Journey to the New South

Chapter 45: Gambling buns full of confidence, 30 taels of silver flash

In this way, four people sat in a carriage and enjoyed the scenery on the roadside, while talking about the topic. Unconsciously, I came to Degong Town, the town that loves steamed buns.

"Ha, this is Degong. We have arrived in this steamed bun town. It seems that we have to eat steamed buns first. The deliciousness of the steamed buns here will be beyond your imagination. Fat looked at the familiar street scene in front of him with a smile and said excitedly.

"That's great. Now I want to have a good meal. If people are hungry, the bad food will become delicious, and the delicious food will not be enough. More importantly, I must bet on steamed buns with Baozi Shop to win back the money that A Dai lost. Fat uncle, which steamed bun shop is it? Do you remember?" Feng Qi said urgently.

"Remember. It's called Invincible Baozi Shop. This name is domineering. We went in to eat steamed buns when we saw the name here. A Dai also felt that the name of the invincible steamed bun shop was too ostentatious. He wanted to teach the shop owner a lesson, so he bet on steamed buns with them. Fat said with a smile.

"Yes, the name is not only domineering, but also very shrewd. The store owner took this name in order to arouse other people's desire to challenge. It seems that the steamed buns must be delicious. Cixuan said.

"That's it. That name is not random, and other people's steamed buns are indeed extraordinary. Not to mention eating, just a glance can arouse a strong appetite. If you smell it, the saliva and slander will come out. Take a bite, it will be unforgettable for life, and it is really the most delicious food in the world. Fat was laughing and talking about the invincible steamed buns, and his saliva was about to flow out. He quickly squeezed his lips.

"Then let's go quickly. When I go there, I will bet on steamed buns and wait for me to win the money. Buy all the invincible steamed buns. Let's take them and eat them all the way. That's great!" Feng Qi said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go quickly and let my godfather son perform well. Maybe that steamed bun can cure the disease and remove all the diseases of my godfather son." Zaodan is a joke on the surface, but in fact he wants Feng Qi to eat quickly.

When Feng Qi heard this, he smiled more brightly. He drove the carriage and came to the invincible steamed bun shop under the guidance of fat smile, which would be the place where he showed his skills.

Four people got out of the car, found a place to tied the horse, and walked into the invincible steamed bun shop late. When I went in, I immediately smelled the strong fragrance of steamed buns. That taste suddenly aroused everyone's strong appetite. It makes people's tongue and nose extremely comfortable. Hundreds of tables are full of steamed buns. The steamed bun looks just the right size and shiny, revealing a little seductive shredded meat and mashed vegetables, which looks delicious. Hundreds of guests were eating steamed buns and didn't have time to talk. There is no one in the whole steamed bun shop, and some of them are eating steamed buns.

"Why don't you bet on steamed buns?" Feng Qi looked around and asked. Pang Zai smiled and quickly replied, "Feng Qi, this steamed bun shop has gambling on steamed buns every day, but they are all on the second floor. On this first floor, there is no gambling steamed buns.

"Then let's go to the second floor to see the wonderful scene of gambling on steamed buns." Feng Qi couldn't wait to say.

Ci Xuan, Zao Dan and Pang nodded in agreement with a smile. The four went to the second floor together. When I got to the second floor, I found that except for the first-class steamed buns with color and fragrance, the scene was very different from that on the first floor.

"Come on, come on. Anqidu, then Garcy can't hold on any longer. You keep eating and win!" A group of people stood behind a man who gambled on steamed buns and shouted.

"Nagarsi, you bastard. Hurry up and give me food. We put the bet on you. Even if you are full, you can't give up for me." The group of people opposite shouted.

"I, I, I." The man named Nagasi was in a daze and couldn't swallow. The stomach supported by the steamed buns bulged as if it was about to explode. I can't even speak clearly.

"You idiot, eat quickly. This hour is coming soon. If you don't eat it, you will lose. The people behind him scolded angrily.

"Haha, I can only blame you for betting the wrong bet. Look at our Anqidu, who has eaten four and a half catties of steamed buns, and he will definitely win. Just wait for you to take out the silver obediently. The people behind Anqidu laughed.

"No, my God. Nagassi. You can't lose. You have always been a long-term general who gambles on steamed buns. What's wrong with you today? Are you going to lose to this new Anqidu? Then you really can't live anymore." The popularity behind Garcy shouted sharply.

"I, I eat." Gasi picked up a steamed bun again with a trembling hand and forced himself to eat steamed buns. But he was so full that he couldn't even open his mouth.

"Eat it, eat it one by one, you bastard, if you lose, we will kill you." The people behind Garcy roared.

"I'll eat!" Nakasi closed his eyes and forced his hands to put the steamed bun into his mouth. Unexpectedly, he showed a very painful appearance. What the Buddha ate was not steamed buns, but charcoal.

"No, I can't stand it." Gasi suddenly vomited wildly and spit out the steamed buns in his stomach, but the table was all there. Then he fainted.

"Nagarsi, wake up, we can't lose. You son of a bitch, you son of a bitch. You can't die now." The people around Nagashi had no sympathy and shook the unconscious Nagashi desperately.

"vomit! We won! Our great Anqi has won! Anqidu, you are really our great hero, a great hero!" The people around Anqidu were extremely excited. They lifted him up like a carnival, threw him into the air and then catch him, repeating it over and over again.

"This kind of scene is incredible. It turns out that this gambling bun is much crueler than gambling cards. Cixuan said with emotion.

"Yes, this is not gambling on steamed buns, this is obviously gambling on life. Feng Qi, I think you'd better not bet on steamed buns. This is not a joke. Maybe you can survive. Zaodan said in panic.

"Fat uncle, why is this comparison? Isn't that the way to bet on steamed buns?" Feng Qi asked quickly.

"There are two ways to bet on steamed buns. This kind of gambling method is called double gambling. It's two people together. Whoever eats more in an hour wins. The other kind is the kind of dumb bet, which is called a bet. Just bet with the steamed bun shop to see if you can eat five catties of steamed buns. Fat explained with a smile.

"So that's it, I see. So how much does this kind of gambling win? Feng Qi asked curiously.

"Not necessarily, this is decided by both sides of the game, and there is a lot of money." Fat said with a smile.

"Let's not gamble on how much money there is. I don't want my eldest brother to be like that Nagasi. This is obviously a bet on his life, which is definitely not good for his health. Cixuan said decisively.

"These guests, you went up to the second floor. It seems that you want to bet on steamed buns. Do you want to * or gamble? Is it a bet or a double bet? Xiao Er came to say hello.

"Bet! Let's see if I can eat five catties of steamed buns. Feng Qi couldn't stand ** and insisted on gambling on steamed buns and wanted to make some money.

"Brother, do you really want to gamble? I think you'd better forget it." Ci Xuan said worriedly.

"It's okay, Sanlang, don't you know how much I eat? Five catties of steamed buns is a small thing for me. We are sure to make money." Feng Qi insisted.

"Okay, this guest gamble, come quickly with five catties of steamed buns." Xiao Er shouted in a hurry.

When I heard that someone wanted to bet on steamed buns, the onlookers quickly came to watch. At first glance, Feng Qi sat down. They all looked at Feng Qi with great eyes and then whispered.

"Is that thin monkey going to bet on steamed buns? Can he eat five catties of steamed buns like that?

"Yes, it seems that he is a foreigner. He really doesn't know what to do. This is obviously a waste of money."

"It seems that this monkey is going to die today. Let's sell it!"

When Feng Qi heard these comments, he smiled and said nothing. He is already in his heart, and there is no need to pay attention to these words.

The shopkeeper brought five pounds of steaming steaming buns. He smiled and said to Feng Qi, "This guest, if you want to eat these steamed buns within an hour, then even if you win, otherwise you will lose. The bet is 30 taels of silver and steamed buns. You can go to the toilet under our watch.

"I understand, then I'll start eating now. Go and pour me a good cup of tea." Feng Qi said. Then start eating steamed buns.

"Oh, my God, it's really the most delicious steamed bun in the world!" Feng Qi took a bite and his whole body was comfortable. Then he began to eat one by one. In a blink of an eye, several steamed buns entered the stomach.

"Where is this? You will know the weight of steamed buns in a while." The thin shopkeeper also came over and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm sure to win the money today. Anyway, your steamed buns are really delicious. Meat is the best meat, and dishes are the best dishes. The salty taste is just right, and the fragrance is just right. This is really the best food in the world. Feng Qi said while eating.

"Yes, it's delicious. But if you eat too much, it will be uncomfortable. It's too difficult not to spend money to eat such delicious steamed buns. The store owner said proudly.

"Ha ha, your steamed buns are so delicious that they are invincible, but your steamed bun shop is not invincible. I'm your enemy of the steamed bun shop. Feng Qi said without showing any weakness.

"This boy is really arrogant. You will be the worst later." People around laughed.

Ci Xuan and others are also worried about Feng Qi. But looking at Feng Qi's two big mouthfuls of steamed buns, he also had a little confidence.

In a short time, half of the steamed buns were eaten up. The store owner is still rested. He said, "The first half is easy to eat, but the second half is bad. If it really doesn't work, I think you'd better give up. Don't make it look like Nagashi and fall into a coma.

"Store owner, are you afraid? Let me tell you, I haven't eaten enough yet. Such delicious steamed buns can be eaten without spending money. How can I eat less?" Feng Qi said with a smile.

The laughter of the people around me is getting lower and lower. They have seen that Feng Qi is a bad person. Feng Qi picked up one steamed bun after another, and the remaining half of the steamed buns were eaten.

"Oh, this boy has two times, and it seems that three and a half catties of steamed buns have gone into his stomach. If you hold on for a while, maybe you can eat five catties?" The people around changed their tone.

"What/? Of course, there are two people who dare to compare. It's not surprising to eat three or four catties. But when it reaches more than four catties, there is not much more to eat. Someone said so.

"Brother, can you still eat it? Don't show your ability. Eat as you can. Don't insist if you can't eat. Eating hard like this is harmful to the body. Ci Xuan said with concern.

"It's nothing, Sanlang. Don't worry, I know the proportion. This steamed bun is so delicious. I'll win the money later and buy some for you to eat. Feng Qi said and ate another steamed bun.

"Hehe, young man, you think it's beautiful, and there's still a catty and a half of steamed buns. Well, I don't feel well in my stomach now. You have eaten a lot of these. Don't work hard." The store owner is still not worried that he will lose.

"Come on, come on! Eat all these buns!" Fat laughed and encouraged Feng Qi, because he could see that Feng Qi was really good at eating.

"Fat uncle, it's coming soon. Soon I will be able to eat these buns. If I didn't know you, I wouldn't have known such a good thing. You are such a noble person." Feng Qi said while eating. Several steamed buns entered the stomach again in a blink of an eye.

"What? Can you still eat it? Is it hard to have a swollen stomach? I don't think you should stick to it. Be careful that your intestines are broken. The store owner was a little worried and wanted to break Feng Qi's heart.

"Haha, you just panicked. But with so many people watching, don't repudiate the debt. Feng Qi laughed.

"Repayment? How is that possible? How many years have I opened a store? When did I rely on whom? I don't think you can afford to lose. The shopkeeper said.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore. Anyway, we will know the result later. I also believe that you can't afford to lose the store owner. Feng Qi laughed.

"Good boy, you can really eat it. Hurry up and eat. There are not many steamed buns. How about it? Can I still eat it?" People around asked.

"Yes, it's so delicious. I haven't eaten enough yet!" Feng Qi replied. I took a sip of tea. Then I ate it again.

The store owner was overjoyed when he saw Feng Qi drinking the cup of tea. That cup of tea wine is for such a difficult guest as Feng Qi. As long as you drink the tea in this cup, people will become more and more powerless and sleepy. My stomach is getting higher and higher, and my throat is getting dryer and dryer. If you want to eat steamed buns again, it will be difficult to swallow. The store owner uses this kind of tea as an insurance for himself.

Feng Qi took a sip of tea and soon felt thirsty. I took another sip, and I was even more thirsty. Feng Qi didn't know that there was something wrong with the tea. He thought he was thirsty after eating too much, so he simply drank all the cup of tea.

"Quick, pour another cup of tea for this guest officer. Let him moisten his throat and eat more. Don't blame us for not giving tea after he loses. The store owner hurriedly ordered the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper quickly gave him a cup of new tea, and there were more drugs in it. Feng Qi didn't know, so he drank the tea. I felt more thirsty, so I suspected that there was something wrong with the tea.

Although Feng Qi felt a little confused and his stomach was a little uncomfortable. But he continued to eat steamed buns. However, because of drinking tea, he smelled the fragrance of steamed buns, which was a little disgusting. How did he know that this cup of tea was specially made with the fragrance of steamed buns.

"Look, this boy can't eat anymore. His appearance looks difficult to swallow. People around laughed.

"This is expected. The rules are set by the store owner, and he must be fully sure. So I never dare to bet." Another onlooker said.

Ci Xuan and others are also worried. He said, "Brother, what's wrong? Don't gamble if you feel uncomfortable. We can still afford this little money."

"Yes, Feng Qi. I'm scared to see you eating so many steamed buns. Won't you have a bad stomach?" Zaodan asked anxiously.

"No, I can still eat it. Don't worry. Not much. I will definitely stick to it." Feng Qi said stubbornly.

Feng Qiqiang endured the nausea and ate the remaining steamed buns one bite at once. The medicine in the tea and the steamed bun reacted in his stomach, making Feng Qi's belly bulging. It looks like it's going to explode.

"Good job, you can still eat it. Hurry up, there are only five steamed buns left. Come on, we really met a master today. It's really awesome. It seems that he is going to become the king of steamed buns. People around began to change their attitudes and cheer for Feng Qi.

"What kind of steamed bun king? He hasn't compared me yet. It's not enough to gamble alone. If you want to gamble, just bet with me. Anqi has just defeated Nagasi and no longer pays attention to anyone.

"Good idea. In that case, we can also participate. They are better than me. A guest said.

"They are better than each other, my brother, I don't think he is worse than Anqi." Another guest said.

"Don't talk about this first. He hasn't won this game yet. What are you coaxing? The store owner said angrily when he saw that he was going to lose.

"Good brother, fight for it. Come on, you'll win right away." People around him encouraged Feng Qi.

"Okay, I, Feng Qi, will not let you down. One, two, three, I will take all the last three immediately. Feng Qi summoned up his courage and simply closed his eyes. He felt sick as soon as he saw the steamed buns.

In this way, Feng Qi closed his eyes and ate the last three steamed buns. The people around suddenly shouted wildly. It's rare to see a guest win over the store owner.

The store owner was so annoyed that he didn't expect to meet such a powerful opponent. I hate Feng Qi to the extreme. However, on the surface, he pretended not to care and said with a forced smile, "This guest officer Feng has good skills. The small shop admitted defeat and offered all 30 taels of silver. Look, this Feng Keguan won 30 taels of silver so easily and ate five catties of steamed buns for free. You should also try it." After that, the second child of the store handed over 30 taels of silver to Feng Qi.

"It's so wonderful. Feng Qi, you are such a noble person. Fat uncle really didn't expect that we would eat a lot of steamed buns along the way. Fatty laughed and cheered.

"Feng Qi, how are you? Stand up and walk around. Exercise is good for digestion. Zaodan still cares about Feng Qi's body.

"Dang, I have nothing to do. You see, I'm still fine. I'll stand up and walk for you." After saying that, Feng Qi stood up. After a few steps, I still showed that I was still good.

"That's great, big brother. Don't bet on steamed buns anymore. I'm afraid you can't stand it. Cixuan said.

"What's wrong? Do you want to run if you win a game? That's too coy. He won the bet, but we haven't seen him and Anqi gamble together. Are you afraid? Do you want to fish once and leave?" The people around said.

"You don't have to provoke me. I will definitely bet with him, and I won't be afraid of anyone. But it can't be today." Feng Qi doesn't want to be scolded.

"Then tomorrow. I want you to know who is the real king of steamed buns. An Qidu said bically.