xing yu universe

Chapter 371 Blood and Warm Pool

"Be careful!" Looking at the evil eyes of Elder Shui staring at Ai Qing's chest, Zhou Yi filled his chest angrily and didn't care whether it was true or false that Emperor You raised more than 20 faces. His body roared out, and a round purple flame ball suddenly spread in mid-air, wrapping Ai Qing and the two elders of water and earth.

"What?" Elder Shui was shocked. His fists, half a meter away from Ai Qing's chest, suddenly condensed for three seconds, and two ferocious water python energy armors also miraculously disappeared, and a sense of powerlessness surged into his heart.

"This...what's going on?" In the same flame ball, the local elder in front of Ai Qing's side screamed. Obviously, his spiritual knowledge not only could not feel the earth power between heaven and earth, but also lost contact with the energy of the Taoist golden elixir. Although it was only in an instant, it did disappear in a shock! At this time, the thunder caused by Ai Qing had fallen like lightning.

Three seconds! Zhou Yi refined the treasure of the Queyu, which maximizes the effect and can only cut off the enemy's spiritual consciousness for three seconds.


In these three seconds, more than a dozen thunders fell on the elders without any deviation. His head was smashed like a balloon punctured by a needle, and his brain blood splashed all over. One of them flew to Ai Qing's pretty face, scaring her to close her eyes.

Without the imagined fishy heat, the blood and brain plasma that originally flew to Ai Qing, turned a strange angle and was burned to ashes by a purple fire. Ai Qing finished her big move, and her jade arm fell, but she hugged a hard body with bulging energy.

"Ah?" Ai Qing exclaimed and looked at it carefully before she was relieved. It turned out to be Zhou Yi. He was in the center of the flame ball. His clothes were blowing without wind. Behind his left hand, his right hand was holding a slender body with his feet off the ground. A trace of blood oozed from the corners of the man's mouth, his pupils spread, and his eyes were not glorious. Obviously, his throat had been crushed by him.

"Water elder, local elder!" Zhou Yi's flame ball is not large, at most about 30 square meters. It is the size of a living room, and the flames are clustered, which can see the scene in the fireball.

Guo Zhenfeng didn't expect that he was slightly distracted by Emperor You. The situation had such a big change. He was shocked and angry. He roared and turned into two shining golden fists, which hit Zhou Yi and Ai Qing fiercely on the heads.

Wow! Whew! Like Mount Tai, before the huge punch arrived in front of him, the strong pressure made the two of them breathless.

yo - with a clear phoenix, behind Ai Qing, a pair of huge phoenix wings more than 30 meters long suddenly unfolded, glowing, thousands of colorful, a pair of shadow blades, dragging the long light, lightningly facing a golden giant fist.

Zhou Yi's eyes were cold, and he pulled out the moon god halberd with his hand. His right leg retreated half a step back, tightened his left leg, and his waist twisted a simple arc, hum! The Moon God halberd brought out several closed space cracks that kept emerging, flying more than ten meters in the blink of an eye and hitting the surface of the smashed golden fist.

Guo Zhenfeng attacked the two by one person and has fallen down in terms of energy. Ai Qing's shadow blade hit each other with the giant fist and broke into a colored chip, but the fist also lost its speed and slipped around in the air. Zhou Yi's moon god halberd shot the giant fist directly out, and the violent energy flow swept Guo Zhenfeng up. It took more than 100 meters to stop, and the Dharma body of the Holy Land could hardly be maintained. Hundreds of stamen trees are like thatch blown by the strong wind, boiling in the sky.

At the same time, Yuewei's yin and yang transformation disappeared in the air and narrowly escaped the attack of Elder Wind. A space crack opened just on the route of the fire elder's attack.

It was when the old power had been exhausted and the new power had not been born. Elder Huo was caught off guard and was hitting the crack in the space. His fist and sword turned back to its original body in the shock, but one arm was stirred, and his flesh and blood were swept away by the flow of energy in a blink of an eye.


A gust of wind blew over and swept the long wind of Emperor You, revealing her long eyes. The light of surprise, greed and regret was intertwined, which was very complicated.

"This is my treasure. Why didn't I think of using it like this? How can we get it back? As long as I take it back, I will break through the mortal saint, and the day is just around the corner..." Emperor You thought to himself.

In the blink of an eye, the four elders were killed and injured, and Guo Zhenfeng did not take any advantage.

"How can it be... so strong?" Guo Zhenfeng roared with deep rewill, "Is it... giving up the sword spirit like this? But with Emperor You next to him, and these three people, he is not an opponent at all!"

"Go!" Thinking of this, Guo Zhenfeng gritted his teeth fiercely and went away with a golden light. The two elders did not dare to neglect, left two bodies and hurried away.

"I haven't seen you for many days, but the cultivation of the king of China has been refined again..." Emperor You's pale face and hoarse speech made people's heart twitch involuntarily.

"I didn't expect that the predecessor of Emperor You also came here. The charm of the past flowers is really not small..." Zhou Yi already consumed a lot, and fought dozens of faces with Guo Zhenfeng, and also used the treasure of the threshold. His body became weak again. Even with Ai Qing and Yuewei, he was not sure, so he had nothing to say, but May this guy know the interests and leave quickly.

What Emperor You wants most now is to take Yuewei away with her sword, but when he sees the cultivation of Zhou Yi and Ai Qing, he dares not make up. The two sides wereware of each other and focused on this blood-raising warm pool.

"I said, Lord Huaxia, won't you fight with the leader of the Kunlun Boxing League for the sake of nourishing blood and warm pools in this area? If this spreads to the cultivation world, I'm afraid it will be laughed out.

"Wouling blood and warm pool?" Zhou Yi smiled and said, "I don't think so, right?"

"Not necessarily?" Emperor You's eyes jumped and asked, "Is there something in it?"

"Didn't you see it a long time ago?"

Zhou Yi said, and his body sank and fell directly into the pool. Ai Qing and Yuewei looked at each other doubtfully and dived.

Of course, Emperor You refused to fall behind and jumped into the pool while Zhou Yi dived.

It deserves to be called "Wentan". After going into the water, Zhou Yi immediately felt warm all over his body. The rich energy wrapped the body. The two attributes of fire and dark energy related to his own attributes slowly penetrated into the blood through the muscles, making people extremely comfortable.

"Is it really a blood-raising warm pool?" Zhou Yi frowned and continued to swim to the place where the spirit showed a bloody smell.

Just as the five people dived into the pool, a group of people came. First, it was Niansa and Bo Li, followed by the deputy patriarch of the Shixin sect and several proud disciples.

"People have gone, there are blood stains." Niansa frowned and looked at the broken trunk of the stamens next to the pool and the spots of blood on the ground. "Brother, this is the fifth blood-raising pool we have seen. Although it is also rare, it can't be comparable to the past flowers.

"Is there anything strange about this pool?" A disciple said timidly.

"Wacky?" Nian Sa sneered, "Xiao Lu, what do you know about the cultivation at the peak of refining gods? The energy in this blood-raising warm pool is rich, and the grass is not growing. What can it be strange? Let's look for the sword of life according to the broken records!"

"out of context?" Bo Li was shocked and frowned slightly, "Brother, have you brought the broken chapter of the Bilian Sect? Does Sister Bichen agree?"

"Of course I agree!" Nian said with a smile, "Bichen sister has just been sanctified, and she feels that she can't use the flowers of the past life, so she can see it on the face of the same vein and handed over the broken chapter of God to me. Brother, that's what you said. You just help from the side. It's mine to get the sword of rebirth.

Bo Li nodded with a wry smile. This younger brother's temper has been the same for so many years.

At this time, Zhou Yi had dived hundreds of meters, and the smell of blood fluttered, becoming more and more intense. Finally, a little red light came from a deeper place.

"Ordinary blood nourishing and warm pool is by no means so deep." Youdi Dao.

Zhou Yi nodded imperceptably and wanted to speed up a little faster. At this moment, a figure floated past him, and the momentum was a little faster than him.


Zhou Yi took action, grabbed the man's ankle and walked in front of him. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"Why is it him?"

This man was the water elder of Kunlun Boxing League who was crushed by himself. When Zhou Yi grabbed him, he found that there was a strong pulling force, pulling him straight into the wisp of red light.

"Zhou Lang, look at his neck!" Ai Qing spread the voice.

Zhou Yi fixed his eyes and saw a very fine blood line flowing out of the place where Elder Shui was crushed by himself, which seemed to be connected to the faint light in the distance. This is what Zhou Yi couldn't help thinking of what Guo Zhenfeng said - "blood confession"!

"Is that glimmer of light something that needs blood to nourish?"

Zhou Yi frowned, looked solemn, and said to everyone, "The red light over there may be what Guo Zhenfeng said about 'blood supply'. Be careful!"

With that, he let go of the water elder, and the body suddenly brought up a splash of water and flew into the red light. Zhou Yi and others did not neglect and followed closely.

The red light is getting closer and closer, but the light is still not strong. It is suspended in the center of the whole pool, full of water on all sides, without any creatures.

Zhou Yi and others slowly approached and carefully watched the soft light rolled up like a red cloud. The soft light jumped like a human heart, and there seemed to be a figure in the light.

"What is this? There is some breath of the rebirth sword, but it doesn't seem to be strong..." Zhou Yi saw the rebirth flowers bloom twice, and his spiritual consciousness covered around him. As soon as his mind moved, he looked down and saw more than a dozen corpses lying seven or eight meters below.

Seeing Zhou Yi's face change, Ai Qing and Yue looked down slightly and couldn't help but be surprised. Yue Wei hurriedly covered her mouth with a jade hand.

"The Qi Liguo of the Seven-Star Link Village and the Yinhua Mage of Yindanmen all died here? And it's all mummified corpses, and all the blood energy has been sucked dry!" At a distance of 50 meters, people don't have to dive, but they can see very clearly with their eyes. Zhou Yi took a deep breath and glanced at the twisted face of the mummified corpse. He couldn't help but be surprised. Several of these people have actually seen in the Easthang League!

Qi Liguo is the peak of the century-old Hedao in the south, and the Yinhua mage is a famous hermit saint, and the disciples of Yindanmen rarely walk around in the cultivation world. Zhou Yi also heard Xianger introduce it when she was free.

"Are you here to send me blood?" Everyone was stunned, and a childish voice suddenly came from above.

"Who?" Everyone was shocked and hurriedly looked up.