not a congenital artifact, it is also a high-level acquired artifact!

Thinking of this, even if he has a deep cultivation, his heart can't help pounding.

It's not too late. Let's solve these little guys first! His hands hidden in the sleeves of his robe suddenly became transparent, and a mass of light came out.

"Go! We can't resist him!"

Ai Qing has rich experience in fighting. Looking at the slight movement of the sleeves of Hides' robe, she knew that it was not good. The golden apricot around her danced elegantly, and her body suddenly flew back more than 500 meters with the moonlight. Suddenly, she felt that her body was stagnant. The little apricot flying around was as if it had been crushed, bursting continuously, emitting bursts of fragrance. The fragrance. Ai Qing looked around and saw two shining chains, like flying dragons, forming a small prison and locking them tightly.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Hides imprisoned Ai Qing and Yuewei, and glanced at Li Yu, Zhou Ting and Suo Zhi, who couldn't help shaking their bodies. A slender scepter suddenly appeared in his hand, and he didn't see anything. Huge light gears appeared out of thin air, and the stirred surrounding space shook.


The three people who wanted to escape found that their bodies were particularly stagnant, and they couldn't help but be angry. The dignity of the strong made them forget their fear. The realm of water, the realm of wood, the realm of fire, the strongest attacks of three different attributes were launched at the same time. There was a fierce and decisive breath, with different colors of glory to Siddes. Pounced over.

The light gear is like a giant machine running at high speed, ruthlessly running over the bodies of the three strong men. The starlight splashes out, the crystal armor is broken, and the flesh and blood fly!

In front of the strong at the peak of the holy, even if these strong people realize the holy land, they are as weak as children and have no room to fight back!

The broken finger remnants of the three people came down from the air like raindrops, shocking the Chen practitioners who were fighting.

"Ah?" Huang Xian, who had been protecting Youqi in the melee, was both angry and panicked when he saw that his three friends he had always made died at the same time.

"Is this... the top existence among saints?" Although he was also a saint, Huang Xian just looked up and felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

"Little guy, let me see your artifact first!"

Hides hummed, and his long arm suddenly cut into the "bright shackles" and grabbed the sword in Yuewei's hand.

Yue looked at these thin and powerful hands, but was stunned, and even forgot to avoid and resist.

Seeing that the surging energy is going to drown her, Jialan's yin and yang world will be taken away--

"Get out of here!" With a thunderous roar, Hides felt a stream of energy hitting the back of the heart, and the sharp feeling made him palpitate.

"Impossible! Are there any high-level saints here?

Hides turned around and immediately saw the peerless posture of the moon god halberd. It was like a dragon coming out of the water. There were only three sharp edges on the tip of the halberd and the crescent moon. The space cracks cracked beside it, and the strong protective light of Hides was also torn open.

Ah? What kind of artifact is this?