
Chapter 60 Wind Wings

Because of the blatant provocation of the broken organization, the country of wind has been full of vegetation in recent days. Feng Jingyu has been wandering around with spiritual magicians. In the past few days, anything may happen at any time. Feng Jingyu has also grasped his heart, and Yuze is also hovering on the head of the country of wind on the other side. In the past few days, Yuze has also been really doing tasks here, but those people who have broken the organization have never been found. Of course, this name has actually been known on Feng Jingyu's side. When the spiritual magician of the Kingdom of Wind disappeared, Feng Jingyu began to investigate this matter, and later found that it could It can be done by a person called a broken organization, and the understanding of this broken organization can only be limited to the name, and nothing else is clear.

Yuze patrols around the country, and Feng Jingyu patrols the periphery of the Kingdom of Wind. The periphery of the Kingdom of Wind is actually a forest. The forest is very hairy, dense and refreshing. The refreshing thing is that the trees here are not like rainforests, but like clean autumn forests. Feng Jingyu and a pair of people are marching here. Although the forest looked very quiet, Feng Jingyu still walked cautiously with everyone. Suddenly, it seemed that something seemed to pass over the tree. Feng Jingyu hurriedly asked everyone to pay attention. Sure enough, at this time, there seemed to be a dark shadow around him constantly shuttling through the woods, which made people overwhelmed. I don't know. What is it? Suddenly, in an instant, some ground thorns suddenly appeared on the ground. These ground thorns strangled half of the people in a few strokes. The blood of the dead people is still flowing on these ground thorns, and the internal organs seem to be half of the barbecue on the ground thorns. The smell is still permeated in the air, and Feng Jingyu has not figured out who did all this. In the surrounding woods, it seems that the shadow is still shuttled, making a rustling sound. Coupled with the miserable appearance of those who were killed, this place suddenly added a lot of strangeness and horror. Feng Jingyu hurriedly shouted, "Everyone gathers together. Come together."

When shouting, those ground thorns are still coming out of the ground around. These ground thorns are stabbed out from under the soles of the feet without warning. This feeling is very horrible and may die at any time.

"Let's go to the tree! The ground is very dangerous. Feng Jingyu shouted and took the rest of the people to look up the tree. It will be better. At least those ground thorns will not be a sudden attack, but this is not the end. Suddenly, a dark shadow in the sky came, and then countless vine-like things began to hit the crowd quickly, then Like countless long guns making a fierce attack, Feng Jingyu was shocked and suddenly waved his arm. When he waved it, he suddenly saw a lot of feathers on Feng Jingyu's arm. These feathers suddenly shot out like a dart, and Feng Jingyu retreated at the same time. , retreated to a tree in the distance, and the dark shadow that launched the attack also disappeared into the forest in the distance. The people on the tree just now are dead, and the body is full of holes. It seems that he was killed by countless stabbs. Feng Jingyu was surprised by the speed and combat ability of the man. He stood up and then The forest in the distance roared, "Who is it? Come out, there is a kind of blatant battle.

When Feng Jingyu finished saying this, there was a wild explosion behind him, but Feng Jingyu was not surprised. At this time, Feng Jingyu was covered with feathers all over, and those feathers were like a boundary to resolve all the offensive, but this is also It's not just defense. Suddenly, I only saw Feng Jingyu begin to rotate. Those feathers like arrows from arrows. They burst out at close range and burst out towards the surroundings. In this dart bomb, the surrounding trees were shot to pieces, and many feathers were still inserted in the trees. Feng Jingyu slowly opened his feathers. , and then looking out, it has become a mess. With the wind blowing feathers as the center just now, it burst out in a circle around. The surrounding trees are as if they have been eaten by countless insects. They are pitted. These are the results of being shot through by the feathers just now, but no feathers pierced. Still staying on the tree, knowing that the feathers around Feng Jingyu's body disappeared, the feathers inserted in the tree slowly disappeared.

At this time, a man slowly came out of the ground in the distance. The man came over in a black robe and a white mask, and then stood still in the distance. Feng Jingyu saw that this man was very familiar, at least the mask. This is the broken person. Feng Jingyu slowly fell down from the tree. Looking at the man and asking, "Are you a broken person?"

Huh? Yes, we all know the name of our organization. We said that you were going to hand over the dragon scale armor, but you didn't. So today I came here to harvest a few lives, but after all, Feng Jingyu is the second spiritual master, and he can still stand up.

"What do you want dragon scales?"

"You don't have to worry about this. You won't take it out, will you?"

"Haha, you are so ridiculous that such requests have been made." Feng Jingyu said.

Suddenly, a ground thorn rushed out at Feng Jingyu's feet, but this time the ground thorn was useless, because many feathers under Feng Jingyu's feet had gathered into a pile, which suddenly blocked the attack of those ground thorns, and quickly smashed those ground thorns. Feng Jingyu was surprised to find it far away. The masked man on the other side has a medium-length whip in his hand, which may have been caused by this whip in a series of attacks just now.

The masked man had not begun to speak, and then the whip was also thrown into the air by him. He could not see the masked man's expression, and Feng Jingyu also began to prepare.

After the whip was thrown into mid-air, one whip turned into two, two became four, and four became eight. Soon, the masked man was wrapped in it. It looked like a tiger imprisoned by Tengman. Feng Jingyu was surprised, and then only saw Feng Jingyu His arms were wrapped by feathers, and a pair of golden feather wings began to grow behind Feng Jingyu. At this time, Feng Jingyu actually looked like an angry bird. After wrapping the masked man, those whips suddenly burst out, and many countless leather whips began to turn around. When it broke out, it was also like countless long guns shooting around. Feng Jingyu was shocked and hurriedly began to rotate his body. The two forces hit each other, and the sound of brushing came out. On one side was a feather sword and on the other side was a leather whip long gun. Countless things hit each other, and the forest was immediately shocked. When they got different, the birds flew high and the beasts fled. This immediately turned into a disaster, and all this was not so simple. The masked man and the wind were constantly moving. A spirit beast array suddenly bloomed around the masked man's body, and then many tree people came out of the spirit beast array. , the feather sword kept piercing the tree people, but soon, the tree people were no longer moving, not dead, but began to extend their roots to the ground. Feng Jingyu suddenly felt that something was moving under the ground, and the speed of Feng Jingyu began to slow down. Finally, He found that there were many tree roots wrapped around his legs under the ground, and all this was not over. Feng Jingyu found that many tree people began to climb out along these roots. Those tree people began to eat themselves with their mouths. Feng Jingyu hurriedly rotated again. Those tree people wrapped around their feet Suddenly, Feng Jingyu rushed into the sky, and then opened his hands and waved them towards the ground. More feather swords rushed to the ground. Suddenly, those leather whips actually extended to the sky, looking as if they were trying to catch the wind feathers in the sky, but Feng Jingyu The speed was indeed very fast, and he could barely dodge and attack at the same time, but slowly Feng Jingyu began to feel that it was getting more and more difficult, and those whips were also more and more. The sky was like a man stretched out on the ground hoping to find a wall, constantly throwing out, and suddenly the wind was shocked. Yu was wrapped in his legs by a vine, and then more whips began to wrap around him. Feng Jingyu was suddenly pulled down from mid-air, looking like a bird caught by a hunter, pulled down by a net sprinkled into the sky.

Those leather whips quickly pulled Feng Jingyu under the ground, and then locked Feng Jingyu to the ground. Then the ground began to surge under the ground. Feng Jingyu suddenly thought of the existence of the ground thorns and hurriedly gathered all the strength in front of him. Sure enough Those ground thorns suddenly hit the top. Although the huge momentum of Feng Jingyu carried it, it was severely impacted in the opposite direction. Those whips still covered Feng Jingyu like a huge net, making it difficult for Feng Jingyu to escape the encirclement of the net even if he was hit.

When Feng Jingyu was hit in mid-air, a huge ground thorn stretched out, and then the huge net began to pull Feng Jingyu to the huge ground thorn under the ground, trying to put Feng Jingyu to death in this way. Feng Jingyu was shocked, and then a large layer of feathers gathered. In front of Feng Jingyu, but there was only one such defense against the violent impact. Feng Jingyu was hit hard on the ground, because Feng Jingyu was prepared to avoid the tragedy of being pierced by the huge ground, but Feng Jingyu was indeed thrown into the air again. , the momentum was more fierce than the first time. The net dragged Feng Jingyu with more strength. The ground thorn hit Feng Jingyu with more power, and then shrank under the ground. Feng Jingyu was once again oppressed to the ground by the same action. At the moment when it was about to reach the ground, there was a huge gully in the original gully. The ground thorn quickly hit out, and Feng Jingyu was shocked and had no choice. There was a roar between heaven and earth, and then the net of those leather whips was suddenly torn. Feng Jingyu was no longer Feng Jingyu. A golden roc flew out of the net and flew into the sky under the sun, under the back of the sun, like A giant god of the sky came to the world, with that kind of majesty and killing. The whips under the ground began to slowly shrink, and then changed back to the original short and thin whip, so the masked man looked at the scene in the sky and exclaimed, "Is this the legendary wind wing?"

A huge array in the area at the foot of the masked man is rotating at high speed, as if something is brewing