
Chapter 38 The Spirit of All Demons

The black ball wrapped in black lightning is not simply spinning in the air. When the strong wind blows everyone's eyes, the black ball in the sky has begun to change.

At this time, the black sphere, like an egg waiting to hatch, actually began to break and began to break from the top. Purple miasma kept emerging from the cracked gap. Of course, a strangeness also emerged. When everyone was surprised, the claws jumped out of the black ball. Then a huge head slowly emerged. This head is not an ordinary head. This head actually has four faces, which grow in the southeast and northwest direction of the head. These faces are not good. They all have bloody tusks and ferocious faces. Except for different colors, there are actually not many four faces. There is a big difference, and it seems that these four faces are still different. One spitting flames, one spitting ice and snow, one spitting wind, and the other spitting thunder and lightning. Of course, the corresponding eyes are also different, and the eyes actually eject different substances correspondingly. These four guys seem to have the ability of wind, fire, thunder and ice respectively. .

Following the movement of its head, the monster's body slowly appeared. A pair of extremely huge wings wrapped the whole body and stretched out completely. These wings were extremely huge, looking like a huge bat, and on these wings, there was something like magma falling. The wings stretched out to see the monster's body clearly. The monster's body is an extremely strong human body. The body is gray, and the body is wearing leather armor. The leather armor is ancient and complex, showing a feeling of ancient and vicissitudes.

When the monster slowly rose to the sky, the previous black sphere also began to slowly disintegrate and then disappeared into the sky.

"King of Demons - Yuantong!!" Qipo Xiangu shouted below. Of course, the so-called Yuantong of Qipo Xiangu is the newly hatched monster, and only Qipo Xiangu knows about this so-called Yuantong. I'm afraid that this information can only be known by the top elders in detail, but when it comes to the king of demons, it can't be understood. Xie, the people in the Xiuzhen sect were shocked.

After the king of all demons slowly rose into the air, the python in the clouds also slowly fell down. At this time, there was already one more thing in the python's hand. This thing looked like a teapot, but it was like a miniature elixir stove. Because it was too far away, he could not see what it was. Obviously, there are many patterns on it, but it is true that you can't see what it looks like in such a chaotic space. No one knows what it is, but since it is held in the hands of a python, it is definitely not a good thing. Even if it is a good thing, it is used in the hands of evil people. It will become something.

The python slowly opened the lid of the pot, and the lid of the pot was opened, and immediately began to emit a blue light outside. The python shone the mouth of the pot in the direction of the king of demons, and those blue shimmers began to float in the direction of the king of demons in the form of small particles until these blue particles Full of the whole body of the king of demons, the king of demons is now unconscious, as if he were a sleeping monster.

Surrounded by blue light, the king of demons actually began to become transparent little by little, and the area of blue light began to slowly shrink towards the interior. Suddenly, a pulse shook from the sky to the four directions, and then only saw a colorful ball appear in the sky, Like a bead surrounded by wind, fire, thunder and snow, suspended in the sky. In sharp contrast to this ball is the state of a python. Although he wears a golden mask, from his exhalation and behavior, he is like a patient in a serious illness. It seems that everything just now has exhausted his true energy, but when he sees this The round bead and the python laughed, just like a hungry person seeing a steaming steamed bun.

When the python was about to get the round bead with his hand, a purple light suddenly shot from a distance and shook the python away. Fortunately, the green congregation caught the python in time, and the python immediately rushed over regardless of his physical condition at that time. Obviously, another purple light shocked him away.

Two people slowly soared into the sky from the ground. One of them was Song Zhong and the other was blue wine. Of course, when he saw the blue wine appear in the sky with Song Zhong, Liu Yang already knew the reason why the blue wine disappeared these days. Originally, Liu Yang thought it was a slap given to blue wine at that time, and the blue wine was lost. Trace, but now it doesn't seem to be. It turns out that blue wine is an invincible person.

There are also invincible people who appear with Song Zhong and Blue Wine. Although there are not many invincible people, they are all elites, and the people who lead these elites are Song Zhong and Blue Wine.

Song Zhong and Lan Jiu slowly flew into the sky and flew towards the round bead. On the ground, the invincible people of the demon master have controlled all the situations. The people of the Xiuzhen sect and the green people have been detained in place. Even the python at this time can do nothing but touch their chest from a distance. No Spitting blood.

"I didn't expect that I had all the calculations, but I didn't expect the invincible people to come back and mix up." The python said this with the help of the young congregation.

"Is this the spirit of all demons?" Blue wine asked beside Song Zhong.

Song Zhong smiled and said, "Yes, this is the spirit of demons, which is the most powerful power of demons. With this thing, the gods can't do anything to us in the future!" Hahahaha."

"Blue wine, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing with the invincible man?" Liu Yang roared in the distance. Seeing Liu Yang, he was a little excited, and an invincible man pressed Liu Yang's neck with a knife.

Lan Jiu took a look at Liu Yang, sneered and said, "Master, you are really old. You don't even know who I am, and you have been with me for so many years." With that, Blue Wine raised his right hand, then exposed the ring, pointed to the ring to the left and said, "Don't you know this ring? Or is it short-sighted? This thing is the invincible baby of the demon. The demon invincible has two masters. Haven't you seen one of them wearing this ring before?

Blue wine said, and Liu Yang suddenly realized that everything was finally clear.

"Who are you, Blue Heart?" Liu Yang asked.

"Blue Heart? Lan Xin is my father. The invincible master of the demon who died in the plague was my father. Have you forgotten that it was my father who killed by Yunhai Mountain?

It turned out that Blue Wine was the invincible master of the Demon Lord. After knowing the news, Liu Yang had stayed over and sat still and became very calm.

"Cache the spirit of all demons." Lan Jiu saw that Song Zhong was actually watching his excitement, so he reminded him.

Song Zhong looked at the blue wine, then smiled and said, "You are still awesome. Haha, you have lied to the people of Yunhai Mountain for so long."

Song Zhong slowly approached the spirit of the demons, and the spirit of the demons was right in front of him. Song Zhong looked at this thing and was stunned, as if he had been looking for something for a long time. At this time, it was already presented in front of him. Song Zhong's excitement was difficult to express. He could only look at the spirit of all demons and wanted to touch it with his hands, but I'm afraid it will break.

"The spirit of all demons, the spirit of all demons, you finally appeared hahaha." Song Zhong is very happy.