xing yu universe

Chapter 503 Temple Tour 3

This is the scene in the cultivation of Zifu!

But what kind of person has such a heavy fog of energy, which is so heavy that it is difficult to walk!

At the moment when Zhou Yi was thinking, everyone suddenly cheered, full of joy.

After resisting the pressure of energy, various artifacts and crystals came one after another, and almost everyone got one or two pieces.

Bo Li had already looked at a crystal with shining bright energy. When he flew, he pushed away the bright bishop who wanted to meet him. With a crack, his body shook and spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, he also held it firmly in his hand. He looked into his spiritual knowledge and immediately exclaimed: "Brushed elixir and body!"

"What!" When Bishop Guangming heard this, his face suddenly showed a jealous and hateful expression.

As the name implies, this broken elixir can be regenerated. It is actually a secret book at the level of the god. In terms of preciousness, it is much higher than the seal of the god of Daoxuanmen.

Benderly got a golden flute, the true saint of the wind got a pocket, and the true saint of the underworld got an animal leg bone. His face was full of joy, but he also suffered a lot of damage.

Seeing more and more treasures, Zhou Yi also held his breath and was ready to take action. This time, he also came with a task. The children of Jingyun and Angry Rain, as well as Dilisa's father, have almost hopeless diseases, and Tang Ying's body, if she wants to be intact, must also get a god-level elixir.

Therefore, he focused his attention on the elixir and turned a blind eye to the artifacts and formulas that passed by.

All of a sudden, a pale red light came quickly, which was in his direction, with a unique medicinal fragrance in the light!

"That's it!" Zhou Yi was overjoyed and was about to reach out. Suddenly, a gust of wind roared in his ear. He turned his head and saw that a nearly substantial cyan dragon claw was about to grab the elixir.

The true saint of the wind!

Zhou Yi was angry. This elixir was obviously coming to himself. He was not satisfied with getting an artifact, and he actually came to grab it regardless. It's really unreasonable!

What is the true saint of the wind? I don't care what kind of true saint you are!

In an instant, Zhou Yi's whole right arm was all dragonized, full of sharp inverts, stabbing the heart attached to the proud snow. If you look carefully, you can still see a small whirlpool, which actually uses the heart method of breaking the empty cutting.

The true saint of the wind did not take Zhou Yi seriously at all. In his eyes, this young descendant, although known as the king of China, has only made a name in the secular world. In terms of real strength, of course, it is far less than his true saint who is enough to break through the wind layer.

Bang! The cyan dragon claw collided fiercely with Zhou Yi's dragon arm and was immediately stirred into pieces. The true saint of the wind felt a shock all over his body, and then the pain surged like a tide. He couldn't help but stag down and was almost hit by a thunderstorm.

"Jior!" The true saint of the wind was shocked and angry, and couldn't help cursing.

Zhou Yi ignored him at all. He took the elixir in his hand and looked at it with his spiritual knowledge. It turned out to be Nirvana Dan! Legend has it that this elixir can resurrect people once, which is really unbelievable!

Of course, a person who gets a second life can no longer get any skills and can only start from scratch like an ordinary person.

But how precious life is! Even in the divine world, Nirvana Dan is well-deserved in the top three!

With it, Delyssa's father should be saved, right? Zhou Yi was secretly happy and threw it to Delisa.

"Nirvana Dan?!" Once she recognized what was in her hand, Delisa was shocked and almost threw it out.

"Hold it well, our father is saved this time!" Hearing Zhou Yi's voice, Delisa felt distracted. Something was quietly broken, but her eyes turned red involuntarily.

After about six or seven hours in the white fog, everyone got one or two treasures. Zhou Yi naturally gained it. It is a "green elixir" and a rare treasure.

There is no gradual trend, and the white fog almost suddenly disappeared. Zhou Yi felt that the pressure on his body was relieved, and it felt like he was about to rise into the sky and fly into the sky. The white fog, thunder and lightning, and flying swords in front of them suddenly disappeared, and the channels shining with colorful light appeared in front of everyone.

A strange channel!

Zhou Yi shook his head vigorously. This color channel is like a kaleidoscope. After looking at it for a long time, he actually found that it was slowly rotating. Those colored lights were also flickering and fluctuating. There seemed to be a layer of crystal on the surface, which looked crystal clear and beautiful.

Looking back, the white fog seems to be far away from the sky, and you can see the arc flashing through it from time to time.

Each person corresponds to a channel, but there are countless channels leading to unknown places.

Have you been away from the valley for a long time? Where will this strange passage take me? This is everyone's idea.

"Let's go. It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a misfortune that can't be avoided. I've already seen the treasure wading to me!" The true saint of the wind laughed.

The true saint of the wind first walked to the color channel. As he entered, the color channel slowly twisted and deformed, and finally turned into countless transparent fragments with a "bang" and disappeared.


Everyone was shocked. Is this... Is this a teleportation or an explosion? Isn't this too scary?

"No, the true saint of the wind does not seem to have disappeared."

Bo Li said and bravely embarked on the colorful road.

Bang! Bo Li also disappeared.

Zhou Yiwang gritted his teeth and slowly stepped on the colorful transparent channel.


A burst of pressure from the soul suddenly came, and Zhou Yi felt that his body was deformed with the distortion of the channel. This burst of pressure crushed his body into pieces in a blink of an eye, which was transmitted quickly to a certain direction at a speed of almost light.

"They...are they all right in Dragon Ball?" This is Zhou Yi's last thought before he lost consciousness.

Sud of a sudden, Zhou Yi opened his eyes as if he had a strange dream, and now he woke up.

He hurriedly reached out to touch the Dragon Ball. Fortunately, the Little Dragon Ball was still so gorgeous. Check Longdu again, and the ring that Longdu has become is still there.

"Aolan, Aolan!"

There was no sound in Dragon Ball.

"Aolan!" Zhou Yi was shocked.

"It's so noisy! They are having a good dream. Brother, you really are."


Zhou Yi took a long breath and didn't care to talk to Ao Lan. He just opened his eyes wide and looked around... What did he see?

A vast universe where light and darkness stand side by side, a vast space that is far away, and the mysterious star belt are floating like fibers in this space with clear boundaries between light and darkness.

Zhou Yi is suspended on this vast starry sky. Next to him, there is a huge planet. The planet is potholes, full of circular pits, without a trace of human smoke.

Countless planets operate quietly in space, occasionally with meteors passing by, reflecting beautiful glory.

However, the brightest is still a sea of stars in the distance, and the white light is intertwined to form an boundless nebula.

"Go there and have a look!"

Zhou Yi's muscles trembled regularly, and his body had already turned into a shooting star and flew straight to the shining place.

At this moment, he faintly saw two figures and threw away to the brilliant sea of stars.

is the true saint of Yuanzhong and the true saint of the wind. Then, he saw Bo Li and Bimeng, and Elizabeth and Delisa also arrived.

Along the way, countless planets are full of strong star power, but these stars only make Zhou Yi feel it, but they can't absorb it.

After flying for more than 2 hours, Zhou Yi felt that his eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and finally stopped outside the nebula.

Through the dazzling light, Zhou Yi clearly saw that 108 extremely bright stars are slowly rotating and changing positions with extremely rhythmic movements. Around these bright stars, there are countless small stars that rotate slowly around them.

"Zhou Tianxing... Why is Zhou Tianxing here?" Zhou Yi muttered.

Nowadays, Zhou Yi is like a grain of sand and dust in the sea, but this sand and dust can clearly observe the whole sea. It feels like seeing the sun through dewdrops and the world in a grain of mustard.

"It's worthy of being the most mysterious place in the mainland, and you can see such a wonderful scene! Is it true that the secret of the stars is hidden? Yuan Zhongzhen sighed.

Everyone's eyes are intoxicated.

"Our purple elixir has begun to evolve into stars. Although there is only one, it is also the beginning... So, what kind of god can have the universe? The Temple of Rebirn is still extremely mysterious!" Zhou Yi thought to himself.

At this time, some people can't wait to enter the nebula. Although everyone came together, they are not of the same heart. Who doesn't care about the treasures in the temple?

Zhou Yi flew in with Elizabeth and Delisa.

Everyone is outside the nebula. No one can see who they are, but feel each other with a mysterious feeling. Now Zhou Yi flashed into the inside of the nebula and immediately lost the feeling and couldn't help but be surprised.

Although he couldn't feel anyone else, he found a pure white crystal floating between a starlight in the center of the nebula. All the stars, no matter how the position changes, revolve around this center.


Zhou Yi always has a doubt in his heart that the scene he saw along the way is too much like a human Zifu. Could it be that this Kuanyuan Valley is a fallen god, and we are in his body? If this is the case, the crystal between the starlight must be a crystal nucleus!

Moveled by energy, his body appeared a virtual shadow and ran straight to the nucleus crystal.

Countless starlight passed by. Zhou Yi observed the changing wonders around him and imagined the evolution of energy in energy crystals. He suddenly found that these stars had no difference between moonlight and starlight. Their energy structure seemed to be exactly the same, but just hot. However, this kind of heat can't burn Zhou Yi. If you feel it seriously, you can also draw silk clear springs and roots of lightning from the heat.

Energy analysis...

Zhou Yi closed his eyes and turned his mind. The spiritual pearl fire used the chaotic realm as the medium to transform the dark energy scene, which appeared in front of him again...

Everything flashed in Zhou Yi's mind like a movie. The nebula is floating and the stars are moving. The Jindan planet in Zifu secretly combines the transformation of 108 stars in the nebula and moves regularly.

Originally, the things similar to the planet turned into by the heart of Ao Xue were just the embellishment of the golden elixir. At this moment, it actually became active and began to operate.


The spiritual bead fire on which he built the foundation suddenly restored the elemental body and then disappeared into the sea of stars and evolved into a planet.

There is no attribute, only a faint breeze, blowing in the purple house of the universe.

When he woke up, he found that it was close to the huge white nucleus. From a distance, the nucleus was very small. After that, he found that it was 30 floors high, white, and the surrounding stars were shining, but it did not shine, but it stood quietly there, stable as a rock.


Zhou Yi hit the surface of the nucleus directly with lightning, but there was no sense of obstruction as expected, but suddenly penetrated into the nucleus like a layer of light.

It's strange that the nucleus should be extremely hard, right?

Zhou Yi opened his eyes and looked around with a trace of doubt. He found that Bo Li and others were actually there, and they had recovered their bodies. They just looked up at the sky, with different expressions of surprise or excitement.

When Zhou Yi looked around, he found himself on a beautiful prairie, full of flowers, green grass, and strong star power in the air, which was extremely fresh.

However, the sun in the sky is suspended in the middle of the prairie sky, and its body is only the size of a table tennis ball, emitting white and soft light. He suddenly realized that that was the real nuclear!

The supreme magic weapon!

While he realized it, others had also realized that several figures, like sharp arrows, shot at the sun.

It's getting closer and closer, and there is a white light in front of me.

The white light became more and more prosperous, and later, people could no longer see things.

No one will give up and fly in this boundless white. I don't know how long it has been...

(Tomorrow's final chapter)