
Chapter 94 Lion Dance Ring

Duan Yu was embarrassed. He still stood still. Every time he fell, he put his hand together. Duan Yu began to reach forward, and then opened his hands to prepare for something. At this time, Duan Yu was still hesitant, and then looked at Song Yao. He was also embarrassed to continue to do what he should do, and turned his head. Seeing Song Yao's gentle smiling face, and then looking at the invincible demons here in the hall, Duan Yu's heart suddenly cheered up.

Duan Yu knew how to do it. Duan Yu felt the power inside his body. Duan Yu felt that the lion in his body was roaring at him and cheered up. Duan Yu began to close his eyes, and then slowly raised his right hand to the distance perpendicular to his body in mid-air. At that time, the demon hall was quiet, and everyone looked at Duan Yu. There was no sound at all. Slowly a light spot appeared in the palm of Duan Yu's hand, and then with this light point as the center, a magic circle slowly expanded, forming a small circle in front of Duan Yu. Come on, and rotate at a high speed.

I didn't know where the wind came from and blew Duan Yu's hair away. Although Duan Yu had his hair tied, his temples and bangs couldn't help drifting back. Strange whirllies began to appear in the air, as if the air had been sucked into the magic array in Duan Yu's hand, and at this time, the air Suddenly, a lion roared, and then a huge lion jumped out. This monster with two ordinary lions was the momentum of eight wilderness, a lion composed of fog. Of course, some people said that these were not fog, but water vapor with temperatures up to thousands of degrees.

The eight wild lion's head appeared in the eyes of everyone, which stunned everyone in the hall. Some people hurriedly retreated a few steps with suspicion. The eight wild lion's head stood in the middle of the hall, wandering, looking at the surrounding situation, and the demons did not dare to approach the lion half a step and pushed it. At a certain distance, he looked at the legendary spirit beast with surprise.

Applause came, and Duan Yu slowly opened his eyes. Song Zhong slowly walked to Duan Yu with a applause, and the elders also followed him. Song Yao also walked behind Duan Yu and patted Duan Yu on the shoulder.

"Sure enough, it's worthy of being a hero. I didn't expect that the mount of the past demon has become the spirit beast of Duan Yu's little brother. It's really ashamed of us seniors. Haha, why don't the demons who protect the right envoy come to visit your master?" Song Zhong said loudly.

Duan Yu was trying to persuade Song Zhong not to do this, but at this time, a group of people had come up in the hall, and then immediately knelt down in the hall, and then arched his hand and said, "I've seen the right envoy."

In detail, in fact, this group of people is not many, only more than 20 people. In fact, over the years, the power of the right department of protection has been continuously weakened, and now only these few have existed. The others have either joined other departments or died outside, only these loyalty. People who are loyal to the right envoy work under Song Zhong under the name of right envoy.

Song Yao doesn't know why he opened the window, but Duan Yu doesn't know why he habitually opens the window. Maybe this is already a kind of dependence, a kind of spiritual dependence.

"Duan, why don't you go to the place where you protect the right envoy? It's thousands of times better than here. Song Yao said.

Duan Yu smiled and said, "If the room is alone, what's the difference from throwing me into the desert?"

Song Yao was stunned for a moment, and then immediately laughed and said, "Your mouth is so sweet!"

Hearing this, Duan Yu suddenly lost his mind, and then immediately blushed, smiled and didn't know what he was laughing at. Song Yao couldn't help laughing when he saw Duan Yu's giggle.

"Son Duan, smile more if you can laugh now, otherwise you will suffer in the future."

"Bitter? Why?" Duan Yu stopped laughing and asked.

"Do you know that the right envoy of the guardian is a very heavy position in the church. In the future, you may worry a lot about the invincible demon, and the things that make you tired are already in front of you." Oh? What's the matter? In fact, the teaching is so good to me that it is normal to contribute my contribution to teaching. Duan Yu said.

Song Yao nodded slowly and then said, "Although this eight wilderness lion head is already your spirit beast, you don't know how to control it and give full play to its maximum potential. Now in your situation, if you want to improve your strength, you have to learn to control the eight wilderness lion head first. So, starting tomorrow, you have to drive I began to train and manipulate this spirit beast, but it will make you suffer.

Duan Yu didn't feel distressed when he heard this, but laughed, and then said, "This really suits my intention. Haha, as long as I can strengthen myself, I can do anything. It doesn't matter if I'm tired."

"Since you have this heart, you will definitely do a good job. I guess your father will ask you to go to training in the illusory world tomorrow. You should be ready."

Note: Too Fantasy

"Taixu" is a Taoist appearance. Laozi's Tao Te Ching believes that Taoism is big and quiet. Therefore, the "too virtual" here actually refers to what Laozi and Zhuangzi said. The Tao Te Ching also said: "Tao gives birth to one, two lives two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to everything." Taoists believe that the origin of the world is Tao. Therefore, the meaning of "too illusory world" means that everything in the world (including people) comes from the illusory place. Since Tao is the origin of the world, of course, people also come from the great and quiet place of Tao. From a scientific point of view, the major systems of the human body (such as the respiratory system, digestive system, etc.) are composed of organs, organs are composed of tissues, and tissues are composed of cells. However, cells are not the smallest unit of the human body. Cells can also be decomposed into cell membranes, cytoplasms and nuclei. If we continue to ask what is the structure of cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus? Such endless questions will inevitably be decomposed into molecules, atoms, ions and other particles in the end. Modern scientists have explored the composition of matter from molecules, atoms, electrons, protons and quarks to neutrons. However, neutrinos are not the smallest matter, and neutrinos can also be infinitely decomposed into the infinite subtle world described by Chinese philosophers. Of course, matter at any level has its basis for its composition - reason. Therefore, the world of Tao is a large and quiet world where things and reason are chaotic.