xing yu universe

Chapter 398 Treasure

"Sister, we are both old people in this sea cucumber palace. I don't believe it. You haven't heard your majesty talk about the treasure of the clan. The brunette woman turned over and climbed out from under the red-haired woman and wiped her body with a dark red algae leaf.

"It turns out that my sister also heard about it." The woman in red showed a little embarrassed expression, "I thought it was the old guy's nonsense when he was excited. However, I still don't believe it. Baby, as long as you recite the spell on the sword, you can make the other party take the initiative to throw yourself and fall in love with yourself? I don't think it's possible."

The talker is unintentional, and the listener is intentional. Zhou Yi was shocked by the conversation between the two boudoirs.

"What? The treasure of the sea cucumber, can you make the other party fall in love with yourself by chanting spells? Isn't this the love sword mentioned by Xiaolong Nizi? It once made such a strong figure as Sister Bing feel helpless!" Zhou Yi felt that it was very boring to eavesdrop on the conversation between two ** women. He wanted to leave, but he didn't expect to hear such important information.

"Brother, what they said, is it the love sword?" Aolan couldn't help saying in Dragon Ball. Now, she and Lori Bingyue Long Xiaobai are living in the dragon ball in Zhou Yi's neck.

"I don't think it's impossible." The brunette combed her messy hair. "Now my body is like this, and I can't go back to the coast for a long time. If I can get that treasure, I will say your majesty's name a thousand times and let him spoil me alone, lest he see one and ask for one, but let us stay alone in the empty room, and finally live by digging a dry well.

"You dare to think about it." The red-haired woman laughed and said, "You are very infatuated with your majesty. Unfortunately, I don't think so. If I can get the baby from the Treasure Palace, I will find the name of the most handsome man first, and let him kick and follow me.

"Bah, sister, you are purely a toad..." The brunette woman sneered and waited to say, but she felt a burst of cold air, and she couldn't help getting goose bumps all over her body. Her voice trembled and she was about to exclaim, but she saw a young man standing by the bedside. His pale face was bloodless, and a trace flashed in her eyes. The cold and fierce light.

"Ah..." The two women opened their mouths at the same time, but they felt bursts of oppression from the bottom of their hearts, so that their voices could only swallow in their throats, but they could not come out at all.

"You, are you human? How can"

After half a sound, the red-haired woman felt relieved and squeezed words out of her throat. Perhaps due to the inertia of the body, I don't forget to stand up my already very arrogant chest when speaking.

When the brunette saw the red-haired woman showing her figure, she couldn't help but be very dissatisfied and knelt down a few steps to Zhou Yi: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The two** women came out of the consternment of seeing strangers in a blink of an eye. They turned out to be an image of inviting pets, which made Zhou Yi feel both funny and a little sad, and had to strengthen the effect of the detoxification belt. However, the two women were poisoned so deeply that the effect of the medicine could not eradicate the poison for a while, which could only keep them basically awake.

"What did you say just now, what's wrong with the treasure of the sea cucumber people?" Seeing that the two of them at least stopped scratching their heads, Zhou Yi opened his mouth coldly.

"The treasure of the sea cucumber people, can you tell you casually?" The red-haired woman was obviously more poisoned than the brunette. She came down directly from ** and approached Zhou Yi's side. Her whole body was almost close to him, and Zhou Yi's ears were itchy. "However, as long as you serve your sister comfortably, my sister will naturally tell you everything..."

"Real?" Zhou Yi sneered, with a blue light in his pupils, looking straight at the red-haired woman.

"Then..." The red-haired woman still had to laugh a few words, but she felt dizzy and fell asleep unconsciously.

"Tell me where the treasure of the sea cucumber people is. I'll take you out of the seabed." Zhou Yi said in a low voice.

"This, this is impossible! Who are you?" The brunette shook her head and didn't believe it.

"I don't care whether you believe it or not, tell me!" Zhou Yi's eyes were cold, and two blue lights came out.

After the traceless poisoning, the soul was very fragile. Zhou Yi's dazzling soul worked one after another. The black-haired woman felt in a trance and casually said, "Isn't the treasure of the town family in the treasure palace of the sea cucumbers? It's just that no one knows where the 'treasure palace' is.

"She has been here for a longer time, do you know?" Zhou Yi pointed to the side. The red-haired woman has fallen asleep, but **, her posture is extremely bad, and Zhou Yi doesn't want to look more.

"The longer you come, the more you will be rejected by the sea cucumber king. She hasn't been favored for ten months. How can she know these secrets? The brunette woman sneered and said, "Go and ask the new human strongman. Maybe you can tell you the location of the treasure palace by blowing the pillow wind."

"The new human strongman, do you mean Elizabeth?" Zhou Yi's heart moved and said in a low voice, "Where is she in?"

"The first time she and Her Majesty was, of course, in the palace of love." There was an obvious resentment in the eyes of the dark-haired woman. "I guess she is very happy now. It's too late for you to go a little late."

Zhou Yi sighed, avoided the knife-like eyes of the dark-haired woman, fell like an electric hand, stunned her, and then threw the two into the space of Bailing Tripod. The sea cucumber king hasn't spoiled them for ten months, which shows that these two people are already dispensable. Since they meet themselves, they are also predestined. When they can help, they still need to impose some.

Zhou Yi was moved by his kindness and seized the time. According to the black-haired woman, the meteor rushed to the round egg-shaped building in the center of the inner palace, the ten thousand mirrors of the palace.

Zhou Yi incarnated several curved, faintly visible light, constantly avoiding the bright guard and dark whistles, and approaching the Wanjing Love Palace in the most remote place. When he approached, he found that outside the palace was actually a thick, black and bright prohibition. If he didn't touch it, he looked quiet and could still shine like a mirror.

"Well, this Xie Dui's appearance is really ugly compared with my true appearance." Zhou Dashan posed in front of the black mirror and stalked twice.

Then, he pointed to a ** surface with his finger and felt a burst of shock spread all over his body, numb and cold. Originally stationary on different surfaces, suddenly there were layers of ripples. Black ** quickly wrapped Zhou Yi's fingers, spreading along the skin lines to the whole body like living things. The speed was so fast that he was shocked and hurriedly withdrew his fingers.

In the nervous situation, Zhou Yi suddenly stimulated the effect of the detoxification belt and made a sound of hot water splashing oil. The black ** reluctantly stopped the invasion momentum, retreated like a flood, and was sucked into the huge black surface. After shaking a few times, it fell into a standstill.

"The venom ban here is so powerful!" Zhou Yi did not dare to hold it big. Seeing that there were only seaweed fluttering around, the palace lamps in the distance, and the patrol guards had just walked not far, and it was very quiet. He took a deep breath, forced the effect of the detoxification belt out of his body, and stepped into the black ** firmly wrapped in the palace.

hai hai-

Although the voice was not loud, it also made Zhou Yi a little scared. The effect of the medicine was compressed by the venom to less than half an inch from the skin, forming a humanoid cover. The venom on the surface of the hood, like boiling water, kept rolling around, emitting blue and black smoke.

The effect of detoxification belt is very horrible. Zhou Yi just feels that there is a boulder on his back, and the energy in his body has become a little slow, and there is no other discomfort. However, if you start with the sea cucumbers in this venom ban, it is estimated that the strength will be reduced by at least 40%.

At the thought of this, Zhou Yi's action was more rapid. Fortunately, this layer of prohibition was not thick. He walked about 300 meters. The usual energy fluctuations of sea cucumbers came from him. He fixed his eyes and saw that the door of the egg-shaped palace was shrouded in venom. The palace has eight gates, each of which has four guards standing. After a while, the nine warts behind them flashed, obviously searching around with their spiritual knowledge.

However, the expressions of the bodyguards are very relaxed, because they know that in the territory of the sea cucumbers, the heavily banned sea cucumber palace may not even mix in a sea snail. Even if the sea cucumbers themselves, if they are not more than eight warts, will be burned to ashes in this thick venom prohibition.

Zhou Yi did not hesitate. After approaching the palace, he immediately flew up to find a mezzanine that isolated the sea.

After entering the inner palace, Zhou Yi noticed that the concubine of the sea cucumber king, that is, the palaces inhabited by human women, were all isolated from the sea. Not only is there no seawater, but the pressure and air inside are suitable, which is generally the same as that on the mainland.

It seems that this palace, like Huaxia City, also has a boundary that separates the sea. This boundary is the best place to dive. Although Zhou Yi did not follow Pikachu to restore Huaxia City, he is very familiar with these architectural common sense. Since the peripheral prohibition of sea cucumbers adopts the "strange door lock key array" of the dragon clan, it is estimated that no innovation can be made in isolating the sea water.

Zhou Yi came to the top of the egg-shaped palace and was indeed covered with a layer of red crystal slabs, a total of six diamond-shaped red crystals of about three square meters. The crystal plate is engraved with the water avoidance array, and the dark red light penetrates into the venom, automatically removing the seawater, which is at least ten times lower than the transparent waterproof cover of Huaxia City.

"In order to eat the soul sword and that Elizabeth girl, I have to spend money once." Zhou Yi muttered and took out several amethysts from the realm. With a touch of his right hand, there were more jumping flames, melting the amethyst in a blink of an eye. Under the guidance of Lingjue, it turns into a complex line, forming a temporary waterproof array in an instant, which can withstand water pressure in a short time.

Then, Zhou Yi's knife made a lightning action, and the thick red crystal plate was cut open half a meter square like tofu. With a muffled sound, the whole palace trembled. The sea formed a small whirlpool on the surface of the venom, near the notch of the red crystal slab, and the sound of the waves transmitted inward.