xing yu universe

Chapter 464 Endless Fire

Cacota blew a cyan bubble, but this bubble was bigger, brighter and stronger. Ordinary saints, if they are swept into it, not to mention fleeing, may be immediately stirred into dregs.

Zhou Yi is like that naughty child. He picked up the wooden stick, poked the beautiful soap bubble, and then--

Then the bubble broke.

When the moon god war halberd rushed out of the strong blue light, the originally round light made a sharp stirring sound, like iron weapons fighting with each other, which made people feel sad and panic. Zhou Yi knew that the internal array of the cyan light mass was breaking and collapsing.

Boom! Sure enough, there was a loud crack in the sky and the earth, and a large ball of light fell apart like this. Indeed, it's not bursting, blowing up, or broken. It's not powerful at all.

was just vigorous. At this time, it was silent and cracked into countless small light clusters, light sheets, and particles of light, which dispersed around, and finally turned into a fine wind.

"This is impossible!" Kacota shouted as if he had seen a ghost. The green wind claws and hot sun that I relied on to become famous were simply broken? What's going on? How is this possible!

He couldn't allow him to think about it at all. The moon god halberd came with the remnants of his power. Countless space cracks cracked and filled around the halberd pole, and the roaring sound was like a dragon roar, low, but full of shocking power.

The pure light dazzled his eyes and made him feel a heavy danger!

The tearing force drains the air and forms a tapered vacuum.

"Thunder Cloud Shield!" It is worthy of being a saint's cultivation. Between the lightning and flint, Kakota has put down its surprise and anger. With more than 20 meters of big wings spread forward, it forms a huge shield more than 30 meters long and 5 or 6 meters wide. The surface is a light snake. The thunder is like a New Year's firecracker, loud and crisp, full of the power of heaven and earth.

From the perspective of Zhou Yi, the shield of thunder clouds is a standing rain cloud, powerful and mysterious.

But can this stop the Moon God halberd? The most powerful scorching sun has been destroyed, are you still afraid of the shield of thunder clouds?

The Moon God halberd is directly inserted into the shield of thunder clouds, just like it has just been inserted into the cyan light ball, which is understated and unique. Then——

Then, I heard a sad scream.

The thunder clouds separated, the shield broke, the wings of the green vulture suddenly fell down, and the bright feathers rose one after another, like a heavy snow. The part of a pair of wings* was neatly cut by the moon god halberd, revealing blue tendons and blood-red flesh, dripping down blood, destroying the beauty of the scene.

Two heavy blows in a row, Kakota was knocked down, his shoulder was bloody, and he retreated in a hurry.

Zhou Yi flew here, holding the halberd with a slap in the palm of his hand, and then jumped to Kacota not far away.

In fact, his energy output is much more than it looks, and he has already felt tired at this time. But he knows better the truth of eliminating evil.

This is a crazy opponent. If he escapes, he may use some means to retaliate. Moreover, he could not guarantee that there would be no eyes and ears of the Great Peacock King nearby. If he got the news of Guluo'an Forest*, he might come to intervene as soon as possible.

must be decided quickly! Zhou Yi took a deep breath, then shouted with his eyes, twisting the space ball and burst out again!

Flame, dark, mysterious, stagnant.

Zhou Yi's first use to reverse the space ball is to deal with the attack of Kacota. He doesn't feel anything. This time, it directly affected him. When I saw that my body suddenly did not listen to me, I could only raise my neck and open my throat to welcome the moon god halberd, an unprecedented panic came like a tide, and my whole body had a layer of goose bumps.

How is this possible? How is this possible!

He has never fought such a binding battle, and he is facing an opponent whose cultivation is far lower than himself.

The torn pain made him wake up from shock and feel the passage of life. He couldn't help shouting crazily: "How dare you kill me! I also let you die!"

Boom! Boom! A huge sound came from the depths of Zifu, and his strong unwillingness made him do something brave that he had never thought of: self-explosion!

Zhou Yi seemed to see the golden elixir that Kakota existed like a star. Under the explosion of his own air machine, it suddenly cracked into tens of thousands of parts. The strong energy was like a nuclear explosion. From one point, it spread around like a water wave, tearing the strong flesh of the saint into pieces in an instant.

Poo! Poo!

One had to try his best to break out, and the other controlled the starry to prevent it from breaking out. The final result was that Kakota's body decomposed little by little like slow motion, and Zhou Yi could not perfectly control such a broad power. The blood spewed out in one mouth and his body retreated little by little.

He wants to retreat to a place where he can't hurt himself. This process is both a torment and a test for him.

Regress, then retreat! A mouthful of blood with a little flame. At this critical moment, Zhou Yi unconsciously glanced down.

The eyes are full of moving green, giant wood monsters and Yu Tengluo. Maybe they do not have an advantage in fighting alone, but the victory is endless. The place where they are is originally a forest.

Just from the rolling of the energy flow, I saw a glimpse of the angry moon horse, the flying moon blade, and the flying flesh and blood.

Zhou Yi's heart sank. It's not that he is not afraid of casualties, he is afraid of his own casualties.

A brief loss of distraction, the reversal of the space ball can no longer be controlled, a muffled sound, and the originally stagnant green wind vulture fragments suddenly burst out--


Zhou Yi's pupils narrowed slightly, facing the blue light, but his eyes became particularly soft.

"Sister Bing, fight with me!"

The pure girl in the purple house opened her originally slightly closed eyes. At the same time, the spiritual bead fire wrapped in sword-shaped crystals suddenly burned, as if the ancient gods woke up, floating with infinite energy.

The heart of the proud snow, the purple god fire, completely dragonized!

With the improvement of Zhou Yi's energy realm and cultivation, the spiritual bead fire has been fully developed and has gradually changed to the purple god fire. What's more, there is the source of energy as the heart of proud snow.

Bang! The blue light pounced on Zhou Yi's body and made a circle of connection. The light splashed randomly, and the broken scales shot out. Such a strong body still couldn't help spraying blood. The body was like a kite with a broken line, thrown dozens of meters away in the air.

The frantic energy flow still wanted to tear his body, but it was suppressed by a big book that suddenly appeared. Red, gold, green, blue, yellow, five-color flames, like a gentle hand, slowly close those energies, gently rub # rub, and gradually digest.

Zhou Yi sprinkled pieces of energy particles, clusters of purple flames, but flew against the light, penetrated the light curtain, turned into a flamestorm in mid-air, and fell into the forest where the battle broke out.


If Zhou Yi is inside the blockade of giant wood monsters and rattan monsters, the effect is far less than now.

As he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, he watched the spiritual pearl fire wrapped in the heart of Ao Xue fall, and then rose a blazing fire.

This is a divine flame. As long as it is contaminated, it can only burn. Ordinary Chen Xiu magic doesn't work at all. If you want to get rid of it, you can only have a poisonous snake devouring your hand and a strong man breaking his wrist. A giant wood monster, if the crown burns, I'm sorry, cut off your head. If the root is burned, you can dig out the root.

If you stand outside the sky and watch, this space is also fire in the sky, mid-air is also fire, and the ground is also fire, burning decades of shameful memories of demon pupils and elves, burning their humiliation and struggle.

The white fog curled, and the white horse was in the fog. Immediately, the knight's lips were tight, his eyes were fierce, and some of his face and eyebrows were scarred, and blood splashed on the white red armor. They fought with the Kacota people in a bloody battle, which gave Zhou Yi a chance to set off a big fire.

As Guyun and others rode an angry moon with Chinese members, suspended in mid-air, quietly watching the silent burning fire below.

The flame was silent, but the evil spirits in the fire were screaming, and the sound came out for several miles, which made people't help tightening.

Zhou Yi is a master of arson, so naturally he will not be innocent. The flame only burned in the range of the oracle platform, and the whole mountain turned into a red torch, but it did not spread outward. Even the temperature was suppressed by him within a tolerable range.

It lasted all night. The next day, the sun spewed out thinly, shooting out thousands of golden lights, shining on the burning ruins, which was empty and black. The mountains are gone, the waterfalls are gone, a large forest is gone, and the statue of the pearl jade princess is gone. Standing on the ruins, Asguyun cried sadly and knelt down. He was already sobbing: "Peacock God..."

Behind her, several elders of Gula, together with Asna and the people, crawled to the ground and knelt down to the ruins.

Zhou Yi lies on the chave of Chenfa gathered by Chinese members. On the left is the silent Yuewei, on the right is Aolan holding ancient books and scepters, and then Xiang'er, Qingmei, Dao Mengqing and others are listed in order. However, he looked down and his eyes were deep. Obviously, it took a lot of effort yesterday.

"If the forest is gone, it will grow again. As long as people are still there, there is hope." Yue Weixiu vomited softly and comforted, "The Peacock God will not only not offend you, but also protect the divine pupil and elf to be reborn in the fire. At that time, you will build another high mountain and erect the statue of the peacock god!"

"Yes," Zhou Yi's voice seemed weak. "This ruined soil is fertile and has enough rain. I'm afraid that in a short time, new saplings will grow and become forests, which is only more than ten years. Elder Asguyun, let's think about the next danger!"

At this time, Asguyun had already prayed and got up. Hearing what Zhou Yi said, he couldn't help but be shocked.

How could the Great Peacock King not notice such a big movement yesterday? If Kacota doesn't report to him, he will definitely send an envoy to question him. Besides, when Asna arrives, the green jade birds in the Inca palace must be very happy, right?

Looking at Asna snuggled next to Asli, Asguyun sighed deeply: "Your Majesty, God, let's go back to the Elf Queen's Palace."