
Chapter 49 The complicated truth

Yuze thought about what to do to steal the crown in front of him, but it didn't seem so easy, because the two spirituals of the earth were in this place. If he acted rashly, he probably didn't know how he died, so Yuze stood aside and looked at the deep confusion there. Su Crown was held in his hand and turned over. Yu Ze had nothing to do. Yu Ze did not know the ability to smell deep and hurt, but at present, the only thing that could clear everyone's suspicion was this crown. Yu Ze was very anxious, but Yu Ze did not dare to walk in place easily, although it was transparent. But there is still a sound when it is active.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yuze still didn't come up with any way to steal the crown smoothly. Helplessly, Yuze thought of the worst strategy, which was to grab it. At present, the only way is to grab it. Without knowing the two spiritual respects, Yuze can only wait for an opportunity, because Yuze has taken a lot of details. They all thought about it. When there was a chance, then unexpectedly grabbed it, and then entered the gray space with the help of the magic seal ability of the spirit stone, so that it was possible to escape smoothly. Yu Ze suddenly thought that the spirit stone should have stolen the elemental crown like this before, but Yuze did not know that he entered the gray space. Whether others can also enter the gray space is a problem that makes Yuze anxious, but Yuze soon thought that if he enters the gray space, then he will enter a door casually, then there is a two-quarter chance that he may not be met by these two people, and the current situation can only be read like this. Once.

After standing in this room for a while, the weather outside slowly darkened. Only then did Yuze realize that he had been here for a long time. It was also a good thing for the weather to get dark. It would be easier to act in this way. No one would have thought that the things in their hands would suddenly be robbed by a transparent person. In the past.

At this time, the deep confusion seems to no longer study, and nothing has been studied on this day. At this time, the deep confusion began to slowly put the elemental crown into the box, and when he got up, he was about to go to the smell. The elemental crown is a supreme treasure in the country of the earth, bringing it to such a level as the second spiritual master. The person escorted and taken away by the second spiritual master. I'm afraid that something will happen. Of course, this second spiritual master would not expect that there would be a third person in the room.

Yuze slowly approached Shen Dou's side. When Shen Dou stood up and walked towards the smell of the wound, at this time, the box in Shen Dou's hand was magically suspended and suspended in mid-air. Seeing the smell of the wound here, he was shocked and hurriedly rushed up, but the deep confusion prevented the smell of the wound from touching it. Touching the box, he was very surprised. He looked carefully at the box suspended in mid-air. Yuze was transparent. Of course, no one found Yuze, but Yuze knew that the reason why the box was suspended was because he held it up with his hand, but he thought that this was the power of the elemental crown, so he was deeply confused and saw this. The scene was very happy. He hurriedly called to smell the wound and look at the box at this time, don't move, and then the deep confusion went to the table and brought over.

"What are you doing with your glasses?" Hearing the wound and asking, he said confusedly and excitedly, "I didn't expect such a strange phenomenon to occur today. I'm going to use this thing to observe carefully. You don't know that these glasses are rare. He can see through many things that people can't see with their naked eyes."

Hearing this, Yuze suddenly reacted. If this glasses can see a lot of things that can't be seen with the naked eye, isn't it possible to see himself? Yuze hurriedly thought of countermeasures and summoned out the power of the magic seal of the spirit stone, and then only looked at the suddenness next to him at this time. There was a gray fog, and he was shocked by the wound and deep confusion. He said in surprise, "Is this also the power of the elemental crown?" He frowned and said, "This seems to be very familiar. It seems that I have seen it."

Deep confusion has put up his glasses. When he put on his glasses, he suddenly found that there was a man standing next to him. When he saw this, he was shocked by his eyes. Then he was about to wipe his eyes to see if all this was true, and suddenly Yuze carried elements. The box of the crown escaped into the door of the dead. He was stunned and hurriedly chased after him, but when he was about to step into the door of the dead, the door of the dead suddenly closed.

"It's not good! No, the crown was robbed!" Hearing the wound, he roared. At this time, he sat on the ground and said, "There was a transparent person around us just now."

"What are you talking about? Transparent man? What transparent person?" He smelled the wound and said lingering left and right.

"After wearing glasses just now, I saw a man with a hood next to us. I think the box of the element crown floated because of this transparent man."

"This, this, then how should we tell the above? The elemental crown disappeared alive in front of our two eyes. How can we say this!" He shouted when he heard the wound.

On the other side, Yuze had already reached the gray space. Finally, he was surprised to find that the wound and deep confusion did not keep up. Yuze was very excited when he saw this. Thinking that all this might really be over, the truth may really surface, but Yuze did not know what to do. Suddenly Yuze Thinking of going to the gray space of the Kingdom of Fire and finding the snow flying, Yuze did not hesitate to enter the gray space of the Kingdom of Fire, and this time entering the gray space of the Kingdom of Fire, Yuze was shocked. At this time, the gray space of the Kingdom of Fire and the gray space that Yuze had come before were very There is a big difference. Although the basic outline is still there, you can only see the buildings. You can only see the buildings you have seen before. The flames and lawns are no longer there. The most surprising thing is that the souls here are no longer there. This is already a dead city, although it is dead. Dead city, but at this time it seems to have become a real dead city, a silent city. There is nothing left in it. Yuze has searched around here many times, but he has not seen a soul, let alone found the soul of Yanxue flying. Yuze doesn't know what happened here, Yuze A little sad, Yuze slowly opened the box in his hand, then took out the element crown, couldn't help laughing, and then said to himself, "I didn't expect the world to play tricks on people. I found this one and lost." With that, Yuze summoned the spiritual weapon array, and then took out the elemental crown taken from the spirit stone. When Yu Ze took out the two elemental crowns and compared them, suddenly, something magical happened. The crown brought from the land began to change, and many green The mist slowly came out, and Yuze felt that the crown was beginning to expand and twist in his hand. Yuze was surprised at what was going on, and it began to heat up at this time. Suddenly, the crown fell to the ground. Just as Yuze was about to go down to pick it up, he suddenly only looked at the green of the crown. The miasma is getting bigger and bigger, spreading vertically, which is as high as a person.

Soon a human figure appeared in the lawyer's miasma. This human figure did not look tall, even a little short and fat. When these green miasma disappeared, the man slowly came out. The man looked at Yuze, and Yuze was a little surprised. Yuze doesn't know this person. He looks like he is in his early 50s, but there is still a power in his eyes that people dare not look directly.

"Who are you? Why, why did it suddenly appear here? Why are you in that elemental crown? Yuze asked.

At this time, the man looked at the elemental crown in Yuze's hand, couldn't help laughing, and then frowned and said, "Where did you get this crown?"

Yu Ze didn't want to answer and said calmly, "It's none of your business!" When Yuze finished saying this, the man over there waved his palm, and then three flames suddenly rushed towards Yuze. Fortunately, Yuze suddenly dodged, but the three flames seemed to be able to follow people. They began to rotate around Yuze and rotated around you for a while. Suddenly, The three small flames turned into a large flame and wrapped Yuze all over in an instant. Yuze had been submerged in the flame. The man over there looked at Yuze's side with his eyes side, as if he didn't seem to be killed, but he looked at Yuze, which had been wrapped in flames angrily.

But at this time, a strong wind began to hang around. This wind was not an ordinary wind. Looking at this momentum, it seemed that countless sickles were sprinkled in the air, trying to extinguish everything around it. The three-flavor fire immediately felt that the wind was wrong, and then only saw a flame covering the three-flavor fire. When he got up, the flame surrounding the body of Sanweihuo played a good role in defense, and suddenly avoided the wind wounds around him. In the distance, the flames surrounding Yuze's body began to rotate and slowly climb up, gathered on top of Yuze's head, and then slowly Slowly shredded and disappeared, as if it were a flame blown away by the wind.

I was also surprised to see the three-flavor fire here. The three-flavor fire obviously underestimated Yuze's ability. At this time, Yuze already had the wings of the black snow wings behind his body. The move just now was the wind injury of the black snow wings, and the wind injury blew away all the flames.

Sanweihuo laughed when he saw this and said, "Look at such ability at a young age, so it seems that the person who stole the elemental crown in those years is very likely to be you?"

Saying that a flame sword began to form in the hand of Sanweihuo. The flame sword burned brightly and looked like a thorn in the hand of Sanweihuo. Yuze felt the power of this power, and he immediately became afraid.

"What to steal? The elemental crown was given to me by one person, and I brought it here justly. Yuze said angrily. Hearing Yuze's roar, the fire sword in Sanweihuo's hand had slowly become smaller, and it seemed that his anger had diminished a lot.

"Who gave it to you?" Sanweihuo said, and then added, "Young man, I don't think you are a bad person. I just want to know who gave it to you. Do you know that the elemental crown is the supreme treasure of the earth, and I have also changed into an elemental crown to stay in the earth for so many years. I think I am qualified to know who gave you this crown?"

"What did you say? Why did you become the elemental crown? Does this have anything to do with this? Yuze asked.

"There is a connection, which is very related. In fact, I am the king of the Three Flavors of Fire. I am the king of the Kingdom of Earth. At an exposition of the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of the Earth made an exception to lend this element crown, but at the conference, the crown magically disappeared under the protection of the white night and the hot snow flying and was stolen. At that time, in order to prevent the people of the land from having conflicts and wars with us, I used a special potion of the Kingdom of Fire to turn me into an elemental crown, and then stayed in the land for so long. Do you think I am qualified to know who caused all this?

The person in front of him is Sanweihuo, which surprised Yuze. He didn't know what to say and didn't believe that all this was true. Yuze was not a child. Yuze would not easily believe anything again.

"Do you think you are three flavors of fire? Then I'm still in the wilderness!"

Sanweihuo laughed and took away his arm, and then saw a big red seal engraved on his arm. Sanweihuo pointed to the seal and said, "This is the seal inherited by the kings of the Kingdom of Fire. This is a red flower. I think you should know the pattern of the king's seal of the Kingdom of Fire. Right? If you don't know, then you should have felt something about the power just now, right? I don't need to lie to you. I'm the king of the Kingdom of Fire. Oh, by the way, the Three Flavor Fire in the Kingdom of Fire is played by Yan Xue Piaofei. He also took that potion. Since you took out the elemental crown today, I don't think it's a secret. What do you think I lie to you? Tell me, who gave you this crown? In fact, I won't embarrass him. Don't worry, I do what I say. I'll treat all this as a friend even if I don't know each other."

"Is the snow flying?" Yuze said to himself, and then hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you know that Yan Xue Piaofei is dead, and Bai Ye is now unknown. I am the fourth spiritual master of the Kingdom of Water. My last Haidong and the fifth spiritual master Chukui have also disappeared, all because of the death of the three fire played by Yan Xue Piaofei. That's why, so I'm looking for the truth. Since you're fine, I think this matter should be all clear. I hope you can show the truth of all this in the world.

Sanweihuo was stunned and dumbfounded. After a while, he asked, "Yanxue flew to death?" Sanweihuo asked this question, as if he didn't believe all this. Sanweihuo didn't believe that Yan Xue Piaofei would die, but Yuze admitted again that Yan Xue Piaofei was indeed dead. Sanweihuo laughed out, laughed without warning, and said to himself, "What's going on with all this?" Why is this so? How can Yan Xue's strength be easily killed?

Yu Ze pointed to the surroundings and said, "If you are the three-flavor fire of the Kingdom of Fire, then you should be familiar with this place. This place is the gray space of the Kingdom of Fire. Originally, the soul of the hot snow was still here, but this time I came in and found that all the souls here have disappeared. So I think there must be a big behind-the-scenes behind this matter.

Sanweihuo began to observe the surrounding situation. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly realized and said, "How is it possible? How can the gray space of the Kingdom of Fire become like this? How did it become like this? There is no spiritual support here. This is terrible. In the future, when the people of the Kingdom of Fire die, then their souls have no belonging. Who did this? How could this happen?"

When Yuze heard Sanweihuo talking about the ownership of the soul, he couldn't help but worry and said, "What if the soul doesn't belong?"

"What will happen? Then there will be many things in the four continents, and many evil things will appear on the four continents, which may lead to the birth of the first evil spirit beast that has been sealed for a long time.

"What is the first evil spirit beast?" Yuze asked.

"Before the world was formed, there was an evil aura in the world. This evil aura formed an evil spirit beast. The power of this spirit beast was above the four ancient spirit beasts. Later, the power of this spirit beast was sealed. I don't know who sealed it, but there is a saying that in ancient times there was a The hegemon, this person sealed this evil spirit beast, divided his power into souls, hidden in the essence of the souls of the world's souls, and created a gray space, so that these souls in the world have their belonging, and avoided the rebirth of the spirit beast. If the gray space is gone, then the spirit Beasts may appear on this world again, so after all, people on this four continents may face the danger of doomsday.

"How serious is this?"

"How can you enter the gray space of the Kingdom of Fire? Your aura attribute is water attribute, and it should not appear here. Did the spiritual stone help you come in? Three flavors of fire asked.

"You really know everything. Yes, the spirit stone taught me to come in, and the person who gave me the elemental crown is also the spirit stone."

Sanweihuo laughed and said, and then said, "I should have guessed that the crown was stolen by him. In this world, only he may steal the elemental crown in front of the snow and the white night, just like you stole it from the deep confusion and smell of wounds. Then all this must be his manipulation, and his ability is to master Soul, all this must have something to do with him.

Yu Ze shouted and then said, "Impossible, impossible."

"Why is it impossible? Why is it impossible?

At this time, Yuze suddenly took out his chest and said, "Lingshi has passed on his seal to me. You can see clearly that it was completely passed to me, so Lingshi is dead. How is it possible to die?"

Seeing Yu Ze show his chest, Sanwei Huo was shocked, and then he didn't say anything for a while. After a long time, he slowly said, "Who the hell are you? How is it possible to integrate the seals and aura of different attributes?

"I'm Yuze, and I'm the fourth spiritual master of the Kingdom of Water." Yuze looked a little angry.

Sanwei smiled and then said, "Okay, okay, heroes are teenagers. Although there are still many mysteries that I don't know now, I think they should be involved in this matter. People who are still alive now have returned to their innocence. Let's go out. I will swear the story of this matter, and I will announce, I didn't die."

"Well, do you want to return this crown to the land?"

"No, this crown disappeared in our country, so I returned an identical crown to the land country, but this time, it disappeared in the land country, which has nothing to do with me, and no one can understand the power of this elemental crown. If you really It's predestined, so stay with you. Anyway, the ability of the fourth spiritual master of the Kingdom of Water is just to manage spiritual weapons, and it is the most appropriate to put it in your place.


But what is it? Since someone has begun to destroy the balance between the underworld and the human world, we still have a lot of things to do. At present, we have to drive back to the country of fire and announce that it has nothing to do with the people related to this matter.

"But there are still some things I don't understand."


"Since there is a potion that can change into anything, some utensils related to this matter have appeared on the scene. Is it possible that this potion was also changed with this potion?"

"Does the four-way aggregation of the white night also appear on the scene?"

"Yes, it seems that it has been returned to the Prophet of the Kingdom of Water."

"This is possible, but if you want to change, you must see it, and even I haven't seen the convergence of Baiye's aura. I just heard about it, so if someone really does all this, then you should start from the people who have seen the gathering of Baiye."

"But who have seen this thing?"

"I'm not very clear about this. What I'm doing now is to restore the innocence of these people."