New Century Swordsman

Chapter 11 Departure - Noah!

Rona settled Ling Yu in two exquisite rooms and left. According to her, she would come to inform them when she left. Ling Yu sat alone in the house. Ren Siyu had fallen asleep in another sword room because of the fatigue of the journey. He opened his watch and tried to contact the teacher as he had done in the past few days, but there was no signal. Ling Yu's watch is a combat type with strong signal capture ability. It can communicate even outside the forest in the wild, but there is no response here. Obviously, there is a strong shielding device in this area.

"With such a powerful shielding device, it is also claimed to be able to reach anywhere in the world... What kind of organization is FREEDOM?

Freedom only shows the tip of the iceberg in front of Ling Yu, but this small corner completely shocked Ling Yu, as if the more you know about its power, the more it will appear.

Ling Yu and the two waited like this for four days, and their watches were taken away the next day, replaced by two new watches given to them by Rona. According to her words, the watch Ling Yu used before had a tracking device. If it hadn't been for the excellent speed of the aircraft given to the two by Song Xin, and the government's wanted them was not very strong, otherwise the two would have been arrested by this tracking alone.

The new watch given to the two by Rona is no different from the appearance of the one sold on the market, but according to Rona, it has no possibility of being tracked and has excellent anti-reconnaissance ability. With so many functions, the natural price should be high, and the money is also withdrawn from Hancock's account.

The fourth day. When Ling Yu and the two came to the meeting place under the leadership of Rona, there were already seven people here who were five men and two women. From the general costume, three of them could be identified as weapons, and a man with a sword should be a warrior. The remaining three people did not have any weapons that made people guess what profession they were. The leader of the seven was a woman in white. She looked a few years old in her early 20s. Her long soft hair fell casually. Her elegant appearance with her white clothes gave people a feeling of being free from vulgarity.

Rona took the two to the seven people and said to the leading woman in white, "I'm sorry that Miss Ilin has kept you waiting for a long time. The flight to Noah can leave. These two will walk with you in a while. I hope you can have a pleasant journey.

The woman in white smiled and nodded to Luo Na to indicate that she had understood, and then turned her head to look at Ling Yu and said, "Hello, my name is Yilin." Yilin's refined face and her shallow smile can give people a very intimate feeling, as if she were a friend for many years, which involuntarily gave birth to a little good impression. Looking at the other party's calm smile, Ling Yu suddenly became slightly panicked and said, "Hello, my name is Ling Yu, and this is my friend Ren Siyu."

After the introduction, both sides have a general understanding. According to them, they are going to visit Noah. Naturally, Ling Yu doesn't believe it, just to play how she can go from such an expensive channel as Freedom. But Ling Yu has not delve into this too much. After all, everyone has their own privacy, and it is unnecessary if it is just because of curiosity that the hostility of the other party is aroused.

At this time, Ren Siyu came over and whispered in Ling Yu's ear, "The first person in purple combat uniform on the left is a flying knife warrior, and the strength of the other party is above me." Ling Yu's panic suddenly disappeared, and his eyes suddenly condensed. A powerful flying knife warrior could not be ignored anywhere. Within a hundred steps, he took lives like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and no one was scared by a flying knife. Stronger than Ren Siyu, it should be the ninth level. As for the ground level, Ling Yu does not believe that a strong man will be willing to be someone else's guard.

But even so, it is amazing enough. The combat effectiveness of a nine-level strongman with experience is absolutely strong. What's more, judging from the behavior of the other party, the strength of the other five people is not inferior to that flying knife warrior. Ling Yu couldn't help but secretly figure out that the identity of the woman named Yilin was worthy of such a huge power protection.

Freedom didn't let them wait long, and a weapon instantly generated a dozens of meters long aircraft. The whole aircraft has a streamlined design and has many jets. In addition, there is nothing extra. It can be seen that it is an aircraft with great speed. Ling Yu and others fished in, and in an instant, the aircraft rose to the sky, leaving a beautiful scratch in the sky and roaring away.

The people spent nearly two days on the aircraft, during which they even passed through the forest area where monsters lived, but of course not from above. Here, I have to lament the strength of Freedom, and unexpectedly made an underground passage across the deep forest area. When Ling Yu and the two saw it for the first time, the shock in their hearts were beyond words.

At midnight the next day, the group finally set foot on Noah's territory, and Ling Yu and the two were finally out of the danger of being hunted. That night, guests suddenly came to Ling Yu's house. Ling Yu felt very strange about the knock on the door. No one came to his room except Ren Siyu, and Ren Siyu would not knock on the door so politely. He usually shouted and broke in directly. Ling Yu stroked his finger in the room, and the door sensed his movement and opened. It turned out to be Yilin.

Ling Yu looked curiously at Yilin standing at the door and speculated about the other party's intention. Yilin turned his head and smiled, "You don't want the guests to stand at the door like this, do you?" Today, she is still dressed in white, with a clean face with a refined taste, but today's Yilin makes Ling Yu feel a little different, but he can't say what the difference is. After all, the two know too little about it.

Ilin walked in without waiting for Ling Yu to reply and took out a columnar container from behind and put it on the table. Ling Yu couldn't help but panic when he saw Yilin who broke in. He didn't know why he was like this, as if he would be involuntarily nervous when he saw the woman in front of him. He, who has been in a state of training all year round, knows what love and what is, but he feels abnormal.

"What is this?" Ling Yu pointed to the container on the table and asked, trying to divert her attention from something else. Elin handed over a goblet and said, "Wine!"

Ling Yu looked curiously at the light yellow ** in the cup. This was the first time he had seen this kind of wine** since he was so old. He put his nose over and smelled it. His excellent nerve reaction fed a spicy smell back to Ling Yu without missing, and he couldn't help coughing.

"This, cough! Cough! What the hell is this? Ling Yu felt that there was a hot current in her chest just by asking. Yilin patted Ling Yu on the back and said, "I didn't say that this is wine!" Don't just smell it, try it." After a while, Ling Yu finally finished coughing, but she couldn't help thinking that the other party's hand had been patted on his back. Why was he not alert at all, as if he could fully trust the other party?

Ling Yu felt as if she had been hit by the other party's spell, and her whole body was dizzy. He asked with the last remaining reason, "What's the matter with you coming to me today?" After hearing this, Yilin just smiled faintly, gently put down the cup in her hand, looked at Ling Yu with a pair of crystal clear eyes and said, "I'm going to do something very troublesome from tomorrow. I just want to find someone to drink before that. Don't you want to?"

After that, Ling Yu didn't remember clearly. The first time she drank, she was the person she secretly liked. Ling Yu fell drunk on the table in less than half an hour.

Ilin walked to Ling Yu's side, sighed, couldn't bear to look at Ling Yu, who was drunk, and whispered, "I'm sorry, I have to do this for everyone. I hope you don't hate me." While talking, he took out a thin chip from his arms and inserted it into the bottom of Ling Yu's watch.

An hour later, Yilin and others have left the Freedom aircraft. Yilin finally took a look at the aircraft that disappeared in the sky, silently wished Ling Yu good luck, and then turned around and led his subordinates into the vast night.

When Ling Yu was woken up by Ren Siyu, it was already the next morning. Ling Yu couldn't help feeling sad to learn that Yilin and others had left. Her heart seemed to be empty, but she didn't know that Yilin had given Ling Yu the most important thing. Being able to practice to level nine, his mind is naturally not so easy to be shaken by external things. Last night, Ling Yu was just because he felt the meaning of admiration for the first time. After understanding that the other party had left, he quickly adjusted his mentality and returned to his usual calm appearance. Instead, Ren Siyu looked at him with alcohol and thought about something.

According to the original journey plan, Ling Yu and the others will be able to arrive in the city where Shengke is located this afternoon. Ling Yu finally felt much less headache after breakfast. He looked at Ren Siyu opposite the table and said, "It's coming soon. Do you want to live your life after?" After hearing this, she was slightly stunned, shook her head and said, "I don't know. If it really doesn't work, I'll go hunter. Traveling around the world was my childhood dream. Maybe this is a good opportunity to kill enough monsters to offset my murderous crimes, and finally return to Kunlun... That's about it. What about you?"

Ling Yu thought of her grandfather who had worked hard for so many years in the distance and said, "Like you, in order to return home..." Suddenly, a violent vibration had completely covered Ling Yu's voice, and the sky turned around in an hour. Fortunately, the two of them in the room were both vigorous warriors, and they stood firm while jumping. Ling Yu and Ren Siyu looked at each other, and the sword rushed out.