xing yu universe

Chapter 336 Regent of the King of China

A bead curtain blocked the sight of the emperor Nalandun, Zhou Yi and the ministers. Inside the bead curtain is Nalan Lingqi, who is lingering and seriously injured. Her beautiful eyes are sad, and her face is pale, but she has a unique flavor. Outside the bead curtain, Nalandun sat with his head hanging down, followed by Zhou Yi, two prime ministers and six heads.

"As Princess Chitose said, Zhou Yi was the regent of China and took charge of national political affairs during her recuperation. If you have a memorial, you can have the King of China deal with it first. It is particularly important for him to pass it on to the princess. Other than that, I don't care about the old man. Nalandun walked slowly.

District Fenglong and Lin Ziyu looked at each other. As soon as the former raised his eyebrows, he wanted to speak. Seeing that Lin Ziyu slowly shook his head and swallowed his words. District Fenglong is upright, but not pedantic. He is indeed the second prime minister after Luo Yu.

Du Xiaonan sang the opposite song as usual: "Ancestor, no, there is no precedent for a different surname in my dynasty. We must learn from the 600-year lesson of the Yong Dynasty!"

When it comes to 600 years of the Yong Dynasty, except for Zhou Yi's cronies, other ministers all looked sideways, and some even showed panic.

In 600 years in the Yong Dynasty, Cao slowly took the position of prime minister and took power, and regarded the 9-year-old emperor as nothing. He * harem, occupied the emperor's concubine, eradicated dissidents externally, and dreamed of cultivating his son to become emperor. Thanks to the governors of Shi and Liang Erzhou, they destroyed them. Cao Man had a very bad reputation in the history of Zhongxia, second only to the Empress Wu of the emperor.

Du Xiaonan's words obviously mean something. Some people have compared Nalan Lingqi to a martial arts queen. At this moment, he blatantly called Zhou Yi a thief, which may cause the anger of the Chinese king. Now Zhou Yi's power is all over the court and the opposition, and even hunting pupils have been taken over by Xianger. The senior officials of Hunting Tong have received the favor of the Chinese Association and have not rejected it. If Zhou Yi wants to kill, no one can stop him. As a result, the court will reshuffle again, and I'm afraid the whole central summer will be completely chaotic.

The ministers' faces changed slightly and looked at Zhou Yi, but saw a few smiles on his calm face. They slowly stood up and slowly walked to Du Shang's writing.

For a moment, everyone's hearts were raised.

This Chinese president, the new prince, can even kill the saints, not to mention these ministers who have no power to bind chickens? These people can kill the people, but that's because of power. If Zhou Yi takes action, no one will resist.

Some people have trembled and want to kneel down. Du Xiaonan is really a bachelor, with a stem of his neck and straight eyes against Zhou Yi, resisting the invisible pressure. But sweat still flows uncontrollably from the forehead.

"Du Shangshu, are you hot?" Zhou Yi smiled and took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on Du Xiaonan's forehead.

The whole room is so quiet that you can hear the sound of the needle falling to the ground.

Through the bead curtain, Nalan Lingqi lay on her side on the brocade couch and could see every move outside. Seeing such a teenager, the ministers were so scared that they didn't dare to move, and they couldn't help laughing secretly. At the same time, there was a trace of confusion in their eyes.

In the cave of Jingxi, in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, one by one, one legend, slowly changed her heart. At this moment, she has completely trusted him, even if she entrusts the whole country to him.

Narantown sat next to him and did not move. If the eldest emperor and the second emperor are there, it can be said that no one should be afraid. But these two predecessors are not here. He and Na Lanyou really don't have the strength to fight against the Chinese Association. Even, it can't resist several masters of the Chinese Association.

Zhou Yi helped Du Xiaonan wipe his sweat and turned around to salute: "Xiao Wang obeyed the instructions of the princess Qiansui and the emperor, bowed his best for the court, and died."

"In this case, please ask the King of Huaxia for everything." Nalan Lingqi whispered, "Grandpa, is there anything else?"

"I don't have anything to do," Nalandun got up. "From today on, I'm going to close for a year. If there's nothing to do, don't bother me!" With that, he turned around and drifted away.

Seeing Nalandun go far away, Zhou Yi said goodbye to Nalan Lingqi, smiled at the ministers, and then got up and left.

Huang Sijin, Zhou Ming and others left quickly without saying a word. On the contrary, Wang Zhaozheng, the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Ge Yu, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, smiled at Qingmei: "Lord Qingmei, please go first, please!"

"Thank you two." Qingmei smiled, her long skirt fluttering, and she had floated out of the door in the fragrant wind. Not to mention the two adults who directly faced her were sore and soft, even a gentleman like District Fenglong couldn't help shaking his heart.

"How can such a woman be a second-grade minister? It's really... It's really the world's wind and the world's wind!" Lord Du's nerves are bigger than anyone can imagine. Although he has withstrated the pressure of Zhou Yi, he immediately recovered. He is worthy of breaking into Ai Hongyun's magic array.

"Lord Du, be careful with your words and deeds!" Lin Ziyu whispered as he walked. According to the court law, the prince should retreat first, followed by the two prime ministers, left and right, and then according to the order of the officials salute the soldiers. As a result, Qingmei went out behind her president's buttocks and dumped the two prime ministers.

"I'm not afraid of him! It's a big deal!" Du Xiaonan hummed down.

By this time, several people have left the Jiqing Palace.

"Zhou Yi has long been rumored that he is lustful, but his strength is indeed extraordinary." Lin Ziyu whispered.

"Just now, Lin Xiang didn't let me talk, and he was also afraid of his power?" District Fenglong Road.

"No matter who controls such a large power, the ambition naturally expands. In the future, you and I must act carefully and not constrain each other. Lin Ziyu said, "Otherwise, it will be a situation that will be doomed. If there is not a thief, maybe there will be a change of dynasty! Humph, look at the faces of Wang and Ge! I don't know how many people want to get up to Zhou Yi and earn the work of the dragon!"

District Fenglong squeezed his lips and nodded, but did not say anything.

In the imperial capital, there are many dignitaries and nobles with deep roots, but it is impossible for them to be loyal to the Nalan family. Zhou Yi's strong rise will certainly cause the reshuffle of major forces, and countless nobles must be attached to him.

If you go against Zhou Yi, it will be an extremely difficult road ahead. However, Zhou Yi must not be allowed to damage the whole country, even if he sacrifices his life! District Fenglong made up his mind.

Sure enough, Zhou Yi's decrees continued to be issued in the following days. Pay attention to Nongsang, pay attention to refining, attach importance to crystal stone technology, lay off redundant members in the imperial court, and crack down on corruption. The Gu family, Helian family and Huang's parents' house were captured by lightning speed and withdrew from the political stage.

"Ancestors, you can't ignore us, you can't ignore us!" Huang Renjie knelt awkwardly at the door of the old master of the Huang family and cried loudly. However, there is no echo in it at all.

Huang Xian sighed gently and said, "People, go back. Our Huang family is very popular, and we can only adopt such a method. Moreover, the eldest brother hooked up with Nalan Youqi and did a lot of things to apologize to the eldest princess and almost killed him. Although your long house has collapsed, the king of China has the virtue of life. He only abandoned his eldest brother's cultivation and did not kill him all. You..."

"Get out of here, you dog! Zhou Yi and the bitch princess's dog!" Huang Renjie got up from the ground with red eyes and pointed to Huang Xian and scolded, "Zhou Yi is nothing. He is the Cao thief of this dynasty, a scum!" Wait, sooner or later, there will be your name on the thither's appearance!"

Bang! Without finishing his words, he was slapped in the face and flew out.

Of course, Zhou Yi doesn't know how many people are thinking about how to please him, and how many people scold him behind his back. Now he really doesn't know whether he is happy or sad.

On the surface, he left the palace, but in fact, he killed another horse gun and returned to Jiqing Palace. This time it's not the outer hall, but the princess's bedroom!

Hong'er, the princess's new maid, turned pale when she saw the Chinese king walking to the princess's bed. Seeing such inner palace secrets, I'm afraid there is only one ending. However, she doesn't want to die at the age of 15. Fortunately, the princess waved her hand lazily and kicked her out. Without saying a word, she even forgot to salute and ran out. And swear fiercely in your heart that you can't say it, and you can't say it to death!

Zhou Yi sat down by Nalan Lingqi's couch, looked at the supreme beauty, and smiled, "Sister Lingqi, you scared her."

"Yes--" Nalan Lingqi raised her head lazily, "However, it doesn't seem to be different from what she imagined. The king of China just came to heal my wounds..." Zhou Yi was stunned by the moment.

Nalan Lingqi looked very satisfied with Zhou Yi's reaction. She lifted the brocade quilt without hesitation and sat up cross-legged.

Son of a sudden, Zhou Yi's breathing stagnated, and then a little rapid.

The room is as warm as spring. Princess Nalan only wears a milky white lake silk pajamas embroidered with elegant peony flowers, revealing her amazing plump and beautiful figure. Zhou Yi only saw the skin on her neck from the cover of her black hair, but it was as smooth as mutton jade, which could not be compared with any good silk.

Nalan Lingqi turned her back to Zhou Yi and closed her eyes slightly, but her long eyelashes couldn't stop trembling. She is recalling and looking forward to it. Recalling that the cave, she was full of hostility to him, but because of his hands, she had a reaction that made her shy even now.

Now, he is going to heal himself again. At this time, he won't think he has lied to him. I'm already defenseless, in front of you...

Zhou Yi took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his mood.

Not every man can keep his mind as calm as water in the face of such a beautiful thing. In other words, most men will not be as calm as water. What's more, this beauty still stands at the top of the whole empire. To conquer her is to conquer the whole empire.

Zhou Yi stretched out his hand. His hand is not like that of a strong man. It is a little white, but very stable, and he can't see the energy. Slowly placed on the back shoulder of the beautiful woman, Nalan Lingqi suddenly trembled gently.

"Stabilize your mind." Zhou Yi said in a low voice.

Nalan Lingqi's heart was so ached that she didn't dare to think nonsense, but the warm feeling couldn't stop it from coming up and scratching the most itchy part of her heart.

Zhou Yi can clearly feel Nalan Lingqi's injury. Thanks to Qingmei's quick action, she was only penetrated by two golden swords of the sun. This kind of injury will be cured in more than ten days for the strong man. But for Nalan Lingqi, she had to cultivate for half a year.

And Nalan Lingqi doesn't care about this. At this moment, what she enjoys most is the warm hands that heal her.

The warm feeling can flow from the shoulders to the heart, and then finally to the waist, touching her most ** place, making her waist sore and her legs soft.

When Zhou Yi's footsteps left, she collapsed weakly in ** and enjoyed this sour happiness, which was like a tide, full of satisfaction, but more empty...

Nalan Lingqi lay in **, ashamed and full of expectations for the next time. She knows what the gap between her and Zhou Yi is, but she always looks forward to breaking the taboo one day.