xing yu universe

Chapter 452 Breathtaking

It's not over yet. Yue Wei did not give any opportunity to collude. In the early stage of the battle against Fansheng at the peak of Fansheng, it was indeed a cow knife to kill the chicken. As soon as the other party came out of the holy land, he was cut off by a sword from the yin and Yang Jia blue world. Even the blood light did not appear, and she was included in the underworld jade bracelet.

The three saints at the scene have died two!

Looking at Curry, who turned into a cyan giant crocodile with fierce eyes, Zhou Yi sneered: "If the Inca Empire wants to occupy the valley Xuanxuefield, please send some powerful people to use!" With that, a steel needle sprinkled into the library with sharp thorns.

Curry didn't get angry but laughed, and roared all over the city: "Zhou Yi, are you too big to think these little needles can shake my crocodile armor?"

With that, as soon as he bit his body, his whole body was blue, and the crocodile armor, which originally seemed to be withered, was now smooth and smooth, with light like light cyan metal. The energy flowed on his body and was immediately reflected and dispersed. Even if it was a sacred weapon, it was nothing more than that.

"Who can shake my crocodile blue armor!" Curry shouted and greeted the steel needle wrapped in Ao Xue's heart and covered with a layer of mysterious energy particles. In his opinion, this steel needle is too thin and too small. Even if it is cast with magic steel and reaches the level of a high-level weapon, it is just a steel needle. How can it be compared with his crocodile green armor harder than the sacred weapon?

But how does he know that the heart of Ao Xue is Zhou Yi's holy land attack, which does not need to fuse with the body!

Therefore, if Curry is careful, although Ao Xue's heart is strong, it is not that he can't deal with it for a period of time by the means of his saint. But his posture at this time is more like sending himself to the guilloion-

The steel needle came in an instant, and the tip of the needle touched the shining, smooth and hard crocodile green armor, which slightly blocked it, and then suddenly drilled in. Poo! Poo! Then, Curry's unbelievable roar!

Zhou Yi snorted coldly and made several spiritual seals in his hand. The magic pattern steel needle shuttled through the internal organs of the library for a few times, and then flew out with dripping blood. In the library, he sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood, and even spit out the minced meat of his internal organs. He lost his figure in his eyes in an instant, and his high body also fell into the fire of the tower from the air.

"Destroy!" Yue Wei saw that Xianger successfully rescued the person and made a move. There was a downpour at the tower, which directly extinguished the fire.

The two destroyed the three saints, and all the Inca people present couldn't help but shout and fled to the city.

"Go and report to the general! Fanduo, the three masters, were all killed!"

"Middle Xia people, the king of Huaxia has come!"

"Mobilize the army, quickly mobilize the lion cavalry!"

"In the land of midsummer, how can people of different races be wild!" Zhou Yi's eyes were cold and looked at Yuewei, "Don't you carry the Nether Valley with you? Just for these invaders! Today, let them know that the iron plate cannot be touched!"

"No problem!" Yuewei nodded. She looked down at Bensa from the air and noticed that the soldiers and horses of the Inca Empire were frequently mobilized to kill at the gate south of the city. Among those who fled in front of her in a panic, there were 30 or 40 Inca people from Aichi to refining god cultivation.

"Let's take you first! Lord Jiuyou, it's up to you!"

With Yue Wei's words, the black jade bracelet suddenly shined, and nine black smoke floated out of the light and landed on the street not far from the city gate, turning into nine soldiers wearing black armor and riding black horses. The brown feathers on their helmets showed their status. Behind them, there were 200 cavalrymen, the same mounts, all holding long guns burning flames in their hands.

"This is the nine king envoys of Hedao under the Youdi. In the holy armor, they are all white bone puppets controlled by the ghost jade bracelet. It is refined by the You Emperor with the body of the strong man she captured. It is very powerful. This time it's time to have a try."

Yue Wei said, nine black rings came out of Hao's wrist and directly put them on the heads of the nine people: "People of the Inca Empire, kill them!"

"People of the Inca Empire, kill them!" The nine ghost kings made the machine repeat Yuewei's order, and the dragon gun condensed the surging energy and fierce fighting spirit, leading their respective teams to chase and kill the scattered Inca people.

"What kind of army is this? We can't fight against Zhou Yi, can't we still fight against you?" There was a person with high cultivation. When he saw this mysterious black armored army and was unwilling to be chased away, he became competitive. He returned to sacrifice all kinds of weapons and killed the Nether Nine Kings, who were the first.

"ji--" In the mouth of the nine kings, there was a sad cry. The originally neat formation suddenly changed. The dragon gun flew, and the fireworks crossed a straight line, intermingled each other, forming a light net with surging dark energy.

The war horse soared, the hoof was loud, and the tall black armored knight, carrying a net of flames, flew through the wide streets. The Chen Xiu, who was wrapped in the light net, locked the air machine and could not move, and then he was divided into scattered pieces of meat, then stained with flames and burned into pieces of ashes. Only the strong man at the peak of the road was wrapped up and could barely rush out, but he was immediately wrapped in another team that followed. After repeated times, the energy was greatly reduced, and it was only a matter of time before he fell.

Zhou Yiao stood over Bensa City, squeezed his lips tightly, watched the Nine Kings lead the pursuit and kill of Incachen practitioners, watched them collide with the gathered lion cavalry, and then wither and burn the war everywhere.

At the same time, due to the precise control of Yuewei, the nine kings did not involve the ordinary people in the city too much. It's just that it's a little blind. They have to keep up with the fun, be stirred into pieces by the energy turbulence, or killed by streamers.

"Ajalro, haven't you come out yet? I, Zhou Yi, are here!"

Zhou Yi!

The clear voice resounded throughout the whole process, and the fleeing Inca all looked up and looked at the black-haired, beautiful and handsome young man. This is a young man, and he is also the famous king of China! He used such a fierce means to show his strong return!

No one can be domineering on my territory!

If there is, then completely erase it!

The more turbulent energy fluctuated. After Zhou Yi's long roar, it finally broke out at the Palace of Bensa Mountain. The rolling water energy was like overturning the water of the East China Sea, forming a turbulent river in the sky. The river roared and suddenly stopped in front of Zhou Yi. At the top of the waves, there were three people standing. The energy pressure transmitted by Zhou Yi couldn't help breathing and frowned secretly.

These three people, the weakest one, also have the peak of mortal saints, and the strongest, I'm afraid they have reached the early days of sub-saint!

is the first one, tall and very good-looking, with a unique eight-character beard, wearing silver armor and peacock open-screen carving. The white dumplings on the top of his head are half a meter high and inlaid with twelve gold edges, showing the outstanding identity of the other party. The other two, both of whom are of medium height, have a red and black face on the left, quite thin, bare hands and empty-handed, and the energy fluctuation of earth attributes is very strongly; on the right side, they have a white skin, a pointed chin, a white robe, and two narrow sword handles are exposed on their back, and it is not clear what weapons are.

Zhou Yi took a deep breath, but his heart was smiling bitterly. Unexpectedly, these characters all came.

Just as Rsang has three saints and three Chenxiu families, and there are three major schools of Daoxuan, Guiliu and Yuchen in the middle summer, the Inca Empire also has ten gods. Although Fan Duo, Gou Lian and Curry, who had just been killed, are also in the realm of saints, they are not on the list of the top ten gods.

It is said that the lowest of the list of the ten masters of the Inca Empire is also in the middle of the mortal saints. There are more legends that the first and second places have reached the realm of true saints. The dragon may have already soared.

Regardless of the rumors, the three people in front of us are indeed on the list of the top ten gods. The person in the middle is the general Ajarro, ranked ninth in the list of the top ten priests, and the water system is at the peak level of the saints; the white-faced person on the right, named Dorasingo, ranked seventh in the list of the list of the ten gods, and the peak level of all saints; the person with a red and black face on the left, named Kalan III, ranked sixth in the list of the top ten masters, which is already the water in the early days of the sub-saint. Ping!

Looking at the three people in front of him, the information he had seen in the past passed through his mind little by little. Zhou Yi was also secretly awe-inspiring, but his face was still a relaxed and natural smile.

"So you are the king of China?" Ajarro's narrow eyes opened, his eyes were like electricity, and he stared at Zhou Yi without blinking. "What's wrong with me, a milky boy?" Are you 18 years old? Let's go back and practice for another two years!" Zhou Yi's energy fluctuation was very clear, but it was only the initial level of Fan Sheng. This level, in the secular world, is a top strong man and can also make a lot of prestige, but in the eyes of a real god, it is not enough.

Zhou Yi's eyes narrowed, and the smile on his face remained unchanged, but his eyes cooled down: "Ajarro, I think your hat is too long and too heavy to crush your head, right? In my midsummer, there is only one ending!"

"What's the ending?" Ajarro's face was ferocious, and the pressure of the saint broke out again, pressing Zhou Yi like the peak of Mount Tai. "You, Chen Xiu, dare to speak to my master!

Zhou Yi sneered, and his body only shook slightly, then quietly bounced away the pressure, and then said a word firmly: "Dead!"

"Hahaha! I'd like to see how you let me die in the early days of your little saint!" Ajarro couldn't help laughing at the sky, with a trace of madness in his eyes, "Gu Xuanxueyu, I'm going to make a deal! I want to kill all the middle-summer people in Gu Xuanxueyu! Zhou Yi, you can run rampant in midsummer with some powerful means, but here, it's the end!"

Zhou Yi frowned and was very unhappy with Ajarro's arro's arrogance, but he saw Dorasin on the right and said, "Your Excellency, let's act quickly. The black armorers below are puppet dead. They don't know that they are tired and won't die. They can only kill and delay another time. In time, I'm afraid all our people will be killed.

"Only these Zhongxia people can take these few things as treasures!" Ajarro curled his mouth, and his palm suddenly stretched out, and suddenly burst out thousands of blue rays!