xing yu universe

Chapter 400 Saving Elizabeth

Because of the energy shooting everywhere, those happy women have been torn apart before the sea cucumber king. The whole room was like a bloody rain, and bloody and sticky things were everywhere. Zhou Yi has energy protection and is not stained with any filth.

As the sea cucumber king was unwilling to fall, an imperceptible black light ingested the mirror on the wall. Zhou Yi only grabbed the nucleus of more than ten warts and cleaned up the space capsule left by the sea cucumber king, but did not notice this strangeness.

Looking at the mottled and strange scene, Zhou Yi turned around and went out. The outside is still quiet as usual, and the white jade mirror is like a dream. The explosion of the sea cucumber king's room did not destroy its tranquility, and there were still closed doors waiting for Zhou Yi to open.


"Jenna, Elizabeth, Your Majesty the Queen of the Charles Empire, I finally found you!"

Zhou Yi pushed open the penultimate door and found Elizabeth tired in ** like a kitten in the shadow of the mirror. Hearing the sound, she slowly raised her head, and a rare bright color flashed in her confused eyes.

Of course, these words only flashed in Zhou Yi's heart, and his face was still frosty cold.

"You are..." Elizabeth's voice is slightly hoarse, as far away as in the sky, but it gives people a charming feeling, "Are you... that messenger?"

"It's me. Xie Dui, the special envoy of Gu Xuanxueyu Da Halai. Zhou Yi said lightly.

"Xie Dui..." Elizabeth took a breath and fought against the traceless poison, which almost exhausted her energy. Her whole body was on the verge of collapse. Seeing Zhou Yi, she naturally thought of an unbearable thing. She shrank back and tried to cover up her important parts. "It's the sea cucumber king. Did you come here?"

Zhou Yi did not answer Elizabeth's question and said to himself, "I have asked many people, but they don't know where the Treasure Palace is. Do you know?"

"What treasure palace, I don't know..."

As soon as Elizabeth shook her head, she saw a flash. The cold man opposite her with a knife like the wind and cut her neck extremely quickly.

B of a bastard! Elizabeth cursed secretly. Her body was slightly on one side, and she fought with Zhou Yi like a palm, making a crisp sound. She rotated half a circle, and her graceful figure was like a glimpse in the air. The straight breasts and buttocks were covered by the flying blonde hair, which made Zhou Yi stop admiring in her heart. At the same time, she scolded: "I want to Beat you so as not to indulge in poison, a good guy!"

How did Elizabeth know Zhou Yi's "good intentions", years of cultivation and the sensitivity of saints made her subconsciously mobilize the energy in the purple mansion to resist. But how did she know that when she jumped into the air, she felt a muffled sound in her abdomen, and the traceless poison in her body was like a tide, breaking through the embankment of energy, rushed to her mind, a wave of rushing down, and her desire was like a flame, sweeping her spiritual knowledge and everything in an instant.

Bang! Elizabeth fell on the soft big**, but her body was not covered by long blonde hair as before, but opened to Zhou Yi in an extremely seductive posture. The most secret part blocked by a narrow cloth is now like a garden open to tourists for the first time, which is not only mysterious, but also constantly stirs Zhou Yi's mood to explore.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yi subconsciously took a step back, and the strong wind waved a curtain and covered her body.

Elizabeth is indeed beautiful in the world, but the identity of the Queen of the Charles Empire made Zhou Yi not have the desire to have a super-zero distance entanglement with her, but just wanted to cover her seductive posture.

The traceless poison only changes the physique and makes people * incomparable, but there is no conflict with energy. Elizabeth's energy was limited before, just because she wanted to suppress the toxin attack the heart. Now she has been attacked the heart, and the energy has been used freely.

So, she just scratched her fingertips and cut open the good-textured curtain tent. There was no brilliance, only the eyes of desire. She firmly locked Zhou Yi, the only man in her eyes, and roared in her voice and rushed over.

"Ah!" Zhou Yi's eyes were first white skin, with the unique tight skin and strength of Western people, and then the proud and slightly shaking two jade rabbits towered high, which made his heart slightly hot. But immediately seeing Elizabeth's eyes, *'s flame was immediately scared to extinguish in the cradle.

Her eyes are dark orange, as if they were beasts that choose people to eat in the night. However, the desire for sex has surpassed hunger and traceless poison, suppressing Elizabeth's only spiritual knowledge. Now she can only smell the smell of male animals.

The empty door in front of Elizabeth's chest was exposed, but Zhou Yi couldn't do it. He floated back a few meters like lightning, and the effect of the detoxification belt was released in an instant, permeating 2 meters away.

Elizabe came very quickly and entered the range of the effect in a blink of an eye. Before her arms were held last week, the effect of the medicine was in all-round contact with her skin and made a sneering sound. Every pore of her skin emitted a little orange flame.

With the emergence of this scene, Zhou Yi clearly saw that the flame in her beautiful eyes went out and restored a trace of agility. Looking at his body, he immediately let out a woman's usual exclamation, covering her chest with her left hand and protecting her lower body with her right hand. At the same time, she also noticed that Zhou Yi was within two meters of herself, and an anger appeared on her face and scolded, "You bastard, why don't you stay away from me and close your eyes!"

Zhou Yi's nose almost crooked and said secretly, "If it hadn't been for me, you would have become an unconscious ***!" Remembering Elizabeth's charm just now, and looking at the way her hands are ashamed and angry, but not lose their nobleness, he couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect this woman to change to such two appearances in a second, if it is recorded..."

Thinking of the record, the scene that Mingying was almost tossed to death by Elizabeth's crystal immediately appeared in front of her. Zhou Yi was not polite. He immediately took out a developing crystal and flashed to the side at the same time, giving up a distance of ten meters: "Do you think you are beautiful? I'm not interested in you."

With the loss of the effect of the medicine, Elizabeth had a chill all over her body, and the flame in her eyes rose again. It turned out that her hands that protected her trembled and stroked her skin slightly, turning into a kind of teasing nosebleeds.

Zhou Yi put all this into the development crystal. Although he smiled secretly, there was still no wave on his face. He silently looked at Elizabeth and rushed back into her field of medicinal effects.

The voice sounded again, and Elizabeth exclaimed again, but the content changed: "Why did I come to you again?"

She was puzzled, but she looked at the cold man in front of her with some shame. He was really not interested in himself. Seeing himself approaching, he jumped out lightly; and then he was overwhelmed by the rising desire, and when he woke up again, he came to his side again.

Elizabe can cultivate to the realm of the saint at a young age. How smart she is. After thinking about it, she understands her situation. This man should have the antidote of his own * poison, and he always dodged. It seems that there is no malice.

After figured out this link, Elizabeth did not hide. She just bit her lower lip slightly, looked at Zhou Yi, and said, "Do you have an antidote?"

Zhou Yi shook his head: "I have no antidote, only one field of detoxification."

"The field of detoxification..." Elizabeth was surprised, "You, are you under the true coronation?"

Zhou Yi looked at Elizabeth's eyes, but he was indifferent.

Elizabe is within the scope of medicinal effects, and the toxins of the whole body are slowly burned by the divine fire in the body. The energy and spiritual knowledge are restored little by little, and she feels particularly comfortable and suitable. With preconceived speculation and personal feelings, Zhou Yixiu suddenly became unfathomable in her opinion.

"Please help me under the true holy crown!" Elizabeth is in Zhou Yi's "detoxification field". Her long golden hair is like waves, covering her elastic and tight chest, covering the exquisite triangle of infinite charm, and a faint blush on her face.

"Do you want to exorcise poison in my field?" A trace of joke flashed in Zhou Yi's eyes and casually threw a white robe. "Let's put on your clothes first."

"Thank you." Elizabeth looked grateful and quickly wrapped her exquisite body in a wide robe.

"Your cultivation should be the best among the sea cucumber concubines. However, I don't have time for you to slowly exorcise the poison. Zhou Yi said lightly, "I am the right minister of Da Halai. I am responsible for the king's life, and I have to rush back to Gu Xuanxueyu."

"I'm not his concubine!" Elizabeth's face was distorted with anger, but she controlled it very well and said hatefully, "I'm a Charles. I was accidentally caught by the sea cucumber king and poisoned 'no trace'. If you are busy, I would like to follow you for a period of time to take care of your diet and living.

The more Elizabeth's spiritual consciousness recovered, the more she felt that the traceless poison was terrible. Without the detoxification field of the indifferent man in front of her, I was afraid that she would still be controlled by this toxin and become an animal that only knew *. Let's not talk about the situation in the Charles Empire. The wind god fortress, the pillar of the royal power, has been destroyed. I'm afraid that the Church of Light has now seized power. This strong man must have a very high status in Gu Xuanxueyu, and Gu Xuanxueyu is the source of the three rivers in midsummer, with rich resources and huge potential. If you get his help and his hidden power, it should be good to regain the power of state control.

Zhou Yi looked at Elizabeth with low eyebrows and said coldly, "Since you want to, follow me as a maid." If you want to leave, I won't stop you." He said this, but he couldn't stop laughing in his heart, "Elizabeth, it's all in vain. Let's see how I deal with you slowly!"