New Century Swordsman

Chapter 34 The prototype of the spirit (~)

"This is..." Stephen widened his eyes and watched the scene happen in front of his eyes in disbelief - this feeling was clearly...

"Spirit! Yes, it is the spirit of the warrior! This boy actually mastered the morph of spirit in this moment, and it won't be long before he will be a strong man on the ground! What exactly does this girl have to do with him? How could he pay so much attention and even make a miraculous breakthrough?

Stephen clearly felt before that Ling Yu had just entered the ground, but this punch clearly contained a strong spirit, and he couldn't help thinking about the reason. How did he know that Ling Yu and Xiaoxiu only met today, but he didn't know why Xiaoxiu, who had been together for less than an hour, would have such an important position in Ling Yu's heart.

Ling Yu's punch without any internal force actually hit the strong special forces directly. Anyone with good dynamic vision in mid-air can see his twisted face and sprayed blood. Time seemed to really slow down at this moment, and everyone's eyes couldn't help turning to the special forces gliding in the sky, and even the two special forces chasing Ling Yu stopped.

The only one who can stay awake is Stephen. As a three-level warrior, he naturally despises Ling Yu's little trick of using spirit.

"Is this the so-called elite among elites? I can't even stand one person... It seems that the training needs to be strengthened in the next period of time!"

Stephen rubbed his eyebrows. Whether it was Ling Yu's breakthrough or something else, in his view, the strong man on the third level of the ground is really no different from a child's family. After all, the first floor of the ground level and the ninth floor of the human level are just the difference between one or two more punches for him.


The tragic special forces finally returned to the arms of Mother Earth again, and Xiaoxiu under him had already been taken back by Ling Yu and is now in a coma in Ling Yu's arms.

Ling Yu felt that after she waved that punch, her spirit began to become drowsy, as if she would suddenly fall to the ground without being attacked by others the next second. Taking a deep look at Stephen, Ling Yu immediately ran in the opposite direction with Xiaoxiu in his arms. The destination was the window where the special forces broke in before.

"There are less than ten meters! At my speed, in less than two seconds..."


In front of him, a magnificent figure appeared in front of him like a ghost without warning. A thick arm was thrown out like a whip, and his index finger hit Ling Yu's forehead.

The invisible spiritual power is wrapped around this finger, and the feeling that time seems to be still appears again to attract everyone's attention. The next second, no, it's too inaccurate to say so. It should be the instant when your finger touched Ling Yu - Ling Yu was like a shell ejected out with endless force and hit the wall fiercely, unexpectedly smashing the high strength made of alloy into a human-shaped depression, during which there were some cracks.

The power of one finger was so strong that all the people present couldn't help taking a breath. If this powerful force hit them...

The special forces couldn't help turning their heads to see Ling Yu's situation. After all, under this impact, it is really unlikely that they will survive without the protection of the combat suit.

Ling Yu felt that every bone on her body had been cracked into dozens of parts, and her whole body seemed to be paralyzed and unable to lift any strength. Previously, Xiaoxiu in his arms, Ling Yu threw her out at the last moment and eliminated all the impact, which saved the poor girl's life.

"Go and get him down. If you let him run away again, you don't have to call him a special forces. Get out of here immediately!" Stephen kicked on the buttocks of a stunned special forces soldier and said viciously. Looking at the special forces three steps and two steps, Stephen suddenly said.

"Wait! Bring that girl!"

Yes! Colonel!"

The perspective turned, and Su Zihang went to Elimir under the protection of two ground-level strongmen and A-level players. At this moment, Su Zihang and two A-level captains are in a huge conference room.

"Has the military taken action? We should also set out to meet them. I can't wait to get the chip now..." Su Zihang bit off a piece of chocolate, and his eyes with a flat mirror emitted a hot light.

"Doctor! Do you have to go to the front line? This is really..." A big man in heavy armor said in his deep voice. The man frowned and looked worried. He looks very simple and simple as a farmer, but everyone who knows him knows--

Moria, a strong man on the first floor, the captain of Team 7 of Group A!

He is a biochemical man known for his strong physical defense. Attacks under the ground can't break his defenses at all, and attacks above the ground are ineffective for him unless they focus on attacks many times. This time, the order given to him by Shen Pang Company was to protect the wayward Dr. Su Zihang. No, to be precise, protect his brain...

Su Zihang bit the chocolate and said, "How can you see the current situation with your wisdom? I can clearly feel that if I am not there, the chip will definitely fall into someone else's hands! Now the army and we have divided our forces and started to take action... And is that man waiting for the opportunity?"

"That man?" The extremely slim woman standing on the other side asked. This woman is another A-level captain, Qingxia, a bow and arrow warrior on the second floor of the tenth team!

Su Zihang glanced at Qingxia and said.

"Of course it's David. Bofil's madman, although he doesn't know why he is so eager for this chip. However, it can be seen from the last battle between Wu Mu and him that he will do anything for such a chip. Tonight is the final moment to decide the ownership of the chip. He should have appeared after hiding and secretly recovering for so long!"

"David..." Hearing the name, Qingxia immediately hesitated and lowered her head to silently think about the combat deployment he should do if he appeared.

No one dares to despise David, a spiritual insight with only two levels, because his ability is so special that it is frightening. Once he uses his power, no one under the ground can escape his control and can only willingly become his combat effectiveness. So far, no one can understand his real strength.

The chaos caused when he first became a strong man has affected half of the cities. Now he is on the second floor, and no one knows what kind of impact he will have if he goes crazy.

"Unless we find him in an instant and kill him, we will..."

"That's right! Otherwise, we may face attacks from tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens!" Su Zihang took Morya's words and frowned and took a bite of chocolate fiercely.

Qingxia immediately asked, "Doctor, have you thought of any way?"

Unconsciously, the two ground-level fighters began to ask Su Zihang about their combat tactics, as if he was a real combat expert, and the two of them were just newcomers.

"I have no experience in fighting with David before, and the only thing I know is through information. However, that's enough. The only thing I need now is for him to immediately prove my idea..." Su Zihang threw the last piece of chocolate into his mouth, licked his finger and said.

"Let's go!"