xing yu universe

Chapter 358 Treasure

First of all, the construction skills of the space magic array. What is recorded in the Golden Stone Code is for external use, such as the production of the transmission array, but it is not suitable for the human body. Zhou Yi's purple flame sprayed away, and the ninja body left a skeleton, which was compared with the ninja armor. The outline of the lines of the magic array, the mysterious grasp of space, and the injection of energy are not difficult to learn from Zhou Yi, who is familiar with the external space array.

is followed by the bone of the array, and the bone of the cracked beast is the best material. Zhou Yi controlled the energy tripod furnace, put a cluster of colorful spiritual flames, and formed a light red hot flame with the purple flame *, and slowly forged the second demon knife. In a moment, the white characteristics of the bones of the split beast were revealed, and then gradually turned gray and turned into a gray powder in the fire.

Zhou Yi saw that the heat was enough, so he wrapped the powder with chaotic elements and left it for later use. The light red forging fire then turned to the black twisting space ball. As soon as it approached, the space ball trembled one after another and made a creaking sound. Zhou Yi's eyes were cold and suddenly increased the heat of the fire. Under the strong wrapping of chaotic energy, the space ball could only be roasted by flames. The black ** dripped down little by little and burned to ashes by the gorgeous spiritual flame in a blink of an eye.

Black gradually faded, revealing the light gray surface. Zhou Yi's hand changed his spirit, from a chaotic element as the core. A short sword wrapped in a light red flame outside inserted into the space ball like lightning. With a sad hiss, a cloud of black fog drilled out of the cracks, rushed left and right in the furnace, and finally Slowly disappear.

Zhou Yi is very talented in the array structure. The place where he inserted is the fit point of the space ball array structure, and it is also the entrance for the demon soul mage to inject souls. In this way, the prohibition of the demon soul mage in the space ball and the continuous soul injection for ten years have all turned into nothing. The demon soul mage who was healed on the Charles warship suddenly made a terrible roar, and a mouthful of thick black blood spewed out, and then he was unconscious.

Zhou Yi had no time to take care of those things. At the sight of twisting the space ball and restoring the original pure white texture, he was immediately very happy. A small flame knife was made at will and cut on his wrist. The thin blood arrow soared out and mixed with the gray-white bone powder of the cracked beast, forming a paste state.

The light red flame wrapped around the paste and kneaded it thousands of times in the hanging air. With the entry of dozens of spiritual decisions, the paste like dough suddenly pulled into thin purple lines like hair. It doesn't look very eye-catching, but careful observation will detect the strong spatial energy fluctuations.

The light of the best knife is surrounded like fibers, accurately falling on the space ball, with fine space symbols and lines appearing on the surface of the sphere.

After ten minutes, Zhou Yi took a deep breath, and his fingers kept popping up blood. The lines of the space ball immediately radiated a purple glow.

After completion, Zhou Yi adsorbed the purple silk thread with the best knife, and finely embedded it on the previous rune with the bones of the beast. The energy of the space ball fluctuated, and suddenly created a silky connection with the soul of Zhou Yi's mind.

was repeatedly forged on the light red flame for more than ten minutes, and the space ball suddenly cracked into countless small purple flames like watermelon, which were collected into Zhou Yi's body.

"The space is up to me, and the speed is up to you."

Zhou Yi chanted gently, and the chaotic element that enveloped his whole body suddenly closed. The high pressure of the spiritual flame of the Taiyue Mountains came instantly. He only felt that the bones around his body clicked, and he could no longer support it, and he couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

With a slight movement of spiritual consciousness, a space ball with purple flames appeared all over his body. The gorgeous spiritual flames that rushed into the ball wildly were suddenly held out by a huge force. All the movements slowed down and the temperature suddenly dropped.

"My territory should listen to me." Zhou Yi smiled and twisted a flame flower with his hand. Although it was still very hot, it was obviously tolerable.

"The treasure of Queyu is a successful refining! Unfortunately, the bones of the split beast and the space array are not the best, which slightly affects the utility. Zhou Yi breathed a sigh of relief, let out a long roar, and rose to the sky, directly hitting a hole in the colorful spiritual flame like the top of Mount Tai.


It has not seen Zhou Yi for more than 20 minutes. The uneasy Chinese member suddenly saw Zhou Yi's elegant figure and couldn't help cheering!

"How can this... be?" Zhou Yi's breath had already disappeared, which gave Elizabeth strong confidence. It can be seen that he actually broke through the bondage and was more refreshed and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Can a little colorful fire trap me? I also have one of the five divine flames. Zhou Yi roared, and the wind completely blew away his long hair, revealing his smooth forehead and dark eyes. He clenched the Moon God halberd with both hands. In an instant, he rolled up several halberd flowers and threw them straight at Elizabeth, like thunder and lightning.


Elizabe woke up from amazing. Her hands and a flower-like flame hand axe were instantly withdrawn and resisted one after another. The long moon god halberd was blocked out of the circle by her short hand axe. The metal crossed, and the crisp sound shot out with Mars.

"It seems that the Holy Land Dharma must be used!" Elizabeth's eyes flashed and took a soft breath. She just wanted to get together with the instrument, but she didn't expect that Zhou Yi's body was full of purple light, and the huge purple flame ball involved her group. The hand axe that had been waved quickly suddenly doubled, but her body rushed to Zhou Yi without warning.


This time was too sudden, Elizabeth was stunned for two seconds. When she realized it again, a vise-like palm had stuck in her delicate neck, while the other palm was slightly ambiguously close to her abdomen, and she could smash her purple house with a spitting energy.

With the convergence of her energy, the two hand axes suddenly flew into her body, and the gorgeous spiritual flames that had been rolled up in mid-air for a long time suddenly stopped. Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief and felt a coolness coming to her face. Looking at the sea, a mass of white fog is gradually dispersing in the sea breeze.

"You lost." Zhou Yi smiled and stared at Elizabeth's eyes for a moment.

The treasure of theque realm, the creation of heaven and earth, when used, the energy consumption is also very huge. Zhou Yi's power can now control the use of Aoxue's heart, but after using the treasure of Queyu three times, he is already unable to do it.

I'm sad, and I can't see these on the surface. What can be seen is that Zhou Yi has taken control of the situation on the court.

Fee the bursts of heat from her lower abdomen, Elizabeth was ashamed and annoyed. She struggled in vain and said in a low voice, "Let go of me!"

"King of China, don't mess around!" Edward's face changed slightly, and his hard facial muscles ** shouted loudly. Seeing Elizabeth being restrained, almost in an instant, all the cannons pointed to this side, and there was a loud sound of treasure pulling out and the sound of crystals.

"Is our prior agreement still valid?" In the face of the ready-to-moving Charles army, Zhou Yi's face did not change, but his right hand suddenly strengthened. Elizabeth felt that the Purple House immediately poured into a strong force, which made her involuntarily palpitate.

"If he doesn't agree, he will really blow me up..." Elizabeth's calm face also turned white, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

All this was seen by Zhou Yi and smiled: "The seal of the palm island of the ghost sea fire crystal island, give it to me quickly. Give it to me and let you go."

Sea islands, especially those rich in ore, generally have heavy prohibitions. Ordinary people at sea do not know about these prohibitions. Only when they get the seal of the island can they be opened. Moreover, these prohibitions are not the work of changing overnight. Once there is the seal of Zhangdao, it will be much easier to get in and out.

"I hold two kinds of colorful spiritual flame set artifacts in my hand, and I can't beat him, and I haven't had time to show the Holy Land Dharma..." At this time, Elizabeth was like pouring her head with deep unwillingness, but under the control of others, Zifu was afraid to move. Under the strong contrast, two drops of tears and did not listen. The words rolled down from his eyes.

"Your Majesty..." Brill saw the tears in Elizabeth's eyes, and her head seemed to be hit by five thunderbolts, and she couldn't recover. Although the queen is a little wayward, she has been cultivated as a crown prince since she was a child, and her heart is still tough. How has she ever showed such a weak side? Seeing this, he was so sad that he couldn't help making his own decision. He took a step forward and said loudly, "Zhou Yi, as a prince, what is your ability to hold a weak woman hostage? Janet, what you promised him is that I will naturally lobby for the parliament and the Presbyterian House!"

Queen Elizabeth bit her lower lip, and Baiyu's delicate face showed a little shyness. She whispered to Zhou Yi, "King of China, as long as you promise not to use Huojing Island, I'll do whatever you want!"

"What?" Looking at Elizabeth, who highlighted her little daughter's posture, she felt that her lower abdomen was elastic and soft. Zhou Yi's mind was distracted, "What are you talking about?"

"Bah! Do you want me to say this bastard again?" Elizabeth closed her eyes and gritted her silver teeth: "As long as you don't want Fire Crystal Island, you can do anything to me!"

"Anyone?" Zhou Yi couldn't understand the meaning of her words. Looking at her unbearable small waist, which was quite round*, especially the waves on her chest, which were simply comparable to Nalan Lingqi. How can such a strong woman be able to ask for it? This is really a big **...

Looking at Zhou Yi seemed to be lost in meditation, Queen Elizabeth's creed began to slowly accelerate, with a little fear and a little expectation. Of course, this expectation is only because she is afraid of losing the precious Fire Crystal Island. As for Zhou Yi, she can't wait to frustrate him. How can there be any love? As long as he is a little relaxed and dares to tamper with himself, he will immediately be a thunderbolt.

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested in you." Zhou Yi grinned and immediately put Elizabeth into hell. "If it's your queen of the Charles Empire, I can still consider it. Of course, the premise is that she can't be old and ugly.