xing yu universe

Chapter 353 East China Sea Gambling War 6

Hearing Zhou Yi's panicked shout, Qingmei's heart was hot and showed a charming smile. The water sword suddenly closed, and nine figures leaped back at the same time.

In fact, Geyuan meteorite was also uncomfortable at this time. Although the green energy was worse than her, the soul attack on the Qingteng water sword made her mind feel like being burned. It was hot, and the violent blood flowing in the meridians was ignited in an instant.

With the dual constitution of water and fire, coupled with violent blood, this talent is also her natural disaster. If you are furious or your soul is damaged, it is easy to enter a state of rampage, lose your mind, and unconsciously damage your body.

Now, she is on this edge. The big stick is like a huge ramming machine, with heavy gravity, shouting and hitting the delicate-looking green charm. The stick is heavy, like thunder and lightning, and the martial arts arena is suddenly dangerous, just like purgatory on earth.

However, Qingmei is no longer like shaking with energy just now, but cleverly combining her own talent. Geyuan meteorite was originally accurate, but it was a broken virtual shadow. The green vine water sword was cleverly hit on her body at this time when it was impossible to be developed. Although it could not hurt him at all, it was incidental The strong soul attack made her gradually on the verge of collapse.

Bang! The heavy blow of Geyuan fell into the air again, which was just like a heavyweight boxer. After preparing for a long time, he made full strength and looked at his opponent's head, but punched into the air. The degree of depression made him scream.

With a charming smile, I didn't expect the danger of doing this, and there was another crisp sound. The soul attack ripples visible to the naked eye swayed along the stick, and the distant meteorite made a strong roar like the flooded beast, and the scene on the field changed again!

The giant stick disappeared, and a hill-like King Kong suddenly appeared in front of Qingmei. With only one foot, it occupied half a square-sized space. The energy armor had been crushed, and the whole arms and thighs were **. The muscles were like a hard dragon tooth steel plate, the meridians were bent like steel bars, and the blue-red halo Constantly alternating, the hair stands upright, and only the silver faceless mask is still intact.

This is not a woman, it's simply a female Tyrannosaurus Rex!

"Super Saiyan?" Zhou Yi's eyes stared, "Qingmei, retreat quickly!"

He clearly saw that two completely different phalanxes fought in the tremor of the surface muscles of Geyuan's meteorite, and the whole meridians were like a battlefield of blood fighting, and the amount of violence generated would definitely make him crazy.

"Look at me!"

Qingmei gritted her teeth in the energy raging, and a strange fragrance permeated the whole audience. The violent King Kong eyes were actually confused, completely angered by Qingmei's provocation again and again, and made a roar.

"It doesn't work?" Qingmei did not expect that her charming fragrance not only did not work, but also made Geyuan more furious, and there was a trace of fear on her face. The other eight figures suddenly closed up. A huge green fox appeared in the space of the martial arts arena, hanging in mid-air, with nine huge tails, but falling to the ground.

" hiss--

Everyone present was stunned by this unprecedented scene. A giant like a wild beast, a huge green fox without friends, is this a scene that can be seen in leisure?

Boom! Boom!

Geyuan has long lost all his reason. Although the giant stick is like a big pillar, it rotates like a windmill in his hand. The stick is inseparable from the green head. Outside the charming body, there is a layer of extremely thick and constantly flowing cyan light. The glory continues to condense into a giant wooden spear. While facing the attack, it is swept into debris by the giant stick. Scum.


With a loud and long voice, the giant stick finally inevitably hit Qingmei's body. Her body trembled, and her nine tails unfolded like tentacles, emitting a dazzling psychedelic look.

"Charming, don't let the soul attack!" Zhou Yi had already seen the clue and pulled his neck and shouted.

Sure enough, with the attack of the charming soul, Geyuan meteorite became more violent. His feet stepped on the ground heavily. The fragile plate could not stand it and collapsed with a roar, but suddenly appeared at his feet, holding his body. The big stick unconsciously stirred into a shadow of light, half of which collided with the Qingmei's attack fiercely, and half Used on the bright boundary, the poor boundary once again became the victim of the comparison. It could not be destroyed, and the energy waves spread sharply out. The battleship command tower of the ink steel shell was directly cut to the flat ground, and the onlookers were swept away by hundreds of people.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Qingmei was hit by this dense raindrop, as strong as the bombardment of the Taiyue Mountains. Finally, she couldn't support it. She was hit on her waist by a stick from Geyuan, and her body flew hundreds of meters away. She collided fiercely with a Pang warship. Steel pieces flew across. The warship actually broke her waist. Qingmei no longer had the power to maintain her own image, turned into a human form, and her face was as pale as paper. Fall straight into the sea.

With a hook of his charming and delicate waist, Zhou Yi folded himself in the most unlikely way. A shocking stick from Geyuan hit the sea, splashing a large number of waves. Zhou Yi shouted, "Stop, we lost!"

Although Zhou Yi's shout resounded across the sea, Geyuan seemed to be unheard of it. It seemed that he had locked the charm, raised the stick without hesitation, and swept away to Zhou Yi.

"under the crown of Geyuan!" At this time, Edward was also a little dumbfounded and shouted, "We have won. Stop quickly!"

However, even if he shouted through his throat, it was still white, and the stick of Geyuan's meteorite was close to Zhou Yi's body.

Zhou Yi frowned secretly. While his muscles were running, his body had floated up with the energy aroused by the stick. In that way, it was like being blown away by the stick, causing a scream at the scene.

"The master's violent blood is close to the edge of the explosion. You must find a way quickly!"

"Yes, yes! Find a way!" Yokota Shiro also became nervous and looked at Queen Elizabeth with pleading eyes.

Elizabe's eyes flashed. Now she is not thinking about the explosion of the pavilion, but Zhou Yi. Just now, Zhou Yi leaped, aroused the charm, and flew with the stick wind. She lifted her weight lightly and achieved her goal in understatement, and there was no leakage of energy, which shocked her greatly.

"This is the opponent of the four wars. Why don't you let this irrational guy explore his reality?" Elizabeth thought to herself, "As for the distant meteorite, the Risang Empire always makes small moves behind our backs and wants to take advantage of us, when I don't know!" Humph, if you die, there will be one less strong enemy..."

"Queen Elizabeth, please order action!" Yokota Shiro's face was gloomy and seemed to be able to see through what Elizabeth was thinking, but he did not dare to run forward to stop the distant meteorite. After all, the mad power of the saint could instantly turn his little refining peak into a scum.

In Elizabeth's hesitation, Geyuan meteorite has attacked more than 70 sticks, and the sticks are inseparable from the key points of youth. Zhou Yi did not dare to throw Qingmei to others at this time. His elegant figure is just shuttle between waves and warships, bang! Bang! Bang! The giant stick brushed the corners of his clothes many times and smashed on the tens of millions of tons of warships, smashing the deck comparable to the sacred weapon. With another stick, the whole ship had a big crack from one-third. With another stick, the whole ship was directly smashed in half and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

At this time, of course, the martial arts arena at sea has long existed. Not only has the martial arts arena been destroyed, but three giant warships connected side by side have been damaged under the super destructive power of Geyuan meteorite.

Zhou Yi is the closest person to the huge body far away from the pavilion. He can clearly see that the meridians on his body burst, and the blood in his body is like oil in an open pot. Water elements and fire elements conflict with each other, and the whole person seems to be a ignited explosive bag.

Although he felt uncomfortable, he felt that he could stick to the time of incense. And Geyuan will definitely blow itself up and die.

At this moment, Xiang'er's voice sounded in her ear: "President, save her! Don't let her die!"

Zhou Yi was stunned. Xiang'er has always hated her family very much, and she hated the people from her distant family even more. Do you want to die? When did you become so kind?

Without thinking about it, Zhou Yi quickly took out two blood-red elixirs, flicked his fingers and shot them into the roaring mouth of Geyuan.

The dragon blood elixir, the secret medicine of the dragon clan that transforms the body of members of the Huaxia Association, has three levels of dragon envoy, dragon guard and dragon soldier. However, these three are only for human physique. On top of the human constitution, there are also three high-level dragon blood elixirs, Dragon Emperor and Dragon Emperor. The Dragon Emperor's blood elixir requires a special bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, which can only be used by Zhou Yi and Aolan, while the Dragon Emperor's blood elixir is suitable for ordinary moon cultivation mythical beast dragons.

Zhou Yi has long seen that the muscle meridian strength of Geyuan meteorite obviously does not match the blood strength, and only this dragon emperor blood elixir can improve his physical strength in an instant.

"I hope your life is good enough that there will be no reaction to exclusion!"

Zhou Yi's bloody elixir made his figure slightly stagnate. The giant stick rolled up the remnants and rushed to attack. He couldn't dodge. He hurriedly shouted. His right hand was instantly covered with hard scales. The chaotic element could condense on the strong body, stretched out his hand to cut the stick head, and then twisted it away, and the long stick hit the sound of the wind. In the sea next to him, due to the rough waves, in everyone's eyes, they thought that the Geyuan meteorite was not accurate.

Zhou Yi was also shocked, retreated dozens of meters, and his throat was a little sweet. After all, his basic energy is much lower than that of Geyuan.

The Dragon Emperor's blood elixir quickly melted in his mouth, and the roar of Geyuan took a trace of rational color. The curved meridians on his body actually squirmed like living things, and the muscles began to tremble one after another, and his whole body showed a strange red. The medicinal power of Longxue elixir directly acted on her physical meridians, making it much wider and stronger, and the blood that was originally boiling like oil was slowly calmed down.

"Bastard, what did you give her?"

Yokota Shiro shouted and couldn't help it. As soon as his hand showed, he condensed into a burning spear, penetrated the waves, and threw it at Zhou Yi like lightning.

" Stop--"

The hoarse voice burst out of the throat of the fragrant tree meteorite. As soon as he raised his stick, he swept out the fire spear. The muscles and meridians of his whole body moved along a simple trajectory, and his body also shrank rapidly. Finally, it became a slender woman's image, but his arms, abdomen and thighs were torn muscle mouths, bloody. It looks a little ferocious.

Fortunately, there are still two pieces of cloth that can cover her shame.

At this time, Zhou Yi also returned to the team with Qingmei.

A stream of energy slowly entered Qingmei's body, and Qingmei felt a burst of warmth. Her pale face showed a blush, and her long eyelashes trembled. She slowly opened her eyes and found that Zhou Yi was looking at herself, and her nose couldn't help but ache: "President, I let you down..."