xing yu universe

Chapter 412 Qingyuefang

"Too few! I'll pay 200,000 taels!" A crisp and slightly stiff voice sounded. Suddenly, he shocked the people around him and looked around. They all wanted to see who was alive or death, but they actually grabbed the woman with the rank.

The speaker is a Westerner with blue eyes and a rhinoplasty, but unlike other Westerners, he has beautiful eyebrows, fair skin and a well-proportioned figure. Everyone can't help but praise him secretly. He is such a handsome young man!

Zhou Yi looked at it and almost laughed out loud. Who else will this person be besides Elizabeth, who dresses up as a man?

Of course, Elizabeth knew that Zhou Yi would recognize her and raise her delicate chin like a demonstration, which means that I just challenge you. What should you do?

In fact, she hated Xie Dui to death in her heart. This bastard used himself to hit his opponent and got into a high position. He immediately ignored himself and ran to the kiln! What did you say about Zhongxia? Aunt can stand it, but uncle can't stand it! I'm going to ruin his good deeds today!

Seeing Zhou Yi's silence, Elizabeth smiled and said, "Everyone, I have already sold 200,000 yuan. If no one pays a high price, this beauty will be mine."

"Hence." Zhou Yi raised his hand and said, "I'll pay 300,000."

"300,000?" Elizabeth tilted her head with a playful smile on her face, "400,000."

"500,000!" Zhou Yi saw that Elizabeth was obviously angry with himself, and he was also a little funny.

Is it rising based on 100,000? Is this in a brothel or in a mine? The people present were either rich or noble families, but they still didn't believe their ears and felt a little excited.

As a big man who has got everything, it is not easy to make them excited.

"600,000!" Elizabeth did not hesitate, with a pair of deliberately small eyes, looking at Zhou Yi challengingly.

"The 500,000 I said is chlorite." Zhou Yi said lightly.

"What? Green crystal?" Everyone was stunned, and the whole scene fell into silence.

Officially, the ratio of chlorite to silver is one to five, but due to the uneven distribution of minerals, the actual price of chlorite is more than ten times higher than that of the Central Plains. 500,000 green crystals, and the cost of silver has reached tens of millions of taels.

"I'm also talking about green crystal! This beautiful woman, I'm going to decide!" Elizabeth did not admit defeat at all.

She is very confident in Zhou Yi's price call. Xueji is your wife. If I buy it, you can be cuckold in front of everyone.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi did not hesitate at all and stretched out his hand to make a "please" gesture: "Congratulations, brother, this beautiful woman belongs to you."

"Uh--" Elizabeth was a little dumbfounded and opened her mouth in disbelief. Thinking about the 600,000 green crystals that are about to be lost is really painful.

600,000 green crystal, Qingyuefang can't earn back for three years! Qingyun's smile was even more, and she said, "This gentleman offered 600,000 green crystals. Is there any higher?"

What else? And it's a pig brain! Hearing the gasp at the scene, no one dared to say anything for fear of making a little noise and ruining themselves.

"Wait!" Xie Dui waved his hand. He was the fourth rank of the Great Hari God King, with a high position of power, and the scene suddenly calmed down again.

"I will produce 1.8 million green crystals. Please invite Qingyun girl, Qingyou girl, and this masked mysterious girl to spend the Spring Festival together."

1.8 million green crystals!

Not only the rich family present, but also the princes like Elizabeth couldn't help but be stunned. 1.8 million chlorite, which is a 10-year production of medium-sized chlorite mine. Xie Dui has just taken over Chen Pei's family business. No matter how rich he is, he can't have such wealth, right?

Qingyun frowned. The rank of Gu Xuanxueyu is not only * profound, but also her own ability has reached the sacred level, which is the last thing she wants to deal with. Last time, the third member forced her sister to accompany her, but she still used the secret treasure left by the eldest sister to muddle through.

However, this four-member Xie Dui has paid more than the original three-member Hall.

"180 red crystal, this is not a small amount, I don't believe it." A simple word, in Qingyun, seems to be both amorous and charming, attracting a dazzle of people at the scene.

"If you really have 1.8 million green crystals, I will give you the beauty!" Elizabeth is also curious. She wants to see what kind of strength the four-member steps of Gu Xuanxueyu are. Can she really take out 1.8 million green crystals to visit the brothel at will?

Zhou Yi smiled indifferently and casually took out a few finger-sized crystals, which are hexagonal, green in color and clear and soft in light. They are the first-class standard turquoise produced by Huaxia. Zhou Yi usually uses this kind of crystal for practice.

Even if everyone present is well-informed, they can't help but be secretly amazed. If 1.8 million diamonds are all this kind of diamonds, it will be sky-high. In the eyes of these people, it is more than enough to buy ten or eight Qingyuefangs, let alone three brothels accompany them for one night.

"This ring is full of green crystals."

Zhou Yi said, saying that he casually sent the light Rongjie out and slowly fell into Qingyun's hands along a straight line.

Qingyun turned over casually, and he was secretly happy. In this realm, it is dense and full of good green crystals that will be produced by China. Although the number can't be distinguished for a while, there are more than 1 million. Most importantly, through the direction of these crystals, we can quickly find out how these crystals are obtained, and then understand the truth* of Xie Dui.

However, looking at Xie Dui's pale and indifferent face, she has a headache. The things left by the eldest sister are gone. Do you really want this guy to take advantage of it?

"How's it going?" Seeing Qingyun carefully looking at the green crystal, a trace of banter flashed in Zhou Yi's eyes.

"Thank you for your face. Tonight, three of us will accompany you. Now please go upstairs. The rest of the adults and gentlemen, please do your own. I hope you have a good time!"

Qingyun was straightforward and made a decision in a blink of an eye.

"Alas!" Seeing that the four-members occupied Huakui, most of them looked disappointed. Xiahou Hard muttered and didn't know what he was talking about.

"Go back first. Today, I want to have a deep talk with the three girls." Zhou Yi said to Feng Liandao.

At this time, the lanterns have been on, and the night is colorful. With a proud face, Zhou Yi followed Qingyun and the masked Xueji and slowly walked to the inner courtyard attic "Qingxuan Yaxu".

Elegant arrangement, orchids fluttering on the table, and pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. Zhou Yi sat casually on the main seat and took a sip of fragrant tea. At this time, the quiet girl also came in. She was slightly taller than Qing Yun, but did not wear a crown, but wore loose hair and plain white clothes. Instead, she looked a little shorter. Her temperament was not like a person in the wind and dust, but more Chen Xiu.

"Sitting down, you two." Zhou Yi pointed to Qingyun and Qingyou. Qingyun looked at his eyebrows and showed a trace of excitement. He couldn't help shaking his head and sat down as he ordered.


Zhou Yi waved a palm, which seemed simple, but brought out a few different forces. Hula, the curtain tents were all pulled up, and the door was tightly closed.

"Ah?" Qingyun's eyelids jumped, "He won't be so anxious, will he?"

Zhou Yi split his hand and knocked off Xue Ji's masked green scarf. "Xue Ji, don't pretend in front of me. Come here and pinch my legs."

Different from Zhou Yi's expectations, Xueji was suddenly recognized by him, but her face was very calm. She said lightly, "Your excellency has paid. Xueji is yours tonight. Why did you pretend?" Saying that, he walked over and squatted down in front of Zhou Yi.

Her hands are stable, slightly strong, and kneaded just right.

Zhou Yi said coldly, "Sure enough, you are born to make this material."

Xue Ji was not moved by Zhou Yi's sarcasm, but Qingyou raised E's eyebrows gently and said, "We are such people. If you don't like it, why do you have to come?"

Zhou Yi showed a little smile in his eyes and said leisurely, "There are such people in the world who are scolding * in their mouths, but they like to lean on *."

"So you are this kind of person?"

"Qingyou!" Fearing that her sister would annoy Zhou Yi, Qing Yun hurriedly reminded him softly.

Zhou Yi didn't say anything and was silent for a while before saying, "How long have you been opening the Qingyue Square here?"

Qingyun looked at Zhou Yi strangely: "Before the adult went on a business, he also visited Xiaofang. How could he not know our opening date? It has been more than seven months.

"Oh." Zhou Yi showed admiring eyes and said casually, "Don't you have any news about Zhou Yi?"

"Ah?" Qingyun's face changed, and she whispered, "Zhou Yi? Do you mean the King of China? What does he have to do with us?"

"Your boss didn't give you the task of finding Zhou Yi's message?"

Zhou Yi said a light sentence, but it was a thunderbolt. Qingyun's quiet face changed, and even Xueji stopped pressing. Qingyou was really old and hot, and his uneasy look was immediately covered up: "Your excellency is joking. Where can we have a boss in a brothel?"

"Bullshit, isn't Ge Yuanxianger your boss?"

"What kind of pavilion fragrance? I don't know Qingyun." As he spoke, Qing Yun's heart sank to the bottom. The other party said that he had been completely exposed. She answered perfunctorily, but quietly crushed a golden pill behind her back.


The strange aroma suddenly spread, and the charm and quiet seemed to have been ordered at the same time. Two moist swords appeared out of thin air, one stabbing Zhou Yi's throat and the other stabbing Zhou Yi's ribs.

When the fragrance came, Zhou Yi felt that his body was suddenly weightless, as if floating in a cotton ball, and his head was blank.

"What a powerful drug!" Zhou Yi was shocked. The effect of interpreting the belt suddenly swings, and you can clearly see a transparent spherical pattern three-dimensionally dispersed. The fragrance of medicine was suddenly forced out 2 meters away. Zhou Yi dodged a sword that stabbed under the ribs, and his two fingers were tied with purple particles. In the crisp sound of the metal, he clamped the long sword of Qingyun, and then used force to connect the Qingyun. The man was pulled into his arms with a sword.

Zhou Yi did not take advantage of Qingyun. His body slid like a swimming fish. With his left palm under her waist, Qingyun flew out and fell straight into the warm hibiscus tent.

At the same time, his toes cleverly picked up and just put on the quiet wrist that stabbed out the long sword again. As soon as it seemed to be easily delivered, the long sword shot out like lightning, brushed the tip of Xueji's nose, nailed it into the red sandalwood pillar for a foot, and shook endlessly.

In a short moment of confrontation, under the suppression of Zhou Yi, the charm of the guidance period and the quietness of the refining period actually have no power to fight back at all.

However, Zhou Yi knew that the Chinese girl, under Xianger, a somewhat hysterical old man, took a radical route. As long as she fell into the enemy, she would definitely kill you and me. Therefore, he caught a glimpse of the two sisters looking bad, and knew that they were either making a trick or committing suicide, so he did not dare to delay for a moment. Immediately He made two flames and sealed them firmly and couldn't move at all.