New Century Swordsman

Chapter 18 Escape

Although Paul is very unwilling to let Ling Yu leave like this after a lot of twists and turns, the reality is that the people who want to be taken away by the strong man on the ground can be stopped by his half-step strength, not to mention the life and death of his subordinates are still uncertain. Although David has made it clear before that he will not kill people today, the personality of this spiritual insight is as famous as his strength. Who knows whether he was in a good or bad mood before.

When it was interrupted, Paul was not his mother-in-law. He admitted that he could not keep Ling Yu and made way generously, signaling David to leave at any time. If there was a strong man in their search team in the forest, he would not retreat so weakly. However, in this forest, his strength is already at the top. In the face of the opponent's absolute strength advantage, he has no choice but to give up.

Ling Yu looked indifferently at the two of them ignoring his thoughts and had decided on his attribution, and secretly thought about the life they would face in the future. Judging from the current situation, he seemed to have to follow the handsome and almost demonic man in front of him. Although he did not move a finger, Ling Yu faintly felt the danger overflowing from David's body. Compared with the handsome face, that feeling was like a huge wild beast hiding in a delicate screen. After the wind, people can't help but feel stuffy in their chest.

Seeing that Ling Yu was still stunned, David walked over with a light smile, patted him gently on the shoulder, and said, "It's time for the little guy to go. Do you still want to fight with him here for a while?" At this time, Ling Yu had no other choice. No matter what, at least it seemed to be temporarily safe to follow the handsome strong man in front of her. Holding the unconscious Ren Siyu in one hand, he took a deep look at Paul, turned around and followed David into the depths of the dense forest.

After walking for nearly ten minutes, the sight could no longer penetrate the dense jungle and see the previous battlefield. David suddenly stopped, took out a dark spherical metal from his arms, pressed a few buttons and gently threw it into the air. The black spherical metal is long when it encounters the wind in the air. Almost in an instant, an aircraft dozens of meters long and five or six meters high appeared in front of Ling Yu. The anti-gravity system worked silently, making the aircraft quietly float about half a meter from the ground.

"Is he really a biochemical person? How to generate a weapon?"

Ling Yu was shocked to see the huge thing that suddenly appeared in front of her. He can't understand how a biochemical man can make an aircraft so easily, and all this in front of him is a huge impact on Ling Yu's worldview formed for more than ten years.

David glanced at Ling Yu and said, "Don't doubt that I'm a biochemical. This is just a technology that you couldn't understand in the past. There are still many things in the world that you can't touch, and you can't touch them without corresponding strength. Ling Yu listened to David's words silently, and then he turned his head and said, "Also, don't always think about how to escape. You can't hide all your thoughts from me. If you think about the escape plan again, I will directly break your limbs.

Ling Yu finally couldn't help hearing this, and her deep voice was full of anger. What did we do? Why are you chasing after the two of us?" When he woke up early, he didn't even eat breakfast and saw two steps working hard in the sky. Later, he was asked to defeat a strong man of half a step. In the end, a strong man came to him face to face. If the pain of the wound on his body hadn't reminded him, he would have thought that all this was a dream. Not to mention that he did not expect that he could support in the hands of a half-step strong man for so long, the three ground-level strong men he saw in a day were usually enough to say for several days.

David waved his hand and the door of the aircraft opened. As he went in, he said, "Although I don't understand why I can't find the 'chip' in your mind, my intuition tells me that it will be useful to take you." Ling Yu had no choice but to enter with Ren Siyu under the threat of the other party's strong force. Ling Yu sighed and asked, "So, what is that 'chip'?" David popped up his watch, connected it to the aircraft, and clicked several projections in mid-air. After a slight vibration, the aircraft flew steadily.

After a long silence, David said, "It's okay if you don't know about the chip, go back with me for a precise inspection, and everything will be clear." After knowing from Ilin's mind that she had given the chip to Ling Yu, he hurried over regardless of Ilin's life and death. Because of his blind confidence in his ability, he was convinced that the chip was on Ling Yu and the two. However, they did not know it at all. David speculated that the chip must have been hidden in Ling Yu's bodies by Yilin in a special way. David never thought that Ilin just stuffed the chip into Ling Yu's watch without hiding too much.

Ling Yu has no choice but to deal with the current situation. Compared with Ling Yu, David has extreme "power". In front of this "power", all the conspiracy and layout are as ridiculous as a child's family. What's more, the other party has the strange ability to see through people's hearts. His actions and thoughts are both controlled by the other party. At this time, there is only one way in front of Ling Yu - quiet and other opportunities.

Of course, this idea was naturally known by David, but he didn't say anything but just glanced at Ling Yu and turned around, but this brief glance had a strong warning in Ling Yu's eyes. Now that she had figured it out, Ling Yu stopped thinking about running away to challenge the other party's bottom line and began to think about something to distract her attention.

In the distant sky, two black dots are moving at an incredible speed. At a closer look, one of them turned out to be Wu Mu. At this time, he had changed his eye-catching combat uniform. He had just experienced a war and his mental state was not very good. Although his face did not show any fatigue, his eyes were much darker. And the other person beside him, no, it should be said that one person and one machine is the key to Wu Mu's ability to defeat Xiao Yan so quickly.

The mechanical control was called Ava, and a nearly 15-meter-high robot behind her gently held her with his right hand. This robot seems to have experienced a fierce battle before, with a lot of damage on the fuselage, and traces of repair can still be seen in some places. The silver-gray shell with these traces gives people a sense of vicissitudes, and the truth is indeed true. Ava's reputation is inspired by this robot step by step. Although she is a woman, no one is frightened when she mentions her Merry.

Wu Mu turned his head and asked Ava, "You have had a relationship with David before. How is his strength?" After solving Xiao Yan, Wu Mu and Ava suddenly received a report from their subordinates that the target had been enchanted, David. Bofil was robbed, and the two hurried to catch up after receiving the news. Ava said solemnly, "It's very strong! Both the strength and control of the ability have reached the peak of the second layer. Moreover, although we are also two levels, as a robot, my spiritual cultivation is still much weaker. As a psychic, he invisibly pressed me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been defeated by him so simply when Fis City chased Ilin.

After hearing Ava's words, Wu Mu gently patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't scare yourself!" What's more, this time you and I work together, and a little David can't be captured? Don't forget that we warriors have the mental strength after reaching the ground level. Ava frowned and nodded helplessly. The two continued to fly in silence and walked forward for dozens of minutes, finally seeing an aircraft on the scanner of the Merry.

"That's it! Last time David left in this aircraft!" Ava is wearing a pair of silver-white glasses, and some pictures and complex data can be faintly seen flowing on the mirror. These glasses and Merry are Ava's masterpieces. Unlike Xiao Yan, she majored in mechanical production and transformation, and it is convenient to make some combat equipment for herself.

She quickly looked at the constantly flowing information, pressed a few keys on the robotic arm, and Merry gently lifted her to the cockpit of her chest with her left hand. After a few dull closing sounds, there was only a tall war machine left in the air. At this time, the Merry changed its vicissitudes and stood straight in the air. Although there was no superfluous action, it really had a kind of domineering spirit to stare the world.

There was an emotionless mechanical sound from the Merry: "Contue to chase!" With that, he rushed first. Wu Mu stared at the small black spot in the distance and sneered and went away with a knife.