xing yu universe

Chapter 460 Guroan Forest

Although the demon pupils and elves are all agile, they don't know how to fly. If they cross the Laya Mountains with them, I'm afraid that the people of Bensa City will already be deeply trapped and the yellow cauliflower will be cold. Therefore, Zhou Yi put these elves and the Zhongxia army into the crystal glaze world. Asna, Tang Ying, Qingmei, Dao Mengqing and Xi Mu only left Xiang'er and Ao Lan around them. With their foot journey, they can only get to the Guluo'an Forest in just one day and one night.

It was in the early morning. The clouds and moon were full of stars. From afar, the endless forest was like a squatting beast. The hot and humid air came to my face with the smell of trees and weeds, and a surging river passed through the forest and rolled south.

Zhou Yi blinked and searched the map of India from his memory, but couldn't figure out where the Guluo'an forest was and what the river was called. In fact, these countries on the Chenxiu continent may have some shadows on the earth, but the place names, territories and history are very different.

Thinking of this, he smiled selflessly, condensed his spiritual knowledge into the map crystal, and already knew the location of the elf tribe. His body suddenly turned to a high mountain not far away.

"The scenery of the Inca Empire is really different from our midsummer. These trees can grow so thick and so big!" Xi Mu is a wooden physique, which is like a fish in water in the forest and is full of interest.

"There are also green pines and cypresses that are common in summer, but more of them are what you see. They are called bottomless pine, also known as Inca pine. They like heat and fear cold. They say pine trees, but the leaves are like pu fan, and the branches are flexible and thick, and can grow densely, which complement the rain and vines under the trees."

Xi Mu always spoke coldly and occasionally showed such a charming look. Zhou Yi was very happy and explained it to her in detail.

Aolan curled his lips and said, "Brother knows a lot! Asna and his family build houses with this wood as the main raw material, and the leaves can also be cooked. The mutant bottomless pine, the leaves contain star power, which is helpful for cultivation, and trees can also be used as utensils!"

Look at the round spire-style houses in front of you, the shadowy crowd, and the hidden halo. It must be the village and Chenli protection of the demon pupil elf family. Zhou Yi laughed and said, "Little girl, don't show off. Let the elf people out quickly. We're there!"

Sure enough, before a few people could land, several figures suddenly jumped out of the jungle, as fast as virtual shadow lightning. A line of moon blade wind floated by, cutting off a few shrubs and rain vines under several people's feet, and the fractures were neat and uniform, followed by a few short and powerful shouts.

Zhou Yi and others listened to thunder like ducks and didn't know what they were talking about. Fortunately, with the little girl present, they answered crisply with demon pupils and elf words, "Don't move, you are your own people!"

Wh! Wheops! Wheops! No more moon blades appeared, but with the dense sound, more than 20 demon pupils and elves gathered together and surrounded Zhou Yi and others. Seeing that they were not from their own clan, they couldn't help showing surprise and red light flashes in their eyes.

Zhou Yi and others were also surprised. More than 20 elves are all women. Looking at their appearance, the oldest is in their 30s, and the youngest is only 12 or 3 years old. They all wear tight light green clothes. Although the chestnut skin and brown patterns do not meet the aesthetics of midsummer, their figure is convex or plump. The feeling of chubby or bone is extremely hot.

Fortunately, Ao Lan took out the crystal glazed world in time, and a layer of transparent blue light flashed. The elves appeared. As soon as they saw Gula and other three elders, the elf people surrounding them immediately knelt down on one knee and said something respectfully.

"Get up, all of you. These guests, from Zhongxia, are all our good friends. Now, we are going to meet the elders. Patrol well and don't slack off.

After a broken dome door and several other stone pillars standing alone, they officially entered the Guluo'an Forest, where the demon pupil elves are located. Then, there is a passage in the forest, or the tunnel in the forest, which is more accurate. At this moment, only three adults can walk side by side. The ground is the unique ancient grass and rain vines, which are soft when stepping on; the two sides are full of dense bottomless pines side by side, and there is a slight energy fluctuation between the trees, with a trace of mystery and fear. Terri. It is deep and dark here. If there is sunlight, it can only reveal some spots. At this moment, there is no sunlight, and it is even darker, revealing only a little light in the distance.

Elder Gula was most respectful to Yuewei and asked her to walk at the front. After that, they and Zhou Yi and others introduced to Yuewei as they walked: "Goddess, this is the only way to get in and out of the Guluo'an forest, and it is protected by the Guyue Tuluo array on all sides. In other places, either the miasma is rampant or there are high-level monsters. Twenty years ago, the Great Peacock King broke through the oracle platform, opened another passage through the Guluo'an Forest, and controlled our whole ethnic group. Speaking of this, there was a trace of resentment and humiliation in his eyes.

The withered vine took a look at Gura, then looked at Yue Wei and Zhou Yi, and said, "Goddess, Elder Gura, it takes three hours to walk through this Guluo'an channel. Why don't I inform the three elders of the clan first?"

Elder Gula's eyes flashed and nodded, "You're right. You should inform the elder of the Zhang clan to make preparations in advance. Elder Ahmed, you go with the elder ofku teng."

When Elder Gula saw that Elder Gula had peeped through his plan, he gritted his teeth secretly and did not turn his head forward. Elder Ahmed hurriedly followed closely.

Yue Wei and Zhou Yi looked at each other and said, "Eden Gula, it seems that Elder withered vine, have some different ideas about me..."

"Goddess, this will never happen!" Elder Gula was shocked and hurriedly said, "We elf people, who are devout to the peacock god, can shine with the purple moon!" You are the messenger of the peacock god and the one who saved us. I won't hide anything from you! The reason why the withered vine elders are uneasy is because of the governor of the Great Peacock King, Kacota!"

The Governor of the Great Peacock King? Isn't the ruler of your family the queen? Aolan said next to him.

"Speaking of this... It's really a disgrace to my elf family..." Elder Gula's eyes also showed a look of inquiry. His clear face twitched and said, "For tens of thousands of years, my pupil elf family has been blessed by the peacock goddess and have been living in the Guluan Forest, and there is more talent given by Lingtong Xuanjing. Skills, comfortable and happy life. But just 20 years ago, when there was a sudden change, the Great Peacock King was proud of his strength and broke through the oracle platform, and our Yuetuluo array could not resist it. When he made his achievements, the virtual shadow of the peacock god guard appeared on his body. Many people in the clan thought that he was the spokesperson of the peacock god. The queen had no choice but to submit. Who knows--" The color of pain and humiliation appeared again, and Elder Gula trembled and said, "He actually asked the queen to be his concubine, and every year on the baptism day, he asked our family to offer the four most beautiful virgins of the whole family!"

"What kind of tower is this? It's really despicable and dirty to make such a shameless request!" Aolan rushed to the road angrily.

"When did the queen suffer such humiliation? She wanted to fight desperately. Who knew that our spiritual pupil Xuanjing was controlled by Kakota. If we were not baptized in the spiritual well, we would not have talent skills, absorb the energy of the moon, and even the race could not reproduce! In desperation, the queen later succumbed to Kacota** and moved into the Inca palace with him. At present, it is Kanan, the governor appointed by Kakota, who performs the duties of the Queen in the Guluoan Forest! Goddess, you must save us!"

is also a card, and ancient, and the name is difficult to remember. Zhou Yi frowned when he heard it, but he felt some sympathy for the experience of the demon pupil elf family. After all, this is Asna's mother, but why do they treat Asna like this? Asna suffered so much that she was forced to dance and entertain people at a young age. If she didn't go, I'm afraid she would have fallen into the boundless sea of suffering. I don't know how many people have enjoyed it. Isn't this the evil of her clan? What's more, if she hadn't arrived in time, Asna would have been burned to death by them! And Qingmei, Tang Ying, Dao Mengqing and others will also be killed...

Thinking of this, his expression became more fierce and decisive. If you don't give him an explanation for this matter, even if the whole family of demon pupils worship Yuewei, they will not give up. At worst, they will abandon it after using it! Thinking of this, he couldn't help humming and slowly narrowed his eyes.

The channel was about to come to an end. Suddenly, the exit darkened, and the cold knife-like pressure came to my face, and a sense of danger surged into my heart. Does the elder withered vine really have to do something? Zhou Yi's heart was dark and vigilant.

Looking at it again, it was a tall female elf who blocked the exit. She was 2 meters tall, wearing a purple dark green robe and a red crown on her head. The vine was wrapped in the patterns of water and moon. Because of the backlight, she couldn't see her face clearly. Just standing there gives people a quiet and elegant feeling, without any abrupt feeling caused by height.

"Big Elder!" Zhou Yi felt that Elder Gula's body was shocked. He hurried forward a few steps and bent down to salute the person standing at the entrance of the passage, "Big Elder, why did you come here in person?"

"I heard that you invited the spokesperson of the Peacock God and brought back little Asna?"

Yes! Elder, has the withered vine elder told you? Elder Gura.


The elder took action quickly and only saw a shadow, followed by a loud slap. Gula elder, who was so high in status and so strange in appearance, looked like a tall man in the clan, was beaten with no temper at all. After being slapped twice quietly, he knelt down on one knee with a bang: "Big Elder, she is really Lord God, I can communicate with her soul through faith!"

"I believe your judgment that the oracle platform of Guluo'an is the place where the Inca Empire is most closely connected to the Purple Moon. Elder Gula, you said she was a goddess, and I didn't doubt you at all. I mean Asna. Have you forgotten the queen's will to never let the living Asna return to the forest!"