xing yu universe

Chapter 342 Feiqing's past

Leaving the Yangxin Hall, Zhou Yi, Qingmei and Dao Mengqing left first, and some ministers who were inclined to the king of China, Zhao Guangyu, Ge Yu and others also left one after another. District Fenglong, Lin Ziyu, Du Xiaonan, Lin Youdao and others deliberately fell behind.

"Domineering, too domineering!" Du Xiaonan was indignant, "Who believes that he is not a thief? Who believes it!"

"If he wants to be a thief, he has to see who the emperor is today!" Lin Ziyu said coldly, "Did you hear that the emperor said that the word 'kill' of the King of China was a little heavy. This is reminding him and reminding us!"

"What do you want to remind?" Du Xiaonan was puzzled.

"Remind Zhou Yi, that's needless to say. The emperor said this and also told us that she was also dissatisfied with Zhou Yi! Now Your Majesty has just ascended the throne and his foothold is unstable. Wait, as long as the emperor's wings are plump, the first unlucky one is Zhou Yi!"

"Shh!" Lin Youdao was shocked, "Zhou Yi's ears and eyes are everywhere. Lord Lin is sincere!"

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of him!" Lin Ziyu looked around and looked at the empty space around. The nearest bodyguard was also more than 20 meters away before continuing, "Lord District, do you know why I stopped you?"


"Zhou Yi has been called lust for a long time. He can do anything for a woman. What did you do to him?" Lin Ziyu smiled faintly and said, "This matter is only good for you, and there is no harm!"

"How do you say this?"

"In the East China Sea gambling game, both sides have strong wins in five games and three wins. Who will come out of the strong on our side? Of course, it is from Zhou Yi. After a fierce fight between the two sides, even if they win, it will still be a tragic victory. The loss is his Huaxia Association. If you lose, you will not only lose the strong, but also lose your reputation, and there will be more opponents. In this way, Zhou Yi's power is bound to be greatly reduced. The emperor agreed with Zhou Yi, which is not the idea. Lin Ziyu said proudly.

"But..." District Fenglong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. He is a gentleman. All he knows is that in this way, the harvest of the Battle of Zhongxia Dijing will be greatly reduced, but he never thought that there would be so many twists and turns in a gamble.

"Listen to his words and observe his deeds. Let's wait and see. I'd like to see how far this person can go!" Lin Ziyu shook his head and whispered, "Tomorrow night, I will hold a banquet in the house and invite several adults to enjoy it."

"Oh?" Lin Youdao smiled and said, "Why does the Prime Minister have leisure to invite us to dinner?"

"It's not you this time." Lin Ziyu said, "It's Ye Qinggang, the deputy leader of a famous sect in the south, the flying sword king of Yujianmen."

"It's Yujianmen. Of course, I've heard of it. I didn't expect Lord Lin to be familiar with Master Ye." District Fenglong nodded. Although Yujianmen is not as good as Yuchenyuan, Daoxuanmen and Guiyuan, it is still comparable to the Hengshan Sword School and the Wuyue Boxing League, and belongs to the first-class gang.

"There are many talents in the world. We should also be good at making friends with strong people. Only in this way can we compete with Zhou Yi. Only by competing with Zhou Yi can we have the value of existence and the emperor can rest assured. Lin Ziyu said arrogantly.

District Fenglong doesn't like Lin Ziyu's conceit. But it can't help but say that he also makes some sense. As literary ministers, now they can only compete with Zhou Yi if they unite. Of course, everyone happily accepted Lin Ziyu's invitation, and at the same time, they were looking forward to seeing the elegant demeanor of the flying sword king.

Therefore, the next day, before it was time to hold the lamp, everyone had gathered. In addition to Lin Ziyu, District Fenglong, Du Xiaonan and Lin Youdao, there were also Wang Zhaozheng, the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, as well as several imperial historians, and the new owner of the National Scholars Museum, Guan Tingyu, and more than a dozen people.

As he was talking, the doorman came to report: "Master, the guests are here!"

"Quickly, please!" Lin Ziyu was overjoyed and got up to greet him in person. At this time, the visitor had entered the yard. The visitor was slender, his face was like a silver moon, and he was quite free and easy. His slightly red hair floated on his chest, and he was dressed in a white Chen Xiu robe, which looked like a hero with great face. Behind him stood two medium-sized young men. A bronze face looks about thirty years old, and his narrow eyes are cold. The other one is dark and looks very simple. Both of them are in cyan robes and wear gold-painted black belts, which look clean and neat.

"In Ye Qinggang, Wanzhou, I will meet the Prime Minister."

"No gift, no gift!" Lin Ziyu smiled and pulled up Ye Qinggang, "Come on, Lord Ye, let me introduce you to you..."

Ye Qinggang looked at a group of literary ministers and felt a little dizzy. Yujianmen is located in Yujian Mountain, at the junction of Wanzhou and Yunzhou. It is an ancient Chenxiu sect that rose thousands of years ago. However, because it was against Taizu at the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China in the middle summer, it was seriously damaged and did not live in seclusion. Yujianmen has always been decent and has repeatedly extinguished evil spirits. It is quite prestigious in the cultivation world, but it has never been able to return to its previous momentum. Ye Qingsong, the head, believes that an important reason is that he is too far away from those in power. The two Chenshu Colleges in Zhongxia have sent a lot of talents to various sects, and no one in Yujianmen actually holds the position of professor in it. Ye Qinggang went to Beijing for this matter.

The two sides exchanged greetings and were very enthusiastic about each other. Sit down in the order of the guests, talk about some anecdotes in the court at the beginning, and then some things in Chen Xiujie, who has practiced and broken through, whose daughter married whose disciple, who got some kind of elixir, and so on. Of course, it is also necessary to mention the replacement of the head of the casting government. China will rise strongly, and everyone will start to speak sourly.

Which sect does not deal with the casting government? Lord Lin, I still want you to say a few words to Lord Shangguan in the future. Ye Qinggang said with a smile.

"Well, don't you rely on your own daughter? What's your ability!" Jin B2, a bronze-faced young man sitting with a drooping head, muttered softly.

"No, don't talk nonsense! Lord Shangguan is the Taishan Beidou of the refining world, which no one can deny. Let him be in charge of the casting government, that's what the public expects to do!"

"Actually, what this little brother said is not unreasonable. Lord Shangguan failed to refine the Red God Stone, and there was no time to start. It's not thanks to his daughter who followed Zhou Yi all the way south. Even if there are so many women around him, Zhou Yi will naturally help the Shangguan family.

"Yes, it's unprecedented that the woman who is close to him now enters the temple and takes up the position of minister!"

"The general is a woman, and the household minister is a woman. Humph, it's really caught up with the Empress Wu of the Jiang Dynasty..."

"Lord Du, don't talk nonsense!" District Fenglong stared, "Maybe it's inappropriate, but Mingying and Qingmei do have great talents. Especially after Qingmei was in charge of the household department, she has done a lot of work in restoring farming, revitalizing the people and revitalizing commerce, and there are many innovations. With her, the court will increase income, and the people's wealth is just around the corner.

"Hmm, the generousness does not mean that Zhou Yi will be generous. Recently, his appointment as a private person has reached an outrageous level. The secretary of the Ministry of Affairs kept a distance from me, didn't I know?" Wang Zhaozheng sneered and said, "The Sun family did not measure their ability to fight against the current emperor, and finally ended up in the destruction of a family. Even the Huang family and the Gu family were implicated, and Rong Baozhai was also taken over by the court. The governor of Yunzhou has been empty for more than half a year. Do you know who is the governor of Yunzhou recently appointed by the imperial court?

Who? Is it Zhou Yi's again?"

"There are very few male members at the core level of the Huaxia Association. Dao Mengqing has served as the post-general and has great power. Pikachu has also become the second leader of the casting government. Who else can there be?" Du Xiaonan obviously made some efforts to study the Chinese Association.

"It's also a woman, and it's also my own family with the owner of Yemen!" Lin Youdao shook his head and smiled.

"Who is it?" Ye Qinggang's heart moved.

The governor of a state is different from the city owner. The city owners use people who have a shallow foundation and do not have close contact with local forces. And the state governor can be regarded as a prince, and can even have a guard of less than 5,000 people.

Now, the Sun family in Yunzhou has disappeared, and the power of the families and sects that have made friends with him has been greatly reduced. No matter how strong Huaxia is, it is impossible to occupy all its resources. If you can make friends with the state governor, the development of the sect is just around the corner.

As soon as they heard the new governor of Yunzhou, everyone pricked up their ears. Even the two juniors of Ye Qinggang, who were eating and drinking, Jin Bier and Sun Bu, stopped. There are only a few states in the world. Although the rank of the governor of one state is less than the first of the six ministries, the power and influence are much greater.

Seeing that success attracted everyone's attention, Lin Youdao was also very excited. He took a sip of wine and slowly said, "This person is also from Huaxia."

"Who?" Du Xiaonan's eyes did not blink.

Although she was a female, during the reign of Nalan Youqi, she presided over the actions of the Huaxia Association in the south and coordinated the Lingyue Baoxing, Daxia Company and the Huaxia Association, which dealt a heavy blow to the behavior of the Gu family and Huang Renjie, which was highly appreciated by Zhou Yi. Sure enough, I got such a big fat shortage.

"Well, what kind of excellent person am I, and I'm not a lustful woman like Zhou Yi!" The speaker was Guan Tingyu, the new curator of the National Scholars Museum after Li Yu's death. Originally, the National Scholars Hall and Wenchen had always been on bad relationship, and because of Zhou Yi, the two came together.

"This woman is indeed the female slave accepted by Zhou Yi." Lin Youdao said, "But this woman, Zhong Lingyuxiu, must be born in everyone, well-educated, and can really stand alone."

"Well, Lord Lin, don't worry about it. Who is she?" Ye Qinggang couldn't help saying.

"This woman's surname is also Ye, and her name is Ye Feiqing!"

Puff! Before Lin Youdao's words fell, he saw Ye Qinggang's face change, his eyes turned around, and he slipped out to the ground along the chair. All the dishes in front of him jingled on his head.



Sun Buyu and Jin Buer were shocked and hurriedly grabbed it and helped Ye Qinggang up. The two looked at each other and couldn't help but be shocked.

The little princess of Yujianmen is actually in the Huaxia meeting! How is this possible? At the beginning, after she escaped from marriage, she was caught in the Bliss Manor of Risang, if so...

Jin B'er's eyes showed a little pleasure: "Let you not marry me, huh, this is the end. I want your father to not be able to raise his head for the rest of his life!"