xing yu universe

Chapter 421 on Shilanlu

It is not miserable white, but a frightening cyan. The empty eye sockets are filled with two groups of evil spirits that form the seal. Seeing Zhou Yi staring at it, his horrible big mouth immediately opened and let out a laughter.

"Zhou Yi, this is my holy land attack! Today is the time of your death! Haha, I'm going to kill the famous Chinese king of the mainland!"

"Get out!"

Just as Guan Yi laughed proudly, Zhou Yi's foot retracted in an instant, and the other foot was kicked in the middle of the skull's eyebrows with flying purple and black dust grains.

Bang! There was another earth-shaking loud noise, and the mountain was blown away like paper. The skull flew back more than ten meters away with a smoke-like evil spirit, and Zhou Yi also rushed out, and the dragon body turned over, in sharp contrast to the gray and chaotic valley.

"Sure enough, it's the blood of the Dragon Emperor!"

Feel the abundant dragon atmosphere, Xueji, who was already weak, suddenly refreshed.

The bloodline of the Dragon Emperor has a natural bonus effect on the battle of one of the dragon clans.

"Zhou Yi, you have been hit by my "hammer of death", and the evil spirit has invaded the meridians. Let's catch it quickly!"

"The evil spirit invades?" Zhou Yi was slightly stunned. He knew his body. He was distracted just now because of the insufficient estimation of the opponent's attack power. The bone meridians did suffer a lot of trauma, but there was no sense of evil invasion at all. Or, the evil spirit had just entered the body, just like a thin snow meeting a warm sun and was melted in an instant!

"Yes, why didn't I think that this evil spirit came from the Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Before the blood of the Dragon Emperor was majestic, how could it be arrogant? As long as I release the breath of the Dragon Emperor, it will be enough to fight! Now, just concentrate on his bones!" When Zhou Yi thought of this, he settled down.

Seeing that Zhou Yi was silent, Guan Yi thought that he was strongly suppressing the evil spirit in his body and continued to smile proudly, "I didn't expect that the Chinese king, who beat the Risang Empire and the Charles Empire across the Zhongxia mainland, would die in my hands!"

When it comes to the word "death", the evil spirit charm in the skull's eyes runs at a high speed, and the two evil spirit columns go straight to the sky. At this time, the sky and space were already full of clouds. When Guan Yiqi finished saying all the words, the dark clouds pressed down, and a dark dragon appeared in the scroll, three times bigger than Zhou Yi after the dragon transformation, showing off its power in the clouds. However, the skull grew bigger and bigger in the layers of white flames, and finally became as big as a hill. The hot temperature had already melted the surrounding 30 miles of snowy mountains, and the snow water formed a flood peak. With an irresistible momentum, it rushed straight to the Tianyue Mountain pasture. The already fragile ancient transmission array was destroyed in this way.

"The power of the dragon, plus the hammer of death, Zhou Yi, you are dead!" Guan Yi shouted proudly.


The evil black dragon looked up to the sky and roared, and his eyes radiated a ferociousness. With the thunderous power of heaven and earth, with the heavy evil spirit behind him, he rushed straight to Zhou Yi.

And the mountain-like skull did not hesitate to discharge the energetic wind and hit Zhou Yi like lightning.

Zhou Yi's body is too small. This time, in the eyes of outsiders, a big stone hit an egg.

"Zhou Yi, be careful!" As soon as Xueji's voice came out, she was blown away by the wind.

I don't know if Zhou Yi heard it. He just narrowed his eyes slightly and let the strong wind blow his hair wildly, but his body suspended quietly, like a sea needle in the turbulent waves. However, a mysterious axe appeared in his right hand, rippled out of the mystery of time.

Behind him is a moon god war halberd that has become more than 30 meters long and is like a towering tree. It is coated with a layer of white light particles from top to bottom, which also looks mysterious and majestic.

"Green Soul Dragon Cut!"

At the moment when the evil dragon rushed over, Zhou Yi's squinted eyes suddenly opened, and an illusory dragon flew out of his eyebrows. The edge of the dragon's body shone brightly, and the two golden eyes were cold and arrogant, with enough power to destroy everything, and collided with the dragon.


There was no earth-shaking sound. At the moment when the green soul dragon cut, the powerful evil dragon cringed. When the two pure giants composed of soul and energy touched each other, it was as if the sun shot into the fog, boiling water poured ice and snow, and the evil black dragon disappeared in this way! The green soul dragon rotated around the sky, leaving a illusory light and shadow, and the dark evil spirit has since disappeared, and the sky has returned to its former high and clear blue.

And the huge skull here, the body of the Holy Land, can no longer be stunned and can only bump into Zhou Yi!

Yes, I clearly felt that his sacred body, which had been promoted by the artifact, had hit Zhou Yi's body, and even heard the sound of his bones breaking!

It's going to succeed! At this moment when the white horse passed by, he felt a burst of ecstasy, and Zhou Yi was killed by me! His artifact, his treasure, everything, I have a share!

He looked up at Zhou Yi, but there was a trace of doubt. Since he was about to die, why was he still so indifferent, and there was even a smile on the corners of his mouth?

The time is long, but in fact it is extremely fast. Zhou Yi suddenly moved at the moment when his body was hit.

Time array, ten thousand laws and ten thousand fate!

The Wanyuan axe followed a mysterious track, rowed in front of Zhou Yi, and then disappeared into the space.

Even if this is the only time, Zhou Yi seems to have spent all his strength, and the dragon's body slowly transforms into its original appearance.


Guan Yiza was stunned. He found that his distance was two or three centimeters away from Zhou Yi. However, he clearly felt that he had attacked in place, and his energy began to rush!

Whether it is an ordinary attack or a sanctuary attack, if you want to be the most powerful, you must calculate the distance, speed and time to stimulate the strongest energy at the critical point of contact with the opponent.

But now, his maximum energy has exploded, but he finds that he has not touched his opponent! That is to say, he missed the best node, like a reckless man, rounding an iron bar, but hitting the tree next to his opponent. The old power has been exhausted, but the new power has not been renewed!

This is the power of the Wanyuan axe, and this is the power of the top time array! It can't change the whole time chain, but it can change isolated points. So that Zhou Yi can attack his weakest point at the weakest moment of his opponent!

Wow! The moon god halberd flew up and came out proudly from Zhou Yi's back. The two moon branches flew out opposite each other, extremely elegant, but extremely dignified!


A narrow and deep space crack opened between the eyebrows of the skull. The distorted energy of the space almost cut the tube in half, and the blood with white spots gushed out like a waterfall.

Zhou Yiling was sensitive. He clearly felt that most of the bone meridians were broken in an instant, like a magic array, which was dilapidated and died in an instant!

No matter how powerful the opponent is, he can't fight against the cooperation of the two top magic weapons of Wanyuan Axe and Yueshen halberd! Zhou Yi flashed such an idea, and the pain and fatigue surged together, which made him suddenly relieved.

But at this time, in the gap between the split skeletons, countless bone hands suddenly stretched out and held his arms, legs and waist firmly! In particular, the thickest bone hand is grasping his chest.

Ah? Zhou Yi was caught off guard and was trapped by the outbreak before his death. Then, the skull was like a small nuclear bomb and exploded with a bang!

Self-detonation before death? Guan Yizha can no longer speak, but with the strength of hundreds of years of cultivation, he abruptly transmitted the last spiritual knowledge into Zhou Yi's mind: "If I die, I will die with you. Let's go to Huangquantian together, hahaha!"

Go to Huangquantian together? Zhou Yi snorted coldly. Chaoyuan could protect his whole body, and the purple moon heart flew out alternately, spinning around him crazily, and thickening his defense.

"Triple Earth Holy Armor!" Little girl is now more and more helpless, but she will never be stingy when she save her life. There are several precious crystal treasures at once, all of which have been used on Zhou Yi.

Coupled with the dragon, but in this way, after he still felt a loud noise that was enough to break the crystal of his mind, his whole body became light, as if he had entered the clouds, only his chest, and there were bursts of sharp pains, and then he lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, as if he felt the raindrops falling on his face. Zhou Yi slowly woke up, but with a slight movement, the pain in his chest hit like a tide, making him moan.

"Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi!" Someone was shaking him gently. He opened his eyes and saw two pairs of anxious and beautiful eyes.

Aolan, and Xueji.

Zhou Yi grinned and smiled. He feels strange that no woman has called his name since he came to this world. When she just saw him, Yue Wei called him "husband", Xiuer called him "big brother", Ao Lan always called him "brother", Ai Qing secretly called him "Zhou Lang", Aoxue ignored him and called him a "little thief", while the girls of the Chinese Association always called him "president".

Only this strong dragon woman in front of her has no sense of respect and inferiority. Even in the face of the Dragon Emperor, she will face it indifferently and call him by his name.

Yes, what else was she afraid of besides the children she took care of? She has experienced any pain.

Zhou Yi's throat grunted and gushed out countless emotions.

"Zhou Yi, don't move, I'll help you heal!" Xueji said in a low voice. Her face is very solemn.

"It's not so exaggerated..." Zhou Yi wanted to say a witty word, but he didn't expect his throat to tremble, and he couldn't say a word!

"What's going on?" Zhou Yi was shocked, and then he remembered to investigate his current situation. At first glance, cold sweat flowed down his cheeks and his breathing became very rapid.

He was completely pierced in the middle of his chest! Looking from the front, you can see the broken bone stubble inside, and then the scene behind the body, a whole bowl-sized penetrating injury.

At this time, the spiritual bead fire, the purple moon heart, and the pure and pure heart of the proud snow in the body all protected the heart, which also led to the lack of crystal energy in the brain, resulting in waves of dizziness.

"How can it be!" Zhou Yi took a deep breath, was shocked and angry, and moaned.