xing yu universe

Chapter 351 East China Sea Gambling War 4

She lost the first game full of confidence. Elizabeth's face was a little ugly, but she was still looking forward to the ghost master floating in.

As soon as the sleeves of Boli's robe were displayed, he arrived at the scene in an extremely elegant and unrestrained posture. After one hand, his long sleeves fluttered, and his white eyebrows were windless automatically, which was quite a fairy-like spirit.

The two were white and black, tall and short, righteous and strange and horrible. As soon as they entered, they attracted a burst of discussion and their eyes full of expectations.

The members of the glorious knights behind Galigans looked at each other, because of the same light energy, they had a good impression of Boli in their hearts.

Bo Li smiled slightly: "I have been in the world for a long time, but I have never heard of the name of the demon soul mage in the country. Who on earth are you and why do you want to hide your head and tail? Why don't you show your true face and let us see the top and bottom in a refreshing way?

"Stop talking nonsense!" A dull and horrible voice like a zombie came, which made everyone present fight a cold war.

"In that case, let's start!"

Bo Li smiled indifferently, and as soon as the sleeves of the robe were brushed, there were hundreds of millions of small blades as white light condensed like butterflies, attacking the demon mage like a tornado.

Zhou Yi nodded and smiled secretly, saying that Bo Li should be a first-class person. On the surface, he seemed to be harmless, but he was a ruthless move.

The figure of the demon soul mage was erratic, and a black and qualitative round shield was combined in front of him. When looking carefully, there were darker light spots that kept shining.

Of course, negative defense is not the character of the demon mage. His figure moved a few meters rapidly and let out a strange cry in his mouth. Suddenly, a huge black figure hit out of the void, and the light blade scratched its body and made a harsh sound.

" hiss--" saw the object displayed in the void, and everyone present, including the members of the Chinese Association, took a breath of cold air.

A huge western black skeleton dragon, almost half the size of a football field, with only eyes and head crystals all over its body, emitting three faint blue light, and the rest are black flames. On his neck, there is also a giant warrior wearing dark red armor and a dark red cloak, holding a wide sword in his hand.

"The summoning of undead creatures is good, and it is the strength of the peak of Hedao!"

Bo Li smiled indifferently. After a dazzling white light, his holy land appeared, a long sword shining with soft brilliance, and a grand singing sound seemed to come from the kingdom of heaven, making people feel holy and great.

This holy Dharma body brightened Galigans' eyes and emitted a scorching light. He couldn't help but beat Xiao Jiujiu in his heart: "This cultivation method of light energy is obviously one grade higher than the Pope's teaching, if you can get it..."

Zhou Yi frowned slightly and also stared at Bo Li's holy body. The long sword formed by Bo Li slowly stretched out countless fluttering filaments, which was his real spiritual knowledge, slowly forming a running array covering the body surface.

And this magic array seems to coincide with the operation of stars somewhere in the sky, full of mystery, which makes Zhou Yi involuntarily think of the mysterious swordsmanship of Tianxin.

These swordsmanships are secretly combined with the stars in the sky, showing the supreme mystery of Chen Xiu, which can only be sung and unspeakable.

The Chen practitioners present coincidentally showed a contemplative expression, and it was definitely a great blessing for practitioners to see such a high-level test. No matter what the final outcome is, the gambling war in the East China Sea will definitely be recorded in history and spread on the Zhongxia mainland for a long time.

On the field, the black skeleton dragon howled wildly, and the huge bone wings spread, driving the wild airflow, and countless fireballs wrapped in strong negative energy waved to Bo Li as if they were free. At the same time, the red armor giant on the dragon also shouted angrily, and the giant sword waved a sword-shaped airflow with strong corrosion, driving the whole space to shake.

Bo Li's sword body was shocked, and the people who watched him felt a burst of illusory in the space around him, and the bursting thunder rose to the sky. The pure white thunderball, visible to the naked eye, roared with the sword as the medium, roared on the surface of the dragon and the warrior. In the space, the three colors of black, red and white are constantly flashing, the energy is rolling and moving, the ground is full of human-sized holes, the sea is constantly splashing on the boundary, and the whole martial arts arena is like thousands of troops fighting.

"The sun is thundering!" Zhou Yi took a light breath, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"President, is this thunder powerful?" Ge Yuanxiang said doubtfully.

"Of course it's awesome." Zhou Yi said patiently, "Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, space-time thunder and wind are all very powerful. Like this thunder method, there are five top categories, the sun thunder, the dark blue thunder, the bright sky purple flame thunder, the Yimu god earth thunder, and the Xuantian nine shining thunder.

While talking, the powerful dragon and knight were smashed into pieces by the thunder of the sun. Bo Libai Meixuan smiled and said, "Demon mage, let me see your real skills!"

"Since you want to die faster, don't blame me!" The demon soul mage sneered, and a thin hand suddenly stretched out from the black robe and grabbed a huge black ball in his hand. The black ball was three times larger than the bowling ball. The black light on the surface kept flowing. Just standing there attracted a trace of ripples in the surrounding space. In the eyes of everyone, Bo Li and the demon soul mage Like the shadow in the fire, it becomes distorted.

On the sphere, three people's faces appeared from time to time, and there was a faint shocking howling, which shocked Zhou Yi's body.

This sound is very familiar, as if you have heard it somewhere?

Three Hidden Caves! In an instant, an electric light flashed through Zhou Yi's mind. At the beginning, in the Sanyin cave, he joined hands with Ai Qing to kill the Sun family's father and son, Ling Huiya, but also destroyed the "Gujing Waterwheel", causing the suppressed three spirits to escape the soul.

What does this demon soul mage have to do with the three spirits? Zhou Yi gradually frowned.

"Twist the space!"

The demon soul mage shouted and suddenly threw the big black ball down, like breaking a big watermelon. The ink splashed around, and in a blink of an eye, it was full of the boundary of a martial arts arena. The originally transparent mask instantly darkened.

Bo Li was stunned and smelled a burst of wild wind. When he looked carefully, he found himself in a gloomy space. The sun was like blood, withered wood, and the grass below was not born. There was only a fierce ghost who only chose people to eat. His whole body was flowing with disgusting sticky **, or covered with black and bright armor, facing him. Roaring and screaming, spitting corrosive acid, or dark fire. He is the only one in the whole space, like a bright light in the night, shining brightly.

On the surface of Bo Li's sword body, the light silk slowly twisted into a circle, darkly in line with the momentum of the operation of a certain star. The dazzling brilliance continues to extend outward in the space, straight to a thousand hectares in size. The light flowers on it are in full bloom, thunderballs appear in the heart of the flower, and the thunder is faint.

"Demon mage, don't you have the 'starque realm' of God. Do you want to beat me in this space with just one magic weapon?" Bo Li couldn't help laughing.

Black pervasive, and the two people in the field lost their trace in a blink of an eye. The whole audience couldn't help looking at each other, and only a few people recognized the space magic weapon in the hands of the demon soul mage.

Seeing Zhou Yi's worried expression, Xiang'er was a little worried and said, "What kind of magic weapon is this? It looks very powerful."

Sister Xiang'er, this thing is a space spirit that grows in nature, called 'twisting the space ball', which can't be met. After refining into treasure, it can quickly bring the enemy into a space that is beneficial to the owner. Aoland Road.

"But it's just a lower artifact!" Zhou Yi quietly took out the nine-day treasure gourd and saw two small fruits lit up at the same time. He couldn't help but doubt Xiaolong Nizi's statement.

"That must be his poor refining method. This kind of baby, if you meet a divine refiner, it will not be a problem to refine it into a congenital artifact. Even at your brother's level, there is no problem in refining a middle-quality acquired artifact.

"So powerful?" Zhou Yi said in a tongue.

"That's natural! Brother, take him with Nabao gourd!" Aolan said proudly.

"Not yet!" Zhou Yi shook his head and said, "If the magic weapon is too connected with the owner's spiritual knowledge, this Nabao gourd can't be accepted."

"Isn't this Bo Li suzerain dangerous?"

"I hope he can be better!" Zhou Yidao.

Seeing that the demon mage incorporated Bo Li into his space ball, Elizabeth finally smiled a little on her face. It seemed that this second game could finally win.

How can I know that as soon as she was relieved, there was a deafening thunder in the black space. The thunder came one after another, like ten thousand horses galloping, like thousands of troops fighting, like a storm.

The thick black is constantly torn open by the silver chip, the black area continues to shrink, and the silver area continues to expand. The thunder not only does not stop, but also becomes more and more dense and wild. Finally, with a loud noise, the strong energy flow instantly shrinks to the extreme and bursts in an instant, bright knot The world collapsed in an instant in this energy shock, and the black silver thunderball swept away. The tens of thousands of tons of ink steel warships, which were tightly surrounded together, were pushed away about ten meters by violent energy, bringing up hundreds of meters of meters of turbulent waves, and the hard ground was completely broken. The agile people rushed back. If you jump on the deck or fly into the sky, you will either be swept into the sky, or fall into the sea, or be torn to pieces by the airflow and bombarded into ashes by thunderballs.


The high-level Chen practitioners who watched the battle took action at the same time and instantly built a new boundary on the outer edge of the thunderball bombardment. Until the dust settled, people found that Bo Li had recovered and suspended high above the sea. Even if there was a protective light and energy armor, his shoulders were still deeply sunken, and there was a wisp of blood at the corners of his mouth, and the demon soul mage , but floated motionless on the sea without a sound.

The difference between victory and defeat is clear.

Elizabe's face immediately became more gloomy, and her shining teeth bit her lower lip and didn't say anything for a while.

A confident gamble, I actually lost two games in a row. If you lose the next game, the whole East China Sea bet will end with the tragedy of the coalition!

"Good opportunity!" Zhou Yi took the nine-day treasure gourd and looked at the small fruit on the surface of the gourd. He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Originally, on the surface of the gourd, there are two vertical rows of green vines and small fruits with the same distance. One vertical row represents the grade of the treasure, and the other vertical row indicates the strength of the relationship between the treasure and the owner's spiritual knowledge, that is, the possibility of collection. Now, only two small fruits keep flashing, indicating that the connection between the two is quite weak and can be collected!