xing yu universe

Chapter 439 Black Dragon Chief

The sea of souls exists in everyone's mind. However, the realm of soul cultivation is different, and the degree of spiritual knowledge and inner view is also different. Under the saint, you generally can't observe the sea of your soul, but can only feel the strength of your soul ribbon. Only when the soul is sanctified can there be the ability to peep into the sea of souls.

Xiang'er's soul has not yet been sanctified, so what she saw inside is only the soul ribbon.

"Wow--" Before he could clearly see the scene in the sea of ghost souls, Zhou Yi felt a strong evil spirit rushing forward, which made the half-moon dragon soul sink, hurriedly retreated, and a series of green thorns came out.

The evil air showed surprise, suddenly recovered, and slowly condensed in front of Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi looked at the surrounding scene and saw the sea ribbons of Xiang'er's soul fluttering, and illusory waves rolled up from time to time. In front of him, there is a black dragon of the same size. Although the soul is condensed, the scales are full of texture, and the toes and claws are shining and dazzling. Obviously, the soul power cultivation has reached the mortal saint.

At the same time, Zhou Yi found something special, that is, the black dragon has a pair of red eyes. Although it is shining, it is not very bright.

He was about to speak when the black dragon's eyes suddenly lit up, shooting two soft red lights. After condensing in the center, he gradually became the image of a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man has green hair hanging shoulders, a wide nose and a wide mouth, and is more than 2 meters tall. He is extremely strong, covered with diamond-shaped thick armor, black and deep, without a trace of luminous reflection. His eyes look directly at Zhou Yi and look very calm and natural.

The sense of familiarity is stronger, and Zhou Yi has clearly identified that this breath only belongs to the Dragon Emperor, the highest bloodline in the dragon clan.

"You are, you are..." Zhou Yi's heart pounded. Is this the legendary Dragon Emperor who gave him blood, the brother mentioned by Little Dragon Nizi from time to time?

"You are not the Dragon Emperor?" The middle-aged man opened his mouth without any ups and downs, which seemed very mechanical. "But how can there be such a strong dragon emperor atmosphere? Who the hell are you?"

He is not the Dragon Emperor. Zhou Yi breathed a sigh of relief, secretly guessed the identity of the middle-aged man, and said, "Before the fall of the Dragon Emperor, he passed on most of his blood to me. Who are you? What does it have to do with the Dragon Emperor?

"Have you passed on most of the bloodlines?" In the calm eyes of the middle-aged man, there was a trace of surprise, "I am the eldest emperor of the Black Dragon clan, and I fell with His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. Why don't I know this?"

"You are the black dragon patriarch Di Aohe!" Zhou Yi took a breath of cold air, "Why are you... here?" These strong men who stood at the peak of the world ten thousand years ago really live up to their reputation. Even if they fall, they have to make a lot of movement. The outbreak before the death of the Dragon Emperor created a contemporary strong man and changed the historical process of Zhongxia. The Emperor Aohe, which was covered by the light of the Dragon Emperor, is not simple, and his soul has survived to now.

"As far as I know, the reason why the Dragon Emperor exhausted his blood energy is mainly to resurrect his only sister. How can it be transferred to you?"

"Maybe it's not right." Zhou Yi smiled bitterly and said, "My sister Aolan is very good now."

"Little Aolan, where is she? I don't have much time. Hurry up and tell me about her situation!" When it comes to Di Aolan, a smile appeared on Di Aohe's face.

"This..." Zhou Yi shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since you are the head of the Black Dragon, how did you get into Xiang'er's body and fall with the Dragon Emperor? At least tell me?" His meaning is very simple. Tell me first, and then I'll tell you. Don't let me be a stuffy gourd.

"Ky, no one dares to talk to me like that!" Di Aohe's eyes flashed coldly, "Moreover, you also captured the energy that belongs to Aolan!"

The invisible soul pressure hit again, and several of the surrounding Xianger's soul ribbons were broken in an instant. Zhou Yi was terruff that she could endure this kind of soul pressure, and Xiang'er couldn't stand it. The half-moon dragon soul rotated quickly, extracted the energy of the heart of the proud snow, and turned into a moon god war halberd in its hand. With the halberd as the medium, the soul power suddenly increased a lot, defending Xianger's soul ribbon in a real green light.

This is the advantage of Zhou Yi's soul upgrade. The half-moon dragon soul can transform itself in the sea of the soul, and even if it is a level higher than his energy attack, it can block it.

"Moon God... halberd!" The middle-aged man's whole body was shocked, and there was an unbelievable light in his eyes. His right hand stretched forward, as if he wanted to grab the moon god halberd in his hand.

Zhou Yi was shocked. Di Aohe's soul power is much higher than that of himself. If the moon god halberd is taken by him, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Just as he was about to make a move, Di Aohe shook his head and took his hand back.

"Although it is an illusion, Shen Yun is very similar. With this halberd as proof, I believe you. Besides, I am only a soul form, and I can only release soul pressure. There is no other means of attack. Can you tell me that she...she is still in an ordinary day? In Di Aohe's eyes, there was a mixture of infatuation and missing, and his tone also became a plea.

Zhou Yixin moved, and from the tone of Di Aohe, he heard regret and affection. Is there any other story between him and Sister Aoxue? Couldn't it be Sister Bing's former lover... Thinking of this possibility, Zhou Yi suddenly had a sour smell.

"It should be in Chenxiu Continent. As for where, I don't know. Zhou Yi remembered the relationship between himself and Aoxue, and the entanglement in her dream, always had a cold attitude towards himself, and inexplicably melancholy came to his mind.

"She's really still... It's really still..." Di Aohe muttered, and his facial expression was very excited. Corresponding to that, it was a huge soul pressure, wave after wave to Zhou Yi.

"Senior, please control your emotions. The sea of souls here is not a dragon clan. It can't stand your tossing like this. Seeing that Di Aohe calmed down, Zhou Yi continued, "Senior, your soul energy is too strong. It's better to leave here for a while, otherwise Xiang'er's body will collapse."

is really good. Xiang'er's soul ribbons are all like frosted eggplants at this moment, and they can't even float under great pressure. Zhou Yi knew that she must be suffering greatly at this moment. If it lasts for a few more minutes, it will inevitably leave a root of the disease. No matter how strong the physical energy is in the future, the soul will not be holy.

Di Aohe's eyes showed a trace of pain and said coldly, "Do you think I would like to stay here? Since you have suffered the dragon soul, you must be prepared for physical collapse. However, if she can endure the death of my consciousness, there will be a qualitative leap in cultivation, and the benefits will be endless in the future.

"Demise?" Zhou Yi was stunned and said, "Senior, I really don't understand. How can you be in Shuhunyu? Why did it enter Xiang'er's body again? How can we go out? It will be too late!"

"Is this woman's name Xiang'er? You care a lot about her... In fact, in those years, I also cared about her here..." A strong sad mood surrounded the Di Ao River, which made Zhou Yi feel like she was about to cry.

"Who knows what happened ten thousand years ago? Are you human now? I only know how to fight for power and profit, and there is no hope at all. Di Aohe said coldly, "I'm afraid the great demon god didn't expect that I would lock my soul into Shuhunyu and exist in this way for tens of thousands of years."

"Great Demon God?" Zhou Yi was even more confused. But he didn't ask, because he knew that Di Aohe would continue.

"About 10,337 years ago, a great change occurred in the continent where the moon god beast lived for a long time."

Recalling the past, Di Aohe's eyes became deep, and Zhou Yi also raised his ears to listen to this ancient history.

You should know that no one's life on this continent will last tens of thousands of years. In Xiaolong Nizi's mouth, that history is just a tragic war. Is that really the case?

"At that time, the mainland was more than three times larger than now, and it was not so circular. Giant dragons, phoenixes, Dapeng, peacocks, and the four lunar cultivation mythical beasts dominate. Humans who drink blood are only servants of mythical beasts. However, after one night, the whole continent changed dramatically.

Di Aohe's voice trembled slightly and seemed to have lingering lingering feelings about the past scene: "A dazzling white light, with unparalleled heat, bombarded down from the top of the ice and fire wind layer. The light is not affordable at all. The whole world has turned white, and wherever it passes, any creature has been erased. The most terrible thing is that this white light seems to be everywhere and can destroy the whole land.

"At that time, including the Dragon Emperor, our hearts were full of fear and thought that we had no place to die. At this moment, the second white light appeared. This white light is condensed, clear and fast. When the first white light showed its power, it formed a cover of tens of millions of square kilometers, blocking the first white light. However, the land outside the cover has all turned into nothing and become a surging ocean.

Zhou Yi was completely stunned.

He thought of the landslides and the tsunami, but he never thought that the disaster of the Yuexiu mythical beast would start like this. With your current ability, it takes a lot of effort to destroy a mountain, and that white light can actually destroy the whole continent!

Is that the power of God? This is beyond Zhou Yi's imagination, even if he comes from a place with weapons of mass destruction.

"In retrospect, the scary white light should be the beginning of the decline of the moon repair mythical beast, but at that time, it did not appear. Due to the death of a large number of clans, the reproductive ability of the dragon clan is the lowest among the four families. In order to integrate his power, the Dragon Emperor moved all the dragon clans to the southeast, where the Zhongxia Empire is now located.

"Can you also feel the changes on the mainland until now?" Zhou Yiqi said.

"My soul power is far beyond your imagination. Although Shuhunyu locked me, every hundred years, I can still release my soul power and float and explore on the continent. Di Ao River showed a wry smile and said, "Most of the peacocks are in the place where the current Inca Empire is located. Phoenix is in the Midsummer Empire and the Miracle Forest, and Dapeng has the strongest reproduction ability and is scattered everywhere. The most powerful one is in the Charles Empire. At that time, although the number of dragons was the smallest, they were more rich than the other three races combined, which aroused their covet. They are afraid that they can't defeat the dragon clan. What should they do?

"Yes, what should I do?" Zhou Yi was suddenly attracted by the story of Di Aohe.