xing yu universe

Chapter 360 Shenglongdu 2


A sad long roar came from the mouth of the dull and half-sounding bright cherry, revealing her most unsightly side in front of so many people. Even if she was tough, she couldn't stand it. A sharp knife light flashed in mid-air, and "Nine Phoenix Returns to the Sun" made a clear sound and went straight to her white neck. Ai Qing, standing beside her, was in amazed and did not react.

"Ming Ying, what are you doing?"

When Zhou Yi saw the image of Mingying dancing, Zhou Yi was stunned for a while and suddenly reacted. The first time he went to see her reaction. The snowy knife light almost shook his eyes. In the lightning, Zhou Yi's body quickly bounced up and turned into a flame. In an instant, he arrived in front of Mingying and stretched out his right hand and straight. He took the blade of "Jiufeng Guiyangyue".

In the two fights, Zhou Yi's energy has been consumed 80%. Purple blood dripping from the sky, with a little Mars.

"Mingying, calm down!"

"President!" Mingying looked at Zhou Yi's tightly squeezed lips, listened to the sound from the sky, and said with red eyes, "All the people are watching, can I still live? Can I still live?"

How's it going? King of Huaxia, is this thing worth exchanging for Huojing Island and the Holy Lady of Light?

Edward is a typical Charles character, which is old-fashioned and conservative. He is very disdainful to use this erotic crystal to blackmail the Chinese society. He is disdainful, but some people feel extremely proud to see this situation.

How's it going? King of Huaxia, is this thing worth exchanging for Huojing Island and the Holy Lady of Light? Seeing that no one would react, Brill sounded again with strong sarcastic words.

"Get out*!"

Zhou Yi's roar suddenly sounded on the sea of the East China Sea. The moon god halberth with the last proud snow heart flew out of Zhou Yi's hand with a sad dragon roar. With the momentum of thunder, it brought up a long water belt and directly penetrated Brill. In a breath, it became like a white jade pillar in the sky. * The front watch is still three times thick, rotating at high speed and hitting the bottom of Fengshen Fortress.


With the thunderous sound, the image at the bottom of the Fengshen fortress was blown up and shattered. The chaotic element can bring unparalleled sharpness and power to the moon god halberd, wrapped in a strong momentum, and collided violently with the bottom of the shining blue fortress. The transparent ripples quickly spread at the bottom with fierce shocks. The seal pattern lights up in the almost heartbreaking cry, and the moon god halberd still rotates like an electric drill, and it has to drill a transparent hole.


At the bottom of the Wind God Fortress, the moon god halberd hit the center, full of spider web-like lines.

"Zhou Yi, what are you going to do!"

Zhou Yi's strong outbreak stunned everyone present. Even in the battle of the saints, Zhou Yi did not strive to exhaust the heart of Ao Xue and soared the moon god war halberd nearly 100 times!

"Zhou Yi! Are you crazy?"

Seeing the Fengshen fortress on which he relied, he was almost poked by a hole by Zhou Yi in an instant. Elizabeth's eyes turned red and reached out two red crystals. "I still have more here. Can you destroy it?"

"Zhou Yi, you should have this consciousness when you rescued these women and reused them!" Yokota Shiro's voice sounded coldly, "In addition to Mingying, the bitch's developing crystal, I also have Xi Mu's, Wan'er's, and Ye Feiqing's... Now, almost everyone in Japan has their development crystal. What can you do? What can you do? Can you finish it? You'd better consider our conditions! If you agree, we can order to prohibit the spread of these crystals.

"I'm wrong, so wrong..." A trace of madness flashed in Zhou Yi's eyes and couldn't help muttering.

"Wrong, what's wrong?" Yokota Shiro was stunned.

"At the beginning, Xiang'er and the others wanted to kill on the four islands of Risang, but I stopped them and said that it was appropriate to solve the enemy, and that forgetting hatred is happiness--"

Zhou Yi's eyes suddenly became as cold as ice, and he said in a low voice, "If the Flying Dragon Society had been destroyed at the beginning, how could there be today's humiliation?" Now that I think about it, I'm really sorry for them--

"Zhou Yi, don't talk nonsense to me. Say it quickly, change it or not!" Elizabeth urged loudly, and at the same time, a green light filled with energy suddenly lit up on the hundreds of giant warships.

At the same time, Fengshen Fortress made a powerful sound, and countless holes opened at the same time, revealing the sharp arrows inside.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhou Yi's eyes became more angry and quickly became half-dragon. With a sword in his right hand, a unicorn knight was directly rolled up by a flame and fell directly into his hand.

The knight, a leader of the Knights of Light, also had the strength in the early days of Hedao. At the sight of Zhou Yi waved his hand and took away his sword. Thinking of the scene of stablinting the Fengshen Fortress just now, he couldn't help but turn pale and tremble involuntarily.

"Zhou Yi, what are you going to do?" Elizabeth shouted angrily.

Zhou Yi held a sword alone, his wrist shook slightly, and there was a crisp sound. The long sword made of steel was directly broken by him. He stared at Elizabeth and said, "There is one thing in this world that no one can touch, that is, my relatives, my friends!" I, Zhou Yi, swear here that I will deal with you to the end and never stop! Never die——"

How far Zhou Yi's voice spread over the sea, it seems that there are layers of echoes thousands of miles away.

Elizabeth looked at Zhou Yi's solemn look, her pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, and a mass of fear rose in her heart. She said that this time... I'm afraid it's not good...

But she looked at the magic bow and crystal cannon launcher stretched out like a hedgehog, and her confidence came back: "Even if he is extremely angry, how can he fight with me! Since you dare to kill my prince, Uncle Brill, Shuang Convenience has torn his face, it's better to break the jar and die!"

Elizabe is also the decisive master of killing. Thinking of this, she simply waved her hand and shouted, "All warships, the target Huaxia will bombard me fiercely!"

"Dodge, dodge!" Elizabeth's word "boom" has just been exported, and most of the sect gangs in Zhongxia flew out a few miles like flies. Only a few sects that were good with Zhou Yi showed their weapons and formed a defensive formation.

"Angry Moon Protection! Submarine magic boat team, take down their warships first!"

Almost at the same time, Zhou Yi shouted and made a move, and the Moon God halberd flew back. On the sea surface of the East China Sea, the center of the personnel of both sides stood up, confused with a thin layer of purple-black energy. The shiny fibers in the halberd, like clouds and clouds, form a moon array in a blink of an eye. The energy on the sea, as if inspired by something, swarmed to this side, covering the misted light particles with a few silk of flowing brilliance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tens of thousands of green crystal shells, with a long tail flame, almost ignited the air along the way, and the crackling sound of the air, directly bombarded the protective light curtain that was easy to be set up last week. The huge energy spread along the magic array. Suddenly, more than a dozen big holes appeared in the protection. Zhou Yi, controlled by spiritual consciousness, sprayed three mouthfuls of blood in an instant. .

However, this gave the submarine magic boat team precious time. The submarine magic boat floating densely in the sea air emitted a furious flame in an instant. The crystal bursting arrow easily penetrated the protection at a faster speed and directly burst on the battleship shield.

Chinese members' calculations are very accurate. Generally, three submarines deal with a giant ink steel warship. 24 crystal bursting arrows roared on the huge ship one after another. The first two blew up the protection of the warship, and the rest penetrated in like a spirit snake, forming a huge mushroom cloud. From afar, the Charles Empire thought it was a huge and strong ink steel warship. The hull was broken like a vase, and the pieces of wood, steel, chip debris, and human limbs fluttered all over the sky like the flowers released at the wedding.

Some crystal bursting arrows were not accurate and directly drilled into the bottom of the warship. The warship was abruptly thrown into the air more than ten meters with the waves and hit another warship with a bang, splitting into two halves.

"This...this is incredible..."

Elizabe's eyes widened and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief. She never thought that how the seemingly small boat contained such a huge amount of energy?

At this time, the white submarine in front of the submarine magic boat was shining, and two bursting arrows with golden fibers roared out, one of which was aimed at Elizabeth's chest.

"Be careful!"

Garigans roared and woke up Elizabeth, who was in a trance. Looking at the bursting arrow that hit the front, he was scared into a cold sweat. At a moment, his right leg slid forward and his waist suddenly fell down as if it were broken. The bursting arrow brushed the tip of her nose and faintly felt the arrow. The burning of the body.

Dozens of miles in the East China Sea, there was a sea of waves and thunder. The teams of both sides were suspended in the air, but the warships and the magic boats first bombarded each other for more than ten minutes.

In more than ten minutes, the judgment was made, with the protection of the angry moon and the desperate protection of Zhou Yi and others, coupled with the flexible shuttle avoidance of submarine magic boats, less than ten were bombed by green crystal shells, while the Mogang warships lost a full third!

But even if less than ten ships were lost, Zhou Yi also gritted his teeth secretly, not because of the magic boat, but because of the members inside, few of whom escaped safely!

"Your Majesty! Hurry up and attack everyone! Otherwise, we will suffer a lot of losses!" Galigans said in a low voice.

"Good!" Elizabeth fixed her head and crushed a messenger crystal.


Seeing the chaos at the scene, Yokota Shiro's voice was even crazier: "Zhou Yi, you are ready to die!" The erotic crystals under you are now circulating in Risang, and after today, they will spread to the whole continent!"

"Bastards!" A trace of sneer and sarcasm flashed in Zhou Yi's angry eyes, "It's you, don't blame me!"

Say here, he used his strength, and the dragon roar sounded in the upper layers of the sea: "Moon Wei, Shenglongdu!"