
Chapter 97 Crying for Evil

When Yuze, purgatory shrubs and three waters returned to the kingdom of water, the kingdom of water had barely settled down and did not seem to be so chaotic. The beasts that were already in the country of water had also disappeared. The power of rain marks seemed to have disappeared, so the rain marks should also be dead. This can be confirmed. Yuhen has such a great hatred for the State of Water. How can he miss such an opportunity? If he misses it, it proves that Yuhen is dead.

As soon as the purgatory bush returned to the land of water, it began to gather some representatives of various countries to inform important things. Yuze knew that this matter was about the prophet.

In a hall that originally belonged to Hongchuan City, this meeting is being held, and the purgatory shrubs have been waiting in this hall early. When people from various countries have not yet arrived, there are only three waters, purgatory shrubs, Yuze, and ripples that have just arrived. After the wind erosion of the country of the wind, the reverse gear has unfortunately died in this battle. The expression of all these ripples is very heavy. In fact, women are like this. They belong to sensory animals. Because of the senses, they will be further involved in sensibility, and because the senses are in front, they belong to sensory animals, and men are It is called a perceptual animal, because some people say that men will see deeper, but I think that men are very complicated animals, because men basically like to look at women's appearance and figure, so that they can learn more about it later, but for some things, men are really emotional animals, such as sex. Men are all women. For more emotional things, the pursuit of sex is also higher than that of women. No wonder that men are emotional animals. This understanding is still very appropriate. After all, most of the sex refers to men. The reversal gear here is a person who is dedicated to his duty and died. There will be much more feelings for such men and women. Sex, so that he will be so sad for a person who hasn't been in contact for a long time. Although he does not lose his temper in front of the crowd, it can be seen from his expression that he cares about the death of the gear in order to reverse it. The men of the machine are silent, and the silent men have done a lot. Men are indeed very popular with women.

"Ripples, in fact, everything in the world has its own results. The reversal gear died for the safety of the land of water. For the land of water, the people here will remember this person in the future, and he has become a hero, hasn't he? So, it's strange that you should be happy for him. The wind eclipse said.

Lianyi didn't say anything, and Feng Xi continued to say, "That Akagi is the person who should be rejected. Not long after joining the Kingdom of Wind, he actually betrayed the Kingdom of Wind and betrayed the Alliance Army."

The purgatory bush in the distance seemed to hear the words of the wind erosion, then came over and said, "People have their own aspirations, and they can't blame him all. Today, I urgently convened this conference to tell everyone about such a thing."

Is it about Akagi? If so, then there is really no need to say so much for a traitor, right? The wind eclipse said.

"No, but there may be some involvement. What I want to say is about the prophet. You should know when everyone comes." The purgatory bush said.

At this time, a black gas suddenly appeared in the center of the hall. The purgatory bush immediately had a bad feeling. It was really a bad thing. The black smoke slowly formed a figure, and then spoke. The purgatory bush knew what the gas was, and the purgatory bush would never forget it. The power and breath emitted by the evil spirit, this black thing is part of the evil spirit. The purgatory bush hurriedly shouted, "Everyone pay attention, this is the power of the evil spirit!"

Hearing what the purgatory bush said, everyone present hurriedly took precautions.

"Don't have to be so nervous. There is no malice in me coming here today, because I just heard that the purgatory bush is going to say something about me, so I will definitely say that now the situation is so chaotic, and we are all uncertain about what 'broken' has done. You were right just now. This power is evil. It's tough, but I have no choice. The power of 'broken' is getting stronger and stronger. They have three of the four spiritual beasts in ancient times, and what about us? They also have most of the ancient artifacts, what about us? We have nothing. If it goes on like this, the 'broken' will defeat me sooner or later. It's not that you haven't seen the fact of the Kingdom of Fire. What 'broken' brought to this world is death, and what we can do as prophets is to prevent 'broken' from doing anything that harms the world. In the process of the prophet speaking, people from other countries gathered in this hall one after another.

This is the right time. The Prophet just staged his speech at this time, and more people may be in line with the Prophet's wishes.

The prophet looked at the newcomers and then began to continue his speech. "Actually, everyone has always thought that our prophets did not care about the world, and that our prophets did not care about everyone's lives and safety. In fact, you are all wrong. Although we live deep in the Crystal City, everything that happened outside We all know that when we see that everyone is in panic because of 'broken', we also see it, so we summoned the evil spirits to come out, hoping that we can use this to beat the 'broken'. As you can see, now we can still control the evil spirits, so everyone should rest assured that today's water country I have killed an extremely important role. The son of the former king of water, the rain mark has been killed by us, which has proved how far-reaching the influence of the evil spirit on the war situation is, and how necessary it is to summon the evil spirit out.

At this time, the purgatory bush sneered, and the wind erosion stood up at this time. Seeing the wind erosion, the prophet over there could not help but be a little surprised. The wind erosion is also composed of the soul, and the evil spirit is also the main part of the soul, and the existence of the wind erosion is not shorter than that of the evil spirit. The wind erosion knows a lot of things. Hearing The prophet said very reasonablely, and Feng Shi knew that he had something to say, so he stood up.

"Look at your current state of the prophet, then you should be combined with the evil spirit. Then you should know that I am a wind erosion, and I am also a collection of souls. I may know more about the evil spirit. Compared with what you just said, I want to say more things for everyone. Now everyone has come to this place, well, according to my age, I think I have the right to say something. With that, the wind erosion looked at the purgatory bush and ripples. The ripple nodded, and the purgatory shrub was also indifferent and listened to it.

"Before I was formed, the first spiritual beast born from the soul was the evil spirit, but the evil spirit was the evil soul that was mainly absorbed, which was his origin. Later, the monster found that its evil power was getting stronger and stronger, so it opened He began to absorb other souls, and he has done nothing to let go, because he can make the good soul evil. Up to now, we don't know how many souls the evil spirits have absorbed, but after so many years of evil accumulation, I think it is no longer the same evil spirit as before. Can ordinary people control the evil spirits now? Lord Prophet, you said that you can control it, maybe because you are not an ordinary person, but I look at your physical condition, and your whole body is already miasma. I can see the soul. I know that you are now an evil soul. I doubt whether you are controlled by evil spirits or you are controlling evil spirits, but now Before you still have self-consciousness, I'd better persuade you to give up. We may not lose the confrontation.

Hearing the wind erosion say this, the prophet suddenly laughed and said, "What are you? You are a spiritual master who wants to ask our prophet to do what he did. You really have the ability! I can solemnly tell you that I will never give up using the power of evil spirits to fight against the broken. Of course, you can also deal with me!" As soon as the prophet finished saying this, his eyebrows suddenly shocked, then looked at the people around him, and then said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what happened to me just now? What's wrong with me? Am I in a gaffe?"

Seeing such an exaggerated personality change, everyone present was shocked, but instinctively took many steps back. The purgatory bush came up and said, "Everyone has seen it. The current situation has proved one thing. It seems that I don't need to tell you so much. The facts in front of him have been put out. The prophet awakened the evil spirit. He thought he could control the power of the evil spirit, but he did not expect it to be like this. He became a puppet of the evil spirit. Haha, it's so funny. I was afraid that I would say that everyone didn't believe it, but the current situation is also seen by everyone. When it arrives, I don't need to say more. The current prophet is no longer our former prophet, and now evil and justice have been separated!"

What do you mean by purgatory bush? What do you mean? Are you trying to betray me? I'm a prophet, I'm a prophet, do you want to know that I'm a prophet, you spiritualists want to betray me?

"It's not that we betray you, but you, as a prophet and the leader of our spiritualists, you have betrayed us first, so don't blame us for taking up arms for self-defense!" With that, the purgatory shrub took the lead and raised his hand. Flames had ignited in his hands, and the cracks cracked out one by one. They looked like volcanic ground and began to spread these cracks. Under the cracks were the burning flames. The flames had burned out, and the external flames continued to burn outside. , burning around the hands of the purgatory bush.

The purgatory shrub shouted like this, and some people left one after another, but in the end Yuze stayed, and the wind erosion also stayed. Seeing these two people stay, the purgatory shrub was shocked and then said, "I know what you think, but you'd better go quickly!"

"No, I can't leave you alone. I can understand that others leave, but I can't go, because I also have a divine source in hand. I may be able to help you a lot of unexpected help. Just let me stay!"

When the wind erosion saw Yu Ze say this, he also found a reason to say, "Maybe there is no one in the world who knows evil spirits better than me, so I hope I can stay and give you some help. Besides, I am a gathering of souls. Don't worry about my safety. I can escape at any time. I'm alive. For so long, in fact, there is not much difference between death and living for me. Instead of living without doing nothing, it is better to do something worthy of myself. I am a soul. If I had to say death, I would have died long ago!"

The purgatory shrub looked at the rain and wind erosion, and then said, "Well, good job, let's fight together. There is no guarantee that we can suppress this monster today, but we can suppress as much as we can. If this monster is allowed out, I'm afraid that the four continents will be in danger of destruction!"

The hall in Hongchuan City in the distance has been completely damaged, and even the roof has been lifted. The volume of the evil spirit has been larger than before. Yuze and Purgatory have seen this guy before, so there is also a comparison. At this time, the evil spirit is definitely more than the previous guy. It is much larger, and the power absorbed by the prophet does not seem to be small. These forces have made the monster amazing, and you can clearly feel the shock and oppression of this monster in the distance.

This kind of psychological effect is expressed as if many of their dead relatives and friends are shouting at themselves. Suddenly, they enter hell, and it seems that many ghosts killed by themselves are shouting for injustice, which will remind people of many horrible scenes, although they are not close to them. The experience, but you can really experience that kind of fear.

"What does it feel like? Why is it so uncomfortable?" Yuze asked.

"These are resentment, which will make people around you experience that resentment. These resentment is caused by evil spirits. I have to be careful. This is just what he can send out instinct. It hasn't used any tricks yet!"

"Resentment? I know that we have met a spirit beast that uses resentment before, and that feeling is really uncomfortable!" Yuze asked, but the purgatory shrub next to it did not look like that expression of fear, and it still looked righteous! I don't know how he controls his emotions.

"How do you control it? It seems that you won't be afraid of this at all!" Yuze asked about the purgatory bush.

The purgatory bush smiled, then nodded on the shoulder, and then nodded on the top of its head.