xing yu universe

Chapter 389 Venom Sea Ccan Territory 2

These four guards are not as strong as those of the Taoist in terms of energy fluctuations, but the eruption of venom is extremely fast, as fast as lightning. It seems to be a gifted instinct and very powerful.

Zhou Yi was shocked. While jumping out, he did not forget to look back at how Elizabeth was relieved.

Seeing the light in Elizabeth's eyes, Zhou Yi, who had already jumped out of the palace, couldn't help scolding, and the flowers and flames suddenly released. With a bang, the temperature in the sea cucumber palace suddenly rose, and the flame wrapped the word killing needle and melted it into a poisonous fog flying all over the sky at a critical moment.

Her mind was all on Zhou Yi. At the moment of the flame eruption, she leaped at the same time. A few wis of poisonous fog immediately penetrated into her nostrils, ears and eyes, making her mind suddenly dizzy and couldn't help but be shocked: "What a strange poison, it will automatically invade the seven orifices!"

However, her anger towards Zhou Yi has not yet been vented. Elizabeth can no longer care about this seemingly inconspicuous venom. Her silver teeth have been clenched, and the energy has been opened to the maximum. Her body has gracefully flew over the head of the sea cucumber. The spirit is surrounded like a satellite. Many seamen have no time to dodge, but feel it is in front of her. The colorful light flashed, and the body was extremely hot, and then it lost consciousness and turned into flying meat foam.

"Quickly, catch this woman! She killed the prince!"

"Humans have broken into the sea cucumber area!"

"Go and inform the king! The prince can't do it anymore!"

Behind Elizabeth, the sea cucumber palace was already noisy. In the distance, a wisp of spiritual knowledge caught up with her body. Looking back, she saw a huge sea cucumber, more than two meters tall, with tentacles forming limbs sliding quickly. There were ten warts on his back and wearing a dark red crown on his head.

"Humble human beings, today you must pay for the prince's life!" While talking, the dark red venom spewed out, forming a narrow and long blade. Around the blade, there were countless small needles condensed by poison. The dark red light burst out like lightning and quickly cut Elizabeth's slender and tight legs.


The body drove the water. Elizabeth rolled up neatly, and the spirit in her hand drew a cross, forming two colorful flame lines, attacking the chasing sea cucumbers. At the same time, she shouted, "You monsters, you have to settle accounts and find the bastard in front of you!"

Once roasted by the scorching temperature, the condensed blade and needle turned into a poisonous fog. Elizabeth put the flames outside, forming a steaming cover, blocking the permeated poisonous fog outside. But the flame itself is also suppressed by heavy seawater and can't leave the body far away from the body.

"There's another one over there!" Reminded by Elizabeth, Gao Haishen caught a glimpse of Zhou Yi's back and couldn't help frowning and said coldly, "It's worthy of being a strong man of human beings. The two dare to break into my sea cucumber poison field!" Humph, let's solve this one first!"

With that, ten warts at the top lit up, and his tentacles rolled up two thin dark red knives, flying blades, sharp water flow, and the fire shield formed by Elizabeth together with the strong pungent fishy smell.

Elizabeth herself has the strength of the middle of the mortal saint, but she was suppressed by water at the bottom of the sea, and her strength went by 30%. She waved a brilliant firelight, surrounded by fog, constantly fighting with the dark red poison knife of the high sea ginseng, and at the same time quickly swept away to the outside of the hall.

Here, Zhou Yi has flown far away from the sea cucumber palace and hid in a canyon made of coral. There are sparse houses scattered on the hillside, about two meters high, which seems to be a village. From time to time, black and brown sea cucumbers wander in the middle, with different warts shining red on their backs.

He was about to jump down from the mountain and hide into the village. Suddenly, a few red and blue lights flew on the top of the opposite peak, and some people shouted harshly: "Don't let Zhou Yi go!" When he was the first person, he was short, and he was suddenly a strong man, and nine peaches were one precious!

These sea cucumbers don't know how to evolve, and what they said is actually in Zhongxia.

"Nine peaches are expensive, how can you know the poisonous sea cucumber man?"

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked back at the Coral Sea God Palace, from which he had spit out countless sea cucumber guards. Elizabeth and the high sea ginseng came quickly as they were dealing with each other.

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous. When Elizabeth saw Zhou Yi, she immediately got rid of the entanglement with the sea cucumber man and swung the hand axe with her arm as the axis. During the flight, the hand axe suddenly expanded ten times and became as big as a wheel, and fiercely cut off Zhou Yi's head.

The simple semicircular arc, on which the sea water has been steamed and the heat wave is coming.

On one side of Zhou Yi's body, the hot axe blade rubbed the tip of his nose and fell down, and Elizabeth's long hair floated behind, revealing half of her white and slightly reddish face. Needless to say, that red spot is a memorial left by Zhou Yi with a steel needle.

"Stupid woman!"

Zhou Yi muttered, and his left leg was pulled out like a whip, sliding abnormally in the huge resistance of the water. Those with good eyesight could even see the water rotating and automatically separating. With a crack, Elizabeth only had time to avoid half of it.

Bang-Elizabeth was pulled out more than ten meters away and lost her voice, "How can it be? Why are you still so fast in the water?"

Zhou Yi looked at Elizabeth's unbelievable beautiful eyes and sneered: "Is it really a big chest and brainless? Must the fire constitution be afraid of water?"

"You! Who do you think is big and brainless, and who do you think is...brainless!" Elizabeth suppressed all the way and finally burst out hysterically. If the destruction of her power card made her very angry, the "broken" and scolded her brainless at the bottom of the sea made her completely go crazy.

She ignored the heavy water pressure on the bottom of the sea, and the flames of her whole body rose more than a foot high. Even a pair of blue eyes turned into color, and there was a bright eye shadow at the corners of her eyes, which made her delicate face more layered, but a few red dots on her cheeks destroyed the overall perfection.

"Spiritual Dance of Fire!"

Elizabeth shouted softly, and the flames on the two axes were like two dragons, drawing an arc from both directions, forming a circle, firmly covering Zhou Yi and her. Then, her flexible arms waved repeatedly, and the axe blades continuously split into the void. Each axe blade is a flame line. The temperature of the flame line is superimposed with the number of axe blades. Finally, with a roar, the sea water in the circle burned up, and the temperature rose by thousands of degrees, and the axe blade rolled inside.

"Stupid woman!" Zhou Yi's voice came coldly, "It doesn't work in the sky. Do you still want to deal with me at the bottom of the sea?"

"Then try it!" While Elizabeth spoke, she had hit ninety-eight axes in the flames. As the axe overlapped, the temperature became higher and higher, and the heat wave rolled as if it had reached the depths of the earth.

The five divine fires, the gorgeous spiritual flames are the most penetrating. In the fierce battle in the East China Sea, Zhou Yi had Chaoyuan to protect his body and didn't feel anything. Now that Chaoyuan's energy consumption was exhausted, he immediately felt that there were countless flame needles piercing into the pores all over his body, which hurt his heart, making him couldn't help but want to shout and jump.

"You idiot, the venom sea cucumbers are going to surround us!"

"I don't care. If I don't kill you today, I won't finish!"

The two fought in the flame circle, and Jiutao Yigui and others flying from the mountain peak in the distance had arrived close. A low voice calmly ordered: " Surround them! These two are all saints. Eight elders, kill words and poison needles to attack me intensively!"

"Yes!" The same low voice sounded, giving people an inexplicable feeling of palpitation. Eight equally narrow and thin sea cucumbers surrounded the flame at equal distance, with twelve terrible wart feet shining behind them, and a circle of miserable blue glow at the round holes of their hands.

"King Shen, we can only kill Zhou Yi, and there is also a strong Charles..." Jiutao said hurriedly.

"I can't spare that woman!" Gao Haishen's breathless voice sounded, "Hang Wang Wang, that woman killed the prince of Gu Xuanxueyu!"

"What! Did she kill the prince?" The owner of the low voice suddenly took a trace of trembling and turned his head to see the sea cucumber held by the old sea cucumber man with half of his head cracked. His pupils couldn't help shrinking, and his body couldn't help trembling. His eyes were as gloomy as water, and he said coldly, "Give me, shoot them all to death!"

With the order of the sea cucumber king, eight blue-ray "kill" poison needles flew out of the round hole of the tentacles, rubbing the sea water, making a sharp roar and forming a brief vacuum around them. These blue needles, unlike the black needles guarded by the sea cucumber just now, are actually made of ten blood tanks, emitting a complete metal luster, which looks extremely hard and sinks into the flames at lightning speed.

The strong energy fluctuations and pungent breath stunned the two people fighting in the fire. But it was just stunned. Elizabeth ignored it and continued to wave the axe like a mad tiger, treating Zhou Yi as a osmanthus tree, more obsessed than Wu Gang in the Moon Palace.

"Stupid woman, if you don't leave, let's die together!"

Zhou Yi shouted angrily, and the moon god halberd picked one by one, blocked the spirit, tried his best to fly up, and rushed out of the dance of flames. His body was full of burning flames, shaking his body, and he was deeply tired, and rushed straight to his mind from the limbs.

Because he is desperate to rescue Yuewei, he still has no strength with one arm. In order to fight against nine peaches, the use of the treasure of Queyu is almost exhausting energy. Zhou Yi, who has been completely sanctified, has been able to exchange energy with the outside world at any time, but he still feels tired. Most importantly, he must treat his arm immediately and remove the seal planted by Jiutao. Otherwise, I don't know what future problems will be left.

Although Elizabeth was hysterical, she still had reason. As soon as the killing needle of the eight elders of sea cucumbers shot out, her spirit and body felt the danger of roaring at the same time. Lingyue suddenly withdrew her body within half a foot and spun like Zhou Yi's purple moon heart.


In the sound, about half of the poison needles shot into the air, but some of them were vaporized into fog by the flames of the two people and drilled into the nostrils and four skeletons. Suddenly, there was a hot tingling pain, and the energy and blood in the meridians suddenly stagnated.


Both of them have the same idea. They dare not fight at all, and they don't distinguish between east, west, north and south. They turn into two color and purple meteors, break through the water and go straight to the nearest coral peak.

"Huge, they escaped!" Eight elders said angrily.

"Don't worry, the direction they are going is the wandering mountain around the palace." The big eyes of the sea cucumber king showed, "They escaped in and couldn't get out for 20 years. Elder, you will take three elders, five elders and 1,000 masters with more than six warts, and you will definitely capture those two lives! If you dare to kill my son, I want them to die!"

"Yes!" The elder bowed to take the order. He, who is familiar with the inside of the palace, certainly knows how angry the sea cucumber king is now.

Sea cucumber king has always been not interested in sea cucumber women, but likes human women. However, the physique of humans and sea cucumbers is very different. In the past 100 years, he didn't know how many rare drugs he asked for to get a son in middle age, but the human queen died after giving birth. Although there were many human women in the harem, there was no movement. This prince can be said to be the future sea cucumber king. But now, it's so unclear!

Of course, Zhou Yi did not know the anger of the sea cucumber king, let alone what he entered into the mountain. He just followed the narrow coral valley, turned left and right. Seeing that there were no pursuers behind him, he plunged into a narrow coral cave and quickly arranged a shielded boundary.

Adjusting the breath, Zhou Yi looked around and saw that he was halfway up a coral mountain. The opposite mountain wall was ten meters away from here, forming a long and narrow valley. Due to the uneven surface of Coral Mountain, the hole where Zhou Yi is located can only accommodate and is still hidden.

A little relieved, Zhou Yi immediately took out two crystal diamonds from the realm, and his muscles were moderately relaxed and began to immerse himself in cultivation.

The silk energy of the crystal diamond entered the meridians, and Zhou Yi just lay on the soft bed like a long journey traveler, moaning comfortably.

This kind of exhaustion war is very beneficial to the improvement of basic energy. Zhou Yi can't take care of it now. He first used the heart of Ao Xue to impact the seal of nine peaches. While solving it, he was secretly shocked. This sang people are worthy of being called the "thorn emperor". The tricky method used is complex and complex, just like thorns, which makes people unable to start. It took him six hours to untie the seals. Then organize the energy meridians. Six hours had passed when everything was finished and breathed a sigh of relief. Zhou Yi, who was extremely tired, fell asleep as soon as he relaxed.

I don't know how long it took, he slowly opened his eyes. First, take a closer look at your body. It is worthy of the bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, with strong recovery ability. Once the seal is broken, the crystal immediately provides endless energy, and the injury has already healed.

Zhou Yi put his heart down, looked up and couldn't help but be shocked: "Why has the scenery outside changed?"

He clearly remembered that the mountain opposite him was more than ten meters long and undulating, but now it is only a little more than one meter, which can only allow one person to fly calmly.

Zhou Yizheng was confused, and suddenly a little divine fire came from the opposite side, and an image of a luxurious, beautiful and strong blonde woman immediately appeared in his mind.

It's that stupid woman!

"This Janet also recovered from hiding in the coral cave!" Thinking of her crazy expression when she said "big breasts and brainless", Zhou Yi raised the corners of her mouth slightly. She felt that if this woman had not participated in the invasion of Zhongxia, she would be too despicable to China and was relatively cute.

Just as Zhou Yi was thinking, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and the hot tingling came from the depths of the meridians. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"No, it's poison from yesterday! With my physique, why hasn't it been resolved so far? The practice just now must have been temporarily suppressed, and now it has come back. Thinking of this, Zhou Yi suppressed his surprise and quickly hugged Yuan Shouyi. A stream of energy differentiated from the crystal and rushed straight to the venom in the meridians to remove the toxin.

However, the poison of the sea cucumber was very domineering. It wandered through the meridians like shrinking sea cucumbers and split at a geometric speed. Soon, Zhou Yi's whole body was blue and black, and his forehead was full of sweat.

Just as Zhou Yi was nervous to expel poison, there was a turbulent sound of water not far away, and his voice suddenly raised his heart.